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148 · Jul 2014
Only Christ
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I come to one realization,  people can not give you salvation.
They can not save you either, only Lord Jesus can save us.
We are doom to fail one another, after all we are just humans.
As part of the human race, we fall short, we sin and we fail.
We are weak, doom to try but fail when it comes to saving others.
God allows this because he does not want us making people our Gods.
Yet people never learn , only the Creator can save us from anything.
But some people would rather worship the creation over the Creator.
148 · Jul 2014
Trial By Faith
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
If you are failing Christ, stand firm he see the heart.
While people judge the outward appearance so trust.
For Christ is shaping you, for the very next life ahead.
All we can do is trust Christ with our hearts , he knows what he is doing.
He also knows what each and everyone of us is doing now.
Remember one thing trust God for he is working on your behalf.
He is carrying you through all of your trials that you are going through.
He been with you the whole time shaping you for the next life.
So whatever you do do not give up and trust God he is there for you.
148 · Mar 2014
To Feel
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To feel, is to be human, to love is to be a live human.
To live to love is what Christ created us to become.
To love unconditional, is to place yourself in their shoes.
So to trust Christ is to see him for who he is your God.
To see the hurting, and to help them is to love others.
But to do nothing, would only make you heartless.
To be born , my purpose is this, to bring Christ praise.
148 · Jul 2014
With My Last Breathe
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
With my last breathe, I shall continue to trust in your will.
With my Last breathe , I shall fall upon my face and worship you.
With my Last breathe I shall continue to chase after you Lord.
With my Last breathe, I will not be moved but stand firm.
For my eyes will stay focus not on the situation but you God.
For my will is to do your will and love everyone set before me.
Even those that despise and loathe me, for it is not them but the evil one.
That filled their minds, with lies about you and me Lord God.
With my Last dying breathe, I shall love even the ones whom are killing me.
For they would not know what they would be doing Lord Jesus.
147 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O how I need you Lord, for I see how mess up that I am.
We each need Christ for no one is without sin, not one.
Also we are all; mess up, in one way or the other .b
For sin will mess you up , we all have some wicked thoughts.
It takes Christ to change those thoughts into good ones.
So yes we all need Christ to work on each of us daily.
For sin does not just attack us once, then quit it continues.
Every day is a new day to battle sin, satan and flesh.
So keep on pushing through this life with Christ at the helm.
146 · May 2014
Pushing Through
Eddie Starr May 2014
Broken heart, long suffering, nothing is going to stop me.
For its not my life that matters, but the lost and hurting.
Once we accept that we were born to be servants to others.
Then we will not allow our sufferings get the best of us.
This life is short compare to the next one which is eternal.
So our mind-set needs to change, we need to reach the lost.
For we want the whole world to find their salvation too.
To end up in heaven with us, enjoying our relationship with God.
146 · Jul 2014
Our Source
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Everything that each of us receive comes from God.
No matter who we are , the very air that we breathe.
A gift from the great I Am, the source of Life in itself.
For he give and take away, to the save and lost both.
You do not have a be a follower of Christ to receive from him.
It is his way of trying to reach out to those that knows him not.
To show those just how much we need him , he created the air.
That each of us needs in order to breathe and sustain our life.
For without the air we all would perish in just a few seconds.
But he wants us to live, so that we can become children of God.
146 · May 2014
Life's Secret
Eddie Starr May 2014
There are many of life secrets, one is trust in the Christ.
Love others as you love yourself but love Christ the most.
Stand firm, never give up on life and try to end it.
But to trust God with all of your heart and your mind.
To live life in love, to forgive others whom have hurt you.
To not fear death, because Christ will protect you.
To help others whenever you can , for love matters most.
144 · May 2014
The Cost
Eddie Starr May 2014
Only by giving through cost to self will it leave a great big impact.
For we want them to see Christ who  giving to them through us.
Yes we can give without any cost to ourselves, to reach out to others.
But when it does cost us, then the lost will see even greater love in us.
True even giving a little will be glorified by our Living Savior God.
But imagine this, leaving a great impact in their lives that shall change them.
Revealing to them Christ heart within us thus bringing them into a life, of both hope and change within them through the giving that did cost us as well.
144 · Jul 2014
We Are Never Alone
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I perceive that each one of us that walk in the Light.
That an angel of the Light is always next to each of us.
Also an fallen angel stands on the other side of us.
One to save us from being destroyed before our time.
The other is always trying destroy us or to temp us.
But it is this way for Christ special purpose for us.
To prove that we belong to him and to build us.
Into a Mighty Warrior child of his, he strengthen us.
144 · Apr 2014
Hello World
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
One thing, that keeps me confuse, why do people reject Christ.
When they know that he is real, its very confusing to me to see it.
I understand those that do not believe that he is real, I understand .
But why would people that been bless by Christ reject his ways.
I mean it scares me when I mess up and think that he left me.
But to purposely know him as God and then reject him completely.
Now this is a scary thought,we need to pray their heart changes.
144 · Mar 2014
You Are Lord
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Lord Christ, you are the only answer to all of my questions.
You are the source to all of my wants and needs too.
You are the island that save me while I was drowning.
You were the only one that carried me while I suffered.
You look at me, seen all of my brokenness, yet you stood by me.
You whom loved me and held me when I was hurting God.
So why shouldn't I stand firm in your love and trust you.
For you have always been there for me , my whole life.
144 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Our purpose is to love Christ and everyone we come into contact with.
It is to freely show others Christ that lives within his of his people.
There is not one soul that was not born lost, but to be used by God.
To reveal Love to those that do not know what true love is all about.
For unconditional Love is true love, its the kind of Love that reach others.
But most people do not know how to love like Christ, but they only know earthy love.
Which is to love only those that love them back, but that's not Gods love.
Christ love is not the  emotional kind, but its a verb action type of love.
For to love others is to put them above yourself, to want the best for others.
To pray for others to find Christ to become real followers of Christ.
143 · Jun 2014
My Life
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Throughout my life, I seen darkness and despair.
But my joy will be felt overwhelming in the next life.
But this life, my purpose is to reach out to others.
To show Christ to all, not through being worldly.
But through overcoming addictions and sinful things.
By loving others, even those that hate and despise me.
This too was what Christ himself did while he was here.
He loved the whole world even those that hated him.
For this was whom he was and is the God of Love.
141 · Jun 2014
To Be
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
To be a child of the Most High God, you must accept change.
For this is what Christ shall do once you accept him as God.
He shall do a Mighty work bin you that shall transform you.
Into the person that he has created you to be in the first place.
He shall bless you, heal you, and finish the work that he startled in you.
For he wants you to look just like him, he died for you to live.
So this is the least any of us can do, for him our creator and friend.
To be obedient to the Giver of True Life is the least we can do for him.
To be able to look into the mirror and see Jesus staring back at us.
141 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Even when I am hurting ,I know that you love me.
Even when I am hungry, I am still very blessed.
Even when I am weak, you are still strong in you.
Even when I am poor, I am still rich in your love.
Even when I am suffering, I am still healed  in you.
For you are the same in every single situation we are in.
For you are my source, nothing changes except my reactions.
For when I fail, it is because of me not you Lord God.
141 · Apr 2014
It Matter Not
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Does it really matters, that you have to have your way.
Does it really matter, that you have to be married now.
I mean God will give you the desires of your heart .
If only you would lay down your will to pick up his first.
I mean every one is suffering these days , everyone.
Its because the united states is turning it back on God.
So many hearts are turning cold and so very selfish.
They are walking away from a Savior God that loves them.
139 · Jul 2014
To Truly Understand
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
To truly understand , the way that Christ works.
The air that we all breathe, we each need it to live.
Yet to lose it, then to end up in a bad place afterwards.
We need to see the truth, that this life is nothing.
It is the very next life that truly matters in the end.
This is why we need to see the truth and then repent.
For to spend eternity, worshiping God in paradise.
Is the best thing that any of us could receive.
But to reject the giver of true Life is so very sad.
To die and then to end up in a very bad place.
My prayers is all that read this eyes are open to the truth.
139 · May 2014
Hope Is Christ
Eddie Starr May 2014
Even through my pain, and hurt I see hope true Hope.
Even through my loneliness and broken heart I know hope.
I see hope, because Real Hope is in Christ Jesus who is God.
Not our situation,  or in who we have in our lives on earth.
But only in the one that created everything here.
For he spoke everything into reality for us to see.
Thus showing us a better way to live through him.
137 · Mar 2014
In Order To Find Yourself
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
In order to find yourself, you have to lose yourself in Christ.
In order to truly live, you have to keep dying to self too.
In order to see the truth, you have to let go of the lies and the world.
In order to be loved by people, you have to become a servant.
For even Christ came here not to be serve but to die for many.
Life is very hard, but Christ shall keep strengthening you.
So trust in Christ, and you shall be at the feast of Christ.
136 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
When you give back , to help others.
Not only are you providing them with hope.
But you are inspiring them to give more.
This is just one of  the lessons that the bible teaches.
For to become more like Christ is to love others.
Freely we receive and freely we give to others.
For by giving freely to others, they shall see Christ in us.
So be thankful and bless others like Christ bless you.
135 · Jul 2014
What Are You Going To Do
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Life is a choice everything we do is a choice.
Yes bad things do happen to good people.
But it is a choice what are you going to do.
Are you going to reject God or lose faith in him.
Because something bad has happen to you.
Or are you going to fall upon your knees.
Praying to Jesus to deliver you out of the situation.
Without sinning against him, overcoming evil.
With your heart for God in all situations you go through.
134 · Mar 2014
Take Me There
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Take me there, to the place of healing and redemption.
Take me there, where your love is needed the most.
Take me there , where ever your Spirit may lead me.
Take me there, to where the lost may be open to you.
Take me there, where your love is overwhelming.
Take me there, for I want to be where ever you are.
Take me there, to heaven above once my Spirit leave my body.
Take me home to heaven where I can worship you Lord.
134 · Mar 2014
I Shall Follow
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Lead me through this journey and I shall follow always.
Because now since I am found, I do not want to be lost again.
For the road that lead to where you had found me was hard.
Still it is hard, but now I have you leading me through it.
So I just follow you, and keep going with you same path.
For I want my life  to make a difference in someone else life.
Because so many people have made a difference in my life.
To know that each one of us are special to our Creator.
No matter who you are or what you have done Christ still loves you.
134 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I learn one thing above all else, is that Christ is the only one that I cant live without.
I was in many different types of relationships with only one woman stole my heart.
But I will never ever be with her, but even her I can live without.
I care deeply for several others, but them too I will never be with.
But its Christ Jesus that I can not ever live without him my God.
Only God , for I so very desperately need him in my broken life.
I live through some very rough hopeless times in my  life.
But he has always carried me through these rough times always.
133 · Feb 2014
I See Christ
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I see Christ in the moonlight, the sunlight, in the rainbows, and in the stars.
In everything that is free, I see Christ in the beauty of nature, in the sky.
For how else can they be woven and blend in the most perfect of ways.
Unless Christ whom is God the son whether you believe or not created it.
How else could life come about on this , planet that we all live on , then die on.
Unless there is truly a Savior that spoke us all into existence out of nothing.
I seen God in everything that he has created into existence, for he is Awesome.
So I will stand in awe to give him the honor and praise that he deserves.
132 · Mar 2014
What Is Hope
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Hope is living with the knowledge of knowing that you have a future.
That your creator , created you to fellowship with and loves you too.
Hope is knowing that your purpose is to love him and be with him.
For only Christ can give any of us true hope everywhere for he is God.
He loves us so much that he came down here to suffer and die for us.
Once you realize the full scope of it, you will realize just what he done for you.
Its so amazing how much that he truly love you, enough to die for.
For he is a Holy, Loving Savior that wants to save you from death.
131 · Aug 2014
Here I Am
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Running free, trusting that my salvation shall be worked in the end.
Here I am, standing firm because it is your strength, that keeps me strong.
I should be dead right now, but you are carrying me through my Journey.
So I shall  not let go, but hang tightly on while you are carrying me Lord.
For I know that you will see me through everything that I go through.
So I know that I am never alone, for you are always with me, Lord Jesus.
I shall trust you in everything that I have to go through in this Journey.
For nothing shall happen to me that we can not overcome Lord Jesus.
130 · May 2014
Only Christ
Eddie Starr May 2014
There s no one that can bless you nor make you feel special like Christ does.
There is no one that can love you and protect you the way Christ does.
There is no one that can feed you or heal you the way that Christ does.
There is no one that can do a miracle or save you the way that Christ does.
Only he can do all of these things and much more in each of our lives.
For he is God alone the Savior of the lost , he is Perfect in every way.
He is the only one that can understand us better then we understand ourselves.
130 · Jul 2014
Spirit Of God
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
The Spirit of God , will overwhelm us when it becomes necessary.
When he has words for us to speak and things for us to accomplish.
For we are totally empty , nothingness vessels without him guiding us.
For each time I lived without you, I seen how awful empty my life was.
I just wanted to vanish, into the empty air that exist all around me.
For there has always been good people in my life that loved me.
But I always seem to let them down so much that I felt that the world would be better place without me in it.
But lately Christ has been showing me that it not true, that through him.
I can make a difference and help others that struggle as I do in this life.
129 · Jul 2014
True Gift
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Life is not about what you made nor gain in it.
But rather who did you allow in it to share it.
For Love is by far the greatest gift of all.
Its is what make your life so valuable in the end.
For anyone can gain stuff if they truly want it.
But to have people love you so much is a gift.
From God , for it means that he is using you.
To reveal himself to people in your life.
128 · Feb 2014
Lost Time
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I wasted a lot of time , doing things my way.
By running away from the  Gods purpose in my life.
I could have done so much more with Gods aid.
If I would have allowed him complete control.
But I fail to allow him to accomplish other stuff.
Using me to reach out to even more hurting people.
But at this time I was wanting things my way.
This is where we get into trouble, wanting things our ways.
For Christ knows the future and what we truly need.
122 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My heart feels sorrow for those whom dies in their sins.
I do my best to reach out to all that cross my path daily.
But its not up to me which way that they head to in the next life.
But its up to them by their actions and deeds that they do.
For its a heart thing with each and everyone of us all.
My Hope is in the Lord Almighty, Creator of the universe.
But some choose other things and people to put their hope in.
I pray that they shall see the light of their action and repent.
Before it becomes too late for them to act, this is my prayer.
121 · Jun 2014
Who Am I
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am not the man whom the world sees me as.
For I am much more then they shall see me for.
I am a child of the Great I Am, the Living God.
For it is by his strength that I rise to greater heights.
Its by his love that I can love even my greatest adversaries.
For it is never about me, but about my Great Savior.
He who lives in me is greater then he that lives in the world.
So I shall never fear those that hate me but love them unconditionally.
For this was why I was created for to reveal Christ within me.
120 · May 2014
Eddie Starr May 2014
My promise is that I shall accept you for who you are.
To see you through Christ eyes and love you through Christ heart.
To accept you the way that Christ has accepted me freely.
To honor you as a creation of Christ, for he does not create junk.
For to love you the way that Christ loves us, does cost us.
But in the very end, he shall bless us beyond our imagination.
The truth of the matter none of us are any better then anyone else.
For even his people were loved first and he gave us the sight to seek him.
Thus we can not look down on the lost for it was by Christ grace that we are saved.
119 · Apr 2014
What If
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
What if you were never broken, any way at all.
Would you have still seen Christ revealing himself.
Or would have pride step in the way between you and Christ.
Would you have still felt his love and everything else.
Or would have pride stop everything from being revealed.
Would you even needed Christ if you were not broken.
Or would you be just another lost person headed to ..
These are things that you need to ponder when you get depress.
113 · May 2014
Someone Whom Cares
Eddie Starr May 2014
Life is awful when you have no one in your life to share.
We all need to have someone to talk to someone who cares.
What is the point in living when there is no one who cares.
But there is always one that cares, he is the Christ Lord God.
For Lord Jesus cares about each of us so very much indeed.
You have to put your faith and trust in him your God.
For he is the true Savior that wants to save you from your sins.
He died and rose again to life to save us the ones whom believe and trust him the son of God.
113 · Jun 2014
Light Of God
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We who walk in the Light of God, live for him alone.
We who walk in the Light of God, lead by obeying him.
We who walk in the Light of God, we have a huge purpose.
We who walk in the Light of God, will fear no evil at all.
For we are the Followers of the True Living Savior and God.
The one who created everything that is good in the universe.
For he spoke life into everything that breathes life and lives.
So we his people shall forever praise his Holy Name always.
111 · May 2014
I Know That You're There
Eddie Starr May 2014
I know that you are there, because I see your works in my life.
I know that you are there, because I seen your miracles also.
I know that you are there become you have reveal yourself to me.
I know that you are there because you have open my eyes.
I know that you are there, because I know that you created the universe.
I know that you are there, because you are God and God alone.
I know that you are there, because without you there is no life.
I know that without you, there would be no reason to live this life.
I know that you are there, because you have saved my life many times.
111 · May 2014
Life May Seem Dark
Eddie Starr May 2014
Life may seem dark, even scary to this world we live in.
But if you look past this life that you live right this moment.
The true Hope is not with this life but the life at all, but the next .
For its becoming harder to see joy and happiness here.
But the truth of the matter its the next life that has the hope.
For our Hope should not be focus on this world but the next one.
Jesus will be here soon this is where the true Hope come into play.
For if we can hold on just a bit longer, then people shall see the truth.
That Christ is the only true Hope that any of us has in this life and the very next one.
103 · May 2014
This World
Eddie Starr May 2014
This world is dying, there is so much selfishness here.
This world is becoming more and more evil every day.
This world has so many hurting people in it now.
My heart is breaking for the ones that are truly hurting.
For I understand pain and suffering in this here life.
I know that sometimes people do things out of their hurt.
But I also know that Christ wants to heal each of us too.
So we need to give it all to him to do a miracle in it.

— The End —