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Jun 2014 · 232
When Your Time Comes
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
When your time comes, you shall soar on eagle wings.
When your time comes, Christ shall fill you overflowing.
With the Holy Spirit, he shall use you like never before.
When your time comes you shall see great wonders.
Coming through the Holy Spirit which is in you.
When your time comes, you shall become a blessing.
With the help of your God, you shall minster to many.
When your time comes, you shall know it and feel great joy.
Jun 2014 · 217
My Source
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My heart aches for you, to see you and to worship you.
You are my Hope, my Strength, my Source in everything.
You are my Way, my Salvation relies on you my God.
Your the Purpose that  keeps the weak striving to perfection.
For the hurting to be healed of all of our affliction and pain.
You Love everyone saved and lost alone you love us.
For you are Love unconditional love, you are God alone.
Jun 2014 · 242
You Are
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You are my relief from the storms.
You are the beginning of my Life.
You are the cure , for my brokenness.
You are the truth that I seek in life.
You are my everything, my source to life.
You are the Sun that beats upon my back.
You are my world, my Salvation too.
You are my God Lord Jesus my King.
You are the one that lift me high upon the mountains.
Jun 2014 · 6.5k
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I once was held chained up in hopelessness and depression.
I still live in depression, but the chain of hopelessness fell to the floor.
When I realize that it was Christ not people that gave me Hope.
I felt alone, lonely and empty deep inside my broken heart.
I even travel around searching for that woman who was my perfect mate.
But each time I thought that I  found her, I was toss aside once more.
It been many years since I did the traveling, but I now know something important.
Only Christ can give us that Hope that we all yearn for, in our time of need.
Jun 2014 · 169
God's Love
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I want everyone that I see to know Christ unconditional love.
I want them to see Christ when they see me and feel his Love.
I want to make a difference , in each and every one of their lives.
I want to show them Christ, to know that he lives in my heart.
I want to be able to see each and everyone of them in heaven.
I want Christ to heal each and everyone that I know heart.
I want to be able to be there always for them no matter what.
Jun 2014 · 257
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I want to become so blinded for everyone that I come into contact with.
That I can not see what they look like or who that they are that I run into.
This way I will love them for them and not for what they will do for me.
I want to love unconditional, not love them because they are rich or famous.
Nor because the beautiful woman has turn my head, I want to love freely.
I want to be blinded to their faults as well, for I want to love like Christ.
I want to be so blinded by Love that it shall flow freely from my heart.
Jun 2014 · 428
Be Careful
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We have to be careful whom we root for in the movies.
For example Gilgamesh was rebellious against God.
Some of the earthly heroes are angry at Christ.
They believe themselves to be their own sort of God.
For pride is a very evil sin that sets in to full people.
Making themselves believe that they do not need God.
But I know that I am nothing without my God Jesus.
Gilgamesh and ****** are one and the very same.
Jun 2014 · 321
How To Save United States
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There is but only one way to save the united states.
This might make alot of people angry but I do not care.
Because the way that I see it everything is his anyway.
The only way to save united states it put Christ first again.
To put prayer back in the schools not just the private ones.
But the public schools as well, not only believe in God.
But to sincerely follow him and his teachings as well.
To get rid of the greedy politicians out of Washington as well.
To truly make this into a real Godly country again.
Jun 2014 · 503
Becoming A Hero
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
When you are destine for Greatness,  like becoming a Hero.
It does not happen overnight, God deems you to be a hero.
Its a process in the making, he is transforming you into greatness.
For really the Greatness is the Holy Spirit within you not you.
But people can not see the Holy Spirit so they believe its you.
Never take credit away from Christ for this is a sin called pride.
But always remember that the Great things comes from the Christ not us.
So when people perceive you as a hero, thank God for blessing you.
Jun 2014 · 167
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am broken, but it is you that are holding me together.
I been crushed, but you are, in the midst of healing me.
My heart been broken but you have all of the pieces.
I been lonely for along time now, but you shall never abandon me.
I seen hardships but I was never alone through all of them.
I am so grateful that you love me more then I shall ever know.
I am so blessed to have you in my life Lord God thank you.
Jun 2014 · 174
Help Me
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
O God please never leave me, I  felt you in my life always.
I know that only you can rescue me from who I became.
A man full of brokenness and  failures in this life I live.
I truly want to finish this road that I am traveling on.
But I keep getting side tracked on it and falling away.
I know that only you can keep guiding me down it.
For I know that this road will give me true hope that I need.
Because its the only way that I shall end up seeing you at the finish line.
I am so desperate and needy and only you can save me Lord.
Only you are worthy to draw my whole focus in any life only you God.
Jun 2014 · 275
By Faith
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
By Faith, you answered when God called you.
By Faith,, you follow Christ and his teachings.
By Faith, you became a child of the Living God.
By Faith, you have put your trust in Christ.
By Faith, you lay down your will to pick up his.
By Faith, you obeyed God and quit being rebellious.
By Faith, you have become healed and delivered.
Jun 2014 · 853
Blessed Are You
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Blessed are you , the children of God for he is your Father.
Blessed are you, who love Christ with complete love and devotion.
For he shall , lift you up to minster to many people in his name.
Blessed are you because your home is in heaven above us.
Blessed are you God's people because you know God intimately.
Blessed are you because Christ shall use you to do miracles.
Blessed are you, because you obeyed, when Christ called you.
Blessed are you, who choose to follow the King of the Universe.
Jun 2014 · 189
Watch, Wait
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Watch, wait time is drawing close keep watching.
For the Son shall come like a thief in the night.
So keep obeying him and wait for his return.
Soon he shall appear in the clouds with great power.
Wait, Listen and watch for his appearance to come.
So that you shall not be stuck here when he call his people.
To come to him in the clouds,  to go home in heaven.
So be of good cheer and watch for his second coming.
Jun 2014 · 299
Too Soon
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
When Life becomes harsh,  painful with lots of struggles.
A drowning person barely able to hang onto the lifebuoy.
Still struggling to stay a float , yet becoming more nervous.
That the ship will not get there in time to save you from death.
This is the way that some struggle with spiritually as well.
Afraid that they shall miss out on the miracle seconds shy of it happening.
They are afraid that they shall fail Christ by giving up too soon.
That they shall end up dying and ending up in hell because they gave up too soon.
Also it could have to do with healing as well giving up too soon.
Jun 2014 · 205
Rain Upon Me
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, heal me of my sorrow.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, heal me of my pain.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit cleanse me of my sins.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, deliver me of my sins.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, heal me of my sickness.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, strengthen me now.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit reveal your wisdom to me.
Rain upon me Holy Spirit, save me now Jesus my God.
Jun 2014 · 426
Desires of the Heart
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My desires of the heart as well as other people.
Is to be loved both by Christ and people as well.
It is to be needed and wanted by other children of God.
It is to feel loved by my fellow Christians in this world.
To feel loved by Christ and to hear him say to me.
Well done my Loving child, you are loved by me.
This is the desired of all of Christ people here on the earth.
To feel important to Christ and to Christ people.
To feel bless by our God and Savior as well too.
Jun 2014 · 639
God Protection
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
In King David lifetime Christ and the Father protected him.
Still today God the Father and son are at work protecting.
The people that love them whole- heartily in everything they do.
David psalms 91 is still being seen in today's people of God.
You hear of people being hit by cars while walking  across the street .
Yet they are still alive to tell others of Christ miracle saves.
Thousand will fall at your side, and ten thousand fall at your right hand.
But it shall not come near you, only with your eyes shall you look.
See reward for the wicked.
Jun 2014 · 151
Our Dreams
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Our dreams and goals can be accomplish if we lay them at Christ feet.
Our life can be a joy to others if we lay down our will to pick up  Gods.
For this life is not about us , but about Christ for its by his sacrifice.
That we are able to choose Heaven in the first place, so his will matters.
Christ love for others , as example that we need to follow as well.
For obedience is by far the best thing that we can give to God.
He loves us so much and when you love Christ back you obey him.
He said people will know my people by their love for other people.
Jun 2014 · 223
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Christ breathes life into the dead , to bring us to unto a new Spiritual life.
Christ raise the dead to a higher life , one full of Miracles, and Wonders.
Christ gives a world of Healing, Miracles, to those that follow him.
Showing the world that when he gives people life's they truly do live.
A life of not just surviving but overcoming obstacles thrown at them.
Thus Revealing to the world Christ love for the lost and everyone else.
For he gives everyone a chance to get right with him in this life.
That is why he uses his people to reveal his existence.
Jun 2014 · 168
Road To Life
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
The road to life,  is not a easy one to travel at anytime.
The road to life,  has many potholes and dirt-roads as well.
For the road to live is hard while the road to death is a easy one.
The road to life,will  leads to suffering and pain at times.
For the road to life is bumpy and it can have curves at times.
But also remember the road of life leads to Christ Jesus.
It leads to a better life in the next life in heaven above us.
For the road to life is just that it leads to a much better life.
Jun 2014 · 348
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Remember sometimes the evil one can and will deceive us all.
But it will not last long then the Christ shall reveal to you the truth.
For we all have our insecurities, that will some days hurt us.
But always know that God is working on each of us in different ways.
Remolding us transforming us into a likeness of him our God.
So allow him to finish the works that he has already startled in us.
Remember you are not always going to make everyone happy.
So try and reach out to those that are put in your life to encourage.
Still love those that are rejecting your friendship by praying for them.
Jun 2014 · 343
Purpose Fufilled
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Just imagine how great you shall feel once your Purpose is fulfilled.
Just imagine what shall feel like to hear Jesus say well done faithful servant.
To see all of the lives that you have touch through your obedience to God.
To sit at the same table  as them and discuss what brought them to Christ.
Just think of the joy that you shall feel by being with them in heaven as well.
Just imagine the love that you are feeling at that very moment family.
Just imagine a world where you have touch many lives and vice - versea.
Jun 2014 · 333
True Freedom
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
A lot of people reject Christ because they want to live and be free.
But the truth is a life without Christ keeps you in ******* and death.
For sin is death and ******* as well, so to truly live is to die to self.
Just as the seeds that farmers plant to grow crops to sell .
Unless the seeds are planted there shall be no harvest at all.
So to die is the only way to truly live a life that is worth living.
Just as not sinning is freedom to live a just and righteous life.
Its easy to live a life of sinning but to live a life not sinning.
Is the true life of living,  plus its better to be richly loved then to be rich and not loved.
Jun 2014 · 187
There Is Power
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
There is no Life outside of Christ, we all were born into this world.'
But many feel dead inside because they feel that they live without purpose.
But when you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within your body and soul.
For there is power and life in the Holy Spirit great power and life .
So Realize that when you choose Jesus as Savior and God , you choose life too.
For he shall use you to reach out to the lost and hurting in this world.
He shall reveal himself through you to the lost world that needs him desperately.
For he is the Way, the Truth and only he can resurrect anyone.
For when he went to cross the Father gave him control over who will be saved.
Trusting in him and giving your very life to him , will bring a change upon your life in him.
Jun 2014 · 112
Light Of God
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We who walk in the Light of God, live for him alone.
We who walk in the Light of God, lead by obeying him.
We who walk in the Light of God, we have a huge purpose.
We who walk in the Light of God, will fear no evil at all.
For we are the Followers of the True Living Savior and God.
The one who created everything that is good in the universe.
For he spoke life into everything that breathes life and lives.
So we his people shall forever praise his Holy Name always.
Jun 2014 · 261
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am saved, by the Grace of Christ my Savior and God.
He save me from so many different things through his Salvation.
He saved me from sin, and addictions, from eternal death.
He save me from hell as well as from from a earthly dead life.
He save my soul, and place the Holy Spirit to share my life.
For now I have the Holy Spirit sharing in my life protecting me.
So yes I am saved and am very thankful that I am not alone.
For the Holy Spirit is with me always and so is my Lord Jesus.
For everyone whom is save, share a body with the Holy Spirit.
Jun 2014 · 331
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Success in Christ is never the same as in the world.
For the world seem you rich in money and material.
While Christ success means that you are truly Loved.
When you are truly loved this is success through Christ.
For when you belong to Christ, he provides for you.
Yes he does have some wealthy people that knows him.
But majority of his people, shall never be rich in money.
For our God is Spiritual not materialist, this is the worlds way.
For Christ says this is not our world, and do not find comfort in it.
Jun 2014 · 212
Christ Love
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am nothing without Christ, I can not stand without him.
He deserves all of the glory, for everything that I do that's good.
Comes from him alone, not me like he says none of us are good.
For Christ has strengthen his people, its for his glory not ours.
For God so love the world that he sent his only begotten son.
That whoever believes  in him shall perish but have everlasting life.
For its Christ love for us that open the door for us to be save.
Because he did not have to go to the cross but he did because he loves us.
He could have just let us all go to the everlasting fires of torment.
But he loves us so much that he would suffer to save us his people.
Jun 2014 · 140
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Even when I am hurting ,I know that you love me.
Even when I am hungry, I am still very blessed.
Even when I am weak, you are still strong in you.
Even when I am poor, I am still rich in your love.
Even when I am suffering, I am still healed  in you.
For you are the same in every single situation we are in.
For you are my source, nothing changes except my reactions.
For when I fail, it is because of me not you Lord God.
Jun 2014 · 768
I Am Not Perfect
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am not perfect, but I am whom Christ created me to be.
I am not the greatest man nor the best writter in the world.
But I am the best at being me Eddie Starr whom loves God.
For whomever you are you are the best person that you are.
For we are all different with our unique gifts and talents.
No two people are exactly the same , we were created that way.
For we all have different purposes to fulfill here on the earth.
Jun 2014 · 287
I Am So Thankful
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am so thankful to Christ my Living Savior.
I am so thankful to be an american citizen.
I am so thankful, to have an awesome family on Facebook.
I am so thankful for the gifts and blessings from Christ.
I am so thankful for all the friends on hellopoetry.
I am especially thankful for everyone that ever been in my life.
For Christ has brought a lot of awesome and loving people.
That really cared alot ,about me I am so bless indeed.
Into my life through the years that I been on the earth.
I am so thankful for my flesh and blood family as well.
Jun 2014 · 243
I Am Grateful
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Freedom to worship Christ without being arrested or killed.
Freedom to walk down the street without being hunted.
Freedom to speak life and minster to other people here.
Freedom to talk about Christ on Facebook and in person.
We take for granted the freedom that we have here in the USA.
That other countries only dream about, we need to be thankful.
I see alot of person cursing the government but, we do have more freedom.
We have the freedom to vote, the freedom to go to church as well.
For me I am thankful to be an american citizen, thank you Jesus.
Jun 2014 · 163
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
To live means to take chances that others avoid.
To live means to love without any conditions applied.
For to truly live a life that is worth living to the fullest.
Is to love others to the fullest extent as well this is Christ.
For to live a life like his is the real way to live life.
How can you say that you are living if you allow fear to rule.
Or how can you say that you are living if there is no love for others.
So stand firm trust Christ , love much and deeply then you are living.
Jun 2014 · 140
To Be
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
To be a child of the Most High God, you must accept change.
For this is what Christ shall do once you accept him as God.
He shall do a Mighty work bin you that shall transform you.
Into the person that he has created you to be in the first place.
He shall bless you, heal you, and finish the work that he startled in you.
For he wants you to look just like him, he died for you to live.
So this is the least any of us can do, for him our creator and friend.
To be obedient to the Giver of True Life is the least we can do for him.
To be able to look into the mirror and see Jesus staring back at us.
Jun 2014 · 188
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You have touch my heart in ways that you shall never know.
You have shown me what unconditional Love is really about.
You have bless me beyond measures and I want to thank you.
For true friends are hard to come by , but I know that you are one.
You have touch my heart so deeply that I felt some healing.
We are all different and I thank our God Jesus for each of you.
For each and everyone of you are truly a blessing from him.
That I am unworthy to receive , thank you all very much.
Jun 2014 · 219
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
My chains has been unlock, my life has been redeem.
My chains has fallen upon the floor, lying there still.
My chains are no longer my concern, for Christ has save me.
Now I stand in freedom, worshiping my Savior God.
His love is healing, he has save me and set me free.
No more sorrow nor suffering, for he has rescue me.
From death, I now live a life of freedom in him my God.
For his love, is unconditional, freedom in him I live.
Jun 2014 · 198
Born To Die
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I was born twice in my life once flesh and blood.
The second time that I was born of spirit and water.
I was born to die to self, to live for my Savior God.
I been born to reveal Christ within me everyday.
I was born to show others of Christ existence to the world.
I was born to live for him , the one that gave me life.
I was born to die to self, this is true for all of his people.
For its him that matter, for only he can give people salvation.
Jun 2014 · 156
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Those with the most to gain in death, yet persevere.
Those with the hardest of life on the earth yet persevere.
Those that have nothing here, but hope in Christ our God.
Those are the ones that have the greatest of faith in God.
So when you are one of them thank Christ for your testimony.
Do not give up on this life but trust in your creator Jesus.
Just live the dance, and love everyone like your life depends on it.
Jun 2014 · 174
Desperate Lives
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I see so many desperate people ready to quit life.
I was one of them as well thus was why I was so angry.
But I need each of you that reads this in my life.
My Facebook life , I am nothing without your inspiration.
So please stay on planet earth longer, allow Christ to finish.
Healing and freeing you from the struggles that you are in.
Trust in the Lord he has something special plan for you.
I love each and everyone of you in my Facebook  and hello poetry life.
Jun 2014 · 221
God is Love
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We as humans go on our emotions.
But Christ love is not an emotional Love.
But a action verb , kind of love not the same.
We are called to put everyone else above us.
This meaning not to hate nor despise them.
But to pray for them to change their behavior.
We are not special because we are christian s.
But we are special because we love everyone.
Real love not the feely good thing of love.
Jun 2014 · 219
Degree of Faith
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Everyone has a certain degree of faith including the lost.
Each person whom steps outside believing that they shall be ok.
Are putting Faith in the fact that they shall be ok while they are out.
Such as the lost people whom had faith when Christ healed them.
Not every one whom God healed were saved, some just wanted to be healed.
So anytime you believe in something that has not happen yet its faith.
So when you are in doubt with your faith, remember this truth.
Thus knowing that you do have a degree of faith , God is Good.
Jun 2014 · 262
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I am drowning in suffering that is built up into Christ strength.
I am drowning in sorrow that is being transform into his joy.
I am drowning in  worldly slowness that is transforming into wisdom.
For our weakness reacts just like am antidote does for sickness.
Your strength gets built up through your weakness occurrence.
It just like learning how to swim you are place in the midst of it.
Then Christ works you through it by helping you to learn.
To accept and deal with it each time he strengthen you even more.
Till you notice that it does not bother you as much anymore.
Jun 2014 · 231
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Family are not always the ones that you are born into through flesh.
Sometime even flesh and blood family distance, themselves from you.
God gives us many family members, ones born of Spirit and water.
So be thankful that you have an extended family as well to draw close to.
Otherwise some of us might not have family at all here on the earth.
So be grateful to Christ for adding people into your life that cares.
For without the caring people that love you inside and out.
This life would be more lonely and lot more longer in life here.
I am thankful for each and every member of my family here.
Jun 2014 · 202
You Are
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You are loved, you are special, you are awesome.
You are the light of Christ eyes, you are important.
You are beautiful, you are truly a gift from Christ.
So please realize that you truly are very special.
Also know that you are truly loved so rejoice.
For even if your life is harsh here on this earth.
At least know that once we get to heaven above.
That life shall be different there so rejoice in the Lord.
Jun 2014 · 363
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
You are all beautiful people, wonderfully made.
God never created the word ugly, for all are beautiful.
It was a counterfeit word from the devil, to shame people.
Christ never created ugly people only beautiful ones
He made all people beautifully and Awesomely.
So do not allow the evil one deceive you , you are
Jun 2014 · 201
No Matter
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
No matter whoever you are nor whatever you have done.
No matter where you may live nor what is your work title.
Nor who your parents are , none of this matters at all.
Christ loves you so very much, and he wants you to love him.
He wants to have a personal relationship with you as well.
He has created you for a very special reason to have a relationship with.
He created h3ll for the fallen angels not people, but there shall be people there.
He wants everyone whom fallen to repent and become his people.
He loves us all so very much, I love you all very much as well.
There is always hope for people until they pass away in death.
Jun 2014 · 201
Super Race
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
We whom belong to Christ are empower with his Strength and Miracles.
He whom lives in us is Greater then he whom lives in the world.
For we have Christ power in our hands through his Spirit within us.
We can heal, do mighty works, survive accidents that normally **** others.
We can shallow poisons and live to talk about it to other people.
Christ wants us to lead by example, showing others his power.
He wants to save everyone in this world, that is why he came here.
To rescue that which is lost, he wants to save everyone from death.
Jun 2014 · 740
Storms Of Life
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
I felt storms in my life, I guess this is to make me stronger.
I never felt the calmness in my life just storms that keep appearing.
I would love to feel the peace at least for one season in this life.
But I know that Christ has a plan and I do want to help others.
I figure maybe God wants me to lead others out of these storms.
I know that he has strengthen those all of these storms in my life.
I am grateful that he has strengthen me the way that he has.
For I know that there are alot of people that needs him now too.
I want to help them to be led out of the storms that they are in too.
Jun 2014 · 141
My Life
Eddie Starr Jun 2014
Throughout my life, I seen darkness and despair.
But my joy will be felt overwhelming in the next life.
But this life, my purpose is to reach out to others.
To show Christ to all, not through being worldly.
But through overcoming addictions and sinful things.
By loving others, even those that hate and despise me.
This too was what Christ himself did while he was here.
He loved the whole world even those that hated him.
For this was whom he was and is the God of Love.
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