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Apr 2014 · 211
Saving Peace
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you have a strong firm relationship with the Creator.
You will know that he  has shown you many miracles.
Thus giving you the knowledge of his protection over you.
So that your fears will have been put to rest, and buried.
So stand firm and trust the maker of the entire universe.
For he loves each and everyone of us with unconditional love.
He whom made the stars in the sky also created us as well.
Apr 2014 · 351
Hope,darkness, Inbetween
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
There are single spirits bodies wandering around.
Then there are two Spirit bodies showing hope today.
Through you whom have many homes that you are sharing.
Then there are those whom share their bodies with darkness.
The darkness may have more, but only the Light shows hope.
The singles are caught right in the midst of this battle.
Still it plain to see most of them look toward the darkness.
But a few will reach out to the only Hope that there is.
For those Split , some of them are with the Hope as well.
Apr 2014 · 246
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
'You may question many things in this world.
But one thing should never ever be questioned.
For Christ does have everything under  control.
He knows exactly the outcome of every thing.
So even if you struggle with trusting others.
At least learn to trust the Great Creator of all.
For others may fail you and give in to the dark side.
But know that if we put Christ first in our life's.
Then he shall work everything for our greater good.
For he is always good and have your best interest in mind.
Apr 2014 · 487
A Life Well Lived
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
To love, is to hold and let go not to suffocate.
To live is to and die to self in a every day manner.
To care so deeply for others  unconditionally.
For a life full of self-sacrifice is a life worth living.
For what you give,  you shall receive right back.
For to live a life with fear of being hurt is no life at all.
But to freely give of yourself without fear or stinginess
Shall be revealed after you have pass away through the hearts of others.
For those who did truly lived shall be also be truly miss as well.
Apr 2014 · 116
What If
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
What if you were never broken, any way at all.
Would you have still seen Christ revealing himself.
Or would have pride step in the way between you and Christ.
Would you have still felt his love and everything else.
Or would have pride stop everything from being revealed.
Would you even needed Christ if you were not broken.
Or would you be just another lost person headed to ..
These are things that you need to ponder when you get depress.
Apr 2014 · 239
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Drown me in the river of your amazing love Holy Spirit.
For who am I , but a man whom drowning in brokenness.
But you moved in to teach me heavenly things from God.
I been drowning in brokenness, but God uses everything.
To reveal himself to not only us, but to every one else too.
He uses the broken part of us to reveal that its him .
Not us that do all of these great things for the world to see.
For thus we know that we could never accomplish these things on our own.
So I am glad that I am broken, because otherwise.
I might have miss out on God revealing himself to me.
Apr 2014 · 559
Shining Light
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Your Light shine brightly , thus revealing Christ through you.
Your Light shall not be hidden from this dead darken world.
But as a beacon shall draw those that belong to the Light as well.
So fear not your Heavenly Father has got your back, stand firm.
He is using you in ways that you have no idea nor clue about.
Shine Beautiful Light Shine , draw your people toward us.
So that they shall see your beauty in your other people hearts.
Thus knowing that they are not alone, but have a family here.
Apr 2014 · 283
Live Strong
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Live life as a warrior, seek Christ every chance that you can.
For his Spirit within you is greater then the demonic ones.
Be not afraid to stand up against wickedness and sin.
For through we are in the flesh right now, we are still spiritual beings.
Just like God, the angels too we are Spiritual Warriors not fleshy ones.
So seek Christ pray and use your sword every single day.
Thus by doing these you shall be strengthening for the battle ahead.
Remember you are not fleshy person but a Spiritual Warrior.
Apr 2014 · 271
Which Are You
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Are you afraid of failing so you fail to give your all.
Or are you afraid of succeeding beyond your expectations.
Are you afraid of the power which you wield because of Christ.
Or are you lost and afraid that your failure would make you sick.
Or are you born again yet afraid of letting Christ down.
Which ever that you are being a child of Christ is a blessing.
For he loves each and every one of you with unconditional love.
Apr 2014 · 464
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I know that united states has fallen,  big time unfortunately.
I know that there are still decent people still living here.
As well in every country there are still God fearing people ready for him.
But if all of his people in all of the different countries would
Stand up and be counted for the Living God, Lord Jesus Christ.
This world may right now be hurting, but if his people stood up.
Every single one of us, just imagine the power within us all.
There would be miracles, healing deliverance from demons wow.
Just imagine the great impact that we would have on the lost.
Apr 2014 · 275
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Remembering a time, I thought was difficult but now realizing.
The truth of the matter  it was uncomfortable at worst case.
But at the time it seem quite difficult , but I had Gods help.
Though out my life I thought I was living in hopelessness.
Because I felt unloved , unwanted, and very rejected in life.
But still I was alive, there were and still are people that love me.
I listened too much to the twisted evil one whispering in my ear.
When in fact there were some that really did care about me.
Apr 2014 · 719
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I know that at times , like a lot of people, I think way too much.
I also came to the conclusion that there is a time think and a time to act.
I also know that at other times, instead of thinking things through.
I have reacted on the assumption that I was leaping with Gods faith.
So really there are three types of people the thinkers, doers, and the God trusting ones.
So I rather stay the third one, that just jump out in Faith for Gods will to be done.
For those are thje ones that Christ has their backs every time they leap.
Apr 2014 · 250
Are You Hungry
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Are you hungry for life, ready to follow Christ into a better life.
Are you tired of struggling for a reason to keep living life.
Are you lost without hope and without a purpose to live.
Are you always running around on empty, without a clue.
Are you wandering aimlessly not knowing what happens after death.
Then pray to Christ to come into your life and make changes in you.
Ask him to become your God and to forgive you for sinning.
Let him know that you know that he died on the cross for you.
Apr 2014 · 311
United States
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O how this great country has fallen, after turning your back on God.
O great you were at one time but now your greatness is gone.
If only the united States would repent from your wickedness.
I remember a time when things were good back then.
But now the United States government has walk away from God.
They use the Christ to get into office to then take God out of it.
So now our God has turn his back on this once great country.
Apr 2014 · 194
Great Is Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Great is my God, awesome is he for he is worthy.
For the first time her came here as a lamb to the slaughter.
But this time he is coming back as great Warrior.
Who can stand against him for he is God alone.
Only he is Good only Christ is worthy of our Praise.
For he lay down his life, to save us from our sins.
Then he pick his life back up again only he can do that.
Everyone else is still in their graves awaiting for his return.
Apr 2014 · 351
Become A Blessing
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Become a Blessing today, love on others today show them Christ.
Become a blessing today , let Christ be visible inside of you today.
Become a blessing today, help others to obtain hope in our God.
For no other hope is will last,hope through others will be short lived.
Hope in everything else is short lived only through Christ is it eternal.
For only can he give you true Hope, because only he is God.
So if you need true Hope, then start a real and personnel relationship.
With the one and only true Giver of Hope, Life, and Salvation.
Apr 2014 · 319
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
He whom spoke everything into being, spoke Hope also into our lives.
For that Hope died on a cross over two thousand years ago, for he is our Hope.
For the evil one is the giver of hopelessness, but when we focus on Christ.
We are given Hope , because we focus on true hope which none other can supply.
So until you see the truth you are relying on hopelessness not Hope.
Thus you get tangle up in its deceptive web of all that is not of Christ.
Thus your life is filled with-hopelessness which leads to death and destruction.
Thus you have to see the truth then you will find the true Hope.
Apr 2014 · 441
Life-Giver Christ
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O how Christ  touch melts away the frost upon the cold bitter hearts.
How Christ love revive the dead to rise up to a life full of Hope and Joy.
O how Christ words raise the dead to life that is worth living for.
O how Christ whom love us so, will give us a renewal life in heaven.
Thus we live for Christ who brings the dead unto true life worth living.
For he whom is called the Word by the Father and others as well.
For it fits him perfect for he speaks life into ther dead hre speaks things out of nothing.
Apr 2014 · 256
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O woe all those poor souls , dying in the weather chaos.
My heart goes out to their families and love ones this is sad.
That weather things come out of no where to take people lives.
Storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and other things.
So be aware that you are not promise another tomorrow.
So draw close to Christ before it bercomes too late.
Pray him into your life today so you will have no fears tomorrow.
For my heart is breaking for those lost in the storms.
Apr 2014 · 431
What Missing
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
If you do not feel love then start loving on other people.
If you are feeling insecure, then start trusting others.
Love is a verb, an action not a noun worldly love is a noun.
But Christ love is a verb, this is what true love is about.
So start trusting especially when things perceive to be the opposite.
Christ is trying to teach you how to love unconditionally in a lost world.
Thus this is where the true testing grounds are in with the unloving.
Apr 2014 · 785
Mind Control
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you finally grasp the spiritual warfare tactics of the evil one.
When you finally take back control over your own mind and keep it.
When you finally realize where the true war is happening at .
When you finally allow Gods word to soothe and control your mind.
Then you shall become a victorious spiritual warrior for our God.
So many people whom walk around clueless to what is happening.
But there is a battle ragging in each of our minds every single day.
We have to decide on whom are we giving control of our minds to.
Are we going to give our thoughts to Jesus or the **** satan.
Apr 2014 · 373
Broken Yet Solid Firm
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I am broken yet my strength is solid, for you keep filling me up.
Even though I have issues, I stand firm solid on my Rock.
He keeps me floating through the storms of life that I am in.
Even when I am drain, your strength is still enough for me.
I have been through so much, in my life yet still here I stand.
For he is my Rock, my Firm Foundation in this life.
No matter how fast the devil flood my life with chaos.
Christ , never let me down for he is my anchor and wall.
The flood may come but it never get past the Holy Spirit.
For the Holy Spirit and Christ alwasys hasd my back.
Through those times of attac
Apr 2014 · 339
Thank You
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I know that its lonely world, for a lot of hurting people these days.
I just want you to know that you are truly special individual too.
Even if you do not feel special, for everyone is worth Loving on.
No matter what anyone has done or said, they are still worthy.
For everyone needs to know that their life does matter to someone.
Everyone needs to feel love as well, it is as important as having food.
For a person can die from loneliness,so know you are important.
For Christ only creates masterpieces not junk nor garbage either.
Apr 2014 · 209
Never Accept Defeat
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Never accept defeat, Christ will help those whom can not help themselves.
So whatever you may do or say never give into defeat, for you never know.
When the Miracle is going to take place, only God knows when he will save you.
So trust in the one whom created the moon, and the sun to beautify the earth.
For he weaves things into other thing that were created for each of us.
Just as the moon and the sun were created for the earth that we live on.
So too are the very things that are woven into our very lives.
To accomplish through him our Blessed Creator and Savior of our Souls.
Apr 2014 · 459
Action Plus Faith
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Action plus Faith leads toward redemption and God.
Action plus Faith leads toward a life worth living.
Action plus Faith, leads toward a much better world.
Action plus Faith leads toward miracles and Salvation.
Action plus Faith are the keys that lead toward heaven.
So use your Faith to step out in obedience to Christ.
Thus the world shall see Christ working within you.
Action plus Faith will lead show the lost Christ within you.
Apr 2014 · 327
Christ Shall Not Be Mock
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When things are good for you, never become cocky or a bragger.
Be grateful and thankful,  for all that Christ is blessing you with always .
Never assume that you are receiving them on your own merits.
For Christ will give and take away as he choose fit to everyone.
For he is the creator and there is none like him, for only he is good.
Praise him and worship our Savior for he is good and Righteous.
But never mock him for you shall sow whatever you reap too.
He blessed and curse whomever he chooses to, for he has a plan for all.
Apr 2014 · 271
Redemption Calls
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O many live a life of guilt and remorse, a life of long-suffering.
A life of self-destruction wanting to become a memory to the world.
But the whole time Christ holds out his hand for you to grab.
But in your blindness, you keep pushing it away feeling unworthy.
Still he holds it there, for he is ready to hug you and encourage you.
If only you would let him in, he would take away all of your guilt.
For he would forgive you faster then us humans ever would.
If only you would go to him and ask for him to forgive you.
But still the guilt is there and so is the self-destruction mode.
Apr 2014 · 5.5k
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When you start to live in love, sacrificing becomes easier.
Because Christ starts to fill you up more, sooner than before.
He wants us to sacrifice for others, this is what he did.
So he wants us to be just like him while he walks the earth.
For he said the one who becomes the servant is greater.
So please don't be afraid of sacrificing yourself for others.
You will be so thankful that you did it when you get to heaven.
Live a life sacrificing yourself , giving of yourself is the perfect act of love.
Apr 2014 · 174
You Are
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
You are worthy, for Christ deem you worthy enough to die for.
You are loved, for everyone was created by a loving Savior.
You are redeemable , that was why was Christ died on the cross.
So that he could save that which was lost by Adam and Eve's sin.
You are special and unique, for no two people are the same.
You each have different gifts, and  talents to share with the world.
That reveals that Christ is God and that he is alive, sitting next to the Father.
For God so love the world that he sent his begotten son into the world.
To die on the cross, to save that which was lost to God through Adam's rebellious act.
Raising up three days later, he show all that he is God the son, now he sits next to our Holy Father whom art in Heaven above us right now.
Do you have Jesus in your heart and have personnel relationship with him.
If not you can all you have to do is pray to him, ask him into your heart.
Let him know that you know that he die for your sins and that you know that he lives and is God alone.
Then start your personnel relationship with him by praying to him.
By reading the bible too every single chance that you can do it.
Also ask him to reveal himself to you , so all that your doubts shall go away.
Apr 2014 · 447
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I believe in each and everyone of you will be blessed today.
I believe that you are children of the only True Living God.
I believe that love does conquer all, for God is love.
I believe that by faith I am saved , its true for all whom believes.
I believe that one day we shall meet and praise the Lord together.
I believe that Christ Mercies and Graces has not limits on it.
I believe that eacvh of you shall bre super-blessed today and always.
Apr 2014 · 360
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Christ who is the Living Savior of his people.
He whom did many Mighty Miracles on this earth.
Gives us the very same power through the Holy Spirit.
When our faith is built up enough to see them through.
The Spirit does even more Miracles without our faith.
For example the times the Spirit protects us from death.
Deliver us from a addiction that we are going through.
The times that the Spirit heals us from an illness too.
So yes the Spirit does not always need our Faith for Miracles.
Apr 2014 · 212
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I truly want to be here to help encourage the hurting.
For I know what it is like to live with inner pain and suffering.
But now I place all of my hopes and desires not on this life.
But the one that is yet to come, on a savior that loves us.
I place my heart in thje hands of a living Savior God.
Whom over two thousand years ago suffered at the cross.
For me and others to have a life with him in heaven above.
So this is why you must start contrating on him now.
Knowing that its the next life that is important not this one.
Apr 2014 · 173
Open My Heart and Mind
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O Holy One, open my mind and heart to the hurting and suffering.
Show them to us, that we whom been there can encourage them.
Let them see our tear filled eyes, so that they shall know that we do care.
For we through our brokenness, have seen Christ up close to us.
We know that he been there in his sufferings and overcame them for us.
So that he can help us to overcome all of our hurts and sufferings too.
My heart breaks for those that are still hurting and struggling.
I know what it is like to hurt and feel like no one understands what you are going throgh.
Apr 2014 · 497
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Focus on the things that will praise our God and Savior.
Allow no wickedness to show up in your life and testimony.
For it might cause some to turn away from Christ on account of us.
But to stand firm allowing us to be shaken and shown worthy.
Of living a life fill with testimonies of Christ love and faithfulness.
So that we shall bring others into his kingdom everyday.
For life without Christ is definitely a dark and sadden place to be.
So we show people just how awesome life with Christ can be.
Apr 2014 · 253
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
We can sit around judging one another all day or show others grace.
Which would Christ do if he was standing here today with us.
Would he judge them or say to them go and sin no more.
I guess it would depend on that persons heart condition.
For he knows each and everyone of our hearts condition.
But we do not knows others hearts , so until Christ return.
Our job will be to continue to pray for them all leaving the judging to Christ.
Apr 2014 · 284
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Peace only comes after war been fought.
Life only becomes better after a rough spell.
People change after losing something.
Safety is only added after someone dies.
This is the way of this world stuck in sin.
But the new earth and heaven shall be different.
For there shall be no suffering nor sin in it.
Only true Joy worshiping our true King.
Apr 2014 · 660
Leap Of Faith
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
When all is said and done, do we end the day trusting in Christ.
Or do we end the day with more fears controlling our thoughts.
In the mind set , do we trust Christ or do we want to be in charge.
For only Christ knows the outcome of every one of our trials.
So once we start to realize the scope of Christ knowledge.
Then we will start to lay more and more things in his lap.
For him to handle, for he is by far wiser then us all.
Apr 2014 · 197
In A Moment
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
In a moment time we could all be gone to heaven or to hell.
For it only takes a moment to see my life flash before my eyes.
In a moment many things could happen in each of our lives.
It takes a moment to become rich, or to become saved.
It takes only a moment to see the truth as well or to fall for a lie.
It takes only a moment to lose everything that you own.
So to be honest I would rather that moment draw me closer to Christ.
Then to have that moment lead me down that path toward death.
Apr 2014 · 217
Living A Life Of Sacrifice
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O living a life full of sacrifice, is truly what we are called to do.
For as the Lord came down from heaven to die a sinners death.
For we too are called to live a life worthy of Christ by sacrificing.
Thus then the lost shall see that we belong to Christ our Savior.
The worldly makes no sacrifices at all but indulge in all sins.
But we as people of Christ are called to lay sin down at the cross.
For with Christ help, and the Holy Spirit we sin less then before.
The closer that we draw to Christ the less that we shall sin .
Apr 2014 · 134
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I learn one thing above all else, is that Christ is the only one that I cant live without.
I was in many different types of relationships with only one woman stole my heart.
But I will never ever be with her, but even her I can live without.
I care deeply for several others, but them too I will never be with.
But its Christ Jesus that I can not ever live without him my God.
Only God , for I so very desperately need him in my broken life.
I live through some very rough hopeless times in my  life.
But he has always carried me through these rough times always.
Apr 2014 · 263
Living A Life Thats Worthy
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Living a life that is worthy, is not getting angry all the times.
But to accept the things that Christ allows in your life.
To become a humble person whom accepts his disciple.
Living a life that is worthy, is placing others needs above your own.
Its loving upon the loveless and accepting people and their faults.
For we too have been there, but by Christ Grace he has transform us.
So love upon those that are hurting, give the evil to God to deal with.
But love upon those that truly are in a desperate place right now.
Apr 2014 · 251
Desperate Plea
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
My desperate plea, would be for the hurting, and struggling to be healed.
My desperate plea is for my life as ugly as it is at times to be use to reveal you God.
For others to see Jesus working in my life, then turn to him as well.
Wanting him to use all their suffering and pain , turn it into something beautiful.
To have their life transform into something very postive and goopd.
To help even more to find the only Savior that can really save,
Thus having a good life not always in this life but in the next one.
Which is the one that really matters because the next is for eternity.
Apr 2014 · 179
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
In order to receive true love one must give it freely away to others.
In order to be blessed you have to become a blessing to others too.
In order to become rich money wise you need to give away some of it.
For this is how God, Lord Jesus works if you hoard things then you shall lose them.
But by giving the things away freely then you save the things.
Only by letting go of the thing or dream does it then multiplied.
So let go of the things that you want Christ to blessed today.
By tomorrow you shall receive it back and then some more.
Apr 2014 · 388
Spirit Guide Us
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Spirit guide us, your people through the trials and giving us discernment.
Guide us down this road that leads toward your Perfect will and Grace.
Spirit lead us down this broken road that takes us through your Mercy and Grace.
I do not want to be comfortable in this world that is disgusted by you.
Spirit lead me by your hand through this life of hardship that leads to you.
Spirit lead me down this hard road with my cross on my shoulder.
Spirit givbe me your strength to lean on through these times of hardships.
Apr 2014 · 182
True Sight
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
So many people look with their eyes, when they should be using their hearts.
For these things are a spiritual warfare thing happening right at the moment.
God is Spirit, while we are flesh, seeing with fleshy sight instead of spiritual.
Once the scales of worldly fall from our sight, then we use our hearts to see.
Showing us truth because its look past the outside appearance of others.
Revealing what is really going on in a persons mind and heart as well.
So use your vision that comes from Christ himself to see the truth.
Apr 2014 · 387
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I am drowning in your the Grace and Mercy of your Love.
I know that I do not deserve these but you given them to me anyway.
For you are not like people that we have to earn your love.
You are so Worthy, so Pure and Holy , you are so Awesome.
Your love keeps me Singing and Praising you Most Precious Name.
I fall upon my face in Awe of your Most Precious Love, full of Grace.
Your Love keeps me sustain, you show us how to truly Love others.
Through the wasy that you love us everyday , my Awesome Godf.
Apr 2014 · 290
Breathing Life
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
Christ whom is the word, breathes life into a dead situation.
So trust in him the giver of Life and total truth, then watch.
As he speak into your life new Hope , and resurrecting your life.
Thus renewing, things that have look dead to you and others.
For Christ will then restore unto you things that were stolen.
Like relationships that the evil scumball stolen from you.
Just stand still and believe that God has got you cover.
Then watch and be amazed at what occurs next.
Apr 2014 · 304
Hunger and Thirst
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
I hunger for you my Rock, and thirst for your Righteousness.
Give me your ear, so that I can praise your Most Worthy name.
For your Love is the sweetest thing to my aching soul.
I come to you the only one worthy to be praise and worship.
I fail you every day yet you still love me with perfect love.
To you I shall sing of your Glory and Perfect truths as well.
I shall always remember the your Mercies and Goodness.
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
People whom seek Love will find it when they look to the true source of love.
For no one shall face starvation, when they look toward Christ for love.
He shall freely give them the love which everyone basically crave to receive.
For he put that need to be love in each and everyone of us, his creations.
So that we will need to look toward him to receive this love that is from him alone.
For he is our Rock, our strong-tower, especially in this time of hardships.
Just trust him that he shall carry you in these times of desperation moments.
So believe in him the one whom walk on water and parted the red sea.
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Eddie Starr Apr 2014
O Holy God , his love overwhelmed me with much joyfulness.
He has rescue me from a hopeless life of total self-destruction.
He whom love each of us in a awesome,and perfect way.
He whom went to the cross, to die a sinners death to save his people.
He whom bored  our sins, so that we may have a second chance.
At living a life filled with his Mercy, love, and grace abound.
We are so unworthy of his great love, yet he freely give it away anyway.
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