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Mar 2014 · 206
Falling Apart
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Holy one , how I remember seeing you throughout my life.
Especially through the times when I fell apart, it was your strength.
Those times I was ready to call it quit and end my life forever.
But your mighty Love for me would not let go of me, you were there.
Those times that I was falling apart, you were the one holding me together.
Making sure that I would not end my life , protecting me from myself.
O Glorious Savior you whom saw me falling apart thus you were holding me together.
It was you whom was comforting me throughout those desperate times in my life.
Mar 2014 · 152
Do You Want To Live
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Do you want to truly live a life worthy of living.
Do you truly want to make a difference in this world.
Do you want to change this world, do you want to be loved.
Do you want to become someone that feels complete joy.
Then lay your life down at the bottom of the cross leaving it there.
Because in order to become a life changer in truth you have to serve.
The truth is once you start serving others, you will forget your own problems.
To focus on becoming a servant for Christ is the best decision you can make
Mar 2014 · 194
I Shall Trust You
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
It matters not what I shall go through in life.
My soul shall rejoice and give him the praise.
For my God has everything under control.
So I shall trust in him whom created the heavens.
For he is good, for he is my Rock, and Salvation.
In him, I shall put my hope for only he can help me.
He shall raise me up and carry me to the heavens.
Where the joy of his work-in us shall be reveal.
Mar 2014 · 315
He Is Risen
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I stand firm only because my God dwells within me.
I live because the Spirit of Christ the Holy Spirit.
Has saved my life on more then one occasion in my life.
He will finish the works that he has already startled in me.
He shall not abandon me nor will he ever forsake me.
But he shall show the world through me, his presence in me.
Thus they shall have no excuse for not believing in him.
For he wants them all to see him repent and then follow him.
Mar 2014 · 435
Living A Fulfill Life
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To live a life fulfilling, to a live a life for pleasing to Lord Christ.
To live a life, giving to others, even when your life is upside down.
To live a life outside the comfort zone, allowing him to show his love.
Shall bring much more riches once we are at our true home in heaven.
For it was never was about us or about here on this dying world.
For if our lives are suppose to have true meaning  anywhere.
Its more spiritual then worldly, for true life is about serving others.
With the gifts that you have giving us, most of us are not rich.
Mar 2014 · 142
You Are Lord
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Lord Christ, you are the only answer to all of my questions.
You are the source to all of my wants and needs too.
You are the island that save me while I was drowning.
You were the only one that carried me while I suffered.
You look at me, seen all of my brokenness, yet you stood by me.
You whom loved me and held me when I was hurting God.
So why shouldn't I stand firm in your love and trust you.
For you have always been there for me , my whole life.
Mar 2014 · 222
Despertately Seeking You
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Oh Mighty Savior, I am lost without your hands to guide my way.
I am nothing but a pile of dirt that you breathe into live.
I seen the darkness within myself, and I seen your love.
I seen what your miracles could do in my life Lord.
I now am desperately seeking you to finish the job.
For there is still much work within me yet unfinished.
So much that needs to be done and so little time yet.
So I come desperately come seeking you and your help.
Some many hurting people needs to see your handiwork.
So that they shall come desperately seeking you and your works.
Mar 2014 · 334
Desperate For Change
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I tried to do everything my way, only to collapse in desperation.
Then I rose, because only then did I allow you to take control.
A desperate man with a desperate plea, I fell at the bottom of the cross.
Only when I let you take control, did my life change for the best.
Your beauty oh Lord, reveal to me your perfect will for me.
Is to love others, the same very way that you have love me.
Only when we become desperate, only then will our live change.
Because only then shall we allow you to take complete control.
Mar 2014 · 368
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Its the things that we hang onto the most, temporary things.
That really define whom that we really truly are on the inside.
While at the same point, those are the things we need to let go of.
For we can only hang onto one thing very long is it Christ or the world.
For Christ wants our whole focus, to be completely on him alone.
For sometimes its memories of a person that we should have never met.
Or a feely good happy place that should never been in our thoughts.
He wants us to become fully committed to him  and the kingdom business.
Mar 2014 · 372
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Even though we are blessed, and know Christ intimately.
Does not mean that we never are sad, or grieve in life.
For when we see love ones or others, missing out.
On knowing the one and only true giver of salvation.
Or the times that we look back at the mistakes that we made.
Realizing that it might have cost someone from finding Christ.
So yes there are times in our lives where we grieve here.
So when we fail our savior we must repent and keep on moving on.
Mar 2014 · 640
Judge Not
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Its best not to judge others until you see their  heart conditions.
Because most of the time its more a heart thing then anything else.
For in reality only Christ can see their heart, so only he can judge.
For his judgment is right, because he see everything in the person.
So only he can send us to either heaven or hell in the end.
So we must lay our judgments down at the bottom of the cross.
Whenever someone wrongs us, we need for Christ to help us.
To learn to forgive that person to give them the grace that we receive.
For Christ has given us plenty of grace in our live already.
Mar 2014 · 2.8k
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
In this world today it seems so many people are blinded.
By selfishness among other things, this is truly sad.
They have a intelligent mind, but its hidden from others.
Because of the selfishness that they are caught up in now.
So its hard to see anything but the self-centerness.
That holds each and everyone of them captive.
So they will continue going down that jagged edge cliff.
Mar 2014 · 412
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
If you really  want to become full with Joy and Peace.
Then allow Christ to empty out all of your pain and suffering.
For he wants you to hand him over all of the junk inside of you.
So that he can transform your life into something beautiful.
That shall help encourage others to want what you have.
So they too shall seek the Jesus the Creator of the universe.
So lay down your issues, hurts, sufferings and pains too.
Allow Christ to mix them with his words transforming them into healing.
Mar 2014 · 222
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
God is  a Amazingly Awesome Savior and God.
He reveals himself to those that loves him fully.
For he looks at our hearts, not our outward appearance.
He will turn your sufferings into something Beautiful.
Using us to minster to those that are suffering now.
We need to fully allow him to use us to help them.
For the selfish, only thinking of oneself is wrong.
We need to love others, the way that Christ loves us.
He unconditionally love each and everyone of us.
Mar 2014 · 703
Healing Situations
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Sometimes Christ will allow situations, to occur to bring healing.
It may not feel like God because we do not want to admit that it might be him.
But Christ will do the tough love thing when it involves our salvation.
At first it might be very uncomfortable, it might even hurt at first.
But in the end, if it came from God there shall be growth even healing.
So trust in him, for Christ only desire is to work his salvation into us.
In the very end, when he says welcome home child it shall be so worth it.
For to be one of his people is a huge honor, to be welcome home by him too.
Mar 2014 · 280
Free Will
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We all have free will, a will to save or a will to ****.
To do good, and save lives or to do evil and destroy.
God allow us to have free will to see which we will choose.
Whether we pick him, or choose to live worldly its our choice.
At the same point we will either be taken into heaven.
Or we shall end up going down to the burning pit call hell.
Where the worms never die and neither does the fire.
So basically its your call, choose wisely what you pick.
Mar 2014 · 1.8k
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Overwhelm us with your grace, and your mercy.
Overwhelm your people with your love and faithfulness.
Overwhelm us with your perfect goodness and blessings.
For the whole world to see that you are our Salvation.
Without your faithfulness we would fail to enter your kingdom.
For our salvation is not built on our works but your spirit.
I am so unworthy of Heaven, but by your grace I shall be there.
Because once you start a work in me, you shall finish the job.
So I shall make it there but only through your works Jesus.
Mar 2014 · 232
Ready to be Healed
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ is getting ready to do a new thing within his people.
First he shall test them to see if he is first in your lives.
Secondly he shall give sight to the blind and voice to the mute.
He shall give healing to the hurting and sound to the deaf.
He shall give life to the dead and home to the homeless.
He shall give love to the brokenhearted and wisdom to the dumb.
He shall lift his people up, so others shall see him in them.
For he is still working on healing in the very last days.
Mar 2014 · 256
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Never estimate the powers of the Lord your God.
For his love for us is never ending and he is faithful.
He shall stand by us, till the very end of time.
For he shall raise us up on high, bless his Mighty Name.
We shall never fully understand his love for us.
At least not until we meet him, then we might.
So just keep praising his most worthy Name.
Treat others with the same love Christ shows us.
Mar 2014 · 250
Your Love
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Your love brings me complete acceptance of myself.
The type of healing, that you shall not get anywhere else.
Your love is unconditional, perfect healing restoring love.
One that I shall never take for granted , because its perfect.
So I shall always chase after you both day and night.
I shall allow your love to consume me, freeing me from selfishness.
Because I never ever was love like this before so perfect.
But to be honest, only you could ever love me this perfect.
Mar 2014 · 270
Here Send Me
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Here send me to help those whom are hurting Lord.
For I know from experience how they are feeling.
Here send me to help those caught up in their struggles.
For I know from experience how they are feeling.
Here send me to help the broken and brokenhearted LORD.
For I know from experience just how much they are feeling.
So send me and others to help lead them out of their sufferings.
Bring us to a place where they shall see you in me and want you too.
So that they shall follow me out of their current situation God.
Mar 2014 · 769
No Hope
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
There is no hope in this worldly living world.
Just doom, depression, and selfish behavior.
There is no such thing as truly living in this life.
For worldly living will bring nothing but doom.
For the evil **** phony god of this world.
Wants nothing but to destroy every person.
But the only Hope has paid the price for our freedom.
So working through our doubts and frustrations.
Knowing that Christ is our only hope at joy.
For our hope is not on this world but on heaven.
Mar 2014 · 268
The Light
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We who walk on the path, headed toward our Savior.
Walks in the Light of our God, for he is our truth.
He is our only Light, and he is our only Hope too.
Without him there is only death and destruction.
For he is the way the only true way to Salvation.
Anyone whom believe any different is being deceived.
So trust in him, relie on him and you shall live in freedom.
For he will deliver you from all sin and addictions too.
Mar 2014 · 275
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I have been broken most of my life hurt and alone.
But only alone through human understanding.
For the Lord my God, he has never left me .
He never will ever leave me either, God is Awesome.
For he has rescue me from so much and he loves me.
He is my rock, my foundation is built upon his love.
For I am very special to him, actually we all are.
For he is the God of Love and Saving Salvation.
He stands at the door of our hearts knocking.
Are you going to let him in, so he can make your heart,,
His home too sharing communing with you.
Mar 2014 · 326
The Cost
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Without the cost in this life, there would be no salvation.
Without the cost in this life, there would no life, only dull moments.
For without any cost, where would the learning come from.
For only by making honest mistakes, do we ever truly live.
Only by failing at it will we see the true Deliver the Christ.
When the Holy Spirit does finally strengthen us enough to succeed.
So instead of day dreaming yourself to victory , wake up now.
Then keep praying and crying out to Christ to help you over come it.
Thus by this they shall see Christ within you through the Holy Spirit.
Mar 2014 · 208
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
As humans we struggle, when we miss seeing God, we feel abandon.
But what we fail to see that its him that is carrying us through this.
For he knows when we are drained of strength and ready to fall.
But he wants us to keep moving toward the prize set before us.
So he will carry us through these difficult times that we are in.
Because he want others to see him in us, so that they too will seek him.
So do not fear him forsaking you, because he will not ever leave us.
We need to just trust that he is doing the work for us when we fail to see him.
Mar 2014 · 1.9k
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
To live with struggles everyday, is to see Christ grace.
To see the attacks from that wicked scumbag demon too.
For Christ strength keeps you persevering through it.
While so many others have given up with no hope to stand on.
But when we place our hope on the Living God strength gets renewal.
So that even through the rough times we keep pushing through.
With  the strength from the Lord helping us to overcome everything.
That those demonic forces throw right at us on a daily basis .
Mar 2014 · 273
What Do I Have to Lose
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Saving God, I am at your mercy, save me.
For what do I have to lose if you do not exist.
But you do live God this I know in my heart.
But the fact of the matter, is what does anyone..
have to lose if you do not exist, for this world is dark.
The point is now days everyone is suffering a lot.
At least we your people have your strength to relie on.
So it is better to suffer, with you to help us get through it.
Then to suffer on our own , when the strength is gone.
Then we would commit suicide or something Lord.
Mar 2014 · 304
O Holy One
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
He is perfect in every way, he is worthy of our praise.
He came into our world, as a living sacrifice for us.
He never once sin, for he is perfect in every way.
They hung him on a tree to die, a sinful death.
But to their surprise he risen back to life three days later.
He became for those that put their faith in him fully.
A sacrifice for their sins, so they can become reborn.
Thus so they can become spiritual and not worldly.
Mar 2014 · 366
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We whom are true disciples of Christ, are resurrected in him.
We shall be raised up in him, being miracles through him.
The same set of laws that applied to the lost does not apply to us.
For we have come to know the God that created everything.
So he shall do many miracles through us and in us also.
Showing the whole world his true existence that is in us.
So let us praise and worship him always for truly loving us.
For our Savior, and God is the true God of love , he lives forever.
Mar 2014 · 414
Amazing Christ
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O cities of this universe, cast your eyes on our Amazing God.
Lord Christ our Redeemer lives within each of us always.
Building our faith in him on a daily basis, for he is good.
For he shall finish what he has startled in each of us.
Molding, shaping, healing, and delivering us from our old ways.
So that our Light might shine especially in the darkness here.
For it is by our Light, that others shall see God within us.
Thus wanting what we have receive and repent then follow Christ.
Mar 2014 · 286
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
For almost my whole life , I felt overwhelming sorrow.
But as of lately, I realize that my sorrow was cause by ill-thinking.
For I have been deceived into wrong way thinking the whole time.
For I have not been rejected, for there are many that still love me.
I am not unlovable, but through Christ my Savior I am special.
Everyone is special, because even through their trials in life.
They are still in love with our precious Lord and Savior.
Christ will never ever give up on us, it is we that gives up on him.
For he loved us enough to died on the cross for each of us.
Mar 2014 · 285
The Stuffering
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Anymore it seems even more people are suffering.
It use to be just the artsy people  suffered  but now.
Most people suffer and hurt in today society .
So now we need to reveal to them Gods strength.
Also that Jesus wants to heal them too from their brokenness.
Then they shall perceive Jesus in a new and Awesome way.
Knowing that he does truly love them and will heal them.
After that hopefully they will chase after Christ with their complete heart.
Mar 2014 · 362
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Out of desperation, I come Holy One for my pain is huge.
I cry out to you with still no answer in sight, Lord God.
Hear my pleas, I see so many suffering more each day.
My hurting heart, understands their pain and suffering.
For it never gets any easier, but Christ strengthen us.
So that we may deal with it better, more Godly like.
So others will want to become strengthen and healed.
Thus then they too shall lead the hurting and lost ..
Out of the darkness that holds them prisoners too.
Mar 2014 · 620
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Forgetting our past and mistakes to move forward.
Into the relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus.
Thus accepting that we are a new creation through Christ.
Whom was raise from the dead over 2000 years ago.
Being a sinless man , he accepted the role of a sinless sacrifice.
So that we whom put our faith in him shall be saved.
Then on the day of resurrection, we too may join him in heaven.
As a sinless people, we shall worship him and our Heavenly Father.
Mar 2014 · 2.5k
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Powerful conversion, repented of sins and attitudes.
These are just a couple of  things proving rebirth.
For once you are rebirth you shall hate worldly things.
For we might be living in this world but we are not of this world.
We belong to Christ whom dwells in heavens above us.
So live radical, live a life focusing on our Redeemer Jesus.
Love others as Christ have love you, be selfless not selfish.
Live a life without greed, live a life full of miracles.
Mar 2014 · 405
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We whom are of the body of Christ was redeem, so praise the Lord.
P ick up your feet dance like King David did in the streets.
Praise your God with all musical instruments harps and violin.
Praise his Worthy and Mighty Name, sings songs about him.
Worship him your Awesome Savior, for he is Awesome and Good.
Run around shouting praises to him, do it all for he is Good.
For Jesus has rescue us from the pit of darkness and doom.
So let us worship and praise our Savior for his salvation is good.
Mar 2014 · 524
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you are reborn ,everything change within you.
You receive the spirit of Christ become one with your spirit.
Then with the aid of the Holy Spirit transformation occurs.
Transforming you into the likeness of Christ with miracles too.
Your whole life is changed, you have no desire to sin anymore.
You put your life and your hope in the hands of Jesus, to use.
For his Glory not for our selfish pride, for he will bless you.
He will keep working, molding, transforming your life.
Mar 2014 · 2.7k
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Each of us are on a crossroad to choose which are road to take.
Are we going to choose  the road that lead toward worldly.
Or are we going to choose the road that will lead to Christ.
It is your choice, but I have chosen the road toward Christ.
For I want to be able to praise him and worship him in heaven.
I want my life in the end to be meaningful and beautiful.
One that other true believers will be able to say yes he belong to Christ.
Mar 2014 · 298
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Jesus, you are our source, you are our portion.
So we will not fear, for you are Awesome God.
We will chose to follow you through everything.
Because there is nothing that can separate us.
We will choose to walk the narrow path to the finish line.
There is nothing nor anyone that separate us.
You know all, so no one can lie to you about us.
You know our decisions and heart already Lord.
Mar 2014 · 359
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O God you have rescue us, from a death that is worst.
You have not only spoke our healing into existence.
But you took the brut of our suffering upon your shoulders.
You gave your life, for our lives and rescue us from doom.
A death that we deserve, because of the sins that we have done.
So we give you our praise and honor you with true worship.
For you took a death, that you did not deserve to rescue us.
From the death that we have really deserve, thank you God.
Mar 2014 · 157
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
When you have the faith, you can heal the sick.
When you trust with your complete heart Jesus.
That God will save you from your current situation.
Then it will happen maybe not the way you expect.
But it shall happen the way that Christ wants it to be.
For his thoughts are not like our thoughts, they are better.
So when Christ does deliver you from it, it shall be better.
For he already see how it will come about in your life./
So trust him for he loves you and will never hurt you
Mar 2014 · 293
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Hello, Trust Christ for he will never leave nor abandon you, never.
Stand firm, do not budge the strength of the Lord is always yours.
Run to God when temptation seems too fierce to overcome on your own.
Never fight on your own understanding but allow the Spirit to guide you.
For Christ sent his Spirit, to help and to teach us how  remain victorious.
So pray, read your bible and trust in Christ on everything you go through.
Follow Christ , obey him and let him guide you to wherever you need to be.
When you see the world sinning, pray for each of them to find God too.
Mar 2014 · 434
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Believers with open hearts ready to lay down your life for your God.
Long hours, with blessings beyond your wildest imaginations.
Miracles happening every day, but you must die to self everyday.
Trusting that your heavenly Father will protect you from harm.
That he will bring you back from the dead, to live a joyful life in heaven.
If this seems like a perfect fit for you apply to Jesus in a prayer.
He will definitely let you know, if you have gotten the position.
Mar 2014 · 252
Help Change Me
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We the body of Christ never compromise our relationship with Christ.
For he must always come first , for he is our best friend and source of life.
So if you are compromising your relationship with him , better be careful.
Ask for forgiveness and then repent for he should be your everything.
For Christ is good, all the time, no one else even comes close.
I know that sometimes our hearts wanders because of our brokenness.
When this stuff happens, cry out to Christ ask him to heal you.
For if you truly are sincere, about being his disciple and child.
He will  never leave you nor forsake you as his child and best friend.
Mar 2014 · 259
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I am a follower of Christ, the living God.
My faith , he has been building on it.
I am just the man that he uses to write the poetry.
But it is Christ extra helping on the poetry.
I am so blessed that Christ loves me so much.
So I will praise him, and always worship him.
He is so Awesome, I thank you Lord Jesus.
For everything that you have done for me.
Mar 2014 · 474
Worship You
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I give my all, as worship to you, O Living God..

I lay down my life, to worship you Lord Jesus.
There is only living a life of sacrifice to you.
For you are Holy God, I stand to worship you.
Take me as I am, I will worship you for you are good.
This life means nothing, I will worship you Jesus.
Heal me God, use all of me to show true worship of you
For I am nothing,, without you Lord I want to worship you.
In every part of my life, I want the world see me worship you.
Mar 2014 · 847
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
What a sad pathetic existence that a lot live in.
For they are so consume by what they feel and need.
That they fail to see the hurting, Christ and everyone else.
They are so caught up in hording everything from everyone else.
You should be ashamed of yourself, this is not about you.
But it is about Christ, the creator of each of our very souls.
Who are you to think that the world evolves around you.
On judgment day, you will wish that you had heed my warning.
Mar 2014 · 301
God Forgiveness
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O how dark this world is right now Family.
How I pray that this whole world would repent.
Then chase after the Christ, I pray this will happen.
But I also know what Jesus said himself to people.
That only a few would find the road that leads to Heaven.
But I am still praying that many will see the Light.
Thus repenting, thus being drawn to you O Holy One.
I have the faith that people that Christ has put in my path.
Shall not only be save , but healed and restored too.
Mar 2014 · 260
You Are Perfect
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Here we stand , to worship you Holy One of God.
There is none that are good except you, only you.
Your Grace which you have seal our salvation in.
You see all things, you have seen our end and beginnings.
So you alone are worthy to be praise and worship Lord.
I give all that I am to you O Holy God, only to you.
I fall upon my face, to worship you O Holy Savior.
For only you can save our souls, only you can rescue us.
So I give you my everything to transform into something beautiful.
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