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Mar 2014 · 1.4k
Overcoming Life
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
There is only one way to overcome life's problems.
Through the Spirit of God which is the Holy Spirit.
Because we most of the time can not overcome them on our own.
But when we have the Holy Spirit living within us, we can.
But it is only because God is fixing our problems not us.
For I know that I am far from being a problem-solver.
But I know the creator whom created all of the good things.
He knows how to fix the problems because he created everything .
Mar 2014 · 831
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Normal is overrated, too many people are normal.
I on the other hand would rather be extraordinary.
Because by this I know the true Living God name Jesus.
He gives us his Spirit to dwell within us to help us.
To overcome the things that comes against us here.
The power of the Holy Spirit is quite extraordinary.
To overcome this word, the Holy Spirit will protect us.
The Holy Spirit also will show the world Christ.
Through us so that they shall have no excuse on Judgement day.
Mar 2014 · 3.4k
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
O Savior, deliverer of my wasting life here.
Create in me strength to overcome my trials.
Teach me how to lay down my sins here.
For I want to be going to heaven after I pass away.
So do a mighty transforming inside of my life.
Rework my attitude, among my behavior too.
Transform me into your likeness Lord God.
Heal me, restore me, create in me a righteous heart.
Create in me a steadfast spirit, finish your work in me.
Mar 2014 · 348
I Will Stand
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I will stand, not because I am strong nor am I brave.
But because you keep strengthening me, with your Spirit.
I will stand not because I am strong, or because I am brave.
Because I am quite weak , and am not ashamed to admit it.
I will soar, not because I can fly like a eagle soar.
But because I will be bless and spiritually empower by your spirit.
Which dwells within me through your Holy Spirit.
I shall overcome all obstacles thrown at me everyday.
Not because I am a super hero , but because you protect me.
Mar 2014 · 234
I Shall Stand
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Whatever happen I must trust that its in your will.
For I know that you have everything under control.
So I must quit worrying over bad things happening.
For I must trust you, and lay my will down to pick up yours.
Because I do know that you love me and will be with me.
I must walk with the confident that you are protecting me.
While praising your most Worthy, and perfect name God.
So I will start walking like a overcome, not a coward.
Mar 2014 · 195
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Christ hear my plead, I need you to come to my rescue.
I need you to do a huge working in me, for I keep failing you.
I am not the strong perfect soldier that I need Lord God.
As much as you have reveal yourself to me, I should be.
I keep allowing my brokenness and hurts keep me,,
From being the strong warrior I should already be.
God heal me, so that I can stand strong on your word.
Bringing others out of this depressive life I am trap in.
I do know that you are my hope, my strength, and strong tower.
But I am still trap in this depression , over my failures.
Mar 2014 · 258
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
We will die in this life, this is a promise  unless Christ comes first.
Even then it depends on who side you are on whether you will die or not.
For revelation says that the lost shall battle Christ till he destroy them.
After all this time he is not coming as a pacifist , but as a warrior.
For right now we are called to love others as we love ourselves.
But once Christ comes the kid gloves shall be off and he will fight back.
The people will bring it on themselves because they took the mark.
They choose the side that they agree with and it was not the side of God.
They finally got off of the fence, and went to the losing side.
Mar 2014 · 3.9k
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
I whom once ran from obedience to you O God.
Now receives the redemption from you Lord.
For you freely give your redemption to people.
Whom once were disobedient to you Jesus.
You give us grace and mercies everyday.
Even though we really do not deserve them.
Yet you love us enough, and sees something within us.
That we have not seen in us yet, thank you God.
Mar 2014 · 363
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
Have you ever met the love of your life, the one whom is your soul-mate.
But then was told by Christ that you would never be them at all.
Have you ever been lead away from obedience to Christ Jesus.
By a person that you were connected with in every single way.
I met her the woman of my dream, the only one I ever truly love.
To have fallen into sin with her, when I should have been stronger.
But Christ forgives and always give his people second chances.
To become the people that he has created us to be in the beginning.
Mar 2014 · 366
Eddie Starr Mar 2014
What do I have to lose, my life been turmoil as it is.
The struggling to stay above the waves of the storms.
Trusting that there is a purpose to these storms.
So I must keep moving on persevering in this life.
Staying to myself is very painful most of the time.
The ones that I want to see I do not see very much.
Knowing that this isolation will not last forever.
Trusting that there is a purpose behind this Lord God.
Feb 2014 · 349
Your Love
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Your love is freely given and I freely accepted it.
Your love is everlasting and unconditional.
For you love me the way that I am God.
Your sent your spent to heal my pain and suffering.
You choose me to become your blessed child.
All that you have already done for me, thank you.
For you are a awesome Savior, Friend and God.
Blessed be you Mighty Name O Lord God.
Feb 2014 · 3.3k
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I have been renewal through the Living God.
My life has changed for the better through Christ.
He is my strength, my soul gets renewal through him.
He is my provider, my best friend, and my King.
When he draws me nearer, I am raise up by him.
He protects us from harm, and delivers me through hardships.
He walks me through the hardships then uses me to bring others out.
He is the Light that I see at the very end of the tunnel.
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
Living Supernatural
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I am living supernatural,  here on this planet of ours.
Because I have a Savior , whom is working through me.
I seen the many miracles that he has preform through me.
He has saved my life many of times more then I can remember.
He has blessed me too beyond all measures, for he is good.
He restores what is stolen from the evil one too .
He is my Lord, God, and Creator, that blesses me.
With long live and abundant blessings to go with it.
The poetry  he writes through me to help others.
Feb 2014 · 292
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I may be broken , but through Christ I am invincible.
Just like an egg you have to break it shell to get on the inside.
We too have to become broken so people can see Christ in us.
So know when you become broken it can be use to help others.
Show them Christ within you, and the miracles that he preforms,
in your life everyday will draw them to him to help them too.
So that your poems can help heal other people too whom,
are going through now what you have already went through.
So stand tall, let God heal you and use you to heal others.
Feb 2014 · 276
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
When you came to me , you ask me what I needed.
Since I am very broken, you already knew this too.
So I said that I needed to be healed by you God.
So since then you been working on four things.
1 You are healing me, second you are delivery me.
Third , you have been working on building my faith.
The fourth and final thing is trusting you Lord.
Through it all the trust is the most important of all.
In all relationships are based on trusting the other person.
Feb 2014 · 329
Powerful Life
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
There is power in a life, laid down for others.
There is power in a life given over to Christ.
There is power in becoming a servant to all.
There is power through the Holy Spirit within.
To put  others before yourself, thus leading by example.
Its easy to call yourself a Christian, but its much harder..
Following through with becoming a true Christian.
There is power not your own spirit but Christ Spirit,
That dwells within you is where the power comes from.
Feb 2014 · 244
Who Am I
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Who am I to walk on water, while holding your hand Jesus.
Because like Peter if I let go then I will sink into the sea.
Who am I to walk on water, because I am no different then anyone else.
The only difference is that you have taken a special interest in me.
Because in truth I mess up every day, I am just blessed by Christ.
I am just a ordinary man who has connection with a supernatural God.
A God who promises are truth and he is always faithful to his people.
Who am I to walk on water, I am a son of the Most High God.
Feb 2014 · 299
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
When Christ redeems you, he starts a good work in you.
When you truly belongs to him, he shall finish that work.
So be strong, never forget that Christ is still working on you.
So do not let that evil one make you feel lost or thrown to the curb.
For if Christ has save you, he will finish the job that he already startled.
Praise the Lord, for he is not like man leaving a job unfinished.
Just trust in God to finish the work inside of you, because he shall.
Then you shall bow before him when you see him and praise his worthy name.
Feb 2014 · 281
Though It All
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
O Holy Creator, The Word, your words speak life into my soul.
Your words are healing vapor, healing my inner being always.
As dark as my life has been, your Light shines healing ray into it.
cleansing me of my addictions, sins, and most of all my attitude.
For you change people from the inside-out cleansing them.
Of everything that is not of you, thus we then resemble you God.
For you are always working cleansing and molding us too.
Feb 2014 · 719
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I am free , because you have delivered me from sin.
This freedom is fantastic, I praise you for everything.
For the strength that you have empowered me with.
Though the Holy Spirit which is within me Lord.
You have empower us with so much, of your gifts.
In turn people shall see you within us daily Lord.
The testimonies are another gift you have empower us with.
Each trial that we go through will only make us stronger.
At the same point we are still living because of your protection.
Feb 2014 · 270
I Dont Care
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Lord I don't care what people think about my love for you.
There are a lot of fools in this world whom don't want to believe in you.
They enjoy sinning way too much, to want to give it up for you.
My love for you is real, I am not afraid to say I love you God.
You are everything to me, I have nothing but what you give to me.
I am blessed by you , I have what I need and that's enough.
My life is a blessed by you, its not always easy to live this life.
But through your strength, I get through it everyday God.
Feb 2014 · 377
I Learn
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I learn in life Christ is always faithful, for he is always good too.
He will lift you up, if you keep your pride in check, he will bless you.
With his tender-mercies, and loving kindness too so stand firm.
But if pride sets in and you think that this is all about you.
Then you are going to fall, the Lord hates pride in anyone.
But the humble will be raise up, so never forget this child.
Always remember the world does not evolve around you.
It evolves around Christ Jesus alone, so humble yourself.
Feb 2014 · 314
Love You Lord
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I come to realize your Love is sweeter then wine.
You have saved me from death, here on this world.
Your love is sweeter then any woman's love could ever be.
Your love is sweeter then wine or the sweetest brownies.
Your love is the best, you whom have rescue Israel from death.
You have lead them out of Egypt , where they were held captive.
Rescuing them you lead them into their promise land you gave to them.
The land of milk and honey, they have became your chosen people.
So Lord God , I will always love you with a complete heart, you are my life.
Feb 2014 · 497
Intentisional Sacrifice
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
He live a life , destine for suffering bruise, batter through it all he still love.
Torture , beaten, robbed, yet he still was royalty not of this world though.
Even though he owned everything in sight, he could have call down his soldiers.
But then how could he become the sacrifice that he knew he was meant to be.
For only through this huge suffering, and sacrifice could he become a Savior.
To a group of people that were once his enemies, but now his best friends.
For only through his huge sacrifice would he show his love for us.
In a way as humans, that we would understand him clearly thank you Lord.
Feb 2014 · 884
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I stand before you the Healer of my soul.
I fall upon my knees to worship you, my Healer.
For your ways are good, your ways are pure and holy.
I will worship you O God, for you are the Healer of my soul.
I will stand in Awe of you, for I have seen what you have done.
So I shall fall upon my face, to worship you O Lord God.
For you are so worthy, you are so good and awesome.
Feb 2014 · 249
My Hope
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
There is but one true Hope of the world.
He was nailed to the cross over 2000 years ago.
Yes this world is getting darker as we speak.
But he can still save you, and use you to help others.
For he is all about love, Loving others unconditionally.
Putting others ahead of yourself, like he did when he walk the earth.
He put others before himself, like when he went to the cross.
Dying on it, so that we may have life through his sacrifice.
Feb 2014 · 271
Christ Light
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
There is but one Light which brings true Hope.
For most people crave the darkness to hide their deeds.
But when you step into the Light , your darkness revealed.
So stand in the Light allow it to shine through you always.
Thus revealing your deeds to this world are sincere.
Thus drawing people to your Gods throne room.
For then they too shall become children of the Light.
Leading the Lost, hopeless, and hurting into Gods Light too.
Feb 2014 · 638
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Christ has transform us into living Miracles.
All of the things that we have gone through.
To come out stronger, not being destroyed.
For many people have been destroyed by less.
Destroying themselves instead of persevering.
Which is what Christ has called us to do trust him.
Not give up on this life become overcomers here.
To not allow the evil one to deceive you into destruction.
But to stand firm and fast, to become overcomers in life.
Feb 2014 · 360
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
If we were judge on our sins, we would all be headed to hell.
But instead we are judge on our relationship and faith too.
For once we start to build a relationship with Christ Jesus.
He starts to build up the faith that we shall need to overcome.
Which will be like a boulder going down a snow mountain.
Building a speed that will make it zoom much faster down
This is how faith is built too it is built up to zoom.
Its not us that builds up faith but its Christ works in us.
Feb 2014 · 3.1k
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Redeem from the sins that I have done in the past.
Redeem to become a true child of the Living God.
Redeem from my rebelliousness and attitudes.
Redeem from a life that was wasted till now.
Redeem from being just a another member of the crowd.
Redeem from living a selfish, non sacrificial life here.
Redeem to fight for the fatherless, widows, and poor.
Redeem to be the child that you have created me to be.
Feb 2014 · 515
I Am
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I am a child of the living God name Jesus Christ.
I am a new creation in him, one full of grace and faith.
I am all that Christ has called me to become in the new life.
I am healed, I am restored, and I am safe under his wings.
I am his son, not a stranger but a family member of Gods.
I am a strong spiritual warrior through Christ Jesus.
I am a doer of his word not a failure but a Overcomer.
I am here because Christ has called me out of the darkness.
I am here because he has brought me into the light of his love.
Feb 2014 · 456
Thank You
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
O Holy one, my redeemer and very best friend.
After looking over my past life in a clear view.
Seeing your faithfulness at every single turn.
Knowing that even through the very dark times.
There was a purpose on why you allow them.
I see your finger prints in all of the good things.
So I just want you to know that I am very grateful.
I want to thank you for everything that you did.
Feb 2014 · 128
Lost Time
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I wasted a lot of time , doing things my way.
By running away from the  Gods purpose in my life.
I could have done so much more with Gods aid.
If I would have allowed him complete control.
But I fail to allow him to accomplish other stuff.
Using me to reach out to even more hurting people.
But at this time I was wanting things my way.
This is where we get into trouble, wanting things our ways.
For Christ knows the future and what we truly need.
Feb 2014 · 250
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Its time to get serious with Christ, for soon he shall appear.
To get his children and take us to the heavens above us.
Then there will be a dark time here on this planet earth.
Where people shall suffer because of the evil satan.
His people then will be in constant danger of death.
Because at this time evil shall reign on this planet.
But fear not for our God is still in control over things.
So rejoice and praise his most worthy name.
Feb 2014 · 193
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
We are healed by our faith, once we know the truth.
That Christ heals those whom believe in it, it will be done.
For faith is a seed that is planted in our minds by what we believe.
Christ will heal you through your faith in the truth that he is love.
So trust in his love for you, believe that he has healed you already.
Thank him for all that he has done in your lives today and always.
But most important, know that he is God and God alone.
For he speaks everything good into existence, for he is Good.
Feb 2014 · 206
Fast Lives
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
We are like vapors, here today and gone tomorrow.
But that is this life alone, our next life is forever.
To live with Christ throughout all eternality is awesome.
A life where we can show Christ our love face to face.
Let him see that we love him unconditionally too.
For our love for him shall be exactly liker his love for us.
We shall have a sinless body once we make it to heaven.
No more suffering, anger, sin just unconditional love.
Feb 2014 · 606
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Your Faithfulness is renown, its perfect in every way.
Your love is unconditional, freely given to everyone.
Your blessings are super awesome and well needed.
I am so blessed by you my perfect Savior Jesus, thanks.
For I act like a stiff neck person at times but you still love me.
I see your handiwork in my life, every day I see your protection.
I see your faithfulness in every single situation in my life.
So I will sing , praise you for it, I will let the world know about you.
Feb 2014 · 132
I See Christ
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
I see Christ in the moonlight, the sunlight, in the rainbows, and in the stars.
In everything that is free, I see Christ in the beauty of nature, in the sky.
For how else can they be woven and blend in the most perfect of ways.
Unless Christ whom is God the son whether you believe or not created it.
How else could life come about on this , planet that we all live on , then die on.
Unless there is truly a Savior that spoke us all into existence out of nothing.
I seen God in everything that he has created into existence, for he is Awesome.
So I will stand in awe to give him the honor and praise that he deserves.
Feb 2014 · 236
The Love of A Savior
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
The love of a savior, is what the whole world is looking for.
Most are called by him but only a few are chosen by him.
Really it does not matter the gender, because it is a family love.
Not the kind of love sought after here on the planet earth.
God is Holy, beyond that of mortal men and women.
He is the creator and parent to us all, we will be brothers,,,
Sisters, and he shall be our Father, thank you Abba Daddy.
Jesus shall be our older awesome brother, I think you Lord.
So we are super blessed to have the love of a Savior.
For God so love the world, that he gave his begotten son.
That whomever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Feb 2014 · 282
Christ Love
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Your love for me leaves me breathless and in awe.
In the morning, I , talk with you, in the evening .
I praise your most worthy name my Savior.
For your beauty is so Awesome my Savior.
I love you Lord Jesus, you are everything to me.
I am not ashamed to say just how much I adore you.
Your Love is sweeter then the most sweetest cake.
I will forever worship you my Lord and King.
Thank you fort saving my life, and my soul.
Feb 2014 · 405
Forever Faithful
Eddie Starr Feb 2014
Holy one, here I come to worship you.
For you are Worthy, you are Holy.
Here I come to bow before your throne.
To sing praises to my worthy Savior.
I am lost without you God, I am yours.
You are Awesome, you are my Savior.
There are no other as Awesome as you.
There is only you, my Lord and God.
So I shall bow before you O Holy One.

— The End —