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Jun 2014 · 1.1k
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I live an extraordinary life, only because I been blessed by my Lord.
I am just an ordinary man with an extraordinary Savior saving me.
For I am a simple, less then courageous, man chasing after Christ.
For he is my teacher, my mentor, and my Saving Savior God.
I been through so much on this journey that he has place me on.
He is my strength, my Courage, and my Faith I am nothing without him.
My life would have been ended along time of go without him.
But he been doing many miracles and wonders in my life, since the beginning.
Jun 2014 · 197
He Understands
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Christ is  the God of Love, Peace, and Joy, he is Pure and Holy.
He sacrifice himself, so that others may  be saved from h3ll.
He is everything that is righteous and good, for he is a just God.
He is a Savior whom became born here on this world that we live in.
So that he could come to understand what we go through here.
He took all of our sins on the cross , so that we may be save from death.
He knows everything that you went through , he understands you.
He been rejected hated, abuse , and abandon here on this world.
So he understands each and everyone of us, he knows what we are feeling now.
Jun 2014 · 2.1k
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I felt sorrow in my life, but the Lord helps me to overcome it with Joy.
I felt weak, and abandon but the Lord overcomes everything bad in it.
He overcomes me with strength his strength and to know that I am not alone.
For he shall never leave me nor forsake me in anytime for he is my comforter.
He leads me along still waters for he is the source to all of my needs in this life.
He shall always be my guide to the very end , he shall be with me always.
For this I am very grateful, that he stands with me in everything that I do.
Jun 2014 · 305
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My Savior releases me into full freedom of my soul.
He shall not allow others to steal his Awesome Glory.
My Savior rescue me from death,evil, and addictions.
For he is a Savior of the Free not the slaves for he freed me.
Also he is the Savior of those that have free will among other things.
For he loves everyone, but not everyone wants to be saved.
So he can only save those that want to be free from sin.
He can only save those that want a better life with him.
Jun 2014 · 1.2k
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Christ alone is perfect, the rest of us are humans.
Born to error , born to ***** things up sometimes.
As part of the human race, I still need to some healing.
For if I was perfect, then why would I need Christ.
But I am not perfect and I need Christ everyday.
For he is my source, he is my Salvation in everything.
I need him every minute of every single hour and day.
He save me from a life of drowning in my own mistakes.
For I am still a work in progress, I am a broken man.
Jun 2014 · 177
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We are not define by our past, but by our presence.
We are not define by our mistakes,  but by our victories.
For the things that we overcome are set in our hearts.
But our past can be redefine, by Christ within us now.
For he whom lives within us is greater then he in the world.
For Christ is our source , he strengthen us in the darkest hours.
For when things are at their worst, he is at his greatest deeds.
After all if we always succeed, how would people see Christ  victories.
For then the person would be the one people see not Christ.
Jun 2014 · 141
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Our purpose is to love Christ and everyone we come into contact with.
It is to freely show others Christ that lives within his of his people.
There is not one soul that was not born lost, but to be used by God.
To reveal Love to those that do not know what true love is all about.
For unconditional Love is true love, its the kind of Love that reach others.
But most people do not know how to love like Christ, but they only know earthy love.
Which is to love only those that love them back, but that's not Gods love.
Christ love is not the  emotional kind, but its a verb action type of love.
For to love others is to put them above yourself, to want the best for others.
To pray for others to find Christ to become real followers of Christ.
Jun 2014 · 161
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Today I stand seeing the past as a gift from Christ.
I see his protection, healing, and miracles among other things.
I seen him saving my life so many times here on the earth.
I have seen his love in my life from other people as well.
I have seen his great blessings and the gifts that he gave to me.
I have seen so much in my life, that he has done for me.
Now that I look at it all, I want to show others Christ love.
For we whom love unconditional love with Christ love.
Jun 2014 · 263
Living Freely
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I want to live freely and to love freely without any conditions.
I want to fly on Christ grace, mercy, peace, and loving others.
I want to lay down my self so that I can look like Christ to others.
I want to soar way above chaos, and other negativity as well.
I want to look so much like Christ that others will not recognize me .
I want to be so kingdom minded that no one shall steal away my focus.
For I want to love others like Christ isn't that kingdom business all about.
Jun 2014 · 232
Life Lived Worthy
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Live a life that is worthy to live for Christ.
Live a life sacrificing to your Savior Jesus.
For he lived to save many people from death.
He lived to die to be a sacrifice for their sins.
'He died a sinless Savior died a sinful man's death.
So that we become Holy through him our God.
He gave to us his people a helper to be transform.
To live a life like his with grace, mercy and his love.
Jun 2014 · 230
Change Reaction
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
A change reaction is by far more powerful then a chain reaction.
For when you change for the better, people shall see the change.
You shall inspire and encourage them to want to change as well.
They shall see that your God and Savior has done a mighty work in you.
So then they too shall want Christ Jesus as their Savior , Lord and God.
Thus wanting you to tell them how that they shall be saved by God.
So now Christ has use you to make them thirsty for Christ Jesus.
So be thankful for Christ is using you as a world changer for others.
Jun 2014 · 156
Not Defeated
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
In my life whenever I lost a battle, it was because of my fears.
After all Christ will give us victory over all things, he  give us faith.
The battle is always, in the mind whether we pass or not the test.
Christ wants to show us the areas that we do need to work on here.
Also there are times he wants us to see that we are stronger then we think.
So he will have to allow us to see this first hand through hard times.
For Christ loves each of us more then we shall ever know here on the earth.
But one day we shall join him and he shall review much to us his people.
Jun 2014 · 4.9k
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I have been overcome with depression and anxiety as well.
But Christ within me has overcome both of those demons.
I have been overcome with deep inner sorrow and pain.
But Christ has overcome them both that wreak my life.
I still am attack by these demons that try to engulf me in hopelessness.
But Christ Spirit within me has already strengthen me to fight it.
For I can do nothing on my own but with his help my battle is won.
For he who lives in me is by far greater then he that lives in the world.
Jun 2014 · 514
Healing Rain
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
The healing rain washes over me through the Holy Spirit.
The healing rain cleanse me of all of my addictions and sins.
The  healing rain, works within me through Christ salvation.
The healing rain breathes life into me and restores my soul.
For healing is more then just healing our brokenness and illnesses.
Christ uses it to heal our minds and other things as well.
Jun 2014 · 200
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
The Word, is another name for Christ, our God.
In the beginning he was called the Word of God.
For he speaks life into everything that lives everywhere.
But the evil one try's to speak death into everything.
Christ gives us that very same ability to speak life.
Words are very powerful and can be use for good or for evil.
I want the world to remember me for speaking life not death.
I want to make my Lord and Savior proud of me for my obedience.
I want to hear him say at the end of the race well done faithful servant.
Jun 2014 · 152
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Things can become idols or tools to reach out to Christ.
Money, people, and things can become your God at times.
But even though people place their hope in people and money.
The only true hope comes from the One that died on the Cross.
For only he can give you eternal salvation, after you die here.
For only he has made the sinless sacrifice, so that he could save you.
But too many people do not want to die to self for him to lead them.
But its the only way to live is to die to self and live for others.
Jun 2014 · 121
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My heart feels sorrow for those whom dies in their sins.
I do my best to reach out to all that cross my path daily.
But its not up to me which way that they head to in the next life.
But its up to them by their actions and deeds that they do.
For its a heart thing with each and everyone of us all.
My Hope is in the Lord Almighty, Creator of the universe.
But some choose other things and people to put their hope in.
I pray that they shall see the light of their action and repent.
Before it becomes too late for them to act, this is my prayer.
Jun 2014 · 223
Eternal Faith
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Eternal faith lets you focus on the next life instead of this one.
Eternal faith allows you to love others as Christ loves them.
For its easy to love those that love you right back, but...
To love those that hate you and spitefully use you all the time.
We have to stay focus on Christ and the Kingdom business.
In order to draw others to Christ through our actions and deeds.
This by far is more important then all of the sacrifices you can make.
For saving souls and being obedient to Christ is why you were created.
Jun 2014 · 232
Super Special
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Each and everyone of you all are Super and very Special.
For each and every one of us are unique, no two are the same.
For Christ breaks the mold each time that he creates a Masterpiece.
For he gives us both gifts and talents to help us to live in this life.
For each and everyone of us has a purpose to fulfill in this life of ours.
So when one of us die unfortunately the purpose dies with us as well.
So knowing this up front you need to fulfill whatever this purpose is.
Thus reaching out to the people that only you can reach out to.
To draw them into an relationship with Christ as well to save their very soul from h3ll.
Jun 2014 · 391
Pure Joy
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Just because life might be harsh, does not mean there is no joy.
For Joy is not a short lived emotion, but one Christ has place within you.
So stand firm and be grateful that the Lord your God gives you Joy.
For true Joy can  over whelm you with great joy and peace.
For Christ blessings will not be short lived, he loves you too much.
To allow your blessings to be taken away from you too soon.
So be thankful to a Savior that bless you with true gifts ones that are true.
Jun 2014 · 232
You Are Perfect
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I love each of you with Christ love for you are all perfect.
He created each of you with a purpose and a important mission.
To seek out the lost and be used to reveal to each of them Jesus.
For he does not want even one lost soul that does not know who he is.
He wants to give everyone a chance to repent and become his own.
Both sons and daughters, he want to rescue each and everyone of them.
For he has created each and everyone of us in his image.
Jun 2014 · 529
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Choose which side will you stand up for Christ or the evil world.
Choose your battles carefully, choose to love others or hate them.
Choose life or choose death its your choice , I choose life , life and Christ.
There is no sitting on the fence, you have to choose wisely or die alone.
Trust in the Lord your God and choose to live for him alone in both lives.
There is only one true choice to accept, it confuse me that most shall not accept it.
But there is only one God and winner in this battle and it is the Christ.
Jun 2014 · 585
Life Support
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
O Lord God is our life-support. he supports our  life with his Spirit.
He brings us through the storms of life, he is our umbrella  in the storms.
His Spirit is a ladder which raises us up when we fall down  from sin.
His Spirit becomes every single source throughout our entire life here.
His Spirit draws closer to us when we lay down our will, to pick up his will.
His Spirit become a life-boat for us during the times that we are drowning in  pain and suffering.
For when we fall into the bottomless pits of self-pity and self
- destructive  times.
For he becomes well when we become thirsty for  his righteousness.
Jun 2014 · 296
My Heart Aches
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My heart is breaking, for so many different reasons.
So many different people are hurting and suffering.
I just want to see each and every one of them joyful and blessed.
My heart is truly hurting, I feel their pain and suffering.
I see so much struggling people drowning their sorrows.
But liquor and drugs can not take away their pains.
Only Christ can rescue them and put joy into their lives.
The biggest reason my heart is throbbing in sorrow.
Is because most of these choose an escape over Christ.
I want my God- family restored, joyful, and completely healed.
Jun 2014 · 283
God Bless The USA
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
O Lord God, thank you for creating me to be born in the united states.
From California unto Maine, I am bless to be a part of united states.
I thank the Lord for this land and its Freedom and what its stand for.
For the united states is my precious country and I am thankful for it.
I am so bless to live in a free state, no its not perfect but its still great.
I would no trade in being raise in any other country in this world.
I been bless by so many people, that grew up where I did in Iowa.
I not only thank the Lord for the city of my birth but the people there as well.
I thank the Lord for the beautiful and free country of the united states.
Where lots of the people are very awesome and wonderful friends and family to me.
I love the people that I gotten to know that are from other countries as well.
As well as the people that are from other states in the united states.
God bless my spiritual family no matter where they might be from.
For I love every single one of them, Christ is so very awesome indeed.
Jun 2014 · 383
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
O Lord Creator, you have sustained us throughout our life.
You had held our hand Father, while leading us down that path.
Your Righteousness, is renown for all knows that you are sinless.
You are healing  us and transforming us into a Righteous people.
For you desire people to see you when they look at us here.
Thus then they will want to have what we have a relationship with you.
For your desire is to see everyone comes to repentance and follow you.
Saving the entire human race is your most perfect will Lord.
Jun 2014 · 173
Do Not Fear
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
As long as there is life left within you.
There will be Hope for you to be saved.
I know that at times, the evil one lies to us.
Trying to deceive us into thinking that we will go to h3ll.
But fear not as long as you are alive , there's hope.
Its when you pass from this here life unto the next.
That the hope is no more, then you need to worry.
If you end up in the bad place suffering much.
Then and only then will you see you are not going to heaven
Jun 2014 · 237
Rough Times
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There are times, that we must hurt and suffer.
To give birth to what Christ is working in you.
Just like a woman who hurts and suffered.
Through child bearing but once the baby was out.
The joy was powerful, because she gave life to a baby.
Just as a poet or writer once they go through rough times.
Then they have brought out the creative within them.
Then the joy is found through the words of healing.
That Christ has place within them to help out others.
Who are going through what they have gone through.
Jun 2014 · 164
I Am Free
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am free, because Christ loves me enough to free me.
When we become free from sin and addictions of all kinds.
Then we are free indeed, to testified to Christ love for us.
We can do nothing on our own, only through Christ.
Can we give up on sins and addictions that holds us hostages.
Only through Christ that strengthen us do we have a testimony.
One that will reveal to the world that Christ is alive and well.
Jun 2014 · 309
Not Alone Anymore
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I know that in the past I hated being all alone.
I felt like no one love me nor cared about me.
I thought that I was alone because I was unlovable.
I thought that I was worthless, and too broken to be fixed.
But now I know that I am alone because God is fixing me.
He is healing me and repairing me into someone special.
I am going to become one of his masterpieces a work of art.
He loves me so very much that he wants to fix me up.
So never think that because you are alone that you are unlovable.
Jun 2014 · 148
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I stand in awe of you the true Living God.
I  know that there is life in what you speak.
For you speak everything into life, always.
For there is never death in your great words.
But there are so many whom do not understand.
For if they truly believe your words with faith.
Then they would be saved, and healed as well.
For by faith, people became healed here on earth.
While you were walking through Israel the country.
But its sad that today there are so feel with that same faith.
Jun 2014 · 133
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
When you give back , to help others.
Not only are you providing them with hope.
But you are inspiring them to give more.
This is just one of  the lessons that the bible teaches.
For to become more like Christ is to love others.
Freely we receive and freely we give to others.
For by giving freely to others, they shall see Christ in us.
So be thankful and bless others like Christ bless you.
Jun 2014 · 176
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There is only one Savior that can ensure you with his Salvation.
He is the Savior of those that see the cross as beauty and truth.
He was born over 2000 years ago ,he was born to save souls.
We all are born cover in sins, but when we put our trust in him.
He rework us into his people, we become friends to God above.
He transform us from enemies into family, with his blood.
That he shed on the cross, to save people that were headed to h3ll.
Now we been transform into children of the Mighty God I Am.
Jun 2014 · 262
Life's Good
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Just because life is not easy does not mean that it is not good.
All you really need are people that care a lot about you.
Plus to be intimate with the Savior and God called the Christ.
Plus food in your stomach and a little pocket money to live on.
For then Christ can do amazing things through you if you let him.
Then you can say without a doubt that life is more then good.
For Christ is amazing Lord and Savior, he is always good to us.
So thank him for revealing himself to you in amazing ways.
Jun 2014 · 221
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
It is sad to realize the truth, there are so many that hate the true freedom.
For true freedom means to be able to live a perfect life without any sins.
It means to live a perfect life without any addictions as well.
For true freedom means to live a full Life the way that we were created to.
True Freedom comes at a cost for most people love sins and addictions.
They love to feel good, this is what they believe life is suppose to be like.
But this was not Christ intension in the very beginning of time.
But when Adam and Eve took the bite of the apple life changed.
Jun 2014 · 195
What If
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
What if the church step up and love the lost like Christ.
What if his people grew to love the lost like Christ does.
What if the Church had great faith and receive the miracles.
That were intended for them and the Healing as well.
Then we could really reach out to the hurting and lost.
Thus revealing the true Christ to the lost and bring them into the saved.
What if we would love everyone the same and pray for them all.
To be healed and saved, then we would see the greatest miracle of all.
Jun 2014 · 266
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We are not perfect right now, but one day perfection shall be my name.
I am still half way between coal and a diamond, but Christ is still working.
One day we shall be a flawless diamond, that Christ has perfected .
For he shall us into a work of art a great master piece .
We shall then be a great friends to all of those that love our God.
For then they shall see Christ in us and in everything that I do.
For then I shall be a twin to the true Living God my Lord Jesus.
One day we all shall be name Perfection in Christ the Living God.
Jun 2014 · 118
Who Am I
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am not the man whom the world sees me as.
For I am much more then they shall see me for.
I am a child of the Great I Am, the Living God.
For it is by his strength that I rise to greater heights.
Its by his love that I can love even my greatest adversaries.
For it is never about me, but about my Great Savior.
He who lives in me is greater then he that lives in the world.
So I shall never fear those that hate me but love them unconditionally.
For this was why I was created for to reveal Christ within me.
Jun 2014 · 261
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Everyone is on the path to somewhere, trying to get there.
Whether its home, heaven, work they are trying to get there.
Everyone has a story that needs to be  told to someone else.
Everyone has some kinda of issues, that they are trying to deal with.
Everyone needs a savior, whether they believe it or not its true.
Everyone needs to feel love, for love keeps us being human not a animal.
For some people allow their rage change them into animals.
That would hurt even **** other people in their rage and selfishness.
That would hurt even **** other people in their rage and selfishness.
Its one thing to **** to protect your country or to protect yourself.
But to **** out of rage or selfishness is quite a different story.
Jun 2014 · 257
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You have saved me in so many different ways O Lord God.
You have saved me from an eternal death that I deserved.
You have saved me from sin that holds my body captive.
You have saved me from many physical deaths that I went through.
The death traps that scummy demon try to destroy me through.
You have saved me from a hopeless and peace-less life that lot of people live.
You have saved me from addictions that holds so many prisoners.
But most of all you have saved me from a life without you Lord Jesus.
Jun 2014 · 278
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We may not always be happy but we can always have joy to fill us.
Christ gave us grace when we deserved none, he loves us more then we know.
For we are his masterpieces, he could have gave that honor to the angels.
But instead he gave that honor to us a broken people whom are not perfect.
He reveals himself through us and the trials that each of us goes through.
His grace is sufficient, he leads us toward him and his kingdom above.
For he is Spirit, we are flesh but one day we shall be spirit as well.
So he transforming us as we draw even closer to him and his will for us.
Jun 2014 · 373
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Christ redeems his people from the sin and the law.
That reveals that we all should be locked up in h3ll.
But through his sacrifice, he gives us mercy and grace.
So that we have an open door leading to heaven above.
All we have to do is acknowledge him as our Savior.
Also allow him to change us from enemy into family.
For he died on the cross that we may live with him.
So accepting him as Lord and Savior is a blessing.
For his gift of salvation is free to those that love him.
Jun 2014 · 242
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Some people have to go through hard times.
So that they can lead others out of the darkness.
Sometimes a person purpose is a built on leading others out.
So they are allow to be put in uncomfortable situations.
So that they may be use to lead people out of dark places.
Such as drug addiction and alcohol addictions as well.
It is not a easy purpose to live in , its a very lonely one.
But still Christ is there leading them through this life.
Jun 2014 · 330
Life Reality
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Living is never easy to do for most people.
We have struggles and issues to deal with.
We are not perfect, for we are still human.
We have the Holy Spirit helping us to change.
But we are a work in progress, God is still changing us.
Yes we have a perfect Savior working with us.
But we still have free will, he works with us.
But our brokenness still gets in the way at times.
Christ is transforming us into his likeness everyday.
Jun 2014 · 238
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There might be Distance between us, at this very moment.
But I still know that you are looking over me right now.
You have always been there for me , throughout my life.
I am so very blessed to have you in my life today and always.
I know that there were times when I have made a few bad choices.
I got married when I should had stayed single but that's in the past.
But still you have always been there looking out for me, just the same.
Jun 2014 · 201
Defining Moment
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Our best gifts are given through our reactions in a hopeless or helpless situation.
Our greatest ministering is done while we are caught in trying and harsh times.
Our greatest purpose is created while our hearts are broken and in our fears and tears.
For anyone can love Christ when he is blessing you with your whole heart desires.
But true love comes all that we have and held dear has been strip away from us.
When life has no meaning and death looks so welcoming to our weeping eyes sight.
This is the true test and the moment on what will we do cling to Christ or push him away.
Jun 2014 · 294
Not Over Yet
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Reaching out when everything within us been emptied out.
Because our strength, love , and everything else is drained.
Still we keep on, even though we wanted everything to be over.
We been ready to go home, but we also know that there are people that need us.
Even though they might despise us, we need to keep reaching out.
For only by not giving up on them, will they finally see Christ  in us.
Then coming to realization that he is God and that he loves them unconditionally.
For true love is a verb not a feel- good feeling that people think it is.
Jun 2014 · 380
Reaching Out
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
The struggles that we have to endure hurts very much.
Everything about life in today world is hard, very hard.
There are lot of people without anyone in their lives.
But alas we still must go on, no matter how hard it is.
We must stand firm for only by living life can we reach out.
To the lost and the hurting of this world, we call planet earth.
Even though many of us have no one in our life that cares.
We still need to keep living, and love upon those like us.
Also love those that despises us for who we are in Christ.
How else is Christ going to reach out to them only through us.
They will see true love from Christ, the love that says it all.
May 2014 · 611
Saved From Death
Eddie Starr May 2014
O Lord Jesus,  you are the beginning and end.
You have map out each of our lives completely.
For you know our every move before we do them.
You whom walk on water while you lived on the earth.
You O Lord whom spoke everything into existence
You whom was born , so that you could give your life.
On the cross that you could take our sins upon you.
Then raise up again back to life, so that we can be rescued.
From a life that is destine for eternal damnation away from you.
May 2014 · 230
Eddie Starr May 2014
It is very  easy to love those that love you back.
But when you sincerely love those that hate you.
Now this is the true test of being a true Christian.
When you want the very best for even those that use you.
Those that hate you as well and you want only the best.
For all of those that the world would deem their enemies.
To pray for them to be bless by Christ and sincerely love them.
By doing this we are seen as true children of the Living God.
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