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Jul 2014 · 398
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Survival in this life that we all live.
To fight to survive, to live as beacon.
A Light to reveal the way to live life.
To be like Christ, the Savior of the universe.
To love without ever stopping loving.
For Love is the Greatest gift given.
To boldly Love without fear of being hurt.
For Love is a action , that comes from God.
Jul 2014 · 1.1k
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My soul yearns for the Great I am.
Provider of all of my needs everyday.
For you give and you take away.
The soothing Savior to my Spirit and Soul.
Who am I but a man that been blessed.
By you O Lord an ordinary mortal.
With a Super Natural Extraordinary God.
Who saves and redeems all of his people.
Jul 2014 · 168
What Purpose Would Be Left
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
What purpose is there to live if I was to lose you God.
Everything in my life would be for nothing now.
So Lord I know that you will be faithful till the end.
But I just how meaningless life is without you by my side.
For you are the Purpose in our lives the spark in our eyes.
You are the meaning to life itself, the perfection in everything.
So how can I even hope to live , if you are not in it God.
For you are everything that is good and Holy everywhere.
So if you were to abandon me, there would be nothing good left.
Jul 2014 · 442
Life Without You
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Life without you has no meaning.
No purpose nor joy for without you.
All the blessings become nothing, useless.
For if there is no you in my life here.
Then my will cease to want to live here.
For your people give me hope as well.
A purpose to want to persevere here.
But if you leave my life Holy Lord.
Then your people shall as well also.
All that will be left will be nothingness and death.
Jul 2014 · 189
No Ordinary People
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We are not an ordinary people for Christ shines through us.
We are an extraordinary group of people through our God.
He uses us to reveal himself to  everyone around us daily.
But it is up to them weather they see him or not within us.
For it is not up to us who is open to him , it all up to them.
But we still can pray for their eyes to be open to him in us.
So that they too shall be extraordinary through him.
For he is a God of Supernatural miracles every day.
Jul 2014 · 547
Fresh Beginnings.
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We all need new starts, fresh beginnings
At least once in each of our lives here.
When we accept Christ we receive one.
Fresh new beginning in our lives here.
We also receive an helper to help us.
He is called the Holy Spirit spirit of God.
Connecting with our Spirit becoming one.
The Spirit has supernatural Power within.
Saving our lives among other things in our lives.
Jul 2014 · 305
You Are
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
You are all Special.
You are all Awesome.
You are all Wonderfully made.
You are all a Masterpiece.
You are all Precious to God.
You are all his Product.
You are all more Strengthen then you know.
For you all have been created by Christ.
Jul 2014 · 175
Building Up
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
You might believe hard times are use to destroy you.
But actually they are use to strengthen us to become stronger.
For the strength that you gain from them is use to build you up.
God see you as a special Masterpiece, that he is building up.
The stronger that you get the more that his Light shines through you.
As a beacon for those that are still caught up in their dark hours.
Thus this Light can be use to lead them into the true Light.
God can use them as well since he is building them up too.
So that they will become his sons and daughters as well.
Jul 2014 · 288
You Are Amazing
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
God does not make junk, no matter who you are.
You are a amazing masterpiece that will stand firm.
For you have more power in you then you realize.
You have greater inner strength then you have realize.
Inner strength will keep you going no matter what.
Christ helps through situations that we are ****** in.
Builds up our inner strength, you may feel weak.
But your inner strength has only began to kick in.
You are truly amazing work of art by God himself.
So do not ever give up, just grasp your inner strength.
Jul 2014 · 258
Without Hope
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Without hope, everyone would give up and die.
Without hope all would be lost so why try .
Without hope there would be no love at all.
Without hope all would be lost only despair.
Without hope your life would be empty.
But there is Hope, his name is Jesus Christ.
There is Hope, so all is not lost for he is good.
There is Hope in God the creator of the universe.
There is Hope so I shall get up and rejoice.
Jul 2014 · 207
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I know from experience how hard it can be to deal with true pain.
I felt inner pain most of my life, but it only made me that much stronger.
Do not look at pain as a bad thing, for sometimes God uses that pain.
To push you through the fires, molding you into a Mighty Warrior.
That can sympathize and love other people through your experience.
You have learn knowledge on what they are going through now.
So that you may help lead them out of the hopelessness and darkness.
The sorrow and suffering has only made you that much stronger.
Jul 2014 · 254
Diamond In The Making
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
My pain, and suffering lets me know that I live.
My sorrow allows me to appreciate true joy.
My loneliness allows me to appreciate other people.
My heart has become empathy to others through my own sufferings.
Also thanks to the people that been in my life that reveal real love.
I appreciate and love each of you all, you are a diamond in the making.
What we go through will only make us that much stronger
Jul 2014 · 272
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I been broken almost all of my life.
I been taking it the wrong way as well.
I always consider it as a huge curse upon me.
But it was actually a blessing in disguise.
For if it was not for the brokenness, in me.
I would not have ever gotten to know God.
For he reveal himself to me through the brokenness.
Thus so the brokenness was actually a super blessing
I thank my Savior for the blessings that he bestow upon me.
Jul 2014 · 590
Needy For God
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am not ashamed at being needy, I use to be because I was looking at it wrong.
I am needy because Christ place me that way so that I would need him.
But I was focus on people fulfilling the needs that belong to God alone.
So after putting things into the right perspectives my attitude change.
For it was place in me to be needy so that I would need Jesus.
Every minute of every day and need to stay focus on him alone.
I focus wanting to be married to that special woman that I would need desperately.
But it was suppose to be Christ my God that I need that desperately.
I needed friends in my life to  spend time with when it was suppose to be Gods place.
Jul 2014 · 1.6k
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
When you are walking with Christ, his protection covers you.
It shall be there when the evil one tries to destroy you.
But Christ shall say no and cover you in his protective wings.
He shall catch you when you fall and gently set you down.
Life still shall be hard, but you shall not perish here.
Until God says that it is your time to pass on to heaven.
So stand firm, trust your Lord God and serve him only.
For he is getting ready to raise you up as well.
He is going to use you all in a mighty awesome way.
Jul 2014 · 222
Act Of Love
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
How can I love unconditional, in this world.
Unless I felt Christ love for me in this life.
For we can do nothing good in this world.
Unless we were shown by Christ or the Holy Spirit.
For we deserve only death and suffering in h3ll.
But Christ made a way for us to go to heaven.
His sacrifice has changed each of our lives.
For by going to the cross for each of us.
He has set an example of what true love is about.
Jul 2014 · 264
Understand Fully
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
To fully understand others in their pain and sorrow.
One must feel the suffering that they are enduring.
For everyone is equal to one another to Jesus.
No one is any better then the other people here.
It all has to do with the heart and circumstances.
It has to do with Love, the mercy that you give others.
For to love others as yourself is by far better then all of the sacrifices given.
So stand firm love others, and understand each of their pain and sufferings.
Jul 2014 · 248
Standing Firm
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
What have I become, wanting to be home in heaven right now.
True Love and being a true hero outweighs our wants and needs.
If Christ still has us here, it must mean that there are still unfinished business
Since we are here , we can minster to others about your mercies and love.
I know that there are lot of people that want to be home with God too.
But then how can we help encourage others while they encourage and inspire us.
So we need to quit focusing on our pain and sufferings and focus on loving others.
The way that Christ help when he walk upon the earth, he persevere here.
Every one is a hero whom can encourage and inspire others as well
Jul 2014 · 176
True Living
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I realize that life is far more then getting your way.
I realize that the trials that each and every on goes through.
Is to build us up to make us stronger on the inside.
For Life is not built on the easy life that some gets in this life.
But built on standing firm and loving everyone unconditional.
For loving others far outweigh becoming rich and selfish.
For through these trials we learn what others are  going through.
This way we can lead them out of the darkness and hopelessness.
That they might have been living in their entire lifer here.
Jul 2014 · 336
Perfect Planning
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Something you need to know suffering builds inner strength in us.
Its like child bearing , it hurts until you become healed then you feel joy.
Like an addiction cigarettes for example you suffer until you are healed.
Then it becomes another notch in your belt of Gods Faithfulness  and love.
So be thankful that Christ is using you in a mighty way an awesome way.
For he has a purpose and an plan for you, one of all of your own.
He loves you that much that he has plan out your whole life before you were born.
Think about that, it proves that he loves you more then you could ever imagine.
Jul 2014 · 210
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Trust  is earned , usually earn  then given freely.
Those with doubt rarely give it away freely.
But Christ earned it, when he died on the cross.
Then risen later showing us a way to be saved.
So now we sinners, can reach heaven above.
While before we all end up in hell because of our sins.
All we have to do is trust him and repent of our sins.
He loves us more then we could ever know, enough to die.
For us, he never did that for the angels but us he did it for.
Jul 2014 · 177
Super Natural
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We really do live in a super natural world, Christ the Word.
Spoke everything into existence, at the very beginning of time.
The evil one tries to speak death into everything that is good.
It is a battle that we are in the midst of a spiritual one who do you chose.
For by not choosing a side you are saying that you side with the evil one.
So we all need to choose, I choose the Savior Lord Jesus Christ.
He is good, he wants to heal you too he is God our Creator.
Without him there is no life just death and self destruction.
Jul 2014 · 266
So Desparerate
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
When you have no one in your life, when you hurt too.
I became so desperate for you, no one else can take your place.
When everything that would have matter is gone out of my life.
I am so very desperate for only you, no one will ever take your place.
When loneliness clings to you liker sweaty shirt in the summer time.
I am so needy now only you can rescue and heal me now O God.
I am so desperately needing you Lord God, rescue me right now.
For I am nothing less then nothing without you, so rescue me now.
I see so many lost in their own mind without a clue and are ready to die.
Rescue me, I know that I am no better then them, please rescue me.
Jul 2014 · 346
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Believe in Christ to see you through the hardships.
Believe in your relationship with Christ in the hardships.
Believe in Christ love for you even during the hardships.
Believe that Christ loves you no matter what you are going through.
Believe in the Holy Spirit that dwells within you helping you to overcome.
For the hardships are testing grounds to reveal that you are strong.
That your circumstance does not make you who you are here.
But your faith in the only one that really matters in this life and the one to come.
For its Christ that is doing a powerful work within you transforming you.
Jul 2014 · 377
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Today is a new day so rejoice in Christ faithfulness.
Today is a new day with hopes of new beginnings.
Today is a new day for some it is a fresh start for them.
Today is a new day with new hopes, and new purpose.
So rejoice unto the Good Lord our Precious God and King.
Let us come together so that we may worship him always.
For he is the alpha and omega, beginning and the end.
Jul 2014 · 407
Jesus Saves
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Even though you may be suffering right now remember Jesus saves.
Your heart might be wearily , Jesus has not forgotten you he will save you.
Even when you are drowning in despair Jesus shall save you always.
For those that are drowning in their sufferings, he shall throw them a Life jacket.
For only he can give any of us Life, for he is the Savior to those that loves him.
He saves us in every single matter, he saves us even from ourselves.
For he is Life itself, when you are wearily, tired come to Jesus for rest.
He will love upon you when everyone else has turn their backs to you.
For Jesus truly does save us wretched people from a death without him.
Jul 2014 · 179
Fill Me
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Empty out my brokenness, so that you can fill me with good things.
I stand firm, through this pain that I wade through to the pain.
I know that there is a purpose for feeling this way every single day.
Help those others that are going through their own sufferings.
Rescue your people from this hurt, that seems to never end.
Heal your people, restore us into the people that we were intended to be.
Cut the demons off of hurting your people send them to h3ll.
Restore us and use us to help other people that are hurting.
Jul 2014 · 183
I Still Stand
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am a failure, whom only succeed through Christ.
I seen the hurt, loneliness in my wearily torn soul.
I am no different then most people who are hurting.
Today I stand with you, for there is hope for us.
Its in my God, he is more then I ever deserve.
But he loves us all, and will never go away.
We could have everything, but then we would lose him.
For he says what good does it do to gain the world.
But in the very end lose your soul, so I chose him.
All that I went through but I am still standing firm.
It is only because of Christ my awesome Lord and God.
Jul 2014 · 227
Your Love For God
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I pray that you shall be blessed beyond measure, that you will hold peace.
That your heart shall always , have truth as a close companion everywhere.
That you shall sleep every night comfortably, and have great dreams.
Christ instill dreams of visions and future events, that you shall always love God.
That when you get married that person shall be your perfect soul mate.
That God shall place you in the most perfect vocation with enough money.
That your Love for God shall always flow out in everything that you speak.
Jul 2014 · 201
Totally Alone
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I learn to love everyone, because maybe I might the only chance.
For some to see Gods love,for some feel unloved and rejected.
If they do not know God, then the unloved rejection will be worst.
Because to feel that way and  is far worst when you do not even know God.
At least when you know Jesus, you have know that God loves you.
But to feel completely unloved is far worst burden to have to carry alone.
My heart is broken so I can only imagine how awful a lost soul for feel.
If they felt totally alone, unloved, and isolated their whole life here.
My heart hurts so severely for them, I love each and everyone unconditionally.
Jul 2014 · 180
I Am
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I am weak, but Christ strength is within me.
I am afraid, but Christ teaching me to be brave.
I am stupid, but Christ fills me with his knowledge.
I am a failure but through Christ my Savior.
I can overcome all obstacles and prevail always.
I am evil, but through Christ I became a saint.
I am so confuse but Christ gives me determination.
I am everything that Christ tells me that I am.
For I am nothing without Christ Spirit within me.
Jul 2014 · 431
Scatter Words
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Scatter thoughts, empty promises unkept.
Struggling to see the purpose  of isolation.
Still your promises are well kept. Lord God.
Its our fleshy promises that are empty words.
Scatter by the violent wind that we fail to see coming.
Caught up in our trials and tribulation appearing.
Out of nowhere, but isn't this usually how it happens.
If we knew the future then we would think to our selves.
Why do we need God then ,but we can not and we do need Jesus.
Jul 2014 · 544
You Are Truly Special
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
You are unique, and you are more special then you shall ever know.
You have a purpose, you are truly special. thank you for being you.
There is no other person that could ever take your place here.
For you are truly an inspiration, someone who is very special indeed.
I thank you, for being who you are and am grateful to have met you.
For you are truly a special and awesome person thank you too.
For being the person that you are, I just want to thank you.
Jul 2014 · 957
Totally Trusting
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
We are called to totally relie on the Creator of the universe.
So to trust with all our heart that Christ only wants the best for us.
To never give up on Christ never no matter what is going on.
To be there for others the way Christ is always there for us.
To totally stand firm, even in the midst of bomb explosions.
Keeping our eyes totally focus on the only one that can truly save us.
Jul 2014 · 169
Unconditional Freedom
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Freedom comes at a cost, giving up things that others enjoy.
But even though the flesh cringes at the cost of laying them down.
To a Spiritual being it is the best gift ever to be free from sins and addictions.
So be not disappointed at giving up those very things that you were use to.
But be thankful that the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth loves you.
Enough to deliver you from them and use you to show others his Faithfulness.
For he desires only the very best for each of us, his people everywhere.
So trust in him and obey him in all that we do for he truly loves us unconditional.
Jul 2014 · 306
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I have come to the realization that I am nothing without Christ.
I see my limitations every single minute of every single day.
To this world I am a complete failure, I am a co-dependent to God.
I really do need him every single second of my life, without him I am a complete wreck.
For even the simplest of things has left me in the midst of confusion.
But Christ is there to calm the storms of stress in the midst of them.
So I am thankful for his Love and Grace in my life here on the earth.
So I just keep on trusting and crawling ahead with faith, that things shall get better.
That this drowning in the midst of rejection and isolation  will soon be over.
Jul 2014 · 367
Wearily I Crawl
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Wearily I crawl, knowing there is no life except through you.
Whom else can save me, for I know that I am nothing.
Only through your workmanship ,do I become someone.
There is no other life giver, only do you give us true life.
My life is nothing I am nothing I have fail you so many times.
But yet you still love me, and still you rescue me everyday.
So to you I shall always turn to you the words that I speak.
They are given to me through your Holy Spirit within me.
I am totally lacking, I only receive because you are faithful.
So I shall always turn to you O Saving Savior Jesus always.
Jul 2014 · 233
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Life is about dying to self, there is no true Life without dying.
Just like there is not getting without giving it away.
For if you hoard everything that you get then you will end up   without.
For there is nothing greater then Love, its the greatest of action.
Faith , Hope, Joy, and Love is greater then these three combine.
Trust is very important another verb of action for you do it  no matter what.
So all of these verbs are very important in your relationship with Christ.
Jul 2014 · 236
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Things may seem hopeless right at this moment.
But the night is always darkest before dawn.
Also we put hope in the wrong times most of the time.
There is no hope in people nor is there hope in money or things.
There is only hope in Christ the Living Savior only him.
Life is hard, but Christ within you will overcome it too.
So keep on persevering, never let go of the true Hope which is Christ.
Trust him, Love everyone those that has rejected you love them anyway.
For you need to allow the Holy Spirit within you to reveal himself.
Jul 2014 · 645
Over flooding Tears
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
I hate not being able to cry, the tears are building up.
My heart is broken, the struggles and the pain are real.
Each time that I try to cry, something  holds me from crying.
If my tears could freely flow out they would be over- flooding.
But I  guess today is not the day that they will begin to flood.
Only Christ will know when they will start to over- flood.
But its clear that today is not that day of over- flooding tears.
Jul 2014 · 252
Everyone Hurts Now
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Everyone hurts now, life is fill with suffering and pain.
But we must trust in the Creator of our souls to carry us.
Life is only getting harder to walk, without Christ its impossible.
How many people have live a self destructive Life anymore.
Things are getting even more complicated in this life we live.
Marriages falling apart Loneliness is more in the news today.
But if you allow, Christ wants to heal the hurting and struggling.
If only you would accept his plea, and know that he exist.
He wants to change your life, to use you to reach out to others.
Jul 2014 · 304
A Perfect Life
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A life without sacrifice is an empty one, without direction.
How can you reflect Christ if you never sacrifice anything.
For how can you minster Christ if you never felt any pain.
For pain and suffering, are mix together to reveal his love.
The Love from a Savior, transform into something beautiful.
We all make sacrifices, giving up sins and addictions too.
To live a Life Holy and Righteous,  being transform by God.
Jul 2014 · 244
Worth Living
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
A life truly remarkable is one full of Love and compassion.
Without Love and compassion for others, you are not really alive.
To truly be alive, you have to take chances , on sharing Love with others.
For how can you be alive if your heart is stone cold lifeless.
Love melts away the cold and lifelessness from people hearts.
Sharing Love with strangers on the street, give both hope to feel.
The Hope from a Savior, Lord Jesus burns away the hopelessness.
Replacing it with Hope that comes from him the Holy God.
Thus building as remarkable bond between the 2 strangers.
Jul 2014 · 323
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
There is soothing in the voice of God.
There is healing in the words of Christ.
For his Love transforms us with healing.
There is healing in the Holy Spirit of God.
For he loves us , he is entwine with us.
For our Spirits have been attach together.
The Love of God last forever no matter where we are.
There is healing in the words of God, it perfect love.
Jul 2014 · 607
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Receipe to becoming an excellent poet.
Memories and wisdom are two main ingredients.
Healing, Joy, and Tears and Laughter as well.
Mix them all together with pain and suffering.
To bring out the beauty in the poems is best to do.
For a medium poet becomes excellent through pain.
The main ingredient is  Lord Jesus the chef.
Jul 2014 · 272
UnMark Road
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
You can take the path road, that leads to everyone else.
You can use the wide bridge that is safety built for comfort.
You can land that job with great wealth and traveling.
You can married that beautiful woman and have many kids.
You can do all of this in comfort and much pleasure too.
You can think only of your family and friends reject the rest.
But I will take the unmark road that leads to suffering and pain.
I will take the bridge that is swinging and very narrow indeed.
For me and my people we want the unmark road that leads to Christ.
Jul 2014 · 208
There Is No Escape
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
There is no where to run, when you are trying to run away from God.
He is in the deepest areas of the oceans, he is in the most deserted cities.
He is in Hades, he is everywhere , for he is The Christ the true God.
So if you are trying to  escape  from him , you need to rethink it through.
For he is in the air, he is everywhere all at the same time so run if you can.
But you will never  escape for if you are running  from fulfilling your calling.
Because your calling will happen whether you do it for God will shall be done.
So if you are trying to escape your calling you need to allow it to happen.
Or suffer the consequences of your actions, for you are either for him or against him.
Jul 2014 · 158
Have You
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Have you been toss in the wind, broken and  crumple upon the ground
Are you lonely, lost with no where to go, all alone here on the earth.
Are you ready to give up, calling it quits,  trying to lose oneself here.
Are  you so broken and so lost with no direction or no purpose here.
Remember that you really truly are loved bu a Great and Awesome Creator.
Are you suffering in pain, hurting far beyond any limitations .
Give it all to the Great I Am, the One who spoke you into existence.
Just trust him, he wants to heal you, for he loves you more then you know.
Jul 2014 · 150
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
Are you hurting, so broken laying on  down.
For even if you felt rejected all alone.
There is a Savior, he will not reject you.
He has you cover, he shall carry you through.
He will never reject you for he loves you much.
So lay it all at his feet, give it all to him to carry.
He is the one that whispers in the wind I Love you.
He will never let go of you for you are his friend.
Give to him everything, for he is the source of Life.
Jul 2014 · 513
True Security
Eddie Starr Jul 2014
True Security comes from Christ not money nor things.
There are so many whom build up fortunes out of fear.
They are afraid of losing everything and becoming homeless.
But true security comes from Christ not wealth or things.
Remember the rich man who amass a fortune of grains.
Even if you are good with God but fear of being without.
For Christ wants everyone to look at him as security.
For basically he owns everything in the world anyway.
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