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May 2014 · 161
Eddie Starr May 2014
I know that life here is harsh, that you are all in pain.
That you suffer in this life here on the planet earth.
But you have to learn to trust in the Creator of all.
For he is good, lay down your anger and rage too.
Allow the one whom created you to heal you now.
Love your enemies and everyone else as well.
I know that its hard, but we must obey Christ Jesus.
For he was the one that said that love is most important.
Also by loving our enemies we prove we are Christ people.
May 2014 · 214
Toward the Cross
Eddie Starr May 2014
To the cross , we cling with his mercy and grace.
He strengthen us, to stand firm in times of trouble.
To reach to those lost and barely surviving here.
We lay down our wills to grab ahold of his will.
For through Christ is the way that leads to his Hope.
The cross which lead us toward his salvation.
Only some of us shall find the path that leads to it.
You have to see outside the box to see the road.
That's to the cross and leads toward heaven as well.
May 2014 · 1.2k
Evil Slime Repent
Eddie Starr May 2014
O how angry and selfish are you child of satan.
That you want **** many innocent people in your quest.
If you want to die just pull the trigger on yourself.
Leave the innocence alone, die on your own time.
But leave these innocence people alone child of satan.
I feel no sorrow over your evil selfish death evil one.
Now that you have taken other people with you devil.
Repent evil ones like them, do not steal others lives.
If you must take your own life then do it but leave others alone.
May 2014 · 586
Choose Christ
Eddie Starr May 2014
Christ transforms us, he strengthen us as well.
We are no longer weak minded people here.
But courageous with strong hearts as well.
We are no longer afraid to love other people.
Especially those that hate us for who we are.
The true people of God, Lord Jesus Christ.
So stand firm, lay down self, choose Christ.
For once you truly choose him as your God.
There shall be no turning back from him.
May 2014 · 185
Life Taken
Eddie Starr May 2014
My heart breaks for all the lives that are being taken.
By people with rage, anger whom lashes out at others.
Taking their lives as if they assume that they are God.
My heart breaks for each of these sadden lost souls.
Whom the devil steals their lives away from them.
Before their time, they lie in a puddle of blood.
Because some evil pyscho decides to take their lives.
My hearts breaks for each of these persons whom died.
May 2014 · 178
Be Content
Eddie Starr May 2014
After seeing what happen in California, I see Christ truth.
Be content with whom Christ has created you to become.
Realize that the reason the opposite does not fall over you.
Might have nothing to do with you, but Christ is protecting you.
As also it might have nothing to do with them, so be not angry with them.
It might have to do with the journey that you are on right now.
It might have to do with Christ, if you ended up with that person.
They might have pulled you away from Christ, it might have to do with your high calling as well.
May 2014 · 160
My Heart Break
Eddie Starr May 2014
My heart breaks for those that are caught in the middle.
The ones that are being attack by evil people here.
Whom for no reason are attacking them , trying to destroy them.
My heart goes out to the babies , little children being abuse.
My heart goes out to the young women being torture
My heart goes out to the young men as well , it goes out to all.
For everyone needs a Savior they need comfort and love as well.
May 2014 · 277
Forever Saved
Eddie Starr May 2014
Live, Learn, Love Share and Care.
Faith, Grace, Mercy, Peace, and Sacrifice.
Be not angry, hateful, shameful, nor accusing.
For Christ is the truth love deeply and forever.
Forever focus on Christ Kingdom first, always.
Be slow to anger, share his word with the world.
Eddie Starr May 2014
Impossible is another four letter word here.
Because it is  has only false meaning here.
For its just a word to place doubts in people minds.
But in reality impossible has no true meaning at all.
For to those that truly believe everything is possible.
But the wicked evil one just want to cast doubt upon you.
So it created that word to keep people from obtaining Gods goal.
For by doubting people lose the precious gifts from Christ.
May 2014 · 573
The Redemption
Eddie Starr May 2014
Living a life that is worth living always.
For only through Christ can we truly live
Only Christ can bring the right blessings.
That shall last even after the burning up.
For he shall burn all thing and only his things.
Shall withstand the burning that everything goes through.
To see if it is earthly or Spiritual things.
For the redemption lies on the other end of the flame.
May 2014 · 197
Born Lost
Eddie Starr May 2014
Drowning in other people pain and sufferings.
Knowing that a lot of people are hurting so bad.
Knowing that it was of no fault of their own.
Drowning in their pain because I can feel it too.
Sometimes the gift can be a blessing and a curse.
Blessing because some of them will be healed and saved.
But to see the others hurts and sufferings yet unable to help.
This is where the curse is to see them end up in ****.
Knowing that they were unfairly hurt into their situation.
A life consisting of nothing but drowning out their sorrows
May 2014 · 102
This World
Eddie Starr May 2014
This world is dying, there is so much selfishness here.
This world is becoming more and more evil every day.
This world has so many hurting people in it now.
My heart is breaking for the ones that are truly hurting.
For I understand pain and suffering in this here life.
I know that sometimes people do things out of their hurt.
But I also know that Christ wants to heal each of us too.
So we need to give it all to him to do a miracle in it.
Eddie Starr May 2014
My passion to live for Christ, while dying to self.
My passion to serve others , and loving my enemies.
Christ calls us to love the most unlovable people.
For we will do the opposite of what the world does.
The ones that society looks down on and hates.
The ones that we as children of God are to love.
The pedophiles , cannibals , and serial killers among others.
Yes they are very evil yet as children of Christ.
We are still called to love them unconditionally.
May 2014 · 129
Only Christ
Eddie Starr May 2014
There s no one that can bless you nor make you feel special like Christ does.
There is no one that can love you and protect you the way Christ does.
There is no one that can feed you or heal you the way that Christ does.
There is no one that can do a miracle or save you the way that Christ does.
Only he can do all of these things and much more in each of our lives.
For he is God alone the Savior of the lost , he is Perfect in every way.
He is the only one that can understand us better then we understand ourselves.
May 2014 · 394
Overcoming Life Sufferings
Eddie Starr May 2014
The only true way to overcome life sufferings.
Is through faith, and a relationship with Christ.
For it is impossible to do it on our own strength.
But with the help of the Living Savior Jesus Christ.
Nothing is impossible for him to accomplish in us.
So put your faith that he will rescue you from them.
Thus it shall happen through faith in him the Christ.
For he said that nothing is impossible for him to do.
So trust in the one that has place the stars into the sky.
May 2014 · 110
I Know That You're There
Eddie Starr May 2014
I know that you are there, because I see your works in my life.
I know that you are there, because I seen your miracles also.
I know that you are there become you have reveal yourself to me.
I know that you are there because you have open my eyes.
I know that you are there, because I know that you created the universe.
I know that you are there, because you are God and God alone.
I know that you are there, because without you there is no life.
I know that without you, there would be no reason to live this life.
I know that you are there, because you have saved my life many times.
May 2014 · 148
Through Your Help
Eddie Starr May 2014
Through the sorrows, I have stood firm not ending my life.
Through my pain, I am still moving even through the hurt.
While most people would be caught up in the tears and confinement.
But its through your strength that I am able to move around.
Doing the things that are needed to be done in everyone's life.
For I hurt a lot very sharp struggling pain, yet I have you.
Thus with your help getting through these rough times God.
For it is through your mercies that I have not gave up on life.
May 2014 · 618
Eddie Starr May 2014
I owe you my Life, world and everything else Lord.
For through this hurt, suffering, I still am standing.
Overcoming, because you O God are my strength.
I am but a lost sail ship which is lost in the storm of life.
But you have not only rescue me but restore me as well.
For through the pain, you are still in control of my life.
Throughout my life, you have reveal yourself to me.
Showing me things, that only you could have done.
Saving me from death and many other sadden things.
May 2014 · 143
Life's Secret
Eddie Starr May 2014
There are many of life secrets, one is trust in the Christ.
Love others as you love yourself but love Christ the most.
Stand firm, never give up on life and try to end it.
But to trust God with all of your heart and your mind.
To live life in love, to forgive others whom have hurt you.
To not fear death, because Christ will protect you.
To help others whenever you can , for love matters most.
May 2014 · 206
Stand Strong
Eddie Starr May 2014
So many deaths, so many dying without knowledge.
So many hurting people, ready to give up on life.
That' life  being harsh but we have to stand strong.
Trust in the Lord no matter how hard it might be.
Christ knows better what's waiting  to happen.
We do not know our future but the Lord does.
So we need to live one day at a time and never give up.
May 2014 · 215
Doesnt Matter
Eddie Starr May 2014
It matters not the situation that you are in.
It matters not who the people that are in your life.
It matters not your struggles that you are going through.
What really matters is your relationship with Christ.
For if you have a true relationship him always.
Then he shall help you  to transform your life.
Where the people that are in your life shall see him.
The great days shall overpower the awful days that you have.
May 2014 · 256
Being Brave
Eddie Starr May 2014
Being brave does not mean that you are not afraid.
But rather that you still act even through that fear.
To do the heroic thing even though you are scare.
For to know that Christ has your back and to trust him.
To protect you even though things  looks one way.
Christ is still on the throne, and he is still the situation changer.
So fear not what the evil one is throwing at you now.
Rather trust in the one that place the stars in the sky.
May 2014 · 968
Dreams Shaper
Eddie Starr May 2014
My life stands at where it is because of you Lord.
For you are my Situation changer, Dream Shaper.
You are my Life Changing Dream Healer God.
For you shape, mold, and change us from the inside-out.
You twist, mold, transforms us into your Masterpieces.
So that others will see the beauty flowing through us.
Transforming our brokenness into something Beautiful.
Eddie Starr May 2014
I at times can barely see, my life has become painful too.
Still I know that you have still rescue me in these times.
Drowning, barely can hold my head above the waters.
Still even though at times the sufferings are overwhelming.
Still I am standing, overcoming in this life that we live.
For it does not matter where we are at nor the situations.
For you are still God, redeeming your people no matter what.
This is why our Hope is in you, because you are the situation changer.
You are our life changer as well, cause you are our only Hope.
May 2014 · 202
His Masterpiece
Eddie Starr May 2014
Even through the Suffering and the Pain, my God still is on the throne.
Even thorough the deaths and abuse of his people, he is still God.
For he is the same no matter which storm you are going through.
Because he is still Lord, no one can ever steal that from him.
For he is the Christ, no matter what is shaking your life up.
For he is Perfect, it is his strength that is holding you up.
Its for his Perfect will that your life is shaking coming apart.
For he is building you up through the crumbling you are being refine.
He is not like man, he is shieling you into a new creation a masterpiece.
May 2014 · 111
Someone Whom Cares
Eddie Starr May 2014
Life is awful when you have no one in your life to share.
We all need to have someone to talk to someone who cares.
What is the point in living when there is no one who cares.
But there is always one that cares, he is the Christ Lord God.
For Lord Jesus cares about each of us so very much indeed.
You have to put your faith and trust in him your God.
For he is the true Savior that wants to save you from your sins.
He died and rose again to life to save us the ones whom believe and trust him the son of God.
May 2014 · 111
Life May Seem Dark
Eddie Starr May 2014
Life may seem dark, even scary to this world we live in.
But if you look past this life that you live right this moment.
The true Hope is not with this life but the life at all, but the next .
For its becoming harder to see joy and happiness here.
But the truth of the matter its the next life that has the hope.
For our Hope should not be focus on this world but the next one.
Jesus will be here soon this is where the true Hope come into play.
For if we can hold on just a bit longer, then people shall see the truth.
That Christ is the only true Hope that any of us has in this life and the very next one.
May 2014 · 136
Hope Is Christ
Eddie Starr May 2014
Even through my pain, and hurt I see hope true Hope.
Even through my loneliness and broken heart I know hope.
I see hope, because Real Hope is in Christ Jesus who is God.
Not our situation,  or in who we have in our lives on earth.
But only in the one that created everything here.
For he spoke everything into reality for us to see.
Thus showing us a better way to live through him.
May 2014 · 229
Keep Perservering
Eddie Starr May 2014
This world has gotten uglier and a lot more wicked.
More people are hurting then ever before now also.
A lot more people have gotten greedy with others money.
Soon yes very soon the Lord shall return to claim his own.
Just stand fast it shouldn't be much longer for his return.
Soon your pain, suffering, and sorrow shall end forever.
For the Lord shall take away all of your  hurt and struggles.
He shall wipe away all of your tears and he conquer death.
May 2014 · 342
Being A Hero
Eddie Starr May 2014
Being a hero can be very  lonely life here on this here planet.
It means laying down things that the world wants to hang onto.
It means to follow Christ even when there is no one else with you.
It means laying down self, to pick up Christ will for your life.
For being a true hero is about saving souls for the kingdom.
Not so much saving lives, but saving their souls for heaven.
Its about obedience not as much about knifes and guns.
Its about living life one moment at a time here on the earth.
For this here life is short but the next one is for forever.
May 2014 · 246
Eddie Starr May 2014
Love is pure, it is not twisted or perverted.
Love is not controlling nor is it abusive.
Love is placing the other person above yourself.
Love is trusting them and protecting them.
Love is not a addictive feeling nor is using them.
Love in its purest form unconditional and pure.
For to love others is to place their well being.
Above your own well being and to love them .
May 2014 · 391
Remenber Christ Not Me
Eddie Starr May 2014
Remember me not for my words, but for the actions.
Remember me not for me but for Christ did through me.
Remember me for the things that I did with obedience.
To the Savior that loves you more then you will ever know.
Remember me for Christ whom made this all possible.
For its not me whom worthy of these feeling of love.
But it is Christ whom done all of these things through me.
I am just the blessed vessel that he use to bless you.
I am so thankful and grateful for everyone of you all.
May 2014 · 255
Darkness Shall Lose
Eddie Starr May 2014
The darkness that reigns in today society shall not prevail.
The Lord is still on his throne, he is the Christ God Almighty.
He knows all every move, even before it becomes thought.
He knew everything all before we were even born  here.
So fear not, he shall also watch our backs his people.
For he is our Hope, he also is the source of our lives.
He place the blood in us that runs through our veins.
So fear not, trust in him for he knows everything.
He is I AM, and the Word of God is his name too.
May 2014 · 300
Ironic Truths
Eddie Starr May 2014
Christ created us not to live , but to die to self daily.
Christ definition of successful children is the servants.
While the ones that lives in mansions, are the failing ones.
Christ defines his people wealth not on how much they keep.
But rather how much that they give away in his name.
Christ is the one that define us, by how much we will look like him.
Christ love for us is not the feel good kind of of love of the world.
But it is the unconditional love that he expects us to show to others as well.
May 2014 · 154
My Heart
Eddie Starr May 2014
My joy is not set on earthly things but on the heavenly realm.
For I know that this world is full of sorrow, pain, and suffering.
But my Joy and mind are set on the heavenly realm with Christ.
For he shall wipe away all my tears and there shall be no more suffering.
For he has defeated not only the evil one but he has defeated death as well.
So my mind and heart are set on the new earth and the new heaven.
Where there shall be great feast, lots of fellowship, and worshipping him.
Now all whom make it there shall have awesome joy and live forever.
May 2014 · 1.6k
Eddie Starr May 2014
We need to have empathy, this way we can feel others pain and joy.
We need this as well as unconditional love for other people .
I feel tears stream down my face when I see hurting people.
We need to be able to place ourselves in other people shoes.
Then we can see them not as evil people but ones whom are hurting.
Then we shall have compassion for other people which is important.
Then we can love others unconditionally which Christ calls us to.
Unconditional Love with Compassion and Empathy we can love others.
May 2014 · 240
True Hope
Eddie Starr May 2014
My heart is breaking for so many different reasons.
I see the hurting slaves to the evil people in control.
Like the people that are kidnap every single day.
Or the poor souls whom lost people that they loved.
Or the people that ex-spouse used them then dumped them.
For there are so many hurting people living in hopelessness.
But only Christ can rescue any of us from this hopelessness.
Only he can give us true hope and a life worth living.
Only he can save us from this dark hopelessness.
May 2014 · 175
Greatest Love
Eddie Starr May 2014
What is the most important gift of love , can you give away.
Christ love is by far more valuable then any other kind of love.
To be love by your mate is great, but to be love by others.
Outweigh that by far but to belong to Christ is by far the best.
For he then shall fill you up daily with his unconditional love.
Thus then you can spread it all around showing others.
The most valuable love there is , to know Christ fully.
To know that you have the gift of loving others unconditionally.
May 2014 · 217
O Hear Me
Eddie Starr May 2014
O hear me , you sow what you reap, love others as you love yourself.
Hear me, we need to heed Christ warnings, love others unconditionally.
Remember you do evil to other people it will come back on you.
This is what Christ is trying to tell the whole world right now.
It seems like some people are blind to this,  Politians for one group.
Sow love and you shall get love in return, this is very important.
Love is greater then wealth or anything else on this dead planet.
May 2014 · 1.1k
True Obedient Love
Eddie Starr May 2014
Even through your sufferings, especially through your sufferings.
Put others first, this is the way to reveal Christ living within you.
This is how Christ want us to live, by putting others before one self.
Especially while we are hurting the very most, this reveals Christ.
Because Christ love is not like a sink faucet or shower head.
That may be turn on and off whenever we chose to love others.
But its an action that shall be shown always through us.
May 2014 · 356
Laying Down Self
Eddie Starr May 2014
To put others before thyself, to help others first.
To not think of yourself , but to be there for others.
Is becoming Christ like in a world full of selfishness.
This is the way to reveal Christ to the lost people.
To trust Christ will bless you, when you pick up his will.
Laying down ones needs and wants, to put others first.
This is what is important in a Christians life here.
To take that step in becoming Christ like here on the earth.
No matter how lonely it may make you or how much it might hurt.
May 2014 · 176
My Heart Is Breaking
Eddie Starr May 2014
Tears are flooding my eyes, while I am thinking about them.
The hopeless, the hurting, the ones whom see no future.
Like the woman that was ***** and abuse over and over.
I know the feeling of living a hopeless life on this planet.
For at one time I was one of them myself, its sad way of life.
But I know now there is only one being that can give you Hope.
The Christ, God and the Savior of the universe, he is our only hope.
Still there are too many that are lost if only they would open their hearts to him.
For he is our only Hope of having a true life, only he can save us.
May 2014 · 151
Live Like Christ
Eddie Starr May 2014
Try to live a life to lead others to Christ, the True God.
By living to serve others, as he did when he was here.
To bless others with your gifts and talents, among other things.
When you put others before yourself, showing them Christ.
Then they see you differently then everyone else here.
For only by living a selfless,  sacrificing life here on the earth.
Shall they see Christ within you and know that you are different.
Thus then they shall want what you have, then they will see Christ within you, and want him to do the same for them as well.
May 2014 · 482
Eddie Starr May 2014
Which is more important to you, the here and now.
Or the future which is eternal, in other words forever.
For the here and now is very short live just a moment.
Compare to the very next life, which is eternal forever.
Also now we may be broken and have physical disabilities.
But in the Life to comer everything shall be made perfect.
So which one would you rather focus on the here and now.
Or the life, that will be spent with the Creator of the universe.
But if you choose the here and now in the very end you shall lose.
Because you fail to make a firm relationship with Christ.
May 2014 · 188
Never Forget
Eddie Starr May 2014
Never forget you really do matter more than you will ever know.
You are truly important, so lay down your low- self esteem.
For there are people that are in your life that cares about you.
Use your gifts and talents, to help others to find healing.
For everyone has a story, purpose and a reason why we are here.
Use everything that Christ gave you to help other people out.
Love those that have been place in your live for a reason.
Bless them, encourage them and show them Christ love.
May 2014 · 159
Eddie Starr May 2014
Life may be harsh, but I have Christ Spirit within me.
I seen death many times, yet it was not mine time.
For Christ protection covers me like a glove covers a hand.
I know without a doubt that I shall not die till my purpose is done.
This is a revelation, that Christ my God gave to me .
For I live for him alone, my Saving Savior and God.
He has my back, there is nothing to fear for Christ protects me.
He always has my faith in him is strong for I know him well.
May 2014 · 146
Pushing Through
Eddie Starr May 2014
Broken heart, long suffering, nothing is going to stop me.
For its not my life that matters, but the lost and hurting.
Once we accept that we were born to be servants to others.
Then we will not allow our sufferings get the best of us.
This life is short compare to the next one which is eternal.
So our mind-set needs to change, we need to reach the lost.
For we want the whole world to find their salvation too.
To end up in heaven with us, enjoying our relationship with God.
May 2014 · 187
Only Him
Eddie Starr May 2014
I may never be with the woman whom I fell in love with.
But sometimes things do not work out the way that you think that they should.
Still our Savior is on his throne, still he is God alone our Salvation comes from him.
Still only he can work out the bad things in our lives into something good.
For only he is the Christ, the Precious Son of God whom has save us.
Only he is the Word of God, and the Savior of his people only him.
So just put your faith in him, for he will save your soul, and life.
May 2014 · 5.9k
Unconditional Love
Eddie Starr May 2014
Unconditional Love will never kick you when you are down.
But instead will come and help you back up on your feet.
Unconditional Love never judge, nor condemn you or anyone else.
But instead will accept you for who you are along with your baggage.
Unconditional Love is given freely without any price attach to it at all.
Unconditional Love is always to see the best in others no matter who they are.
For Unconditional Love comes not from man but from Christ alone.
So when Christ creates unconditional Love within you to share with others.
Be grateful that he loves you this much to use you to love others unconditionally.
May 2014 · 450
Eddie Starr May 2014
Living is not always having what you want in this life.
But rather living is about becoming a Holy person in Christ.
You do not have to have a fancy car, beautiful home to live.
Its better to live in a shack with an old beater then to die lost.
But what you do have use it to help others like offer them a ride.
Or to be there to help a person whom has nothing, to bless them.
You do not have to have a lot to help someone else, just share.
For if you a poet, then share your poetry with others.
If you are a plumber then help by doing someone plumbing for free.
Use your gifts and talents to help those that are in need of help.
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