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Aug 2014 · 240
Live, Love Freely
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Live a life full of Love for others, give freely always.
Give unconditionally, share with others without expectation.
Never expect anything in return this is how God works.
He bless us and does not expect anything in return.
Thus being an example for how we should love too.
For by becoming this Lite candle in the darkness here.
We shall reveal Christ to those whom are lost in the darkness.
For to shine, to draw the lost to Christ Light that is lite within us.
Aug 2014 · 215
We Are
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We are a candle burning throughout the dark night.
We are an anchor for the struggling drowning lost souls.
We are the strong ready to lead the lost out of the darkness.
We are all above and much more because Christ uses us.
He knows our heart, for he filled the desire into our hearts.
So that we can become the buoy that he toss to the drowning lost.
To rescue those whom are hurting by leading them out of the darkness.
To rescue the Lost whom are drowning he toss us out to reach them.
Thus bringing them into his sheep fold rescuing them as well.
Aug 2014 · 164
I Shall Live
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I spend my entire life here on the earth dying.
Dying to self, so that I may live the next life.
I spend my whole life here dying to self everyday.
So that in the next life I shall live my life with my king.
The King and Savior Lord Jesus my Lord and God.
I die so that I may truly live a worthwhile life with God.
I know that the only true way to live is to die to self.
Aug 2014 · 239
You Are Awesome
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
You are all truly an amazing Masterpiece, work of art.
The evil one is trying to destroy you, but Christ wants to save you.
The evil one is trying to torment you but stand firm today.
For God has some great plans for you, just stand firm.
You have great help, the Holy Spirit is here to help you to overcome.
To become Might Warrior for Christ your Lord and King.
Just remember you are truly an Awesome Gift from the Christ.
So do not give up but push through these trials and tribulations.
Jul 2014 · 270
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A follower of Christ , is a rebel to the ways of the world.
Just as the worldly are rebellious against our Awesome God.
We rebel against the evil ways that the worldly live their live by.
We love even those that despise us, for we are a people that love.
It is the thing about us that stand out the most to other people.
For we know that the lost are being deceive by the evil ones.
That they know not what they are doing, we need to keep them in prayer.
The evil demons hates us because we are a people of great Light.
That Christ uses the Light to reveal the evil deeds of those evil demons.
Thus drawing people away from those wicked demons and their people.
Jul 2014 · 159
So Many Are Broken
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
So many poor souls whom are broken, it breaks my heart.
Whom will do anything to be notice, to make a name for themselves.
Because of their poor self-esteem, instead of getting to know God.
They end up trashing their name using *** as a calling card.
If only they would instead run to the Creator of the universe.
Falling upon their knees and ask him for his healing touch be upon them.
Thus getting to know the only one that can truly heal them.
For really he is the only one whom opinion of oneself really matters.
For not only can he destroy us but he can put us in h3ll as well for all eternity.
Jul 2014 · 467
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Father Light my path one step at a time, but not any more.
Keep me moving on the right path that you prepare for me.
Keep me from crossing to the wrong path. keep my mind focus on you.
Prepare people that need to hear about your Greatness before me.
Minster to their hearts , then use me to minster about your Loving kindness.
Showing them just how much you truly love them Lord, use me.
Use others like me that are broken to reach those that are hurting.
Lead them to us, Use each member of my Facebook family to reveal you to the lost.
Jul 2014 · 251
Lead Them God
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
God lead me one step at a time, to where Faith is high.
Use me to rescue those who hurt, suffer, and struggle.
Reveal to me, the faith it takes to move mountains God.
Use me to reveal you to the world, your healing  powers.
Lead those that are hurting to me, to minster you to them.
Bring them to a place where their hearts are open for a change.
Rescue everyone that needs a Savior top rescue them in their time of need.
Come Lord rescue them from all that bind and hold them prisoners.
Jul 2014 · 183
Call Me
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Jesus call me to you while you stand on the waters toward you, I come.
This is where you use us to reveal yourself to the lost, the hurting too.
Use me to lead the hurting out of the darkness and hopelessness.
Call me out unto the deep section where it takes faith to walk upon the waters.
Use me to rescue the hurting, lost, as well the struggling Lord God.
I so desperately, have your love for the hurting, lost , and the struggling.
I so desperately want them all so join us in heaven above where we will be.
My brokenness was used to open my eyes to you Lord God, you are my God.
I could have never found you, if my broken part never existed Lord.
Jul 2014 · 427
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Sometimes what we perceive as a curse is actually a blessing.
For to live a Righteous life is perceive as a curse by many people.
But it is actually because this life is the opposite of heaven living.
Because of our physical body, it makes living righteous harder to live.
So when you are feeling curse, it quite possible that you are actually being blessed.
By dealing and overcoming this hardships that you are going through.
Stand firm and trust God, for he has only the best intentions for your life.
It may even seem unfair  at those moments but once you get to heaven.
Your perception of those situations shall be quite different to you.
Jul 2014 · 896
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We whom follow Christ has the Spirit of God at our disposal.
The very same Miracles that Christ did when he walk the earth.
We too can do through Faith, as we believe it shall be done.
For through Faith we can move mountains into the oceans.
So remember the next time you need a Miracle to take place.
That you have the Holy Spirit with Faith at your proposal.
So know that it shall be done and it shall be done through faith.
For this very reason Christ has given you the helper to help you.
Jul 2014 · 214
Walk In The Light
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Living a life inspiring and helping others see and live by the truth.
It is hard at times, but God will not only bless those who persevere.
It is by far a better life to walk on the path of truth and the Light.
Alas there are too many who rather live in the darkness and lies.
So I rather walk with Jesus, to suffer for his name is far better.
Then to be a pawn to the evil one, who plays everyone it can.
My heart is for the hurting and God, to walk in his Love.
Jul 2014 · 161
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Christ Whom created the Heavens, Morning , Noon, and Night.
He whom fill the Leaves with Dew during the Fall season here.
He whom said Let there be Light , and there was Light right that second.
He whom while he walk the earth, walk upon the water.
For he did not make false boost, but live a Extraordinary life.
No other man has ever done what Lord Jesus has accomplished.
Because only he was the Word of God whom spoke Life into existence.
Only he was with the Father at the beginnings of Creation.
For only he was God , with the Father, and Holy Spirit.
Jul 2014 · 145
With My Last Breathe
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
With my last breathe, I shall continue to trust in your will.
With my Last breathe , I shall fall upon my face and worship you.
With my Last breathe I shall continue to chase after you Lord.
With my Last breathe, I will not be moved but stand firm.
For my eyes will stay focus not on the situation but you God.
For my will is to do your will and love everyone set before me.
Even those that despise and loathe me, for it is not them but the evil one.
That filled their minds, with lies about you and me Lord God.
With my Last dying breathe, I shall love even the ones whom are killing me.
For they would not know what they would be doing Lord Jesus.
Jul 2014 · 219
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
There is so much darkness in my life at this moment.
But I see the true Light which sustains me through it.
I know God has a plan and I  know he walks with me.
Through my Journey, he never leaves my side through it.
So I keep moving forward knowing that I am not alone.
Through my trying times, he is strengthening me up.
Something is coming and he is preparing me for it.
Not sure what it is but Lord God knows what awaits me.
With all of my strength, I shall make it to the finished line.
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I struggle with my sleeping hours, and my brokenness.
I struggle with so much, yet God is still with me here.
I struggle with wanting to be married as well, still...
My God loves me I struggle with loneliness and isolation.
I struggle with life still I know that it is not my choice.
Whether I shall live or die, so I accept my fate here.
Because, I love my God and Savior and accept his decisions.
He knows my future and my life's end, I shall trust him.
For he is God and wants only the very best for me and others.
Jul 2014 · 237
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
This battle and storm seems to never cease to exist, it destroys many.
This battle that we are caught in the midst of, is taking many people.
People that we and Christ, the Father as well it taking their lives.
What ever you do , please do not allow the evil one to destroy you.
Stand firm and stand tall, Stay next to Jesus he shall keep you protective.
He shall not allow that **** to destroy you, for Jesus is your God.
He is your strong tower, nothing can get past him, for he is God alone.
He shall catch you in his protective hands whenever you start to fall.
Jul 2014 · 207
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
God is my healer, Blessed is his Awesome Name.
He is always worthy of our praise and worship.
There is none other like him, he is our soul provider.
The sun rises and sets at his commands, the flowers bloom.
For he speaks life into everything that lives, and will live.
He is the source of Life to everybody, animals , and plants.
The evil one tries to destroy the life that Christ creates.
For Christ creates life , out of nothing he creates life.
Blessed is the Name of the Creator of everything that exist.
Jul 2014 · 267
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Rain upon me Holy Spirit with your healing touch.
Rain upon everyone your healing touch Holy Spirit.
For I am tired of suffering unless it is to be use to help others.
Some people enjoy their sufferings , but I would rather not.
O Holy Spirit how can we reveal Christ Faithfulness.
If all we do is suffer , for is that not how the lost live.
So rain upon your people your healing touch God.
So that all of your people may reach out to the lost.
Revealing to them a much better way to live life.
Jul 2014 · 541
I Am Broken
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am broken, its through my brokenness that I see God.
It through my brokenness that I gain compassion for the hurting.
It is through my brokenness that my humanity is revealed.
For if I was a perfect and sinless I would be more like the good angels.
If I was perfect, sinless, and with great power, I would be closer to God.
But I am not perfect yet, I persevere and do my very best to not sin.
It is only through my brokenness that I see that I truly need a Savior.
I do not rely on  myself, because I know that I am broken.
It is through my brokenness that I know that I need my Savior God.
Jul 2014 · 179
Even Though
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Even though, I am weak, the Holy Spirit is Mighty.
God is going to win every time, even the times that I fail him.
He always has a back up plan, for he is God the Almighty.
He knows when we are going to fail him, and when we will not fail.
For he is God, people can not comprehend just how powerful he is.
You see Jesus does not need our help,but since he consider us friends.
His friend, this is why he uses us and allows the free will to be .
So that we may feel needed by him and wanted by him as well.
So consider this the next time the evil one runs its mouth.
That God loves you so much that he works with you instead of doing it himself.
Jul 2014 · 262
Pushing Through
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am being push through, the hardships that I need to go through.
Because Christ whom reigns in me, created me for a purpose.
To become an over comer and overcome every obstacle before me.
For it shall not be me over coming them but the Holy Spirit.
Which reigns in me, for the Holy Spirit and I have became one.
Even though that slimy bucket demons attack me daily here.
The one that lives in me, is more greater then they will ever be.
For the Holy Spirit which is God reigns in me always and forever.
So guess what, they shall lose every-time to God, for he is Awesome in Power
Jul 2014 · 152
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My faith is not on this life, but the one to come after.
For this life holds no joy for me except to see others join me.
For to see people finally see the real truth and grasp it.
To see that this world is only a temporary for us all.
Kinda like going to school here is temporary for us.
It will be a great thing to see many from here in heaven.
Fellow shipping with the Great I Am, feasting on awesome food.
For like I said this world holds no joy for me except to reach out to others.
To draw them unto the Christ as well now this brings Great joy.
Jul 2014 · 429
I Am No Different
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
It is not because of who I am that God blesses me.
But it is because of who he is that he blesses me.
For really I am no different then anyone else.
I Bleed, I sin and I fail Jesus at times as well.
I am far from being perfect, the difference is Jesus.
I know that without Christ I am truly nothing.
So here I stand tonight , seeing Gods grace.
His perfect love and faithfulness in my life.
I see things in a much clearer view tonight.
Jul 2014 · 346
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I will believe, for you have already reveal your faithfulness to me.
So I shall not give up on you, but believe that all will be to help others.
For you have shown me your love in such an huge way Lord.
I know that there are so many caught up in the hopelessness O God.
They are still caught up in the trenches of a war that always killed.
So here I stand as proof of your love and faithfulness Lord God.
It has nothing to do with what I can do but rather what you will do.
For it was never about me, but rather you Holy Savior for you are faithful.
Jul 2014 · 906
New Day Dawn
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A new day dawns which gives each of us renewal hope.
A new day dawn, giving us a chance to reach out and inspire others.
A new day dawns that give us a chance to lift others up.
To bless others and to draw others out of the darkness.
That holds them hostage and leave them in hopelessness.
A new day dawn giving us a chance to embrace our dreams.
A chance to love upon other people with unconditional love.
A new day dawn giving each of us a chance to be the people of God.
Jul 2014 · 127
What Are You Going To Do
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Life is a choice everything we do is a choice.
Yes bad things do happen to good people.
But it is a choice what are you going to do.
Are you going to reject God or lose faith in him.
Because something bad has happen to you.
Or are you going to fall upon your knees.
Praying to Jesus to deliver you out of the situation.
Without sinning against him, overcoming evil.
With your heart for God in all situations you go through.
Jul 2014 · 160
Several Things To Remember
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
God never makes junk only beautiful Masterpieces.
God does not ever do anything in a small way .
Because he takes a small thing and change it to be big.
So if you believe that your Light and acts are small.
Then think again, for God transform your Light into a Sunlight type Light.
For when people see how shining your Light truly is.
They shall fall upon their knees and worship our God.
For your Light is part of the work Christ has done in you.
So always remember that your Light is a part of something big.
Jul 2014 · 136
To Truly Understand
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
To truly understand , the way that Christ works.
The air that we all breathe, we each need it to live.
Yet to lose it, then to end up in a bad place afterwards.
We need to see the truth, that this life is nothing.
It is the very next life that truly matters in the end.
This is why we need to see the truth and then repent.
For to spend eternity, worshiping God in paradise.
Is the best thing that any of us could receive.
But to reject the giver of true Life is so very sad.
To die and then to end up in a very bad place.
My prayers is all that read this eyes are open to the truth.
Jul 2014 · 142
Our Source
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Everything that each of us receive comes from God.
No matter who we are , the very air that we breathe.
A gift from the great I Am, the source of Life in itself.
For he give and take away, to the save and lost both.
You do not have a be a follower of Christ to receive from him.
It is his way of trying to reach out to those that knows him not.
To show those just how much we need him , he created the air.
That each of us needs in order to breathe and sustain our life.
For without the air we all would perish in just a few seconds.
But he wants us to live, so that we can become children of God.
Jul 2014 · 210
Not Defeated
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I may go trials, and I may not always prevail a winner.
But as long as the Spirit of Christ reigns in my body , I am not defeated.
I will always be victorious , not defeated for Christ reign in me.
For I am nothing, but he is everything that I desire in my life.
For he is my God, he holds my salvation in the palm of his hands.
My God, he will bring me through all of the battles that we do.
For he is greater, then anyone else in this world including the fallen angels.
For he has created them as well, before they ever desire to become evil.
For at the very beginning he was the word of God, creating everything.
Jul 2014 · 177
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
When you feel that someone sincerely love you.
Do not question you release that spirit of trust.
Because that spirit of trust does not come from God.
For he is the God of love and he shall not give you that spirit.
I been myself been evil to people because of doubts in the past.
Now I know that those people really sincerely loved me.
The very same way that Christ loves me unconditional.
So it is not very often that God will place people like that in your lives.
Just accept it and appreciate them for showing you true love.
Jul 2014 · 252
Remember This
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
To be a true follower of Christ, you have free yourself.
From rejecting and despising other people in your life.
For by rejecting them or hating them you shall miss out.
On the reason that he has place them into your life to help you.
They may be there to encourage you or give you Godly advice.
Or to teach you how to love unconditional by example.
They may love you strongly, so allow your God to use them.
To help you whatever it may be even if you do not trust people.
At least trust God for he has a reason, for them being there.
Jul 2014 · 516
Stay Strong
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I want everyone to stay strong, never give up no matter what.
As long as you live , there is hope for you and others as well.
For true Hope shall never die but only grow stronger with time.
For until you die the physical death here on this planet earth.
We all stand a chance of grasping that true Hope which is Jesus.
So learn to trust Lord Jesus and never ever give up on him.
If you do both of these things the rest of your life here on earth.
Then Jesus shall definitely welcome you home after the race been won.
Jul 2014 · 174
Its Time
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I know that fear of what tomorrow holds has caught lots of people.
But it is time , to step up and be the very person God created you to be.
I am in the same boat, I too must step up and be where Christ calls me to be.
To be not angry nor afraid of what tomorrow might hold for me too.
I could be and should be exactly where Christ has called me to be there.
There was one place that Christ place me, I miss the people there.
They show me truly how to love, since they loved me unconditionally.
But out of my brokenness I left , lot was going on with me at that time.
I was way too blind to realize that life would get even harder for me.
Jul 2014 · 268
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
When things start to become hard for you to handle them.
Whatever does not destroy you only make you stronger.
That there will be times when we have no control over things.
Be not afraid whatever going to happen to you will happen.
Also Christ is in control everything bad that happens is for a reason.
So whatever you may be going through right at this very moment.
Stand fast do not be afraid and whatever is happening never give up.
For there is a reason even if we do not know what it is, trust and stand firm.
Jul 2014 · 330
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I may be broken, but I am still fixable by God.
I may have my issues, but I am not dead yet.
I am still a work in the midst of progress by God.
He is repairing the brokenness, healing me as we speak.
I am not out of the game yet, Jesus is still healing me.
So do not count me out, For God is my Healer not man.
So do as I do trust in the only one whom can fix your brokenness.
For as long as you are alive, God has not given up on you.
He is the Healer and Judge of each of us not the people around us.
Jul 2014 · 256
You Are Loved
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
What is true Hope, it is knowing that you are truly Loved.
For what is life ,if no one cares about you, no reason to live.
Life is worthless, if no one is there to say I love you.
For to live a life without love is like not living at all.
But there is at least two people that care about you.
Jesus Christ and I , Jesus loves you so very much.
He wants you to spend eternity with him in heaven.
So know this in your heart that you are truly loved.
Remember this your life does matter to others too.
Jul 2014 · 162
Your Light
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Your Light shine, coming from our Lord God.
I gain hope through your Light from our God.
For you and others hope shines through you.
The awesome things that God does through you.
Gives me renew Hope that he can do the same for me.
This is the way that our Savior works he uses each of us.
To give hope to others, that we too can have that too.
So the very next time that you are feeling small inside.
Remember that Christ is using you in a much bigger way.
Jul 2014 · 168
Our Source
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My hope for everyone that I meet and everyone that I met and know.
Is that their source will not be worldly but that their source is in Christ.
Because compare to Christ, worldly source is but for a moment .
But our God Jesus is eternal, for his Kingdom does not ever end at all.
My hope is that they not love him always and never get upset with him.
For we as humans will fail one another but he shall never fail us at all.
Yes following him, shall be harder then not following him here.
But in the end, the rewards of worshiping such a awesome Savior.
Shall in itself be a super blessing, for he is the source to all our needs.
He is everything to those that truly do worship him and love him much.
Jul 2014 · 212
Christ Bless You
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I want to thank you for being who that you are.
I love you unconditionally , you are amazing people.
That Christ created in your mothers precious wombs.
I see that God created through your parents you.
I am thankful to Christ for you a great Gift from God.
He knew exactly how special each of you truly are.
For each of you all have touch others hearts daily.
Christ Bless each of you all for being so very special.
Jul 2014 · 209
Fear Not
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Fear not, whatever going to happen will happen.
For God will be our defense against the evil plots.
Of the wicked ones, the demons of h3ll he will stand against them.
He shall never leave nor forsake us, he shall protect us.
For he is our Strong tower, our protection in the storm.
Not one hair shall be touch on your head, for God is good.
He shall lift you up as on eagle wings keeping you from being hurt.
For he is that protected of each of his people equally love us all.
Jul 2014 · 204
Dream Big
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
When you follow Christ your dreams surpass all understanding.
Because the wonders and miracles that you see in your life here.
Are far greater then you can expect, they truly are awesome.
For Christ will make things happen that are out of this world.
For he can speak anything into existence that he desires to.
Because he is God , the giver of Life Lover of our Souls.
He is such an awesome Creator who truly does love us.
So when you dream big expect the unexpected be not afraid to dream big.
Jul 2014 · 177
You Need To Know
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Following Christ is not the easy life, but it is very fulfilling .
For by following him people shall hate and despise you.
Christ when he walk the earth said that his true followers.
Would need to take the narrow road not the broad one.
He said also that the narrow one is more harder and lonelier.
So if you been told following Christ makes life easier.
Then you have been listening to the wrong people here.
But I can promise you one thing it shall be more fulfilling.
Jul 2014 · 176
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Here I stand in the midst of the grace that you have cover me in.
Here I  crawl to the only one whom can save me from anything.
Here I am once again laying in the midst of that grace you gave me.
For even the times that I may fail you, still you love me so much.
That even through these times you still have not given up on us.
Still as the rushing wind blows your Spirit consumes us fully.
With your Forgiveness, with your Mighty Love as well Lord.
If only we would fully commit our Love for others the way you do.
There would be far less divorces and break-ups of Friendships.
Jul 2014 · 2.5k
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
You are more refreshing then a tall cold glass of milk.
You are more refreshing then rain after a heat wave.
You are more refreshing then a warm breeze in springtime.
You are so refreshing, your love light up my heart.
You are the cool breeze , during a hot steamy night.
You are the air that I breathe, the water that washes over me.
You are sun that warms my back, the moon that lite my way.
You are the source of everything, you are the source of my life force.
For you are Christ , my Savior and my God you are everything to me.
Jul 2014 · 166
Power Of Words
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
The power of words can heal or destroy other people.
Reason why there are so many broken people in this world.
Is because of bad decisions and bad choice of words used.
Yet at the very same point you can help bring healing to them.
Through using the right words, thus bringing life back into them.
For the right words bring life while bad words bring death.
We need to start using the right set of words to help others.
By doing this we too can make a difference in others lives.
Using the right words with love can make all the difference in a person life.
Jul 2014 · 272
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Everything depends on circumstances in each of our lives.
For each road leads us to a different life journey here.
It depends on the road that each of us may take to get there.
If I was to go the broad load that only leads to death and destruction.
Then my Journey would lead me to a far different way of living.
One of pleasures, destruction, and eternal death and sufferings.
But by going down this narrow one that involves suffering here.
My next life shall be a far different one after getting judged by God.
For I shall be deemed precious child by the Lamb of God because I followed him.
Jul 2014 · 557
Blind Faith
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We are to walk in Faith, for through Faith we learn to trust God.
We learn obedience as well as trust, they are the same at times.
For our God is worthy of it, for he was example of being obedient.
When he went to the cross, for us he was obedient to the Father.
So who are we to expect to not have to become obedient to him.
He loved us enough to suffer at the hands of very evil people.
So that we may be saved by him our Loving Lord and God.
We are nothing without him except heading to h3ll a very bad place.
So I will follow my Lord and Savior, so that I may become like him.
Jul 2014 · 210
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Lost without knowledge, until you appeared O Shining Savior.
Now I too want to be a bright Light in this darken world that I live in.
I do not mind the hardships from time to time my Great Lord God.
As long as you do not abandon me and use me to help out others,
For this is truly my goal to lend a hand to those that are drowning.
In this sea of hellish torment and sorrow, rescue them as well God.
For I am a brother to my sisters and brothers that are suffering now.
Save them, like you have saved me , from a one way ticket to doom.
Save them use me and my FB brothers and sisters as well as others.
To rescue all that are lost and living in sorrow and torment O Lord.
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