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Aug 2014 · 1.0k
God Jesus True God
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
For my God saves, he rescue the hurting and the lost.
There is none other that is like him, for he is truly Amazing.
He bless his people, he rescue those that were his adversaries.
For he looks at our hearts and knows our future as well.
For he is God, he died so that we may live and be saved.
Those of you whom are suffering, lay it at the bottom of the cross.
God so love he world that he gave his only begotten son.
That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
For we are saved by his blood, God is Holy, Righteous God.
Not like the fake gods like zeus or thor they are just demons not gods.
Aug 2014 · 682
God Has
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
God has a dream for each and everyone of us to receive from him.
Christ has a purpose for each and everyone of us his people.
This purpose is different then the dream that he has for us.
Christ has gifts for each and everyone of us his loving people.
For Christ has so much love for us his people in this world.
He has so much to give and to share with us all whom are trying to draw to him.
For he shall not give up on us whom really are drawing to him our God.
Aug 2014 · 623
Jewel From Christ
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
A true woman of God is the greatest gift from Christ to us men.
She is blessing to everybody that has a encounter with them.
She is a Jewel, a diamond in the works, more valuable then money.
More precious then any Jewels that you shall ever come into contact with.
With her, you are more blessed then Solomon, whom was King.
She was created an Helper to the blessed man that she becomes his wife.
So accept her for whom she is a very valuable Gift from Jesus.
Whatever you do it is wise to never hurt your Precious Jewel, she shall shine drawing many to her.
For she has Christ Spirit within her guiding her through life.
In reality she is drawing them all to her Savior the Living Christ.
Aug 2014 · 499
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Eventually comes a time when you  become too tired to fight God.
This is when your world will start to change laying down your will.
To pick his will for your life up, then you shall realize the truth.
That his will for you has always been much better for you then yours.
So then you become full of pure Joy wanting to proclaim it to the world.
Wanting to let people know the truth that God love is so much greater.
Then you ever realize before, he is not being a bully but instead a Loving Creator.
All of those times he wanted you to lay down your will to pick up his.
Aug 2014 · 360
Becoming A Miracle
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Becoming a Miracle,first you need to trust in the Word, Jesus Christ.
For he came down in human flesh to save them that were lost and hurting
So all of you Miracle men and women whom want to change the world.
Whom want to help the hurting, despair, and desperate as well in the world.
Give everything over to the Word Christ so that he can transform you.
Into a Miracle revealing to the lost that he is truly the Savior of the lost.
Thus then many more will become able to see the truth and repent too.
Becoming a Candle in this dark evil world that we are living in now.
Aug 2014 · 417
Christ Cross
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I know that you hurt, as well as rejected.
We all have our crosses and sufferings.
Christ was loved by the sinners of Israel.
While being rejected by those that are worldly.
Yet he still carried the cross and was hung on it.
To be seen by all, they miss Christ completely.
They thought that they won, but they lost.
For this was the reason he became a man.
To save that which was lost and open the eyes of the blind.
Also to make blind the eyes that saw him.
Aug 2014 · 325
Remember This
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
O how hard life can be, some days it dopes not pay to wake up.
But even in the days of evil, Christ is still in control of everything.
Nothing happens anywhere without Christ knowing in advance.
That it is going to happen top someone, for he is God alone.
So remember this the next time, that you are having a evil day.
Trust him, because he truly does love you and want only good for you.
Because even on a evilest of day, it is still far better then a day in h3ll.
For a day in hell is without love and without our Savior the Christ.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
It hurts my aching heart to see people whom feel worthless.
For everyone has a purpose and a plan for each of their lives.
Christ does not create worthless people , for he loves everyone of us.
It is by human rejection and satan lies that people sees themselves that way.
But in the beginning of their existence they were created beautifully.
For God so love the world meaning everyone that were born into this world.
That he gave his only begotten son, the Christ that whoever believe.
Shall not perish but have eternal life through the Christ sacrifice.
Dying a sinners death, then resurrecting a couple days later.
So that believing and repenting we will become children of God.
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
If we could have a perfect life then we would not need God.
But there is no perfect world created until Christ second coming.
But once we get to heaven we shall have a perfect one without sin.
Sin is the disease  that is keeping us from having one now.
For we all need the Christ no matter who we might be or know.
Adam and Eve became disobedient to our Savior in the garden of Eden.
So Christ had to come down to the earth to die a sinners death.
To bring us back into the fold that Adam and Eve separated us from God.
Aug 2014 · 371
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I am broken, I been through some hardships.
I have felt earthly love and lost it as well.
I felt lonely, alone, and lost as well in my life.
But I have felt true love as well from God.
I may feel lonely at times but our God is real hope.
As long as there is hope there is life within you.
I yet know that is there a chance to have it.
A normal life with a woman that was chosen for me.
At the very beginning of the creation of the earth.
Aug 2014 · 321
Hope Is Being With Jesus
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Though my heart is heavy with brokenness.
I shall not give up, I shall not destroy myself.
For as long as there is life within my body.
There is hope, for my God makes us over comers.
My God is the God of the weak, and humble.
He speaks Hope, Joy, Peace and Love into us.
So no what happens in my life here on earth.
It is heaven that the true hope is drawn to.
For my hope is not here but in being with Jesus.
Aug 2014 · 367
Why God
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
O How confuse that I am, why do you want me to stay single.
I struggle because others get to be married but I am stuck being alone.
So tell me why do I have to suffer while others get to be married.
Am I not good enough to get married and have a real life with someone.
Speak to me O God, I am failing, it is like a struggle between us.
If only you would speak to my heart and let me know why I have to stay single.
At least explain why others get to be married but I have to stay single.
Aug 2014 · 328
O God
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I am so undeserving Lord of your love and faithfulness.
I am nothing more then a truly broken man O Awesome God.
Yet you still love me even with all of my baggage, God.
You see things in each and everyone of us that we miss.
But it is because you are God and knows our future self's.
You still love us with all of our failings and brokenness.
O God how Great you are to Love a failure like me .
I was once lost, but now you have began to save me.
O If only everyone could see how Great you are God.
But most people are so addicted to seeing themselves.
Aug 2014 · 335
Only You
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
You have saved me Lord, with your amazing love.
You have saved me from a life without any purpose.
You have rescue, even though I am so undeserving.
You have gave me a life, a purpose with a mission.
To show this world of your existence, Lord Jesus.
My life has seen your Amazing existence Lord.
I am but one man whom only have a life through you.
For I am nothing without you God, I am because of you.
For this is the reason that I live to serve only you God.
Aug 2014 · 310
Only Christ Can Save
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
O how my heart breaks for those that have been rejected.
O how my heart breaks for the broken-hearted and hurting.
O how I wish that I could take their hurts upon myself and rescue them.
But I can and will take their pain to Jesus in prayer for only he can rescue them.
As much as I wish, I can do nothing to help them except to pray for them.
As much as I want to save the Lost and Hopeless only Christ can save them.
All I can do is pray for them and to tell them about our God Jesus.
For only he can save anyone from suffering and h3ll as well only he.
Aug 2014 · 324
His Masterpiece
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Even though I live with regrets, with struggles, and pain.
He is ever present in my life, molding me shaping my life.
Creating me to reflect him, to look just like him my God.
I had my share of disappointments and felt rejected too.
But I know that my God and Savior lives within me.
For his Spirit and mine has became one Spirit within me.
So he gives me the strength to not only persevere but to overcome.
So not only do I stand firm but know that he is saving me.
That I live because he died for me and I am one of his masterpieces.
Aug 2014 · 352
Message OF The Cross
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
The message of the Cross is purely about the Grace of Cross,
Jesus died on it to reveal the grace that he has given to us.
Not to be perfect nor sinless while we live life here on the earth.
If he did we would have became perfect, once we became one.
With his Holy Spirit which came and now share our bodies with us.
But he died so that by his death and resurrection, we would be saved.
Our Salvation is an ongoing thing that shall continue to to save us.
For he is working out our salvation while revealing his Grace to us.
For by revealing his grace in our lives he is drawing others unto him.
Aug 2014 · 301
Freedom In Christ
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Freedom comes only when you accept Christ into your life.
When you accept what Christ will in your life with him.
To fully accept the purpose that he has created you for.
Then you can live in complete freedom, joy, and  his love.
Because he created us to Worship him and to love others.
So once we start doing these two things then we are living for him.
Accepting his will in our lives, then he will start really blessing us.
For we were created to love him to worship him and fellowship with one another.
Aug 2014 · 372
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
O trust in the Creator of this universe, for he is the Creator.
If you are struggling or suffering because of a bad situation.
Trust him, for if you cry out he shall create a escape from it.
For just as he has created you, he can create a deliverance.
From this situation that scumbait demon has corner you in.
For Christ speak your's and mine rescue into existence too.
Christ spoke only Loving-Kindness into our lives here.
It is through demons, people freewill, and sin that causes this.
But for Christ love for you, that he shall rescue you from this.
Aug 2014 · 614
Nothing Surprises You
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Even while I hurt, I know that you are in control.
Even after I mess up, I know that you are in control.
Even while I am alone, living with loneliness.
I know that you are still in control of my life here.
Nothing happens that surprises you, for you know everything.
Nothing catches you off guard, for you are the Perfect God.
Thus I shall bow down to you and worship you God.
Aug 2014 · 276
Another Chance
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I may fall upon my face, but at those time I shall turn it around to worship you.
For when I mess up , I want you to turn it around for your Glory only.
Cause you deserve all of the Praise, for when I fall upon my face.
For only you are worthy, you lead me from the darkness into the Light.
You save when even I gave up on myself, I am so unworthy God of my Heart.
If it was not for you I would be rotting in h3ll right at this very moment.
I did not deserve it but you gave me another chance to live anyway Lord.
Throughout all of my tears falling like water falls yet here I stand.
Not because I deserve it but because you love me so very much God.
Aug 2014 · 314
Are You Tired
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Are you tired of carrying this load alone.
Are you tired hurting , and suffering too.
Are you tired of being weak and tired.
Give it to Christ the true God and Savior.
He want to save you from sin and rescue you.
Just give it to him and trust in him to finish the work.
For he is true Holiness and Good and Faithful.
He is waiting he truly do love you very much.
Aug 2014 · 341
The Lord Saves
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
The Lord your God has come to bring life not to destroy it.
He has come to give true Hope a true life for each of us.
He did not come to bring destruction  nor death to us.
But draw us to him to live fully in his Spirit, to reveal him.
So that others may have life with him as well as us.
Fear not the Lord is on our sides, all that we have to do.
Is to cry out to him in prayer , it is that simple.
Then rely on him to finish his work within us to trust him.
Aug 2014 · 273
Christ Love
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
God you have been there for me through out my entire life.
The tears that I cried throughout my whole life the pain.
Though I suffered much, Christ has never left my side.
The sins that I had committed was drop in the well of forgetfulness.
My heart aches , for those that shall never know my Savior.
My heart also ache for those that are in extreme pain right now.
I wish that I could heal each one of them that are hurting now.
For Christ loves each and everyone of us, it matters not where they go.
Heaven or the other place he still loves each and everyone of us.
Aug 2014 · 353
No More Sorrow
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Though I walk in the dark valleys, here on the earth.
I shall not fear evil, for my God goes before me here.
Defending me from wickedness that overwhelm the earth.
For he shall not give to me more then I can handle here.
He is my defense, my strong-tower, my source of life.
For even if I was to die, it would be far better plan.
Because then Heaven would be my place of residence.
Where there is no sorrow, no pain and no struggles.
Aug 2014 · 448
True Sight
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I shall not see by sight of my eyes but by truth.
For what I see is not always the Christ Truth.
For many things are done Spiritually not physical.
Just because you see something going down before you.
Does not make it true,see with your heart not your eyes.
For lots of times your heart knows more then your eyes.
For Love cast out fear, Love is the greatest gift to receive.
Aug 2014 · 384
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Breathe in Spirit,Breathe in God.
Live for Spirit, Live for Christ alone.
Live in the Spirit, Live for Christ.
Die to self, never let go of God either.
Breathe in Suffering and Struggles.
Never allow fear, to dictate your life.
But trust Christ totally and hang on.
Just as Peter walked on water back then.
You too may walk on water with Faith.
Aug 2014 · 337
To Put Others First
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
May your Love for Christ and Man become overwhelming.
For Love is the key to obedience to God, for Love conquer all.
May our hearts lead us down the right path toward Christ.
I want to live a Life of Love, I want people to remember me.
Not for my poetry, nor my wallet size but for my Love for others.
For if I love not like Christ, then I do not deserve to go to heaven.
For to Live for Love, to let go of selfishness and greed as well.
To put others Life before my own is what we are called to do.
If I put things before my fellow family, then I deserve to go to h3ll.
Aug 2014 · 288
We Can
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We can hide in the darkness hurting, or allow Christ to heal us in the Light.
I need Christ healing touch to ease not just my brokenness but my pain as well.
For I am tired of hurting because of evil one attacks upon my life.
I know that Christ wanted better things for my life but I allow my broken mind to become disobedient.
For if I would had seen his wisdom in  what other people had told me.
My life today would have been different a better life I would had.
But I choose to follow my desires , instead of seeing the truth in the matter.
I would had such a much better life in Christ if I would had listen to them.
Aug 2014 · 299
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
The world needs a Savior, more then ever before.
With so much suffering, and pain that everyone is in.
Though most will deny needing a Savior to save them.
There is but one being that can save us today and it is God.
For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son.
That whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Though I walk through the valley of death, I shall fear no evil.
For you O Son of the Living God is with me all of the time.
For you Lord Christ are my Source of eternal life forever more.
If I die I gain a blessed  life with you in Heaven up above us all.
Aug 2014 · 312
My God
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
My God is my Salvation, my God is my defense.
He has restore my soul from the dark reaches of death.
For he loves us more then we could ever imagine.
For he had created us out of nothing into somebodies.
He ransom  his own life so that we may live in heaven
He went through suffering and pain to rescue us from death.
He did it all while we were yet his enemies, saving us from h3ll.
He knew our outcome before we were even born into life.
Aug 2014 · 338
To Love Others First
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Being children of God is my greatest desire of all.
There times when we need to reach out to the lost.
There also will be times when we are called to stand alone.
For God needs to be number one to us, his people.
His will needs to be our greatest desire of all in this world.
His desire is to love him first and then our fellow neighbors.
For Love is the greatest gift of all to put them before ourselves.
To show them how to love others, by doing it ourselves.
Aug 2014 · 314
Only Christ
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
There is nothing here, but God's work for me to do.
Only Christ will do, nothing else matters but Christ.
For only Christ will do, I am nothing without him.
For he is my Alpha, and my Omega, only Christ matters.
I am nothing without his Spirit dwelling in my life.
Nothing matters in m,y life but to do his will here.
For only his Goodness and Mercy matters to me.
For he open my eyes to his truths, that only he can rescue me.
For only Christ will shall do, only his love really matters.
Aug 2014 · 461
True Power
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
True power lives within all of Christ people.
True power , comes from our Saving God.
He gives us true power through the Holy Spirit.
True power will change your life , if you let him.
True power is to love those that want you dead.
True power is to put others before yourself.
True power is in the hands of Jesus Christ our God.
True power comes from Christ the Living God.
For only through him, do we receive the Holy Spirit.
Aug 2014 · 2.3k
The Helper
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Remember, Christ loves you more then you will ever know.
Remember, once you receive the Helper you receive true Power.
Not Power like the worldly gains, but true Power from the Helper.
For the Helper is the Spirit of God also known as the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit gives you protection over being hit by a vehicle.
Also it keeps you from dying from poison, bullets, and knifes.
For the Holy Spirit and your Spirit becomes one Spirit within you.
So Christ is keeping you alive until your Purpose has been fulfilled.
The Holy Spirit helps you with so much more as well as saving you.
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Amazing life we live, knowing that this suffering shall not last much longer.
That we are headed to a better Lite place, because Christ shall be there.
Not just in Spirit but he shall be there in flesh as well to say well done.
This will be the greatest moment in all of Gods people lives to see him.
Face to face we shall see the nail holes and  give him a hug like a child hugs their father.
To have the treasures that we earn given to us O Glorious day that will be.
To be in heaven with our Amazing Savior, whom died so that we shall live.
He truly does amaze me with so much that he has done for me already.
Aug 2014 · 310
His Love
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
His love is for those whom others write off.
His love is for those whom are condemn to prison.
His love is for those that no one else care about.
His love is for the lost soul, that hurts badly.
His love is for those that live in hopelessness.
His love is for those that are dying from cancer.
Without any hope of overcoming it and surviving it.
His love is for not just the ones who obedient and saved.
But for everyone that he has created for we all were created
in his image.
Aug 2014 · 271
Do It Anyway
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
If you are afraid that if you write about what you are going through.
Do it anyway, because , because there are always others going through the same thing.
We were put on this earth to fellowship and to use our gifts to help others.
No matter how bad life is treating you, you are not alone in the situation.
So allow God to use you to help heal others and to bless others as well.
For we were put on the earth to bless others, to encourage them as well.
This is not for our lives but Christ whom lives in us, he will bless you.
Aug 2014 · 240
From The Heart
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
When you write and it comes straight from your heart.
This is when Christ can use it because it reach others.
Whom feeling the same way as you but they are struggling.
To put their feelings to paper, so remember to write from the heart.
For it is heart that Christ will use to bring healing to others.
Whom he loves as much as he loves you because you are being honest.
Aug 2014 · 306
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Though I walk through the valley of Pain.
Christ is with me, for he is my strength.
I may suffer, but he will see me through.
For he bless me, comfort me and protect me.
I shall never be alone, for he is always at my side.
No harm shall befall me without his approval.
But when he does allow it, he will use it to help others.
Which in the end them and I shall be celebrating in Heaven .
For as long as we continue to follow him on this path.
We shall meet him at the finish line with everyone else.
Aug 2014 · 249
If I Must
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
If I must suffer in this life that we each live.
Let me suffer for Christ glory, not mine.
Let it be used to draw others unto his Path.
For his path will lead to Love and Life.
While the other path lead to selfishness and death.
I would rather live to suffer in this very life.
And then in the next stand next to the Christ my God.
Then to live a good and enjoyable life here.
And then in the next life spend eternity suffering.
Aug 2014 · 348
True Life
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
We may have storms that we have to go through while they rain down on us.
But we have the strength and power, given from High above to us to overcome.
So fear not, he that lives within us, is greater then he whom lives in the world.
So trust in him the Creator of the universe, there is none other then him.
Whom will help and lead us through this destruction , into safety in him.
For he loves us more then we shall ever know, he is our Strong-tower.
His love for us, is like the rainbow symbol that he gave to us to give us
For he is our Hope, our Strength, he gave us true Life through him.
Aug 2014 · 288
Sun Rises
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
As the sun rises in the morning, so shall my heart beat for Christ.
As the evening sky darken, so shall I continue to praise his name.
For my life is proof that the Christ is faithful always to his people.
For as the sun shines revealing daylight to the whole world.
We too shall be a Light shining in the darkness, revealing Christ.
Whom Spirit swells within us, we shall lead some to the true Light.
Which is the Christ, our Holy and Worthy Lord God and Savior.
Aug 2014 · 331
This Storm
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Even though things are dark I shall keep walking straight through this storm.
Even though with each step it gets darker, and the rain water rises higher.
But the storm really does not matter, all that matters is following Christ.
No matter where Christ shall lead me on this path that he is taking me.
I shall continue to follow him, for who can save but him my Savior God.
He will not allow any harm worst then my strength can take here.
Though the demons attack me,abuse me and gang up on me to destroy.
Christ is my strength, he is my Strong-tower, my protection is in him.
So who or what can knock me off of this path that I am on with God.
Only fear can destroy my relationship with my Living Savior God.
But only if I allow this fear to separate Christ and me will it destroy my relationship with God.
Aug 2014 · 500
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Each decision that we make is a Spiritual battlefield.
Do we do what  feels good to our flesh or what is right.
For doing what is right in Christ eyes is very different.
Then what is right in the sight of man, very different.
For the laws are made by mortals morals not God morals.
So even the simplest of decisions become an Spiritual battle.
The battlefield is Spiritual  not an physical place here .
For the battle occurs in our minds on which side that we chose.
To side with the Christ is our choice others choose the world.
Aug 2014 · 356
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
So much to reflect upon in this life that we live in.
Reflecting on the darkness , the poor decisions.
That we have made in our past, trying to change.
Allowing Christ to mold us, to transform us.
Into the person that we need to become now.
So that we can with his help lead the lost.
Out of the darkness that holds them hostage.
Knowing that there are lives that needs us to be obedient.
Otherwise their relationship with Christ might take longer.
Aug 2014 · 326
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Anyone can change, if they put their trust in Christ.
For he shall mold them, do a work within them.
To change them into a likeness of Jesus Christ our God.
For he has a way of molding us, transforming us.
Changing us into better, more Godly individuals.
So that people shall see him through us. his people.
This is what the change within us is all about.
Glorifying our Awesome, Wondrous Savior God.
Aug 2014 · 249
Only Hope
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
Even though the hurt physical and emotional, I have but only one source.
My only source of Hope, is not in me, other people, things nor situations.
But in a true Savior, for I can die at anytime, I can hurt anytime as well.
There is no Hope in others, because they are just people, whom live.
But they can die anytime for as the bible states we are not promise a tomorrow.
So once we see just how temporary any of our lives truly are here.
We can see just how desperate we truly are there is nothing promise.
Thus once we realize the truth of the matter, we will see desperation.
In our lives because we become desperate for true Hope which is in Christ.
Aug 2014 · 453
I Am
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
I am weak without Christ whom strengthen me.
I am not the smartest man in this world that we live in.
I am not the best looking guy in this world that we live in.
I am not best writer nor the best at talking but I have help.
But I have help from my Savior and God Lord Christ.
For with his help on any of these, I am strong through him.
I am not smart world wise but he does make us wiser Spiritually.
He not only bless me speaking better but he anoints my writing.
As he anoints others whom follow him gifts as well as mine too.
Aug 2014 · 288
Trust God
Eddie Starr Aug 2014
When you chose whom to trust in to keep you safe.
Chose to listen to Christ whether  then to listen to self.
For instead of acting out of fear from the situation.
Chose pray first, lay the situation at the feet of God.
Thus trusting that he will go before you this day.
Bringing you out of it and every other one with his aid.
For he is our Protector and deliverer of every situation.
So always go to him in prayer first, trust him totally.
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