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211 · Jun 2014
Rain Upon Me
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, heal me of my sorrow.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, heal me of my pain.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit cleanse me of my sins.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, deliver me of my sins.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, heal me of my sickness.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, strengthen me now.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit reveal your wisdom to me.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, save me now Jesus my God.
211 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Freedom is not having an perfect life here on the earth.
But it is rather living a life outside the normal realm.
Its allowing Christ to accomplish things that others only dream about.
It is not living a life free of pain and suffering, but its about overcoming them.
In the sense of getting up even when you are in severe pain.
Thus allowing Christ to use you during these times of suffering.
Revealing the strength of Christ, so others will want this as well.
Being a testimony of Christ faithfulness in your life during all times.
210 · Feb 2014
Fast Lives
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
We are like vapors, here today and gone tomorrow.
But that is this life alone, our next life is forever.
To live with Christ throughout all eternality is awesome.
A life where we can show Christ our love face to face.
Let him see that we love him unconditionally too.
For our love for him shall be exactly liker his love for us.
We shall have a sinless body once we make it to heaven.
No more suffering, anger, sin just unconditional love.
210 · Jul 2014
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
God is my healer, Blessed is his Awesome Name.
He is always worthy of our praise and worship.
There is none other like him, he is our soul provider.
The sun rises and sets at his commands, the flowers bloom.
For he speaks life into everything that lives, and will live.
He is the source of Life to everybody, animals , and plants.
The evil one tries to destroy the life that Christ creates.
For Christ creates life , out of nothing he creates life.
Blessed is the Name of the Creator of everything that exist.
210 · Apr 2014
Never Accept Defeat
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Never accept defeat, Christ will help those whom can not help themselves.
So whatever you may do or say never give into defeat, for you never know.
When the Miracle is going to take place, only God knows when he will save you.
So trust in the one whom created the moon, and the sun to beautify the earth.
For he weaves things into other thing that were created for each of us.
Just as the moon and the sun were created for the earth that we live on.
So too are the very things that are woven into our very lives.
To accomplish through him our Blessed Creator and Savior of our Souls.
210 · Jul 2014
Fear Not
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Fear not, whatever going to happen will happen.
For God will be our defense against the evil plots.
Of the wicked ones, the demons of h3ll he will stand against them.
He shall never leave nor forsake us, he shall protect us.
For he is our Strong tower, our protection in the storm.
Not one hair shall be touch on your head, for God is good.
He shall lift you up as on eagle wings keeping you from being hurt.
For he is that protected of each of his people equally love us all.
209 · Jul 2014
True Heroes
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
True heroes are not the Rambo nor the terminators in real life.
But the person who sacrifice it all to help other people out.
It is to love each and every person equally and to be there.
For those that are hurting or suffering in this society that we live in.
Things have changed so much from twenty years ago in the usa.
Probably in other countries as well, things are getting worst everywhere.
Only Christ can make things right in the world once more.
209 · Mar 2014
Falling Apart
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Holy one , how I remember seeing you throughout my life.
Especially through the times when I fell apart, it was your strength.
Those times I was ready to call it quit and end my life forever.
But your mighty Love for me would not let go of me, you were there.
Those times that I was falling apart, you were the one holding me together.
Making sure that I would not end my life , protecting me from myself.
O Glorious Savior you whom saw me falling apart thus you were holding me together.
It was you whom was comforting me throughout those desperate times in my life.
208 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
As humans we struggle, when we miss seeing God, we feel abandon.
But what we fail to see that its him that is carrying us through this.
For he knows when we are drained of strength and ready to fall.
But he wants us to keep moving toward the prize set before us.
So he will carry us through these difficult times that we are in.
Because he want others to see him in us, so that they too will seek him.
So do not fear him forsaking you, because he will not ever leave us.
We need to just trust that he is doing the work for us when we fail to see him.
208 · May 2014
Stand Strong
Eddie Starr May 2014
So many deaths, so many dying without knowledge.
So many hurting people, ready to give up on life.
That' life  being harsh but we have to stand strong.
Trust in the Lord no matter how hard it might be.
Christ knows better what's waiting  to happen.
We do not know our future but the Lord does.
So we need to live one day at a time and never give up.
208 · Aug 2014
I Am
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Like a sheet of paper blowing without direction in the wind.
Like a poor man searching for his father without any resources to help.
Like a homeless person searching for shelter in the storm of life.
I am nothing without you and your Spirit within me Jesus.
I know my limit and I know with you my limits are limitless.
But without you, I am another lost soul headed to h3ll forever.
But since you have reveal yourself to me, I see true hope through you.
It may not happen here but still I shall have that endless joy from you.
For you are my Hope and Heaven is my eternal home forever.
206 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Remember this when you get depress and feel like you are losing the battle.
Remember the battles that you have overcome, that was done by God.
Remember the people that loved you and the things that made you happy.
Remember the Cross, remember the things that have happen to you.
For there is no such things as coincidence, everything happens for a reason.
Christ uses every thing and every situation to mold you into his likeness.
Remember the beauty  that you have seen in your life here on the earth.
Remember the blessings that you have forgotten in your life here.
Remember everything leads right back to Christ our amazing God.
206 · Jun 2014
Super Race
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We whom belong to Christ are empower with his Strength and Miracles.
He whom lives in us is Greater then he whom lives in the world.
For we have Christ power in our hands through his Spirit within us.
We can heal, do mighty works, survive accidents that normally **** others.
We can shallow poisons and live to talk about it to other people.
Christ wants us to lead by example, showing others his power.
He wants to save everyone in this world, that is why he came here.
To rescue that which is lost, he wants to save everyone from death.
205 · Jul 2014
Dream Big
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
When you follow Christ your dreams surpass all understanding.
Because the wonders and miracles that you see in your life here.
Are far greater then you can expect, they truly are awesome.
For Christ will make things happen that are out of this world.
For he can speak anything into existence that he desires to.
Because he is God , the giver of Life Lover of our Souls.
He is such an awesome Creator who truly does love us.
So when you dream big expect the unexpected be not afraid to dream big.
205 · Jul 2014
Totally Alone
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I learn to love everyone, because maybe I might the only chance.
For some to see Gods love,for some feel unloved and rejected.
If they do not know God, then the unloved rejection will be worst.
Because to feel that way and  is far worst when you do not even know God.
At least when you know Jesus, you have know that God loves you.
But to feel completely unloved is far worst burden to have to carry alone.
My heart is broken so I can only imagine how awful a lost soul for feel.
If they felt totally alone, unloved, and isolated their whole life here.
My heart hurts so severely for them, I love each and everyone unconditionally.
204 · Jun 2014
You Are
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You are loved, you are special, you are awesome.
You are the light of Christ eyes, you are important.
You are beautiful, you are truly a gift from Christ.
So please realize that you truly are very special.
Also know that you are truly loved so rejoice.
For even if your life is harsh here on this earth.
At least know that once we get to heaven above.
That life shall be different there so rejoice in the Lord.
204 · Mar 2014
Have You Ever
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Have you ever been in love, with someone you will never be with.
Have you ever long for that person even though you know its wrong.
Have you ever felt addicted to one person, knowing she is not for you.
Have you ever imagine spending the rest of your life all alone.
Even though you do not want to spend the rest of your life alone.
Still you know Christ allow this to reveal to you how he feels.
Every time someone dies lost and ends up going to hell.
204 · Jun 2014
No Matter
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
No matter whoever you are nor whatever you have done.
No matter where you may live nor what is your work title.
Nor who your parents are , none of this matters at all.
Christ loves you so very much, and he wants you to love him.
He wants to have a personal relationship with you as well.
He has created you for a very special reason to have a relationship with.
He created h3ll for the fallen angels not people, but there shall be people there.
He wants everyone whom fallen to repent and become his people.
He loves us all so very much, I love you all very much as well.
There is always hope for people until they pass away in death.
203 · Jun 2014
Born To Die
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I was born twice in my life once flesh and blood.
The second time that I was born of spirit and water.
I was born to die to self, to live for my Savior God.
I been born to reveal Christ within me everyday.
I was born to show others of Christ existence to the world.
I was born to live for him , the one that gave me life.
I was born to die to self, this is true for all of his people.
For its him that matter, for only he can give people salvation.
203 · May 2014
His Masterpiece
Eddie Starr May 2014
Even through the Suffering and the Pain, my God still is on the throne.
Even thorough the deaths and abuse of his people, he is still God.
For he is the same no matter which storm you are going through.
Because he is still Lord, no one can ever steal that from him.
For he is the Christ, no matter what is shaking your life up.
For he is Perfect, it is his strength that is holding you up.
Its for his Perfect will that your life is shaking coming apart.
For he is building you up through the crumbling you are being refine.
He is not like man, he is shieling you into a new creation a masterpiece.
203 · Jun 2014
Defining Moment
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Our best gifts are given through our reactions in a hopeless or helpless situation.
Our greatest ministering is done while we are caught in trying and harsh times.
Our greatest purpose is created while our hearts are broken and in our fears and tears.
For anyone can love Christ when he is blessing you with your whole heart desires.
But true love comes all that we have and held dear has been strip away from us.
When life has no meaning and death looks so welcoming to our weeping eyes sight.
This is the true test and the moment on what will we do cling to Christ or push him away.
202 · Aug 2014
I Believe
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I believe that love will save the day, in the end.
I believe that loving others will open their eyes.
I believe that God is Faithful and God is Good.
I believe that our Salvation shall be worked out.
I believe that Love does conquer everything.
I believe that my life is not mine own but belongs to God.
I believe that Christ always saves the day everyday.
I believe that God has already save my soul from hell.
202 · Apr 2014
Take the Hard Way
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I pray that when things become hard, that you will stand not run away.
I pray that you shall always allow Christ to lead you through the narrow road.
Even when you are feeling abandon, you still will trust Christ totally.
Knowing that he is using you through these hardships to lead others out.
That your faith will continue to bloom into something very beautiful.
That your love for others shall never waiver, but grow stronger.
Allowing others to see Christ , through you in action not just words.
202 · Jun 2014
What If
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
What if the church step up and love the lost like Christ.
What if his people grew to love the lost like Christ does.
What if the Church had great faith and receive the miracles.
That were intended for them and the Healing as well.
Then we could really reach out to the hurting and lost.
Thus revealing the true Christ to the lost and bring them into the saved.
What if we would love everyone the same and pray for them all.
To be healed and saved, then we would see the greatest miracle of all.
202 · Jun 2014
He Understands
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Christ is  the God of Love, Peace, and Joy, he is Pure and Holy.
He sacrifice himself, so that others may  be saved from h3ll.
He is everything that is righteous and good, for he is a just God.
He is a Savior whom became born here on this world that we live in.
So that he could come to understand what we go through here.
He took all of our sins on the cross , so that we may be save from death.
He knows everything that you went through , he understands you.
He been rejected hated, abuse , and abandon here on this world.
So he understands each and everyone of us, he knows what we are feeling now.
201 · Aug 2014
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Christ is our source and our help, who else can we turn to.
For only he can give us life and salvation in the next life.
Only he can turn our sorrow into complete Joy always.
Only he can supply us without money to buy them.
For he can give a poor man a house to live in without money.
For everything in this world belongs to him anyway.
So trust and believe for he is the King of Kings Lord God.
201 · Apr 2014
Every One Needs A Savior
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Everyone needs hope, there is not one person whom desperately needs Hope.
But one thing that people fail to realize, we are all fallen souls in this fallen world.
In order to receive hope, we have to let go of all of the worldly things.
We need to become spiritual, accept Christ as your personnel Savior.
Then realize that there will always be suffering and pain here.
Its not until Christ returns that things shall change for his people.
But he does strengthen us, during these times of hardships.
He will not lose his people, no not one of us shall be lost.
For he loves
200 · Jun 2014
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
The Word, is another name for Christ, our God.
In the beginning he was called the Word of God.
For he speaks life into everything that lives everywhere.
But the evil one try's to speak death into everything.
Christ gives us that very same ability to speak life.
Words are very powerful and can be use for good or for evil.
I want the world to remember me for speaking life not death.
I want to make my Lord and Savior proud of me for my obedience.
I want to hear him say at the end of the race well done faithful servant.
199 · Apr 2014
In A Moment
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
In a moment time we could all be gone to heaven or to hell.
For it only takes a moment to see my life flash before my eyes.
In a moment many things could happen in each of our lives.
It takes a moment to become rich, or to become saved.
It takes only a moment to see the truth as well or to fall for a lie.
It takes only a moment to lose everything that you own.
So to be honest I would rather that moment draw me closer to Christ.
Then to have that moment lead me down that path toward death.
199 · Aug 2014
God's Grace
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
God's grace freely given by Jesus, freely accepted by us.
Christ has done lots more for us, then just dying on a tree.
He is still doing wondrous, miraculous things for us.
Once we freely lay down our wills, he shall show us.
Even though before that he shows us some of the things.
For his Love for us, is deeper then the Nile sea that he parted.
His word shows us some of them things, that he done for us.
Creating us, after giving up his life for us as a sacrifice.
Revealing to us his love for us at that very moment in time.
199 · May 2014
Born Lost
Eddie Starr May 2014
Drowning in other people pain and sufferings.
Knowing that a lot of people are hurting so bad.
Knowing that it was of no fault of their own.
Drowning in their pain because I can feel it too.
Sometimes the gift can be a blessing and a curse.
Blessing because some of them will be healed and saved.
But to see the others hurts and sufferings yet unable to help.
This is where the curse is to see them end up in ****.
Knowing that they were unfairly hurt into their situation.
A life consisting of nothing but drowning out their sorrows
198 · Mar 2014
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ hear my plead, I need you to come to my rescue.
I need you to do a huge working in me, for I keep failing you.
I am not the strong perfect soldier that I need Lord God.
As much as you have reveal yourself to me, I should be.
I keep allowing my brokenness and hurts keep me,,
From being the strong warrior I should already be.
God heal me, so that I can stand strong on your word.
Bringing others out of this depressive life I am trap in.
I do know that you are my hope, my strength, and strong tower.
But I am still trap in this depression , over my failures.
197 · Aug 2014
My Salvation
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Though I may walk through fire and flood.
Though to some I live a hopeless life here.
Though the world may not believe me.
I am yours and as you promise me salvation.
I am looking not at this world but the next one.
Cause my Salvation is grounded on heaven.
Here I am going to suffer, here I am going to hurt.
But not after  you return, I know no more tears.
So I place it all at your feet,  its in your hands.
197 · Aug 2014
Broken World
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
The world is filling up with broken people everywhere,
Broken marriages and broken families are filling up as well.
So many hurting, broken people are in this world today.
Everyone needs healing in this world, more then in the past.
Some how the united states and other countries pulled away.
From God they startled quit believing in the true Savior.
They startled putting faith in themselves instead of Christ.
Now people are becoming more hurt and broken then before.
This is what happens when we trust in ourselves then in God.
196 · Jul 2014
I Am
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am proud of each of you Faith, for these are trying times.
Life is very harsh, but you never give up but keep pushing through.
I know that Christ is very proud of you as well, for you are trying.
For even those that are searching , you keep persevering here.
It is his strength guiding you, he is revealing himself to you.
Through him strengthening you, for he knows each person destination.
When we will each realize that Christ is truly our God in our Journey.
196 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Whatever you are passionate about, describes who you really are.
Are you faithful small and free simple things, that he has bless you.
For are you about love or are you about playing games with people lives.
For once you answer the question then you shall see who you really are.
For love is not an option, it is who Christ true people really are about.
Helping other to see Christ through us, who are Christ temples.
We need to be full of love for everyone even the ones that hate us.
195 · Feb 2014
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
We are healed by our faith, once we know the truth.
That Christ heals those whom believe in it, it will be done.
For faith is a seed that is planted in our minds by what we believe.
Christ will heal you through your faith in the truth that he is love.
So trust in his love for you, believe that he has healed you already.
Thank him for all that he has done in your lives today and always.
But most important, know that he is God and God alone.
For he speaks everything good into existence, for he is Good.
195 · Mar 2014
I Shall Trust You
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
It matters not what I shall go through in life.
My soul shall rejoice and give him the praise.
For my God has everything under control.
So I shall trust in him whom created the heavens.
For he is good, for he is my Rock, and Salvation.
In him, I shall put my hope for only he can help me.
He shall raise me up and carry me to the heavens.
Where the joy of his work-in us shall be reveal.
195 · Apr 2014
Great Is Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Great is my God, awesome is he for he is worthy.
For the first time her came here as a lamb to the slaughter.
But this time he is coming back as great Warrior.
Who can stand against him for he is God alone.
Only he is Good only Christ is worthy of our Praise.
For he lay down his life, to save us from our sins.
Then he pick his life back up again only he can do that.
Everyone else is still in their graves awaiting for his return.
195 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
If you have empathy, your suffering, loss , and pain.
Can become your greatest gift to others around you.
Because not not the negative feelings but what you do with them.
If you allow Christ to use them as a pulling others out of theirs.
Then you through your poetry and actions can encourage others.
Even inspire others to use their gifts to help others, still in their sufferings.
Also prayers to Christ to rescue them as well as healing them.
194 · Mar 2014
I Am
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I am a psalms 91 man, the Great I Am is my protection.
He is my deliverer, and my teacher, and doctor as well.
A time is coming when we shall see him face to face.
When everything that we want will be right in front of us.
For once these old bodies are destroy , so too shall death be.
As well as sin and sorrow there shall only be life and joy.
Thus it shall be a dream come true complete joy in life.
No more test nor no more anger nor rejection just complete love.
194 · May 2014
Your Glory
Eddie Starr May 2014
Your Glory fills throughout all Creation everywhere.
Your Glory is in the forest, and the woods area as well.
Your Glory is in the cities, towns, mountains and valleys.
Your Glory shines brighter then any sun could ever do.
Your Glory is in the lakes, rivers, oceans, and country side.
No one can ever steal your Glory for only you deserve it.
For everything that is good comes from you alone Jesus.
For you the Christ deserves all of our Praise and honor.
193 · Apr 2014
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Everyone has a story to tell.
A role and a purpose to fulfill.
Everyone needs someone to care.
Everyone needs Christ in their life.
Even the ones whom believes otherwise.
Everyone needs to be rescue, even from themselves.
193 · Aug 2014
Tragic Death
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Each tragic death breaks my heart, I know how tough life is.
But it gets tougher on those that survive the tragic of others deaths.
For it is us that has to live on without you in our hurting world.
So remember the next time you want to finish it all here.
That there will be people that you destroy their lives by your death.
Whom had loved you more then you shall ever know anytime.
193 · Aug 2014
God Is
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
God is truth, in God there is Life, Peace and Love.
God is real,whether you believe in him or not.
He is still God, he is still the Savior to the lost.
God is the Creator of everyone that ever existed.
For he created everyone and everything here.
God is Faithful, God is the Source to Life.
God is my everything, he is my Life and Source.
192 · Aug 2014
Thank You All
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I am so super-bless, to  know Christ the way that I do.
I am so thankful to have been loved unconditionally.
By so many amazing people whom I see Christ in them.
I am so very blessed by people that I met on the net too.
For they have blessed me , I am so grateful to each of you.
I see you as my heavenly family, I am so grateful too.
For God placing you all in my life, this is true family.
For family is made up with people that truly love you.
I truly love each and everyone of you with unconditional love.
192 · Mar 2014
Free to Be
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I am free to be strong through Christ strengthen.
I am free to see the truth, that been kept hidden.
I am free to walk away from truck hitting me.
Only because the Holy Spirit within me, saved me.
I am free to be a warrior for Christ my God and King.
I am free to have Christ deliver me from addictions.
Because he whom is in me is greater then him in the world.
192 · Mar 2014
I Can Hardly Wait
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O how Awesome is our King, he is so Wonderful indeed.
The Helper that he has given to his people here on the earth.
Doing mighty feats of Miracles, and healing those hurting.
He love us first, if it was not for him we would be in hell.
O how he has done so much for us already on the earth.
O Excited I am , can hardly wait to see my King face to face.
So that I may worship him, for he is so very worthy.
I can hardly wait, for he truly love us unconditionally.
191 · Jul 2014
No Ordinary People
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We are not an ordinary people for Christ shines through us.
We are an extraordinary group of people through our God.
He uses us to reveal himself to  everyone around us daily.
But it is up to them weather they see him or not within us.
For it is not up to us who is open to him , it all up to them.
But we still can pray for their eyes to be open to him in us.
So that they too shall be extraordinary through him.
For he is a God of Supernatural miracles every day.
191 · Jul 2014
True Love
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am learning to love , the way that we are expected.
I am learning to trust , the way that Christ expects us to.
I am learning how to love the way that Christ expects me to.
To trust, love and protect unconditionally the way God does.
To love is to be honest in everything that you will say.
To be there whenever they need you to be there for them.
This is the way to love a wife not the feely kind of love.
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