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529 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you are reborn ,everything change within you.
You receive the spirit of Christ become one with your spirit.
Then with the aid of the Holy Spirit transformation occurs.
Transforming you into the likeness of Christ with miracles too.
Your whole life is changed, you have no desire to sin anymore.
You put your life and your hope in the hands of Jesus, to use.
For his Glory not for our selfish pride, for he will bless you.
He will keep working, molding, transforming your life.
518 · Jul 2014
True Security
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
True Security comes from Christ not money nor things.
There are so many whom build up fortunes out of fear.
They are afraid of losing everything and becoming homeless.
But true security comes from Christ not wealth or things.
Remember the rich man who amass a fortune of grains.
Even if you are good with God but fear of being without.
For Christ wants everyone to look at him as security.
For basically he owns everything in the world anyway.
518 · Feb 2014
I Am
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I am a child of the living God name Jesus Christ.
I am a new creation in him, one full of grace and faith.
I am all that Christ has called me to become in the new life.
I am healed, I am restored, and I am safe under his wings.
I am his son, not a stranger but a family member of Gods.
I am a strong spiritual warrior through Christ Jesus.
I am a doer of his word not a failure but a Overcomer.
I am here because Christ has called me out of the darkness.
I am here because he has brought me into the light of his love.
518 · Jul 2014
Stay Strong
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I want everyone to stay strong, never give up no matter what.
As long as you live , there is hope for you and others as well.
For true Hope shall never die but only grow stronger with time.
For until you die the physical death here on this planet earth.
We all stand a chance of grasping that true Hope which is Jesus.
So learn to trust Lord Jesus and never ever give up on him.
If you do both of these things the rest of your life here on earth.
Then Jesus shall definitely welcome you home after the race been won.
517 · Apr 2014
Letting Go
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Letting go of wanting to be love, waiting for an Miracle now.
Letting go of self, praying for a change to occur and for a Miracle as well.
Letting go of everything inside of me, the pain, anger, and suffering.
Letting go of her, the one woman who stole my heart, still waiting for a Miracle.
Letting go of my fleshy desires, hanging onto Christ Awesome promises.
Waiting for a Miracle to happen,waiting for Christ love to transform into a waterfall of Love pouring out of us.
Waiting for the Holy Spirit to consume me and others with an Over abundant of your love Lord.
513 · Apr 2014
Keep Pressing On
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
The Light of the wow , has already won the battle giving us the True Hope.
Because in the end, we won as well through our Savior who is light and hope.
So never give up , never commit suicide, just keep pressing onward toward the prize.
Run to him the Creator of the universe, for he shall pick you up and carry you.
Through the trying times, for he loves you so very much, keep pressing.
Allow him to reshape who you are, to work on making you like him.
For life is far too short here, to give up on God here and ending your life.
So trust in him whom walk on water, trust in the true Hope.
507 · Aug 2014
Trust The Lord
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We whom walk by Faith, shall do wonders and hearings.
Because we trust in the Good Shepherd to see us through.
We may have our trials and sufferings but we shall overcome.
Not by our own power but by the Strength of the Lord.
For he not only given us the Helper the Holy Spirit of God.
But he also allow the Angels of the Lord to watch over us.
So be not fearful but know that Christ already holds our salvation.
For we shall not see death till the day that it was appointed to us.
For he has Angels guarding our Lives and Christ guards our Salvation.
505 · Jun 2014
Becoming A Hero
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
When you are destine for Greatness,  like becoming a Hero.
It does not happen overnight, God deems you to be a hero.
Its a process in the making, he is transforming you into greatness.
For really the Greatness is the Holy Spirit within you not you.
But people can not see the Holy Spirit so they believe its you.
Never take credit away from Christ for this is a sin called pride.
But always remember that the Great things comes from the Christ not us.
So when people perceive you as a hero, thank God for blessing you.
500 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Focus on the things that will praise our God and Savior.
Allow no wickedness to show up in your life and testimony.
For it might cause some to turn away from Christ on account of us.
But to stand firm allowing us to be shaken and shown worthy.
Of living a life fill with testimonies of Christ love and faithfulness.
So that we shall bring others into his kingdom everyday.
For life without Christ is definitely a dark and sadden place to be.
So we show people just how awesome life with Christ can be.
499 · Feb 2014
Intentisional Sacrifice
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
He live a life , destine for suffering bruise, batter through it all he still love.
Torture , beaten, robbed, yet he still was royalty not of this world though.
Even though he owned everything in sight, he could have call down his soldiers.
But then how could he become the sacrifice that he knew he was meant to be.
For only through this huge suffering, and sacrifice could he become a Savior.
To a group of people that were once his enemies, but now his best friends.
For only through his huge sacrifice would he show his love for us.
In a way as humans, that we would understand him clearly thank you Lord.
497 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Each decision that we make is a Spiritual battlefield.
Do we do what  feels good to our flesh or what is right.
For doing what is right in Christ eyes is very different.
Then what is right in the sight of man, very different.
For the laws are made by mortals morals not God morals.
So even the simplest of decisions become an Spiritual battle.
The battlefield is Spiritual  not an physical place here .
For the battle occurs in our minds on which side that we chose.
To side with the Christ is our choice others choose the world.
496 · Apr 2014
Give Me Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
For God so loved the world that he sent his only Son Jesus here to save us.
So since Christ came here to save us from eternal death in hell below.
We owe it to him to allow us to reach out to those that are hurting, and the lost too.
For whomever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
So it is up to us to reveal to this lost dead world Christ that lives in us.
Thus by allowing Christ to use us to reach others , we are becoming like him.
So give me Jesus, so others will see him in me and repent and cry out to him.
495 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Eventually comes a time when you  become too tired to fight God.
This is when your world will start to change laying down your will.
To pick his will for your life up, then you shall realize the truth.
That his will for you has always been much better for you then yours.
So then you become full of pure Joy wanting to proclaim it to the world.
Wanting to let people know the truth that God love is so much greater.
Then you ever realize before, he is not being a bully but instead a Loving Creator.
All of those times he wanted you to lay down your will to pick up his.
491 · Apr 2014
A Life Well Lived
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
To love, is to hold and let go not to suffocate.
To live is to and die to self in a every day manner.
To care so deeply for others  unconditionally.
For a life full of self-sacrifice is a life worth living.
For what you give,  you shall receive right back.
For to live a life with fear of being hurt is no life at all.
But to freely give of yourself without fear or stinginess
Shall be revealed after you have pass away through the hearts of others.
For those who did truly lived shall be also be truly miss as well.
489 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I rest upon your promise that you shall restore us.
That what was stolen from us shall be return to us.
That all that we were suppose to be would be restore to us.
That our relationships that became mess up will be restore.
So I am relying on your promise of restoration for us.
Because you do not lie, I know it shall be done.
For you are a restoring God, you will give us much more.
For your faithfulness is a given, you are always good Lord.
484 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Imagine a world without guilt, greed, nor selfishness.
Imagine a world full of Love, Peace, and Perfection.
Imagine a world without Tears, Sin , fear, and rejection.
Imagine a world where there isnot Loneliness, or Condemnation.
Its just around the corner, its called Heaven and New Earth.
It will be real, after Christ returns for all of his Elected.
Now does that sounds Awesome and Beautiful to you.
All that you have to do , to go there is to have Christ in your heart.
Jesus Christ will save you, but you have to be sincere, when you call out to him.
483 · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
Which is more important to you, the here and now.
Or the future which is eternal, in other words forever.
For the here and now is very short live just a moment.
Compare to the very next life, which is eternal forever.
Also now we may be broken and have physical disabilities.
But in the Life to comer everything shall be made perfect.
So which one would you rather focus on the here and now.
Or the life, that will be spent with the Creator of the universe.
But if you choose the here and now in the very end you shall lose.
Because you fail to make a firm relationship with Christ.
477 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Rescue them the weak, the hurting, the struggling and the lost.
Rescue those whom are in a need of a Savior who can healed.
Bring them to a place where their blindness will be no more.
Rescue the hurting, for they need you worst then a drink.
Show them your healing Love and presence in their lives.
For we all need a Savior, a friend in times of need we need you.
To rescue us and to save us from a self-destructive life.
For there is no one that can save us but only you Lord God.
Only you can rescue us, only you can restore in us a true life.
476 · Mar 2014
Worship You
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I give my all, as worship to you, O Living God..

I lay down my life, to worship you Lord Jesus.
There is only living a life of sacrifice to you.
For you are Holy God, I stand to worship you.
Take me as I am, I will worship you for you are good.
This life means nothing, I will worship you Jesus.
Heal me God, use all of me to show true worship of you
For I am nothing,, without you Lord I want to worship you.
In every part of my life, I want the world see me worship you.
472 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Father Light my path one step at a time, but not any more.
Keep me moving on the right path that you prepare for me.
Keep me from crossing to the wrong path. keep my mind focus on you.
Prepare people that need to hear about your Greatness before me.
Minster to their hearts , then use me to minster about your Loving kindness.
Showing them just how much you truly love them Lord, use me.
Use others like me that are broken to reach those that are hurting.
Lead them to us, Use each member of my Facebook family to reveal you to the lost.
467 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I know that united states has fallen,  big time unfortunately.
I know that there are still decent people still living here.
As well in every country there are still God fearing people ready for him.
But if all of his people in all of the different countries would
Stand up and be counted for the Living God, Lord Jesus Christ.
This world may right now be hurting, but if his people stood up.
Every single one of us, just imagine the power within us all.
There would be miracles, healing deliverance from demons wow.
Just imagine the great impact that we would have on the lost.
466 · Apr 2014
Desperate And Needy
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I will never denied it, yes I am desperate and needy for you.
For only you can bring out the very best in me, only you.
I live my whole life, believing things that were not true.
But reading your word, transform my mind totally.
Thus revealing your truths and wisdom into my mind.
So yes I am desperate for you and yes I am needy too.
But how else is my life going to become transform.
Showing this lost world your mighty power and love.
For only you have the knowledge and patience to help me.
465 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Come become a part of a huge once in a lifetime opportunity.
Come be part of a life changing experience , come seek Life.
Come to the well, drink thirst no more come live a changed life.
Come seek the Giver of Salvation, Life, and true Hope.
Come for renewal Life awaits you, come live for Christ alone.
Come trust in the only one whom loves you with true Love.
For he shall never leave you nor forsake you either come.
Come after you leave here your second home awaits you in heaven.
464 · Apr 2014
Action Plus Faith
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Action plus Faith leads toward redemption and God.
Action plus Faith leads toward a life worth living.
Action plus Faith, leads toward a much better world.
Action plus Faith leads toward miracles and Salvation.
Action plus Faith are the keys that lead toward heaven.
So use your Faith to step out in obedience to Christ.
Thus the world shall see Christ working within you.
Action plus Faith will lead show the lost Christ within you.
461 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I am blessed to be overwhelm by your Love, your Grace as well.
A life time ago I felt an overwhelming Love by so many people.
I felt joy and happiness, Christ blessed me by them all.
But I took it for granite at the time because I was alone.
But this Love outweighed the Love of a mate or spouse.
Because this was a love by people that did not have to love me.
They just did unconditionally and it showed me how to love.
For to love others has to be done unconditionally without expectancy.
To love them fully and to accept them for who they are no matter what.
460 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I believe in each and everyone of you will be blessed today.
I believe that you are children of the only True Living God.
I believe that love does conquer all, for God is love.
I believe that by faith I am saved , its true for all whom believes.
I believe that one day we shall meet and praise the Lord together.
I believe that Christ Mercies and Graces has not limits on it.
I believe that eacvh of you shall bre super-blessed today and always.
459 · Mar 2014
Losing Oneself
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I have seen more miracles in my life, that comes from Christ.
I have been hit by several vehicles, and I should be dead.
But I am still here not because of myself or anything that I did.
But because I became lost within my Savior by asking him into my life.
I accepted the fact that my life is unmanageable without him in it.
I also accepted that I needed to repent of the sins that I committed.
I want to keep losing myself in my Lord and my God Jesus Christ.
Because only he can make my life worthy of truly living it out.
But first I needed for him to send the comforter to become one with my spirit.
459 · Aug 2014
True Power
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
True power lives within all of Christ people.
True power , comes from our Saving God.
He gives us true power through the Holy Spirit.
True power will change your life , if you let him.
True power is to love those that want you dead.
True power is to put others before yourself.
True power is in the hands of Jesus Christ our God.
True power comes from Christ the Living God.
For only through him, do we receive the Holy Spirit.
457 · Feb 2014
Thank You
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
O Holy one, my redeemer and very best friend.
After looking over my past life in a clear view.
Seeing your faithfulness at every single turn.
Knowing that even through the very dark times.
There was a purpose on why you allow them.
I see your finger prints in all of the good things.
So I just want you to know that I am very grateful.
I want to thank you for everything that you did.
452 · Apr 2014
Life-Giver Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O how Christ  touch melts away the frost upon the cold bitter hearts.
How Christ love revive the dead to rise up to a life full of Hope and Joy.
O how Christ words raise the dead to life that is worth living for.
O how Christ whom love us so, will give us a renewal life in heaven.
Thus we live for Christ who brings the dead unto true life worth living.
For he whom is called the Word by the Father and others as well.
For it fits him perfect for he speaks life into ther dead hre speaks things out of nothing.
451 · Aug 2014
I Am
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I am weak without Christ whom strengthen me.
I am not the smartest man in this world that we live in.
I am not the best looking guy in this world that we live in.
I am not best writer nor the best at talking but I have help.
But I have help from my Savior and God Lord Christ.
For with his help on any of these, I am strong through him.
I am not smart world wise but he does make us wiser Spiritually.
He not only bless me speaking better but he anoints my writing.
As he anoints others whom follow him gifts as well as mine too.
451 · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
Living is not always having what you want in this life.
But rather living is about becoming a Holy person in Christ.
You do not have to have a fancy car, beautiful home to live.
Its better to live in a shack with an old beater then to die lost.
But what you do have use it to help others like offer them a ride.
Or to be there to help a person whom has nothing, to bless them.
You do not have to have a lot to help someone else, just share.
For if you a poet, then share your poetry with others.
If you are a plumber then help by doing someone plumbing for free.
Use your gifts and talents to help those that are in need of help.
447 · Jul 2014
Life Without You
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Life without you has no meaning.
No purpose nor joy for without you.
All the blessings become nothing, useless.
For if there is no you in my life here.
Then my will cease to want to live here.
For your people give me hope as well.
A purpose to want to persevere here.
But if you leave my life Holy Lord.
Then your people shall as well also.
All that will be left will be nothingness and death.
446 · Aug 2014
True Sight
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I shall not see by sight of my eyes but by truth.
For what I see is not always the Christ Truth.
For many things are done Spiritually not physical.
Just because you see something going down before you.
Does not make it true,see with your heart not your eyes.
For lots of times your heart knows more then your eyes.
For Love cast out fear, Love is the greatest gift to receive.
440 · Apr 2014
What Missing
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
If you do not feel love then start loving on other people.
If you are feeling insecure, then start trusting others.
Love is a verb, an action not a noun worldly love is a noun.
But Christ love is a verb, this is what true love is about.
So start trusting especially when things perceive to be the opposite.
Christ is trying to teach you how to love unconditionally in a lost world.
Thus this is where the true testing grounds are in with the unloving.
439 · Mar 2014
Living A Fulfill Life
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To live a life fulfilling, to a live a life for pleasing to Lord Christ.
To live a life, giving to others, even when your life is upside down.
To live a life outside the comfort zone, allowing him to show his love.
Shall bring much more riches once we are at our true home in heaven.
For it was never was about us or about here on this dying world.
For if our lives are suppose to have true meaning  anywhere.
Its more spiritual then worldly, for true life is about serving others.
With the gifts that you have giving us, most of us are not rich.
438 · Mar 2014
A New Age
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
A new age is coming, get ready for the church new home.
After the birthing the new thousand years will come.
Where we shall sit and celebrate Christ Glorious coming.
What a time that shall be, no more tears just great joy.
We shall be praising, and worshipping our Creator.
While feasting on the finest food that we ever tasted.
For Christ will set out only the very best for his people.
So looking so forward to our fellowshipping together.
Enjoying our sinless love and enjoying our Savior love too.
436 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Believers with open hearts ready to lay down your life for your God.
Long hours, with blessings beyond your wildest imaginations.
Miracles happening every day, but you must die to self everyday.
Trusting that your heavenly Father will protect you from harm.
That he will bring you back from the dead, to live a joyful life in heaven.
If this seems like a perfect fit for you apply to Jesus in a prayer.
He will definitely let you know, if you have gotten the position.
436 · Jul 2014
Scatter Words
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Scatter thoughts, empty promises unkept.
Struggling to see the purpose  of isolation.
Still your promises are well kept. Lord God.
Its our fleshy promises that are empty words.
Scatter by the violent wind that we fail to see coming.
Caught up in our trials and tribulation appearing.
Out of nowhere, but isn't this usually how it happens.
If we knew the future then we would think to our selves.
Why do we need God then ,but we can not and we do need Jesus.
433 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We were created with a great purpose and untold value.
When Christ use us to reveal himself to the lost through us.
For its by far greater to find the only one whom can save your very soul.
Then for a hundred years or so to live a live in the lap of luxury.
Then to die and spend the rest of all eternality suffering in torment
Our purpose is to allow Christ to draw the lost toward him.
So that they too may join us with him in the heavens after death.
So remember you are by far more valuable then all of the riches in the world.
433 · Jun 2014
Be Careful
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We have to be careful whom we root for in the movies.
For example Gilgamesh was rebellious against God.
Some of the earthly heroes are angry at Christ.
They believe themselves to be their own sort of God.
For pride is a very evil sin that sets in to full people.
Making themselves believe that they do not need God.
But I know that I am nothing without my God Jesus.
Gilgamesh and ****** are one and the very same.
432 · Jul 2014
I Am No Different
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
It is not because of who I am that God blesses me.
But it is because of who he is that he blesses me.
For really I am no different then anyone else.
I Bleed, I sin and I fail Jesus at times as well.
I am far from being perfect, the difference is Jesus.
I know that without Christ I am truly nothing.
So here I stand tonight , seeing Gods grace.
His perfect love and faithfulness in my life.
I see things in a much clearer view tonight.
430 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Sometimes what we perceive as a curse is actually a blessing.
For to live a Righteous life is perceive as a curse by many people.
But it is actually because this life is the opposite of heaven living.
Because of our physical body, it makes living righteous harder to live.
So when you are feeling curse, it quite possible that you are actually being blessed.
By dealing and overcoming this hardships that you are going through.
Stand firm and trust God, for he has only the best intentions for your life.
It may even seem unfair  at those moments but once you get to heaven.
Your perception of those situations shall be quite different to you.
430 · Jul 2014
Storm Brewing
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A storm may be brewing but the Protector of his people is never weary.
Unlike man made gods like thor or Zeus, our God is tireless, always awake.
Always on call through our prayers to him, he is a God of action too.
He knows our every move and our every weakness as well people.
He sees our end before we even begins our life here on the earth.
So our trust belongs solely to him the maker of heaven and the earth.
So stand firm throughout these storms and trust him alone in it.
427 · Jun 2014
Desires of the Heart
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My desires of the heart as well as other people.
Is to be loved both by Christ and people as well.
It is to be needed and wanted by other children of God.
It is to feel loved by my fellow Christians in this world.
To feel loved by Christ and to hear him say to me.
Well done my Loving child, you are loved by me.
This is the desired of all of Christ people here on the earth.
To feel important to Christ and to Christ people.
To feel bless by our God and Savior as well too.
425 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I am lost for words, on how much Christ has touch my life.
The times that I seen death , yet was able to walk away.
The times where I should have died, yet still here I stand.
Reaching out to a Savior that really does care and rescue.
He touch those that truly love him with his healing touch.
For his love redeems, and bring peace to those whom believe.
He is always close and never reject those whom search sincerely.
For he is faithful, and always blessing those whom love him.
422 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Standing firm through this spiritual hurricane that attacks us.
Standing firm with the strength of the Mighty Lord our God.
Standing firm , for he is our Strong tower, our fortress also.
Standing firm in this darkness that try to overtake each of us.
But we have a Savior that none can overtake , he is our everything.
When we put our trust in him, he shall never let any of us down.
For he is our protection throughout every single storm we go through.
So I shall stand firm, and never give in  to the fears that destroys.
419 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
My chains are not from addictions, but suffering for Christ.
The worship God and you shall become rich is a lie from ****.
For a lot of men and women whom are poor or middle-class.
Know God more intimately then most of the wealthy.
Yes I seen some that gave away a lot to help out others.
They truly know Christ, but most shall never be rich here.
But rather their riches await them in heaven, after they leave here.
For Christ says himself,store your riches where moths can not eat nor can thieves steal.
416 · Mar 2014
Amazing Christ
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O cities of this universe, cast your eyes on our Amazing God.
Lord Christ our Redeemer lives within each of us always.
Building our faith in him on a daily basis, for he is good.
For he shall finish what he has startled in each of us.
Molding, shaping, healing, and delivering us from our old ways.
So that our Light might shine especially in the darkness here.
For it is by our Light, that others shall see God within us.
Thus wanting what we have receive and repent then follow Christ.
416 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
If you really  want to become full with Joy and Peace.
Then allow Christ to empty out all of your pain and suffering.
For he wants you to hand him over all of the junk inside of you.
So that he can transform your life into something beautiful.
That shall help encourage others to want what you have.
So they too shall seek the Jesus the Creator of the universe.
So lay down your issues, hurts, sufferings and pains too.
Allow Christ to mix them with his words transforming them into healing.
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