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190 · Jun 2014
Watch, Wait
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Watch, wait time is drawing close keep watching.
For the Son shall come like a thief in the night.
So keep obeying him and wait for his return.
Soon he shall appear in the clouds with great power.
Wait, Listen and watch for his appearance to come.
So that you shall not be stuck here when he call his people.
To come to him in the clouds,  to go home in heaven.
So be of good cheer and watch for his second coming.
190 · Aug 2014
Who Am I
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Who am I , but a mere mortal seeking Christ love as well as his favor.
For I am just a Spiritual being struggling with the desires of the flesh.
I am a weak man whom struggles with loneliness and desperation.
For I seek to be healed so that Christ shall be Glorified by it.
For I am useless mortal whom loved my Living Savior whole-heartily.
Desperately wanting to bring him Glory through being healed by him.
I so desperately want everyone that I know to become one within him.
Thus joining me at the celebration feast held in Heaven above soon.
189 · May 2014
Never Forget
Eddie Starr May 2014
Never forget you really do matter more than you will ever know.
You are truly important, so lay down your low- self esteem.
For there are people that are in your life that cares about you.
Use your gifts and talents, to help others to find healing.
For everyone has a story, purpose and a reason why we are here.
Use everything that Christ gave you to help other people out.
Love those that have been place in your live for a reason.
Bless them, encourage them and show them Christ love.
189 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You have touch my heart in ways that you shall never know.
You have shown me what unconditional Love is really about.
You have bless me beyond measures and I want to thank you.
For true friends are hard to come by , but I know that you are one.
You have touch my heart so deeply that I felt some healing.
We are all different and I thank our God Jesus for each of you.
For each and everyone of you are truly a blessing from him.
That I am unworthy to receive , thank you all very much.
189 · May 2014
Only Him
Eddie Starr May 2014
I may never be with the woman whom I fell in love with.
But sometimes things do not work out the way that you think that they should.
Still our Savior is on his throne, still he is God alone our Salvation comes from him.
Still only he can work out the bad things in our lives into something good.
For only he is the Christ, the Precious Son of God whom has save us.
Only he is the Word of God, and the Savior of his people only him.
So just put your faith in him, for he will save your soul, and life.
189 · Jun 2014
There Is Power
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There is no Life outside of Christ, we all were born into this world.'
But many feel dead inside because they feel that they live without purpose.
But when you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within your body and soul.
For there is power and life in the Holy Spirit great power and life .
So Realize that when you choose Jesus as Savior and God , you choose life too.
For he shall use you to reach out to the lost and hurting in this world.
He shall reveal himself through you to the lost world that needs him desperately.
For he is the Way, the Truth and only he can resurrect anyone.
For when he went to cross the Father gave him control over who will be saved.
Trusting in him and giving your very life to him , will bring a change upon your life in him.
188 · May 2014
Life Taken
Eddie Starr May 2014
My heart breaks for all the lives that are being taken.
By people with rage, anger whom lashes out at others.
Taking their lives as if they assume that they are God.
My heart breaks for each of these sadden lost souls.
Whom the devil steals their lives away from them.
Before their time, they lie in a puddle of blood.
Because some evil pyscho decides to take their lives.
My hearts breaks for each of these persons whom died.
188 · Jul 2014
Call Me
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Jesus call me to you while you stand on the waters toward you, I come.
This is where you use us to reveal yourself to the lost, the hurting too.
Use me to lead the hurting out of the darkness and hopelessness.
Call me out unto the deep section where it takes faith to walk upon the waters.
Use me to rescue the hurting, lost, as well the struggling Lord God.
I so desperately, have your love for the hurting, lost , and the struggling.
I so desperately want them all so join us in heaven above where we will be.
My brokenness was used to open my eyes to you Lord God, you are my God.
I could have never found you, if my broken part never existed Lord.
188 · Jul 2014
To Be
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
To love you and defend you just like Christ does to us.
To learn to trust you unconditional, to love you that way.
To be there for you in everything that you move to do.
To boldly be your knight, to love you unconditionally.
To not be afraid and to always be truthful to you.
To listen to you completely when you discuss everything.
To listen to your dreams and everything else clearly.
To be the man that you so richly deserve too.
188 · Jul 2014
I Still Stand
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am a failure, whom only succeed through Christ.
I seen the hurt, loneliness in my wearily torn soul.
I am no different then most people who are hurting.
Today I stand with you, for there is hope for us.
Its in my God, he is more then I ever deserve.
But he loves us all, and will never go away.
We could have everything, but then we would lose him.
For he says what good does it do to gain the world.
But in the very end lose your soul, so I chose him.
All that I went through but I am still standing firm.
It is only because of Christ my awesome Lord and God.
186 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I learn along time ago how often I mess up my life.
Now that things are going right with the help of Christ.
The bottom line though if I can accomplish it with Christ help.
Then anyone and everyone else can as well even easier.
Because I have mess up so very much in my life.
I am the king of messing up on the simplest of things.
So its my purpose to encourage others with the help of Jesus.
To accomplish their dreams and goals with Christ help.
Because if I can do it with Gods help then they should be able as well.
186 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Through life is difficult and often hardships occur.
Yet the Lord Christ shall strengthen you daily.
Making life less complicated bless you beyond measures.
Teaching you how to be a better servant and friend.
Healing all of your hurts, sufferings, and heartache.
Revealing himself to you as he begins to use you.
For his glory, he will raise you up to show the world.
That he is real, so none of them can have any excuse.
For why they have rejected you on a daily basis.
185 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We are not define by our past, but by our presence.
We are not define by our mistakes,  but by our victories.
For the things that we overcome are set in our hearts.
But our past can be redefine, by Christ within us now.
For he whom lives within us is greater then he in the world.
For Christ is our source , he strengthen us in the darkest hours.
For when things are at their worst, he is at his greatest deeds.
After all if we always succeed, how would people see Christ  victories.
For then the person would be the one people see not Christ.
185 · Mar 2014
You Are Important
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
You are very important, your life does matter no matter whom you are.
For Christ does never create garbage nor junk, you all have a purpose.
Never put yourself nor anyone else down for we are all valuable.
For even the most hateful person was created by Christ with a purpose.
Its just sometimes we never accomplish the purpose we were created for.
Sometimes the selfishness sets in before, our purpose can begin.
Some times it more has to do with the hurt that we carry within us.
We some how never give it to Christ either, so we die with the purpose.
185 · Apr 2014
Truly You Have Save Me
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I seen days of pain, struggles, and suffering.
I live a life of loneliness, and felt empty inside.
Even through my broken dreams that never were fulfill.
I know that your love has sustain me through it all.
The reason for the broken dreams and the other things.
Were because I was forcing my will on you God.
When you will never force your will upon us at all.
Its our choice on are we following you or not.
For you are Love and love never forces anything on another.
185 · Apr 2014
True Sight
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
So many people look with their eyes, when they should be using their hearts.
For these things are a spiritual warfare thing happening right at the moment.
God is Spirit, while we are flesh, seeing with fleshy sight instead of spiritual.
Once the scales of worldly fall from our sight, then we use our hearts to see.
Showing us truth because its look past the outside appearance of others.
Revealing what is really going on in a persons mind and heart as well.
So use your vision that comes from Christ himself to see the truth.
185 · May 2014
Be Content
Eddie Starr May 2014
After seeing what happen in California, I see Christ truth.
Be content with whom Christ has created you to become.
Realize that the reason the opposite does not fall over you.
Might have nothing to do with you, but Christ is protecting you.
As also it might have nothing to do with them, so be not angry with them.
It might have to do with the journey that you are on right now.
It might have to do with Christ, if you ended up with that person.
They might have pulled you away from Christ, it might have to do with your high calling as well.
184 · Jul 2014
Fill Me
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Empty out my brokenness, so that you can fill me with good things.
I stand firm, through this pain that I wade through to the pain.
I know that there is a purpose for feeling this way every single day.
Help those others that are going through their own sufferings.
Rescue your people from this hurt, that seems to never end.
Heal your people, restore us into the people that we were intended to be.
Cut the demons off of hurting your people send them to h3ll.
Restore us and use us to help other people that are hurting.
183 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Light of Christ fill his people overwhelming with his Light.
Hope of Christ filled his people overwhelming with his Hope.
Peace of Christ filled his people overwhelming with his peace.
Salvation from Christ works overwhelming into his people.
Building up in his people revealing to the world Christ himself.
Mold, shaping, others, so that the world might recognize Christ.
Thus repenting and reforming from their old ways of the world.
Becoming new Creatures with the help of the Creator of the world.
182 · Jul 2014
I Am
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am weak, but Christ strength is within me.
I am afraid, but Christ teaching me to be brave.
I am stupid, but Christ fills me with his knowledge.
I am a failure but through Christ my Savior.
I can overcome all obstacles and prevail always.
I am evil, but through Christ I became a saint.
I am so confuse but Christ gives me determination.
I am everything that Christ tells me that I am.
For I am nothing without Christ Spirit within me.
182 · Jul 2014
Even Though
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Even though, I am weak, the Holy Spirit is Mighty.
God is going to win every time, even the times that I fail him.
He always has a back up plan, for he is God the Almighty.
He knows when we are going to fail him, and when we will not fail.
For he is God, people can not comprehend just how powerful he is.
You see Jesus does not need our help,but since he consider us friends.
His friend, this is why he uses us and allows the free will to be .
So that we may feel needed by him and wanted by him as well.
So consider this the next time the evil one runs its mouth.
That God loves you so much that he works with you instead of doing it himself.
181 · Jul 2014
You Need To Know
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Following Christ is not the easy life, but it is very fulfilling .
For by following him people shall hate and despise you.
Christ when he walk the earth said that his true followers.
Would need to take the narrow road not the broad one.
He said also that the narrow one is more harder and lonelier.
So if you been told following Christ makes life easier.
Then you have been listening to the wrong people here.
But I can promise you one thing it shall be more fulfilling.
180 · Jul 2014
Building Up
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
You might believe hard times are use to destroy you.
But actually they are use to strengthen us to become stronger.
For the strength that you gain from them is use to build you up.
God see you as a special Masterpiece, that he is building up.
The stronger that you get the more that his Light shines through you.
As a beacon for those that are still caught up in their dark hours.
Thus this Light can be use to lead them into the true Light.
God can use them as well since he is building them up too.
So that they will become his sons and daughters as well.
180 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
When you feel that someone sincerely love you.
Do not question you release that spirit of trust.
Because that spirit of trust does not come from God.
For he is the God of love and he shall not give you that spirit.
I been myself been evil to people because of doubts in the past.
Now I know that those people really sincerely loved me.
The very same way that Christ loves me unconditional.
So it is not very often that God will place people like that in your lives.
Just accept it and appreciate them for showing you true love.
180 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There is only one Savior that can ensure you with his Salvation.
He is the Savior of those that see the cross as beauty and truth.
He was born over 2000 years ago ,he was born to save souls.
We all are born cover in sins, but when we put our trust in him.
He rework us into his people, we become friends to God above.
He transform us from enemies into family, with his blood.
That he shed on the cross, to save people that were headed to h3ll.
Now we been transform into children of the Mighty God I Am.
179 · Jul 2014
Its Time
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I know that fear of what tomorrow holds has caught lots of people.
But it is time , to step up and be the very person God created you to be.
I am in the same boat, I too must step up and be where Christ calls me to be.
To be not angry nor afraid of what tomorrow might hold for me too.
I could be and should be exactly where Christ has called me to be there.
There was one place that Christ place me, I miss the people there.
They show me truly how to love, since they loved me unconditionally.
But out of my brokenness I left , lot was going on with me at that time.
I was way too blind to realize that life would get even harder for me.
179 · May 2014
Greatest Love
Eddie Starr May 2014
What is the most important gift of love , can you give away.
Christ love is by far more valuable then any other kind of love.
To be love by your mate is great, but to be love by others.
Outweigh that by far but to belong to Christ is by far the best.
For he then shall fill you up daily with his unconditional love.
Thus then you can spread it all around showing others.
The most valuable love there is , to know Christ fully.
To know that you have the gift of loving others unconditionally.
179 · Jul 2014
Real Love
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I been learning from Christ about his unconditional Love.
Its the perfect love without any strings or conditions.
It to love everyone with perfect unconditional love of Jesus.
Its simply to love everyone the same even people who hates you.
For there are so many that hates Christ, but he loves us all the same.
For each and everyone of us , were created by him and the Father.
But most people been manipulated, by the evil demons and satan.
They lie and try to fool people into hating Jesus, this way they win.
Because those people fail to gain a personal relationship with God.
179 · Jul 2014
Super Natural
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We really do live in a super natural world, Christ the Word.
Spoke everything into existence, at the very beginning of time.
The evil one tries to speak death into everything that is good.
It is a battle that we are in the midst of a spiritual one who do you chose.
For by not choosing a side you are saying that you side with the evil one.
So we all need to choose, I choose the Savior Lord Jesus Christ.
He is good, he wants to heal you too he is God our Creator.
Without him there is no life just death and self destruction.
179 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
In order to receive true love one must give it freely away to others.
In order to be blessed you have to become a blessing to others too.
In order to become rich money wise you need to give away some of it.
For this is how God, Lord Jesus works if you hoard things then you shall lose them.
But by giving the things away freely then you save the things.
Only by letting go of the thing or dream does it then multiplied.
So let go of the things that you want Christ to blessed today.
By tomorrow you shall receive it back and then some more.
178 · Apr 2014
A Difference
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
There is sorrow in a life of person, whom so many made a difference.
Because I am not sure if I made a difference in their lives.
They pour out their love, plus so very much more into my life.
Yet I was blinded by the fact that I was lonely without a girlfriend nor wife.
But even once I got that it was dead of romance love I still was blinded.
To the fact that Christ has used so many people to shape me and my life.
Yet I still stand in despair because I had/ have so many that care about me.
Praying that maybe I still in all of my brokenness and anger then.
Still reveal Christ so that they still ended up going to heaven up above.
178 · Jun 2014
Help Me
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
O God please never leave me, I  felt you in my life always.
I know that only you can rescue me from who I became.
A man full of brokenness and  failures in this life I live.
I truly want to finish this road that I am traveling on.
But I keep getting side tracked on it and falling away.
I know that only you can keep guiding me down it.
For I know that this road will give me true hope that I need.
Because its the only way that I shall end up seeing you at the finish line.
I am so desperate and needy and only you can save me Lord.
Only you are worthy to draw my whole focus in any life only you God.
178 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I have changed my idea on what true Love is really about.
I use to want that cant live without you kind of love with that special woman.
But now I realize  that it not really love at all but a desperate needy selfish feeling.
True Love is unconditional, to love others without any restrictions on them.
To truly want the very best for that special woman plus everyone else.
To even want the very best for those that hate you as well now that's love.
To want to treat that special woman exactly like Christ treat the church.
To love you unconditional and protect her unconditional as well.
178 · May 2014
My Heart Is Breaking
Eddie Starr May 2014
Tears are flooding my eyes, while I am thinking about them.
The hopeless, the hurting, the ones whom see no future.
Like the woman that was ***** and abuse over and over.
I know the feeling of living a hopeless life on this planet.
For at one time I was one of them myself, its sad way of life.
But I know now there is only one being that can give you Hope.
The Christ, God and the Savior of the universe, he is our only hope.
Still there are too many that are lost if only they would open their hearts to him.
For he is our only Hope of having a true life, only he can save us.
178 · Apr 2014
Only One Way To Love
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you start to love others unconditionally ,there is no failure.
Because you ignite a spark in each of their lives, even in the ones that you get no response from.
For people were created to love, but sin got in the way and twisted it.
Made it into something selfish, and wicked but it was not suppose to be like that.
Still Christ calls his people to love others unconditionally to show them.
The right way to love others,it may shook them  to be loved like that.
So if you want to follow Christ, it might be tough at the beginning.
But you shall become a world changer by loving this way.
Even if it but one life that you might change, it shall be worth it.
177 · Jul 2014
True Living
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I realize that life is far more then getting your way.
I realize that the trials that each and every on goes through.
Is to build us up to make us stronger on the inside.
For Life is not built on the easy life that some gets in this life.
But built on standing firm and loving everyone unconditional.
For loving others far outweigh becoming rich and selfish.
For through these trials we learn what others are  going through.
This way we can lead them out of the darkness and hopelessness.
That they might have been living in their entire lifer here.
177 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Here I stand in the midst of the grace that you have cover me in.
Here I  crawl to the only one whom can save me from anything.
Here I am once again laying in the midst of that grace you gave me.
For even the times that I may fail you, still you love me so much.
That even through these times you still have not given up on us.
Still as the rushing wind blows your Spirit consumes us fully.
With your Forgiveness, with your Mighty Love as well Lord.
If only we would fully commit our Love for others the way you do.
There would be far less divorces and break-ups of Friendships.
176 · Jul 2014
Have Faith
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Please do not give up, as long as you are alive on planet earth.
There is always a chance that God could give you a miracle.
I seen more then my fair share of them, so please keep pushing through.
Your miracle is on its way, your chance to see Gods handiwork.
Then you will say wow he really does care and love me wow.
Then your wanting to leave this world will not matter anymore.
Because then you will  have gain enough strength to persevere.
So just trust Christ and wait for that Miracle is on its way to you.
Just have Faith and trust in the Creator of the whole universe.
176 · Jun 2014
Do Not Fear
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
As long as there is life left within you.
There will be Hope for you to be saved.
I know that at times, the evil one lies to us.
Trying to deceive us into thinking that we will go to h3ll.
But fear not as long as you are alive , there's hope.
Its when you pass from this here life unto the next.
That the hope is no more, then you need to worry.
If you end up in the bad place suffering much.
Then and only then will you see you are not going to heaven
176 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Press on open up allow the Lord to restore you  completely.
Everyone has some brokenness inside of them of some sort.
So before you decide that life is not worth living anymore.
Realize one thing that the healing is just around the corner.
Trusting that if you give up, you shall miss the healing.
You also may be the cause of someone not finding Jesus.
So do it for those that are seeing Christ through you.
Just keep on allowing Christ to use you to reveal him to others.
175 · Apr 2014
Christ Can Heal
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Christ said by your faith you are healed.
It is all a faith thing, God wants our trust.
Once we realize that he is our all in all.
Trusting him to protect and provide for us.
Then things shall start changing in your life.
For through faith mountains are removed.
Freeing obstacles from your path ahead of you.
Thus living a Spiritual life not a worldly one.
175 · Apr 2014
Not My Home
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I have seen the wonders of Christ up close and his miracles as well.
I in my brokenness I struggle to make a perfect life, here on the earth.
But the truth of the matter, this world is really not my home.
Even if I owned a house with lots of property surrounding the house.
For my home is really in the Heavens above, Christ makes this clear.
For me to try to turn this into my life, is like the queen of England.
Moving here , then trying to rule the united states of America.
Without a battle taking place, just her thinking that she belongs here.
175 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Live a life, worth living , live a life for Christ.
For by living a life as a servant for our God.
Whom said the greatest people shall be servants.
For by serving others will they see Christ within you.
For our job is to bring people into relationship with Christ.
For that is the only way to become born again is to know God.
Its one thing to say you know of God even the devil says this.
But to be communing everyday with the one that created the earth.
Now that is a blessing unto itself, to know Christ fully.
175 · Apr 2014
Trust Me
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Trust me as I am for I speak the truth of the matter in life.
I am who I am, whether you like me or not does not matter.
For all that I been through , still I have compassion for others.
Even the ones whom only think about themselves all the time.
For we all need a Savior, he rescue his people over  2000 years ago.
Everyone needs him, for he is the only way to salvation and healing.
All that I can do is put it out there and pray for the lost in the world.
The rest is in the Saviors hands, So my prayer is for all to see the truth.
It matters not what you think of me, what really matters is what Christ thinks of me.
I was trying to say is trust me that's what I mean by take me is trust me I know what I am talking about
175 · Jun 2014
God's Love
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I want everyone that I see to know Christ unconditional love.
I want them to see Christ when they see me and feel his Love.
I want to make a difference , in each and every one of their lives.
I want to show them Christ, to know that he lives in my heart.
I want to be able to see each and everyone of them in heaven.
I want Christ to heal each and everyone that I know heart.
I want to be able to be there always for them no matter what.
175 · Jun 2014
Desperate Lives
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I see so many desperate people ready to quit life.
I was one of them as well thus was why I was so angry.
But I need each of you that reads this in my life.
My Facebook life , I am nothing without your inspiration.
So please stay on planet earth longer, allow Christ to finish.
Healing and freeing you from the struggles that you are in.
Trust in the Lord he has something special plan for you.
I love each and everyone of you in my Facebook  and hello poetry life.
175 · Apr 2014
Open My Heart and Mind
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O Holy One, open my mind and heart to the hurting and suffering.
Show them to us, that we whom been there can encourage them.
Let them see our tear filled eyes, so that they shall know that we do care.
For we through our brokenness, have seen Christ up close to us.
We know that he been there in his sufferings and overcame them for us.
So that he can help us to overcome all of our hurts and sufferings too.
My heart breaks for those that are still hurting and struggling.
I know what it is like to hurt and feel like no one understands what you are going throgh.
174 · Jul 2014
Our Rescue
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We all have our hurts, and struggles, and pain.
There is no perfect life that exist without sufferings.
There are so many drowning in the bottle of hopeless.
They want to drink away their memories today.
I want them to see that we all can have Hope.
In the one who was perfect yet he took our sins away.
Dying on a cross full of sin and shame he died.
To rise back up in the ashes of the Fathers forgiveness.
For he took our punishment upon himself.
So that we could become reborn in his righteousness.
174 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Please keep leading and healing me , Lord Jesus lead me on.
I have my issues and faults, I know that I am far from perfect.
But it is ok , because I know that you are perfect, and you love me.
I also know that you are still working on me, for I am your masterpiece.
I am created in your image, also all through my life I felt your hand on my life.
You have been very protective of me and I am so very grateful.
That my creator loves me enough to keep on working on my healing.
So of course I will continue to push through these hardships that I am in.
174 · Jul 2014
True Light Love
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
True Light and Hope lives in the believer of Lord God Jesus.
Strength and Courage to face circumstances with Love for others.
True we have to go through hardships and struggle but we overcome.
What does not destroy us in this Life shall only make us stronger.
For unconditional Love even to those that hate us with a passion.
Is what gives us the strength to keep moving toward the goal.
For only with this kind of Love can we open the eyes of the blind.
Its our Love for others that makes us different then the lost ones.
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