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174 · Apr 2014
You Are
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
You are worthy, for Christ deem you worthy enough to die for.
You are loved, for everyone was created by a loving Savior.
You are redeemable , that was why was Christ died on the cross.
So that he could save that which was lost by Adam and Eve's sin.
You are special and unique, for no two people are the same.
You each have different gifts, and  talents to share with the world.
That reveals that Christ is God and that he is alive, sitting next to the Father.
For God so love the world that he sent his begotten son into the world.
To die on the cross, to save that which was lost to God through Adam's rebellious act.
Raising up three days later, he show all that he is God the son, now he sits next to our Holy Father whom art in Heaven above us right now.
Do you have Jesus in your heart and have personnel relationship with him.
If not you can all you have to do is pray to him, ask him into your heart.
Let him know that you know that he die for your sins and that you know that he lives and is God alone.
Then start your personnel relationship with him by praying to him.
By reading the bible too every single chance that you can do it.
Also ask him to reveal himself to you , so all that your doubts shall go away.
171 · Jun 2014
Road To Life
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
The road to life,  is not a easy one to travel at anytime.
The road to life,  has many potholes and dirt-roads as well.
For the road to live is hard while the road to death is a easy one.
The road to life,will  leads to suffering and pain at times.
For the road to life is bumpy and it can have curves at times.
But also remember the road of life leads to Christ Jesus.
It leads to a better life in the next life in heaven above us.
For the road to life is just that it leads to a much better life.
171 · Jun 2014
Laying Down Our Will
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There comes a time when we need to lay down all desires at the foot of God.
There comes a time when we need to fully trust Christ for all our desires.
To fully understand that he would never do anything to harm us at all.
That he has everything under control , for what he desires happens.
That he seeing our tomorrow today and all that he desires happens.
For he is not just God of today but he is God every single day.
He speaks everything into existence, for his will should be our desire.
171 · May 2014
My Way
Eddie Starr May 2014
The struggles , hurt, and the suffering were difficult yet they lead me to you.
For if I got my way and would have found the perfect woman for me.
I would probably quit focusing on you and gave her the full focus.
So I am grateful that you gave me these things that lead straight to you.  
Here I stand in your presence seeing so many that got their way.
Yet when they lose that person, they give up on their own life.
These famous people whom commit suicide over the wrong Savior.
Thus I could have been just like them if I gotten my way.
171 · Apr 2014
Knowing Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Knowing Christ is not about avoiding hell or being blessed.
But its about becoming a better person an more Spiritual being.
Its about learning to love others and learning to love yourself.
Yes this journey that we all are on is a hard one but Christ will help.
Its about loving Christ more then yourself, and loving others.
That is what being a true christian is all about fellow-shipping.
Blessing others with your gifts, and talents and with yourself.
This is by far what being a true christian is all about here.
If you fail to love and help others then you fail in becoming a true christian.
By the way God will work on you learning to love yourself.
Not the selfish way but the way that Christ created us to love ourselves.
171 · Jul 2014
Unconditional Freedom
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Freedom comes at a cost, giving up things that others enjoy.
But even though the flesh cringes at the cost of laying them down.
To a Spiritual being it is the best gift ever to be free from sins and addictions.
So be not disappointed at giving up those very things that you were use to.
But be thankful that the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth loves you.
Enough to deliver you from them and use you to show others his Faithfulness.
For he desires only the very best for each of us, his people everywhere.
So trust in him and obey him in all that we do for he truly loves us unconditional.
170 · Jul 2014
What Purpose Would Be Left
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
What purpose is there to live if I was to lose you God.
Everything in my life would be for nothing now.
So Lord I know that you will be faithful till the end.
But I just how meaningless life is without you by my side.
For you are the Purpose in our lives the spark in our eyes.
You are the meaning to life itself, the perfection in everything.
So how can I even hope to live , if you are not in it God.
For you are everything that is good and Holy everywhere.
So if you were to abandon me, there would be nothing good left.
169 · Jul 2014
Our Source
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My hope for everyone that I meet and everyone that I met and know.
Is that their source will not be worldly but that their source is in Christ.
Because compare to Christ, worldly source is but for a moment .
But our God Jesus is eternal, for his Kingdom does not ever end at all.
My hope is that they not love him always and never get upset with him.
For we as humans will fail one another but he shall never fail us at all.
Yes following him, shall be harder then not following him here.
But in the end, the rewards of worshiping such a awesome Savior.
Shall in itself be a super blessing, for he is the source to all our needs.
He is everything to those that truly do worship him and love him much.
169 · Aug 2014
I Shall Live
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I spend my entire life here on the earth dying.
Dying to self, so that I may live the next life.
I spend my whole life here dying to self everyday.
So that in the next life I shall live my life with my king.
The King and Savior Lord Jesus my Lord and God.
I die so that I may truly live a worthwhile life with God.
I know that the only true way to live is to die to self.
169 · Jul 2014
Power Of Words
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
The power of words can heal or destroy other people.
Reason why there are so many broken people in this world.
Is because of bad decisions and bad choice of words used.
Yet at the very same point you can help bring healing to them.
Through using the right words, thus bringing life back into them.
For the right words bring life while bad words bring death.
We need to start using the right set of words to help others.
By doing this we too can make a difference in others lives.
Using the right words with love can make all the difference in a person life.
168 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
To live means to take chances that others avoid.
To live means to love without any conditions applied.
For to truly live a life that is worth living to the fullest.
Is to love others to the fullest extent as well this is Christ.
For to live a life like his is the real way to live life.
How can you say that you are living if you allow fear to rule.
Or how can you say that you are living if there is no love for others.
So stand firm trust Christ , love much and deeply then you are living.
168 · Mar 2014
Dont End it Now
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ loves you more then you shall ever know.
He did not create you to lose you to the dark side.
He created you to have fellowship with to love.
He does not want you to give people his place in your life.
He wants to be there to heal you of your brokenness.
He loves you more then you shall ever know.
Please don't take your life, give it to him to heal.
Just learn to trust him, because he really does love you.
168 · Jul 2014
Several Things To Remember
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
God never makes junk only beautiful Masterpieces.
God does not ever do anything in a small way .
Because he takes a small thing and change it to be big.
So if you believe that your Light and acts are small.
Then think again, for God transform your Light into a Sunlight type Light.
For when people see how shining your Light truly is.
They shall fall upon their knees and worship our God.
For your Light is part of the work Christ has done in you.
So always remember that your Light is a part of something big.
168 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am broken, but it is you that are holding me together.
I been crushed, but you are, in the midst of healing me.
My heart been broken but you have all of the pieces.
I been lonely for along time now, but you shall never abandon me.
I seen hardships but I was never alone through all of them.
I am so grateful that you love me more then I shall ever know.
I am so blessed to have you in my life Lord God thank you.
167 · Jul 2014
I Need My Savior
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I would love to become a voice for the used, and unlovable.
For these people need loved as much as everyone else in the world.
They need Christ as much as everyone else does, they are hurting.
I would love for each and everyone of them to find God and be saved.
For through circumstances out of their control , they became that way.
We all need God I especially for I can not live without him at all.
If he was to abandon me my whole life would crumble away.
I want to be a advocate for those poor souls whom are hurting.
167 · Jun 2014
I Am Free
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am free, because Christ loves me enough to free me.
When we become free from sin and addictions of all kinds.
Then we are free indeed, to testified to Christ love for us.
We can do nothing on our own, only through Christ.
Can we give up on sins and addictions that holds us hostages.
Only through Christ that strengthen us do we have a testimony.
One that will reveal to the world that Christ is alive and well.
167 · May 2014
I Thank You
Eddie Starr May 2014
I love each and everyone of you with an unconditional love.
For I know that each of you have a important story to tell.
If only the world could see Christ for whom he is a Loving Savior.
Sometimes we focus more on the situation that we are in now.
Instead of the one that guide us through this life that we live.
For I realize just how worthless my life is without my God Jesus.
I know without a doubt that only he can transform me into something worthy.
Only he can rescue any of us from the situation that we are in now.
For without Jesus, the Father or the Holy Spirit our lives are meaningless.
Only he can make our stories, into a Mighty Awesome testimony
167 · Jul 2014
Your Light
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Your Light shine, coming from our Lord God.
I gain hope through your Light from our God.
For you and others hope shines through you.
The awesome things that God does through you.
Gives me renew Hope that he can do the same for me.
This is the way that our Savior works he uses each of us.
To give hope to others, that we too can have that too.
So the very next time that you are feeling small inside.
Remember that Christ is using you in a much bigger way.
166 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We whom follow Christ love deeply and at times we get hurt.
But what good does it do to only love from a safe distance.
For to truly love unconditionally, sometimes will take you up close.
When you keep others in your prayers you are safe distance.
But sometimes God calls us to love up close even though we get hurt.
For he is always working within us to mold us into his image.
He get hurt by people whom reject him lot so who are we to be different.
So do not be afraid when you get hurt or rejected just trust God.
165 · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
I know that life here is harsh, that you are all in pain.
That you suffer in this life here on the planet earth.
But you have to learn to trust in the Creator of all.
For he is good, lay down your anger and rage too.
Allow the one whom created you to heal you now.
Love your enemies and everyone else as well.
I know that its hard, but we must obey Christ Jesus.
For he was the one that said that love is most important.
Also by loving our enemies we prove we are Christ people.
164 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Today I stand seeing the past as a gift from Christ.
I see his protection, healing, and miracles among other things.
I seen him saving my life so many times here on the earth.
I have seen his love in my life from other people as well.
I have seen his great blessings and the gifts that he gave to me.
I have seen so much in my life, that he has done for me.
Now that I look at it all, I want to show others Christ love.
For we whom love unconditional love with Christ love.
163 · Jul 2014
Gods Love
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
One thing I just realize , that since we are called to love unconditional.
We learn through Action to become a People of Love unconditional.
Like Christ is the God of Love we are a People of Love as well.
We keep speaking it into existence through words and action.
This way people will see it is real, that people can love unconditionally.
That we can love even those that hate us with a passion as well.
Thus by seeing true Love in this form they too will want to be like us.
But the truth of the matter unless God lives in you it is impossible.
163 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Christ Whom created the Heavens, Morning , Noon, and Night.
He whom fill the Leaves with Dew during the Fall season here.
He whom said Let there be Light , and there was Light right that second.
He whom while he walk the earth, walk upon the water.
For he did not make false boost, but live a Extraordinary life.
No other man has ever done what Lord Jesus has accomplished.
Because only he was the Word of God whom spoke Life into existence.
Only he was with the Father at the beginnings of Creation.
For only he was God , with the Father, and Holy Spirit.
162 · May 2014
If Only
Eddie Starr May 2014
I am just a human being, no one special.
Only to Christ am I worthy and special.
Also to a few that can see Christ within me.
But to the world, I am just a broken man.
Whom a lot of them might even despise.
But I was not put on this world to please them.
But rather to share Christ with the lost and hurting.
Only Christ Jesus can save and heal people.
If only the whole world would see this and repent.
162 · May 2014
My Heart Break
Eddie Starr May 2014
My heart breaks for those that are caught in the middle.
The ones that are being attack by evil people here.
Whom for no reason are attacking them , trying to destroy them.
My heart goes out to the babies , little children being abuse.
My heart goes out to the young women being torture
My heart goes out to the young men as well , it goes out to all.
For everyone needs a Savior they need comfort and love as well.
161 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you have the faith, you can heal the sick.
When you trust with your complete heart Jesus.
That God will save you from your current situation.
Then it will happen maybe not the way you expect.
But it shall happen the way that Christ wants it to be.
For his thoughts are not like our thoughts, they are better.
So when Christ does deliver you from it, it shall be better.
For he already see how it will come about in your life./
So trust him for he loves you and will never hurt you
161 · Jul 2014
Have You
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Have you been toss in the wind, broken and  crumple upon the ground
Are you lonely, lost with no where to go, all alone here on the earth.
Are you ready to give up, calling it quits,  trying to lose oneself here.
Are  you so broken and so lost with no direction or no purpose here.
Remember that you really truly are loved bu a Great and Awesome Creator.
Are you suffering in pain, hurting far beyond any limitations .
Give it all to the Great I Am, the One who spoke you into existence.
Just trust him, he wants to heal you, for he loves you more then you know.
161 · Jul 2014
So Many Are Broken
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
So many poor souls whom are broken, it breaks my heart.
Whom will do anything to be notice, to make a name for themselves.
Because of their poor self-esteem, instead of getting to know God.
They end up trashing their name using *** as a calling card.
If only they would instead run to the Creator of the universe.
Falling upon their knees and ask him for his healing touch be upon them.
Thus getting to know the only one that can truly heal them.
For really he is the only one whom opinion of oneself really matters.
For not only can he destroy us but he can put us in h3ll as well for all eternity.
160 · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
Life may be harsh, but I have Christ Spirit within me.
I seen death many times, yet it was not mine time.
For Christ protection covers me like a glove covers a hand.
I know without a doubt that I shall not die till my purpose is done.
This is a revelation, that Christ my God gave to me .
For I live for him alone, my Saving Savior and God.
He has my back, there is nothing to fear for Christ protects me.
He always has my faith in him is strong for I know him well.
160 · Apr 2014
Here I Am
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Here I am, take me as I am for its Christ that works within me.
Here I am, Christ transform us into his likeness a little more each day.
Here I am, with all my brokenness, being renewal with his strength.
Just remember that he can do the same for you as well too.
Here I am laying down self so that I can pick up his will for my life.
Its really simple for its Christ that does all the work in your life.
All that we have to do is persevere and allow Christ to heal us.
159 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Those with the most to gain in death, yet persevere.
Those with the hardest of life on the earth yet persevere.
Those that have nothing here, but hope in Christ our God.
Those are the ones that have the greatest of faith in God.
So when you are one of them thank Christ for your testimony.
Do not give up on this life but trust in your creator Jesus.
Just live the dance, and love everyone like your life depends on it.
159 · Mar 2014
Perfect Life
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
A perfect life is not having a easy one to live in.
But to live a life that shall draw many to Christ.
Because this life is short lived , maybe 1 hundred years.
But then come forever which you shall live in suffering.
For through the hardships and trials, yet never giving up.
People see Christ within you, they also see Christ strength.
Thus seeing a supernatural life that you are living here.
They will want to have the very same life that you are living.
159 · Jul 2014
My Prayer
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
If I had but one prayer answered it would be to heal like Paul and Peter.
If I could be remembered for one thing when I leave this world .
I pray that it would be for the way that I love everyone that I meet.
For I pray that Christ will in my life always become accomplished.
For to love not just the people that love you but even the ones that hate you.
This is my prayer that I love even those that despise me unconditional.
Now this is what Christ meant when he said love your neighbor as yourself.
Then I shall be blessed, because I am obeying Christ teachings fully.
Because if you love them that way then you love Christ fully as well the most.
Because you could n to ever love that way on your own mindset it would have to come from God.
157 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
You are the Light of our lives, for you came to heal and save.
For even though you have created this world from nothing.
Still your Kingdom is not of this world, but its in heaven.
Still you came down to a world that hates you to save the ones.
That belongs to you, giving us your mercy, and grace too.
For your sinless death and then resurrection on the third day.
Happen so you could restore the people that belong to you.'
So that we may once again become children of God.
156 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Sometime Change can be a good thing to experience.
For sometimes the changes are a huge blessing to have.
In my life I experience hardships but now that I look back.
I see a better person that I have become through these experiences.
I have met so many wonderful people in my life on earth.
I am so grateful for them changing my life through relationships.
You do not have to meet  personally to experience it either.
I have so many wonderful people in my life through the internet.
They have truly taken a piece of my heart and have made an great change in my life.
Its all been done through Christ using them to touch my life forever.
156 · Jul 2014
My Heart Is Breaking
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My heart is hurting for those that are ****** or abuse by the evil.
The evil ones whom think that they are above the law since they are rich.
There are some really Awesome wealthy people in this world of ours.
That want to help people , for them their attitude is Love and God.
But there are the ones whom are selfish and full of hate and rage.
Whom deem people as nothing more then tools to gain more money.
The same ones whom live as criminals thriving on others suffering.
Those are the ones that pain me that they get away with all of their evil.
156 · Jun 2014
Not Defeated
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
In my life whenever I lost a battle, it was because of my fears.
After all Christ will give us victory over all things, he  give us faith.
The battle is always, in the mind whether we pass or not the test.
Christ wants to show us the areas that we do need to work on here.
Also there are times he wants us to see that we are stronger then we think.
So he will have to allow us to see this first hand through hard times.
For Christ loves each of us more then we shall ever know here on the earth.
But one day we shall join him and he shall review much to us his people.
155 · Jun 2014
I Am Nothing
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I will trust in the Lord, for without him my life is nothing.
I shall trust him, for I can not accomplish nothing without him.
I am but a fool, whom seen that I gain nothing except through Christ.
For he is the total source, I will receive nothing without God.
For by myself, I can do nothing at all except to fail everything.
So I shall not take any credit for anything at all that been done.
For I shall always give my God all the credit for its by him not me.
155 · May 2014
You Lead Me
Eddie Starr May 2014
In the storms of my life, I seen your faithfulness shine so very bright.
Even though they look dark and hopeless, I still made it through them.
For only you plan the steps of your people, and the road that they take.
Only you shall guide me and your other people through these storms.
I seen wonders and miracles take place in my life, that proves you are the Christ.
For I know my boundaries of what I can and can not do, Lord God.
But as for you, you can do anything that you choose to do Jesus.
For you are the Word, you speak things into motion and then comes the Miracles into our lives.
155 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Are you hurting, so broken laying on  down.
For even if you felt rejected all alone.
There is a Savior, he will not reject you.
He has you cover, he shall carry you through.
He will never reject you for he loves you much.
So lay it all at his feet, give it all to him to carry.
He is the one that whispers in the wind I Love you.
He will never let go of you for you are his friend.
Give to him everything, for he is the source of Life.
155 · Jun 2014
Our Dreams
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Our dreams and goals can be accomplish if we lay them at Christ feet.
Our life can be a joy to others if we lay down our will to pick up  Gods.
For this life is not about us , but about Christ for its by his sacrifice.
That we are able to choose Heaven in the first place, so his will matters.
Christ love for others , as example that we need to follow as well.
For obedience is by far the best thing that we can give to God.
He loves us so much and when you love Christ back you obey him.
He said people will know my people by their love for other people.
154 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My faith is not on this life, but the one to come after.
For this life holds no joy for me except to see others join me.
For to see people finally see the real truth and grasp it.
To see that this world is only a temporary for us all.
Kinda like going to school here is temporary for us.
It will be a great thing to see many from here in heaven.
Fellow shipping with the Great I Am, feasting on awesome food.
For like I said this world holds no joy for me except to reach out to others.
To draw them unto the Christ as well now this brings Great joy.
154 · May 2014
My Heart
Eddie Starr May 2014
My joy is not set on earthly things but on the heavenly realm.
For I know that this world is full of sorrow, pain, and suffering.
But my Joy and mind are set on the heavenly realm with Christ.
For he shall wipe away all my tears and there shall be no more suffering.
For he has defeated not only the evil one but he has defeated death as well.
So my mind and heart are set on the new earth and the new heaven.
Where there shall be great feast, lots of fellowship, and worshipping him.
Now all whom make it there shall have awesome joy and live forever.
154 · May 2014
Live Like Christ
Eddie Starr May 2014
Try to live a life to lead others to Christ, the True God.
By living to serve others, as he did when he was here.
To bless others with your gifts and talents, among other things.
When you put others before yourself, showing them Christ.
Then they see you differently then everyone else here.
For only by living a selfless,  sacrificing life here on the earth.
Shall they see Christ within you and know that you are different.
Thus then they shall want what you have, then they will see Christ within you, and want him to do the same for them as well.
154 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Things can become idols or tools to reach out to Christ.
Money, people, and things can become your God at times.
But even though people place their hope in people and money.
The only true hope comes from the One that died on the Cross.
For only he can give you eternal salvation, after you die here.
For only he has made the sinless sacrifice, so that he could save you.
But too many people do not want to die to self for him to lead them.
But its the only way to live is to die to self and live for others.
154 · Mar 2014
Do You Want To Live
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Do you want to truly live a life worthy of living.
Do you truly want to make a difference in this world.
Do you want to change this world, do you want to be loved.
Do you want to become someone that feels complete joy.
Then lay your life down at the bottom of the cross leaving it there.
Because in order to become a life changer in truth you have to serve.
The truth is once you start serving others, you will forget your own problems.
To focus on becoming a servant for Christ is the best decision you can make
154 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Remember do the hard things and you shall grow in the Spirit.
Dance through the storms and praise Christ in these storms.
For he is the same Savior that you prayed to when you got saved.
So remember to do the hard things when life becomes hard.
It shall change your attitude plus we are suppose to be grateful all the time.
So stand firm praise Christ and dance for Jesus praise his name.
Let him know just how much you truly do love him all of the time.
Its easy to love God when good things are happening for you.
But when things are hard is when you get tested to know that you still love him.
152 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Still, I stand through everything I been through.
Still I live even though at times this pain is unbearable.
Still I cry, because of the scars, hurts, and brokenness.
Still I reach out to the only one that I can trust.
The  One that loves me, enough to go to the cross.
The one that died so that I will live, in heaven above.
For only he loves me this much, that he saved me.
150 · May 2014
Through Your Help
Eddie Starr May 2014
Through the sorrows, I have stood firm not ending my life.
Through my pain, I am still moving even through the hurt.
While most people would be caught up in the tears and confinement.
But its through your strength that I am able to move around.
Doing the things that are needed to be done in everyone's life.
For I hurt a lot very sharp struggling pain, yet I have you.
Thus with your help getting through these rough times God.
For it is through your mercies that I have not gave up on life.
149 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I stand in awe of you the true Living God.
I  know that there is life in what you speak.
For you speak everything into life, always.
For there is never death in your great words.
But there are so many whom do not understand.
For if they truly believe your words with faith.
Then they would be saved, and healed as well.
For by faith, people became healed here on earth.
While you were walking through Israel the country.
But its sad that today there are so feel with that same faith.
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