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Aug 2014 · 180
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Light of Christ fill his people overwhelming with his Light.
Hope of Christ filled his people overwhelming with his Hope.
Peace of Christ filled his people overwhelming with his peace.
Salvation from Christ works overwhelming into his people.
Building up in his people revealing to the world Christ himself.
Mold, shaping, others, so that the world might recognize Christ.
Thus repenting and reforming from their old ways of the world.
Becoming new Creatures with the help of the Creator of the world.
Aug 2014 · 534
But In This World
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
In this world of today, everyone has some dark pain that no one else can see.
In this world of today, everyone has some sufferings as well as some regrets.
In this world of today, everyone hurts sometimes, everyone cries sometimes.
In this world of today, everyone has their moments of feeling hopeless.
But in this world of today there is a Living Savior that wants to give you rest.
But in this world of today, you do not have to hurt nor suffer either friend.
But in this world of today, there is hope for everyone just cry out to Jesus.
For he wants to rescue you, he wants to heal you of your sufferings too.
But in this world of today, you can find true Life in our Living Savior.
Aug 2014 · 273
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
The tears still fall, even though it been a fear years since last we met.
I know that I was never meant, to meet you in person but I did.
Still you made a huge impact upon me, which should have never happen.
Still my thoughts race to old memories of us spending time together.
I still hope that I shall see you in Heaven, because it will not be here.
At least then we can talk about happier times that we have in heaven.
Because the last time I seen you, was very heart-breaking for me.
But I know that God will turn this into something beautiful here.
Aug 2014 · 199
I Believe
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I believe that love will save the day, in the end.
I believe that loving others will open their eyes.
I believe that God is Faithful and God is Good.
I believe that our Salvation shall be worked out.
I believe that Love does conquer everything.
I believe that my life is not mine own but belongs to God.
I believe that Christ always saves the day everyday.
I believe that God has already save my soul from hell.
Aug 2014 · 312
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Through all of the struggles that I endure.
You strengthen me, so that I can inspire them.
Just as you do the same with them Lord God.
So that they too can encourage and inspire me.
It always works out with us helping one another.
For is that not the way that you work Lord Jesus.
Blessing us with fellow- ship and helping one another.
Sometimes just by reaching out, we bless someone.
Aug 2014 · 129
Here I Am
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Running free, trusting that my salvation shall be worked in the end.
Here I am, standing firm because it is your strength, that keeps me strong.
I should be dead right now, but you are carrying me through my Journey.
So I shall  not let go, but hang tightly on while you are carrying me Lord.
For I know that you will see me through everything that I go through.
So I know that I am never alone, for you are always with me, Lord Jesus.
I shall trust you in everything that I have to go through in this Journey.
For nothing shall happen to me that we can not overcome Lord Jesus.
Aug 2014 · 389
Earnestly I Go
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Earnestly ,I go to God throne whether I walk or crawl.
To the throne-room of the Great I Am, my Savior and God.
Where I desperately need his advice, for only he knows best.
I have struggle so many times, with what I was to do.
For I want to make him happy first of all with my obedient.
He is the one that I need to please, for he is my first Love.
The only one that can ever save me from anything at all.
So to him, I come fully wanting to please him always.
Aug 2014 · 278
To Love You
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
To truly Love you , would be to keep praying for you to be blessed.
To truly Love you, is to have you on my mind through thick and thin.
To truly Love you , is to spend some time enjoying fellow-shipping.
To truly Love you, the way that Christ loves you  is true Love indeed.
To truly Love is to love others unconditionally no matter what happens.
To truly Love you, is with great joy that Christ place you in my life.
Aug 2014 · 191
God's Grace
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
God's grace freely given by Jesus, freely accepted by us.
Christ has done lots more for us, then just dying on a tree.
He is still doing wondrous, miraculous things for us.
Once we freely lay down our wills, he shall show us.
Even though before that he shows us some of the things.
For his Love for us, is deeper then the Nile sea that he parted.
His word shows us some of them things, that he done for us.
Creating us, after giving up his life for us as a sacrifice.
Revealing to us his love for us at that very moment in time.
Aug 2014 · 233
Live In Love
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Always lay your life , in the hands of the Creator alone.
Never give up on your dreams and goals hang onto them tight.
For they shall happen in God's timing, not your timing.
For it is not about our agenda, but about others and Christ Glory.
For this purpose we were born into this world to help others.
To reveal Christ to the world, it is up to them what they do with it.
For then they shall see that he is really a Mighty Savior.
Thus they too may lay their needs at the foot of the Cross.
Aug 2014 · 202
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Remember this when you get depress and feel like you are losing the battle.
Remember the battles that you have overcome, that was done by God.
Remember the people that loved you and the things that made you happy.
Remember the Cross, remember the things that have happen to you.
For there is no such things as coincidence, everything happens for a reason.
Christ uses every thing and every situation to mold you into his likeness.
Remember the beauty  that you have seen in your life here on the earth.
Remember the blessings that you have forgotten in your life here.
Remember everything leads right back to Christ our amazing God.
Aug 2014 · 322
Beautiful Glorious God
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
My Beautiful Glorious God, loves us more then we can imagine.
For he died so that we may live, he suffered so that we may live.
For only he could take our place on that wooden cross filled with our sin.
Only he could rise back to life, right after dying on that wooden cross.
He did not have to die for us the Heavenly Father gave him a choice.
But he loved us more then we could ever know , he truly loves us.
So trust in him whom lead Israel, out of Egypt, into the promise land.
Trust in him whom loves you enough to died on that  wooden cross.
Aug 2014 · 409
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
When we are weak, Christ strength is filling us up overflowing.
When our faith is small, we need to pray for God to take our unbelief.
Filling us up with plenty belief, for we are because he is in us.
Everything that we overcome is because he is living within us.
When pride steps in we need to squash it and pray for humbleness.
For today I am a new creation, today God lives in me to overcome.
For he goes before me in each trial so that he can lead me out of it.
He gives me everything that I need to stand firm while he leads me out.
Sometimes he needs me to stay there until the person that I am suppose to help lead out shows up in my life.
Aug 2014 · 349
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
As the World drown in their suffering, hurt, and sorrow.
Christ Spirit the Holy Spirit becomes a Life jacket for the Saved.
Keeping them above water in this world of Suffering a world of evil.
There is so much that is wrong in the world of today, so much evil.
But Christ prophize  that the world would become an evil place.
This is one of many reasons that we need to focus on Christ.
For by trusting him, he has our undivided attention and our faith.
For there is no one except him that holds the key of our salvation.
So we need to move forward trusting him with our lives completely.
Aug 2014 · 233
Christ Blessings
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I been blessed more then I will ever know , there are things from the past.
At that time I took for granite that are rare but Christ bless us with.
The factory that I worked at in Iowa was a corporation with over two hundred people working there.
Everyone on my shift cared love me unconditional , it was a Christ thing.
I learn through them how to love unconditional, he really blessed me.
I was truly blessed back then and happy except not being married.
It was the best time of my life then for there were/ are lot of good people.
That works/ worked at that office furniture company where I worked at.
Aug 2014 · 220
You Are
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
You are all beautiful people because Christ does not create ugly.
You are all masterpieces of God because he does not make junk.
You are all great and wondrous group of people that God made.
He only makes good and awesome people born into this world.
For we have a choice on everything that we will do here on the earth.
A choice to do good and be a part of the Light of our Lord God.
Or to do evil and reject the Holy One of God whom lives above.
But we were still created by a Wondrous God to be beautiful.
But the more we choose to do evil and reject him whom made us.
The more that you might start to not feel beautiful in your eyes.
Aug 2014 · 502
Trust The Lord
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We whom walk by Faith, shall do wonders and hearings.
Because we trust in the Good Shepherd to see us through.
We may have our trials and sufferings but we shall overcome.
Not by our own power but by the Strength of the Lord.
For he not only given us the Helper the Holy Spirit of God.
But he also allow the Angels of the Lord to watch over us.
So be not fearful but know that Christ already holds our salvation.
For we shall not see death till the day that it was appointed to us.
For he has Angels guarding our Lives and Christ guards our Salvation.
Aug 2014 · 330
You Amaze Me
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I see you gift and stories on here Hello Poetry and each of you amaze me.
Your love , strength and I see how much you love Jesus as well friends.
God is using each one of you to reach out to others here on this site.
By your beautiful words I get encourage by you I want to say thank you.
For allowing me to share and be share with you have amazing gifts.
Your testimony is seen by many and I just think you are awesome.
Aug 2014 · 161
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We whom follow Christ love deeply and at times we get hurt.
But what good does it do to only love from a safe distance.
For to truly love unconditionally, sometimes will take you up close.
When you keep others in your prayers you are safe distance.
But sometimes God calls us to love up close even though we get hurt.
For he is always working within us to mold us into his image.
He get hurt by people whom reject him lot so who are we to be different.
So do not be afraid when you get hurt or rejected just trust God.
Aug 2014 · 227
Who Are Gods People
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We are your everyday people, we laugh, we cry, we hurt, and we love.
But at the end of the day we praise him for bringing us through the day.
For we know where we get all of our strength and courage from each day.
Without him we would be just another lost soul with no hope in sight.
But we have our Hope and we gain our strength to keep persevering.
Even though we really do not want to be here most of the time.
But every now and then we see our purpose here its to help one another.
At those very moments when God surprise us by using us that day.
We realize that we are here for Christ to use us to reach out to others.
Aug 2014 · 706
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Storms may come and go but it is by Christ strength that we overcome.
Christ is our ship and his strength is our sail, he shall see us through it.
But first of all we need to trust him and know that he is there for us.
So when fear starts to overcome us we need to pray to him for help.
But even when we are doing good we need to pray to him then too.
For he is not a genie but a living Savior and God whom loves us much.
We need to have a very personal relationship with him every day.
Not just when we are having a bad time but every single day we live.
Aug 2014 · 265
Where There Is Love
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Where there is Love, there is Christ.
Where there is Peace, there is Christ.
Where there is Hope there is Christ.
Where his people fellowship together.
There is Christ fellow shipping too.
For where there is his love for others.
He shall be there blessing and protecting them.
Where his flock is, there he is the Good Sheppard.
Aug 2014 · 333
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I believe that Christ holds our  salvation in his hand.
I believe that Miracles and Healing still happens today.
I believe that our God shall see us through till the end.
I believe that he loves us more then we shall ever know.
I believe that through his Holy Spirit within us all.
He shall do Mighty Miracles and Heal many people.
I believe that we too can love others unconditional.
That we shall be raise from the dead when he returns.
I believe that we are his people and he loves us much.
Aug 2014 · 292
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
When you truly follow the Living Word, you become Light.
For he lives in each and everyone of us, his people.
So let that Light radiant so bright that it out shine the sun.
Thus reflecting day even while it is nightfall, let it shine.
Trust in the Living Word whom is the Christ, let your Light shine.
Stay faithful to him, Glorified his Most Worthy Name.
Let your Faith in him , reveal Christ Holy presence in you.
Never doubt when your Faith is working within you.
Aug 2014 · 258
Beautiful Savior
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
My Beautiful Savior has rescue me from the death that I deserve.
I am a sinner whom failed him, I allow my brokenness to come between us.
His love for us is beautiful, his Love for us his people is Great.
He died a wretched death filled with our worldly sins to save us.
The Cross is beautiful, it is a symbol of freedom from sins and death.
He rose up from death to give us everlasting life with him in heaven.
He came to the earth to die and live again to give us true Hope.
He saved us, he lives to bring us out of rebelliousness with the Father .
My Beautiful Savior came here to save us from a death that we deserve.
Aug 2014 · 193
My Salvation
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Though I may walk through fire and flood.
Though to some I live a hopeless life here.
Though the world may not believe me.
I am yours and as you promise me salvation.
I am looking not at this world but the next one.
Cause my Salvation is grounded on heaven.
Here I am going to suffer, here I am going to hurt.
But not after  you return, I know no more tears.
So I place it all at your feet,  its in your hands.
Aug 2014 · 472
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Rescue them the weak, the hurting, the struggling and the lost.
Rescue those whom are in a need of a Savior who can healed.
Bring them to a place where their blindness will be no more.
Rescue the hurting, for they need you worst then a drink.
Show them your healing Love and presence in their lives.
For we all need a Savior, a friend in times of need we need you.
To rescue us and to save us from a self-destructive life.
For there is no one that can save us but only you Lord God.
Only you can rescue us, only you can restore in us a true life.
Aug 2014 · 455
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I am blessed to be overwhelm by your Love, your Grace as well.
A life time ago I felt an overwhelming Love by so many people.
I felt joy and happiness, Christ blessed me by them all.
But I took it for granite at the time because I was alone.
But this Love outweighed the Love of a mate or spouse.
Because this was a love by people that did not have to love me.
They just did unconditionally and it showed me how to love.
For to love others has to be done unconditionally without expectancy.
To love them fully and to accept them for who they are no matter what.
Aug 2014 · 267
Christ Lives
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Christ lives in Heaven above with the Father of all creation.
For the Father and Jesus showed Jesus how to give life.
For as the Word stated in the bible that he learn everything.
From the Father, he could do nothing without the Father.
Just like we learn everything that we know Spiritually.
From the Holy Spirit which learn it from the Christ.
We could do nothing Spiritual on our very own at all.
For to heal others we are working with the Holy Spirit.
This is why Jesus calls him the helper because he helps us.
Christ shows the Helper everything that he learns from the Father.
Aug 2014 · 190
God Is
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
God is truth, in God there is Life, Peace and Love.
God is real,whether you believe in him or not.
He is still God, he is still the Savior to the lost.
God is the Creator of everyone that ever existed.
For he created everyone and everything here.
God is Faithful, God is the Source to Life.
God is my everything, he is my Life and Source.
Aug 2014 · 193
Broken World
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
The world is filling up with broken people everywhere,
Broken marriages and broken families are filling up as well.
So many hurting, broken people are in this world today.
Everyone needs healing in this world, more then in the past.
Some how the united states and other countries pulled away.
From God they startled quit believing in the true Savior.
They startled putting faith in themselves instead of Christ.
Now people are becoming more hurt and broken then before.
This is what happens when we trust in ourselves then in God.
Aug 2014 · 305
There Is A Savior
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
There is a Living Savior that is True, Great, and Holy, Loving.
Most people struggle to believe in him because he is so Awesome.
But he is real, he is not a worldly Savior but a Spiritual Savior.
He came to save us from Spiritual death, he is Christ alone.
He does rescue us physically as well, but Spiritually he rescue us.
From the final death which is eternally a death in h3ll.
Which is a life without Christ in a dark fiery furnace place.
But with a personnel relationship with the true Savior God.
You shall avoid that dark evil place of permanent suffering.
Aug 2014 · 240
My Heart Pours Out
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
My heart pours out for those whom hurt both physically and emotionally.
My heart pours out for those struggling Spiritually, and emotionally, physically as well.
For I know that sometimes our struggles and suffering are connected .
My Hearts desires is for all that are hurting to be healed of their pains.
My heart hurts when I see those that are suffering right now in torment.
I love you all with the love of our Great and Wonderful Savior God.
My heart cries out for all of the hurting to feel Christ presence in their lives.
To fully come to know him fully and feel his Mighty Healing Love.
To see him in a even greater Light and become personal with him.
Aug 2014 · 191
Tragic Death
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Each tragic death breaks my heart, I know how tough life is.
But it gets tougher on those that survive the tragic of others deaths.
For it is us that has to live on without you in our hurting world.
So remember the next time you want to finish it all here.
That there will be people that you destroy their lives by your death.
Whom had loved you more then you shall ever know anytime.
Aug 2014 · 419
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Standing firm through this spiritual hurricane that attacks us.
Standing firm with the strength of the Mighty Lord our God.
Standing firm , for he is our Strong tower, our fortress also.
Standing firm in this darkness that try to overtake each of us.
But we have a Savior that none can overtake , he is our everything.
When we put our trust in him, he shall never let any of us down.
For he is our protection throughout every single storm we go through.
So I shall stand firm, and never give in  to the fears that destroys.
Aug 2014 · 384
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
There is a Light in some that lights up the world.
Their struggles and strengths never defeated them.
Christ lite them up revealing his Beautiful Glory.
Like all people our Lights shine brighter in desperate times.
Because in the hard times that we go through here.
It is during these times mostly reveal Christ within us.
It is through our hardships that we are carried by him.
These are the times that his love for us is mostly evident.
Aug 2014 · 216
God Help Them
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
God help those whom cry out in pain every night and every day.
Help those whom drink to forget the tragics in their  tragic lives.
I know how when you are hurting, you desperately crave relief.
From the memories of the pain, but sometimes the relief never comes.
For this reason I cry out not only for your people to be healed .
But for every one that struggles with their pains no matter who they are.
For through the healing that they may see God for who he really is.
A awesome Faithful Savior that saves those that are hurting and lost.,
Aug 2014 · 695
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We whom are Spiritual beings being trapped in our physical bodies.
Having an Savior that truly cares for each and everyone of us his sheep.
Enduring each and every hardship that we go through revealing God.
When we overcome these obstacles with the Holy Spirit help.
For it is by Christ grace alone that we are overcomes through him.
For I am nothing but a weak child without my God strength within me.
Because without the Holy Spirit I am just as weak and fragile as anyone else.
Aug 2014 · 196
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Christ is our source and our help, who else can we turn to.
For only he can give us life and salvation in the next life.
Only he can turn our sorrow into complete Joy always.
Only he can supply us without money to buy them.
For he can give a poor man a house to live in without money.
For everything in this world belongs to him anyway.
So trust and believe for he is the King of Kings Lord God.
Aug 2014 · 207
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
To those that are hurting right at this moment.
Stand firm trust in the Lord he is looking out for you.
It may not seem like it now, but he is going to heal you.
For he loves you and wants only the best for you.
He is getting ready to do a brand new thing within you.
Alas you are going to be called a Miracle. because of the healing.
For soon you shall be called Blessed and healed as well.
For God loves you and want people to see your new self.
Aug 2014 · 237
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Forever my life has been touch by all of you.
Forever I been blessed by each and everyone of you.
Forever each and everyone of you have a place in my heart.
Christ has use you to implant the unconditional love.
That shall forever be embedded in my heart and soul.
With each and every one of your name on my heart.
Forever you have gain a piece of my heart that belongs to you.
I just want to thank each and everyone of you for your blessing me.
Aug 2014 · 187
Who Am I
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Who am I , but a mere mortal seeking Christ love as well as his favor.
For I am just a Spiritual being struggling with the desires of the flesh.
I am a weak man whom struggles with loneliness and desperation.
For I seek to be healed so that Christ shall be Glorified by it.
For I am useless mortal whom loved my Living Savior whole-heartily.
Desperately wanting to bring him Glory through being healed by him.
I so desperately want everyone that I know to become one within him.
Thus joining me at the celebration feast held in Heaven above soon.
Aug 2014 · 244
True Hope
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I know that out of anger lot of people would disagree with me.
But I know that there is real true Living Hope that loves us all.
He died on the cross an sinless Savior God so that we could live.
He rose back up from death three days later giving us true hope.
He is not the Savior to the dead, but to the living he saves us all.
So please keep pushing through, for I can relate to your sufferings.
I too live an lonely existence, but I know that Christ is with me.
So I shall keep pushing through this mess that I live in.
Aug 2014 · 317
Life Without You
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Without you there would be no purpose or reason to live.
Without you the beauty would cease to exist in my life.
For beauty comes from the heart for it is the inside.
The heart that reveal true beauty and the Light from you.
Who except you have the secret to true Hope and Life.
For only you can breath into us a true Life that is worth living.
A life that draws Hope and Joy into our hearts to give us a purpose.
So if you were ever to reject me who else would I turn to.
For there is none other that could fill my life and give me Hope.
For I desperately cling to you O God for true Hope drawn from you.
Aug 2014 · 581
We Need A Savior
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Because I am broken and damaged goods as well.
I can see that I need a Savior to rescue and fix me.
Because I have trouble even fixing the simple things.
So to have my life repair , I need a Savior to repair it.
So that he not I shall receive all the glory for doing it.
Plus people will see that he lives through the repairs.
For they shall know that it was not me that fixed it.
So I pray for the Great I am to fix all of us who are damage goods and broken.
Aug 2014 · 284
Damage Goods
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Help heal me of my brokenness O God please.
Repair the damage to my brain from the accidents.
Restore in me a perfect will to follow you completely.
O Lord, I know that I am nothing without you God.
Please finish this work in me, I know that you can.
At times I feel too unworthy for this much work to be done by you.
But at the same point unless you complete the task.
The healing will not come about, I know just how powerless I am.
Without you my life is powerless and directionless O God.
For I am damage goods, that needs a Savior to repair me.
Aug 2014 · 207
I Am
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Like a sheet of paper blowing without direction in the wind.
Like a poor man searching for his father without any resources to help.
Like a homeless person searching for shelter in the storm of life.
I am nothing without you and your Spirit within me Jesus.
I know my limit and I know with you my limits are limitless.
But without you, I am another lost soul headed to h3ll forever.
But since you have reveal yourself to me, I see true hope through you.
It may not happen here but still I shall have that endless joy from you.
For you are my Hope and Heaven is my eternal home forever.
Aug 2014 · 271
Words Are Powerful
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Just like a pencil we have to have our minds sharpen in order to write Christ words.
Just like a piece of corn we have to die in order to gain a fruitful life.
Just like a sponge we have to soak up Gods words so that we may become a blessing to others.
We need to dive into Christ words so that we may find healing through them.
For words are powerful and Christ words are super powerful to our souls.
Aug 2014 · 293
You Are A Miracle
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
There shall come a day when tears shall pour out of your eyes.
Like a wall fall it shall overwhelm with much needed healing.
For it shall be happening for as it seems along while it shall pour.
All being done to transform into a Great Wonder through God.
Your new name shall be all healed, for a miracle they shall call you.
Many people shall fall on their face and become a repented soul.
All because you obediently allow Jesus to place you in situations.
That has transform you into a miracle they shall call you now.
Because you obediently left the sinful life to follow Christ forever.
So now people shall look at your life as life they too want to live.
Aug 2014 · 189
Thank You All
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I am so super-bless, to  know Christ the way that I do.
I am so thankful to have been loved unconditionally.
By so many amazing people whom I see Christ in them.
I am so very blessed by people that I met on the net too.
For they have blessed me , I am so grateful to each of you.
I see you as my heavenly family, I am so grateful too.
For God placing you all in my life, this is true family.
For family is made up with people that truly love you.
I truly love each and everyone of you with unconditional love.
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