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3.7k · Jan 2014
Moza Mahmoud Jan 2014
How do you handle rejection?
When it hurts more than infection?
Even though without an intention?
Leading to mind abstention.
Not forgetting dejection?
1.4k · May 2013
The Lost Love
Moza Mahmoud May 2013
One day an angel came to me and told me to love you.
I asked it "is he worth it?".
It answered " a million times worth it!".
For it was the angel who asked it from me i accepted to love you.
I shared with you my secrets and gave you trust,
you could not keep the trust and you were unfaithful,
promised me with in laws and good husband,
after a few minutes you left me alone,
alone in the dark,waiting for you to come back.
I would ask the day and night where you were,
unfortunately they said i should **** you in my heart.
Salty water running from my eyes,
day and night thinking of MR.NICE,
trying to erase you from my heart,
unfortunately you are an ink which cannot be erased!
927 · Dec 2013
The World
Moza Mahmoud Dec 2013
Do we really know the ways of this world?
The current world we are living in?
The world where money is everything?
The world that is full of hatred?
The world that is full of racism?
The world that is full of corruption?
The world that is encircled with negativity?
The world where the poor feed the rich?
The world in which dignity has taken a back seat?
The world in which the rich are given the upper priority?
The world where terrorism makes people live with fear?
The world where your own family members could try to finish you?
The world where power is mandatory?
The world in which **** is now a common thing?
The world in which trust does not exist?
The world in which crimes are increasing profusely?
The world in which some people are living in poverty while others waste billions of dollars?
The world in which your own shadow could betray you?
How do we stay positive in such circumstances?
                                                   MOZA MAHMOUD
816 · May 2013
Tired of this feeling
Moza Mahmoud May 2013
Happy as I appear to be,
I wish someone could just read through me.
And get to know the real me.
No one really knows what’s hurting me.
I wish they could see through me.
I know a heart break was the first thing that popped in your mind,
a feeling so unkind.
Sadly, it’s not,
but a feeling that hurts more than you thought.                                                         ­                                                                 ­       
I m tired of this feeling,
with no signs of healing.
I’m tired of waking up every day,
to bear the same pain,
with no one to explain.
All this has caused darkness which blanked my mind,
leaving me undefined.
But what can I do?
When I can’t break through?
I feel more than broken.
I wish I was outspoken.

I am afraid I’m no longer the girl I used to be.
All the happiness is quickly leaving me.
This feeling is killing me slowly,
and tears can’t stop falling.
Until when will I give a pretentious smile?
If only people could just realize the sorrows in my life.
I wish I could just speak out the truth.
Unluckily it will do more harm than good.
                                                                ­             MOZA MAHMOUD
681 · Dec 2013
Moza Mahmoud Dec 2013
I'm still at the station waiting
Waiting for him to return
Still in my bridal attire
Waiting to walk down the aisle
Still waiting
     Moza Mahmoud
Just felt like writing at 3am..
651 · May 2013
The betrayer
Moza Mahmoud May 2013
I felt as cold as ice when i saw you with her.
I did not scream, i did not shout, i did not cry,
all i wanted was to die.
Without shyness you looked at me,
your eyes full of betrayal,
like a predator trying to catch its prey.
When i was running away from you,
you lied to me that you are regretting for losing me.
that is a question without an answer to.
                                                                                       MOZA MAHMOUD
538 · Aug 2013
Have you ever thought?
Moza Mahmoud Aug 2013
Sometimes life could be so difficult
that you don't know what you are living for
Have you ever thought of running away from yourself
just because you can't handle the people and things out there?

I wonder why we have to live based on people's judgement
when we can  live so happily according to our own wishes.
Have you ever thought of screaming so loudly
That you can feel your breathe slowly leaving you?

Evil thoughts running in mind
that I wish to disappear from this world
right from this moment and be by myself
free from the evil world.
Have you ever thought of that?

Moza Mahmoud.
521 · May 2013
I am Sorry
Moza Mahmoud May 2013
If you are hurt, I am sorry
If its painful I'll give you pills.
Why not make a deal if u heal
Even if my account balance goes to nil
Assure me that my forgiveness is fulfilled

I'll do anything to bring that smile on your face
So you can hide me in your embrace
Even if it costs my life
I'll clear up that mess
After all I'm your love.
384 · Dec 2013
Can You?
Moza Mahmoud Dec 2013
Can you hear me crying?
no cause they are silent tears.
Can you see me crying?
no cause they are invisible tears.
Can you feel my pain?
no cause you can't feel my heart.

You can't see me crying
if you don't look me in the eyes.
You can't hear me crying
if you don't listen to me.
You can't feel my pain
if you don't feel my happiness.

Why am i crying?
Are you worth my tears?
338 · Mar 2014
Love 10w
Moza Mahmoud Mar 2014
Eyes fall in love
but it's
the heart that suffers

Moza Mahmoud

— The End —