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Sep 2021 · 300
Corona you are the agly animal
You took our Adorable ones
You made us laugh with tears knowing you are coming for us
Your arrows are very sharp

Corona you are very dangerous like a hungry lions ready to strike on impala.
You changed our ways of  living

We don't share nor to remove mask later known to be for doctors and criminals

Our daily routine has changed
Distance separated many families

Oh God be with us
Nov 2019 · 218
I found my soulmate
I cried for help God saved me
I became a stranger to the people but God gave me the chosen one.

Witches wanted to see my day to day tears but God saved my life like king David in his script that said the lord is my sherphard I shall not want.

I deeply found found my soulmate, the one who accept me the way iam,the one who is always there for me,the one who make my heart dance the music beat of love.

They wanted me to remain single so that they will use me as mop
They wanted to see me searching a lot so they can call me with multiple names,but I want to let them know .

I found my soul mate and deeply
I will forever be her and she will forever be me .
Soulmate, deeply, sherphad,tears
Apr 2018 · 384
Love doesn't fall from tree's
Nore into the river that become dry in the season where rain is too scarce.

Love doesn't fall like a leaf's falling down and make the ground *****.
You may open your mouth and show us teeth until you reveal your inner tongue but where there is love the is a vivid picture.

Love and caring are syblings
Love and sharing are twins
Love and smile is a mother and daughter
Where love exist and sympathy exist

Love and pretending is the best enemies
If you give heart a water you want your muscles to  make the blood flow peaceful on it and stay fresh as it is.

If you practice love ,you want to live by it and be its proffer,some body will call you doctor love,

Let's love to be loved and let its meaning over flow.
Apr 2018 · 285
Precious gift
I went around the world
Looking up and down
As the keys was hidden for me
While the is a precious  creature waiting ahead of me,I looked back and forward like they were something chasing me
I thought I would never get away from it
I thought it was the end of me

Every women I met looked at me as a curse
Sometimes said yes just for a little share in their pockets, everyone were feeling pity on me
Then I became shy like a pilot learning to fly the machine.

All I used to love
All I used to thank
All I used to follow
Was God who gave me this precious gift of life
Making me have hope over everything
Finally I got a precious gift in my life that is you
For me to love,for me to take care of,also for you to make me proud in my life
All I can say is thanks God for giving me a precious gift that will make me the proudest man in the whole world.
Apr 2017 · 509
shameful community
attacking an innocent man who did nothing wrong.
killing him like a cow that need to be used for ancestors ceremony.
looking back and forward, heartless, lack of self control, putting blood in their hands.
families of the deceased scream louder and louder till God heared their voice shouting.
xenophobic attack *****.
they don't steal they eat their hands .
they don't take your jobs they accept the little the jobs is offering for them to live,but you always complain daily.

they take our jobs hell no,stop that and love your neighborhood.
Mar 2017 · 578
me and my sweetheart
running from left to right.
sharing the best moment like the journey is about to end.

people gossip about us.
where are they going to end.
my toffolax  hug me and **** the honey I carried in my mouth.
for the joy of two birds in the Kalahari desert seeking water in the dry land.

shouting, laughing ,chasing each other like in the picnic being ready to push one onother  in the Merry go round.

how super it is to travel and to climb mount Kilimanjaro and see the stars in the vivid position.

making the memorable day ever.
love will always blow our minds
only when we are opening our ears for each other
Feb 2017 · 515
so beautiful
a land of Queen .
women's wear tradition like angels .
walking confidently like a cow in a tar road with no fear of being knocked .

their eyes shine like a light in the pool for the people to swim day and night .
their mouth looks like bananas that is ready to be eaten .

all men's are doing is eish ,wow and being scared to shout out .
memories never end .
thinking of beauty Queen's of Africa .

but the baby that doesn't cry during birth shows that the spirit is already gone in the womb .

speaking out for selection of your queen is a better choice.
Dec 2016 · 665
trouble maker
Sneezing on the street forgetting people will pass on inhaling that germ.
Drinking and driving forgetting the is too much traffic on the road.
Thinking as a owner of the road and destroy many life including yours.

Being broke show you to take things you didn't work for, forgetting that the cage of an aloe team is there for you.

Don't trouble the trouble before the trouble troubles you.
Let's live with peace and make sure
Troubles is our enemy and happiness is our daily bread.
Nov 2016 · 812
girl of my dream 2
At least I dead once
Speaking out like I will never speak again.
Voice became the voice of moses from bible.
Digging down with fingers like a chicken searching worms.

All sides eye's were into me.
Like singing Beatles song and dance.
Shame on rejection but tryed.
Making dreams come true.

Looking at her face I saw the fear. Don't go away wait for me.
Suspecting bad thing may happen
But all I wanted to say was that four later word and hear her emotions.

All I can say is that giving up is a language of people who undermine themselves.
Nov 2016 · 397
life is a journey.
Reaching the destination today.
Never minding about tomorrow.
Looking back and forward.
Finding I am in the middle.
Turning back became a curse but going forward be a blessings every one is waiting for.

Persecution took place but comfort fill the space called earth and peace start to perform its role play.

Its lucky to reach our journey without bad alerts and smile in our face is scarce because of tiredness.
Life is a journey reaching our destination is a game and being safe is the results of success.
Oct 2016 · 534
deserted land
Raining today tomorrow gone.
Farmers smile and sadness fight to take away the smile they had.

Grass dry and over grazing took place.
3 years of hunger become reality.
Wind blows
Flu strike
Well become dry

Which land can save our land if is not land of God.
Prayers held daily.
God give us rain.

Elderly people try to perform traditional way of calling God for mercy but is like killing a dead horse.

Africa is behind you.
Stand up for God mercy.
Confess for sins and maybe one day rain will  feel our sympathy.
Oct 2016 · 6.6k
Education is the ladder.
Education is the key.
Education is the mother of success.

Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction.
Enlightening experience of learners.

Learners stop making teachers lose the war of education because of being distracted by the social world.

Boys stop believing in drugs and alcohol because alcohol is an intoxicating drink that slow down and depressing the brain.

Girls stop believing in affairs and believe in education because your certificates will never leave you but boys can leave you and left you with gift of tears in your back.

Study hard because time wasted never regain.
When you are willing to learn you will stay humble and be the good coach to your friends.

Principal words
Time is money if you are wasting your own time you are wasting your own money.

Remember perseverance is the mother of success.
Education is the key .
Education is the ladder.
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
God knows
Being a loyal servant.
Every one kick you like a ball.
Expecting you to close your lips.
Running in top of your head like a striker in a ball team.

Accused of eating a Rama bread while you didn't even touch a piece.
A victim and the accused become frustrated but no sugar melt in water.

Happiness filled the accuser and the victim and accused , believe the accuser is crazy or stressed of something.

Only God knows who did that and that who is gonna be a judge
Sep 2016 · 347
Lies kills or destroy.
Lie separate families and couples.
Where lie is present peace is upsent .
If lie make a promise is always a promise without fulfillments.

False love bring a false partner.
False prophets gives a false visions.
Lie become their life cycle.

Everything based on lie grow with lie.
Being punished become a jacket of peace that cover lies .
But lies always live the jacket and find the way out.
Aug 2016 · 350
Love me, Love me not.
I am a men of my values.
Ready for all situation.
When I weep is because I have tears.
When I laugh is because of my teeth.

You may like me to follow orders.
But me I am me and me can not change me.

Stories can be told, shaking my body like a person with ancestors spirit.
But I look forward of being me not acting unrealistic  movie.

You may love me for who I am or divorce me but me can't divorce me because me love me.
Jul 2016 · 396
iam your dady
I brought roof in your head.
Covering your body with precious wears.

Feeding you with milk and honey.
Now I am a laughing stock.
I may be running saliva out my mouth and wear ***** clothes because of my growth .

Seeing you succeed was my best wish.
I may be drinking queen's tears and forget my name.
but dady is daddy you can't buy one

So don't show back.
You were not showed back as well. Take that care back and more blessings to come.

Remember one thing dady is dady you cant buy dady.
Jul 2016 · 362
A witch A fool
Taking people at night
Flying with their soul like owls
Drinking their blood like vampires
Trying to be rich at night but waking up in the same poverty.

Really a fool.
You claim you are using them
But using your self.
You play with their spiritual emotions.
Changing their minds like chameleons that keep changing colours.

Trying to ruin their future.
When heavens fall you shall burn in hell and cry blood,vomiting ****** juice you drank.

You are a fool indeed .
You use people at night at the morning we see them in the same bed they slept on it.
With the same name they all had before you try to trap them in your alter.

God will create the second fire to you like he did to ***** and gomora
Jul 2016 · 621
charma boy
All girls scream on him
Shouting to be seen but hardly be recognised.

Every boy complain of his beauty threats.
No he will take my girl.
But non of them be taken because he didn't choose to be charming its only God created him to be like that.

Girls heads keep nodded
Other boys keep mummering
Older women wish him to be their toy boy.
Every one keep saying if he was mine.

Crazy girls open their teeth to be recognised.
Crazy boys try to set him up for nothing.

But kept going because he can't get out of his nature.
Failing to  tell him how they feel about him.
Jul 2016 · 615
shocking blood
Blooming down in the form of triangle.
Making learners wonder why beetroot is around there
Argument take place,clean there,broom there
but scary to touch.

Sgb were called in may day situation.
Questioning the guard.
What happened but no answers were responded.

Because building were secured and unsecured because of a broken window.

Some said is the period girls
Some said maybe is a cat who was chopped by broken window.

Lingering around like fig fruits,
Ready to fall.on madiba day it became the 67 minutes of watching that miracle blood.

All we had to say was only God knows what happened and only God knows how to deal with it
Jul 2016 · 617
Girl of my Dream
Every time I am looking at you.
Shouting your name internally.
Every moment you pass by me,I can't set my eyes of you.

Though its hard to speak out.
But your image make me crazy.
Wishing I could find time to say what is deeply inside my heart.
Promise one day I will find it easy to tell you how is my pain and that day will remain in our memory for ever dedicated to  heart that is being loved
With all my heart
Jun 2016 · 370
now that iam with you
Celebrate with me now that I am with you.
Share the smile you have in reality.
Life is flying like a 380 speed vehicle.
Not knowing how its gonna stop.
How the position of a driver will be

Distance without direction is like a dead snake with no head and tail,no body will see where were connected.

Celebrate with me now that I am with you, time is coming, where you will need me but you will miss me because I will be gone, the term is yours, no matter how you use it,is gonna be your responsibility to be wise and be realistic about yourself.

Now that I am with you let's spend hours together and know that we are building memories for each other.
Jun 2016 · 761
in life
Respect a fool to avoid noise.
Clever people die fast but fools live long.
Elders said short cut's are dangerous
Indeed its true.
Poverty will never be ended
Only poor can be chopped a little.

Risking life for rhino horn is not a solution.
God need to be thanked for what he gave you not what you choose to have.

Digging up your own grave before God prepare you a nice place to rest.
Remember every cent you have is a thanks to God .

Money have no garden so don't try to  cultivate it.
Those who have million wish to have billions and those who have hundreds wish to have thousands.

Stop money laundering.
Stop rhino horn poaching.
Drop that call is killing our ears.

Life is not for sale.
Live once die once..
We were born with nothing we will die and baried with nothing

In life we need to accept what we have.
Jun 2016 · 286
my love my star
You are my shining star.
In the morning you wake me up.
At night you appear to bright on top of my head and the darkness covered me like a blanket so that I can have a peaceful sleep.

Everyone is pointing the finger on you, but they can't hold you because you are mine.

Your beauty stole my heart.
Then I choose you between the moon and the sun.

The clouds tryed to close my way so that I can't view your image,but you kept running away from them because you knew I was the one.

You are the most wonderful star I ever got and you will always be my heart.
Jun 2016 · 303
poetry my food
When I am hungry I eat poetry.
When I am thirsty I drink poetry.
When I am angry I fight poetry.
When some body make a joke I laugh poetry.

Being in need of relationship I propose poetry.
Resting and  playing I do poetry.
My life is poetry and I  will die poetry

Poetry is my healer.
Heal me and mend my broken heart.
During stress its becoming my reliever.

When I am happy I sing it.
In sad moments it is my comforter.
Every head node when I speak it
Smile when I read it.
Laugh when I joke it.

I will live with it
Because is my food that keep me going .
Jun 2016 · 749
When I walk alone I walk like a fighter ready to fight and everyone shift to let me move on .

When I walk with my partner I walk like a king and look at her like my Queen.

Smiling, shaking hands ,hugging each other like a kids playing tennis ball rolling down fighting to catch it with their hands.

Being respected by everyone ,Mr and Mrs become our first names followed by our surnames.

Every creature said wow what a wonderful couple.
Families bond together like no separation will take place.

Unhappy times one will walk two meters from another ,like they naver met each other.

After a while ,where a thunderstorm destroyed it return to finish the work it started

Walking distance is painful.
Keep walking together
Far is where we come from
If we look back we will never reach our journey
Jun 2016 · 304
What ever
When life through you lemon make lemonade.
When problem appear in you life make it progress.
When friends turn their back stand up straight and move on
If people confront you just comfort them

What ever
We are in a journey, not knowing our place to reach but we keep moving.

When people stear you make it steering.
When people make jokes of you make it joko and drink it.

What ever life gives you don't hesitate to give an opposite of it

What ever eish
What ever
Jun 2016 · 373
I might not be liked
But he like me
You may call me names but he call me one.

You may not accept me but he kept on accepting me.
I have been rounded and grounded
Steered but my name didn't turn to be the other.

Thanks to him that I am breathing
Shaking my hands like those who call themselves somebody.

He is my saviour and he will never show his back bone.
Sympathy, fingers, mummering,agly staff may be chosen to be mine.

All I wish is for everyone to know.
I didn't chosen to work for it but I have been attacked just like a toddler fighting to breath.

All I know he is my saviour and saviour save people
May 2016 · 412
Closing my eyes as I am praying.
Thinking twice as I was hardly deciding.

Alone I ask my self plenty of questions but undermining my response.
Scratching my head
Rubbing my nose but but it was like a dog trying to remove lice on its skin.

Trying to associate my self
But they kicked me out of their team
Memories appear and disappear but I kept thinking and realized is not good to be alone ,but is good to be alone with God
Apr 2016 · 421
Walking like a dead men alive.
Jumping the gun while no one shoot.
Feeling depressed like mental disturbed.

Everyone look me like a monster.
Looking in the world like I don't belong there, like a fish taken out of water and willing to return back .

Everyone were putting shame on me.
Tears fall several times and questions with no answer's were internally asked.

Sleeping with nightmare and scream in the middle of the night.
Beginning to stand in my feet.
Asking God if my blood is black than others,or anything I did roughly.

cryed and confers to him who created me,set me free  and make me
My life out of nuisance and make it nonsense to the one who made it in my life
Apr 2016 · 409
Hopeless is a language of fools.
It changes human into low self-esteem.
Giving up can be his/her first priority.
Shame will be his/her greetings.
Stress will be an intoxicating drink that will slow down and depressed the brain.

Its time to change negative into positive.
Careless into careful.
Stress into strength.
Then we will change hopeless into hopefully.
Mar 2016 · 514
Mouth can build and distroy.
Mouth can separate and reunite.
Mouth can lie and tell the truth.
It can not be trusted because out of it can be hate speech and love speech.

Out of mouth can be healing,killing and lying .
Out of an even mouth the is sweet word ,out of God mouth the is rules.

Mouth keep on speaking but was made to speak, eat and praise the lord.
Mar 2016 · 374
two days of my stress.
Feeling depressed like the stone is on top of me.
Looking around like I can see someone who can offer assistance.

Scratching my head like something is itching.
I pick a phone to be my friend.
Never knowing what to do about it.
I bumped into evil channel.

What's your name,I began to lie.
Someone I don't know trying to help me.

I jumped, oh no me,my God what iam  doing,asking myself.
Quickly I log of and realize that I was on the mud but hunging in there,seating down like a frog ready to jump off to the water.

I started smiling, yaah stress are not good, mistake, suicide, low self-esteem and separation comes from stress.

On that 2 days I vowed no more stress I could get,out of any mistake, as iam living.
Mar 2016 · 609
I wasnt born yesterday.
I have eyes to see and a mouth to speak.
I gave you my love you thank me with banch of ignorance.
I hate the day I open my mouth for that 4 letter word , I hate that you listened and smile on me.

Like the heaven and earth belong to us,your teeth was always ready to fake your smile.
Now you are closing your story book but you don't want to let me know how the story ends.

But you must know I wasn't born yesterday, I have gone a long miles in this path and I know how hard it can be,your eyes was pure as a snow,but now is like you are working in a chilies factory.

I wasn't born yesterday that I may turn to be your toy,your statue,your bridge that you may cross upon it,
From today you may know that.

I wasn't born yesterday
Mar 2016 · 372
Night my hydency.
Covering the light that shine.
Revealing bet's and owls that fly on it
Walking across the dark wishing to see the moon.

All insects run to hide.
Human goes to sleep hoping to see
the new day.
Night mares become the major dilemma but glory comfort you till the next day.

Up on the moon wish to play hide and seek,but on the sun comes the heat that make an ant's walk by tummy.

Oh night my hydency.
Scary thing came.
Holy God comfort you.
Darkness appear but morning chase it away.
Right away from the dark comes the Star's, from the stars comes the shinning light.
Really night is my hydency.
Hydency,dilemma,hide and seek,tummy,mares,revealing, dark
Mar 2016 · 562
Shame on our kids.
Running left to right from morning devotion.
Back and forward were too far from them.
Locust became the topic of the day.
Every one were questioned.
What happened.

Oh really, shame on our kids.
Darkness were covering their eyes.
Not knowing where they are running, what they are running for.

Blood were spraying like a pipe spray,injury took place in some of them.

Complaining about darkness, shadow, snakes,ghosts,locust but non of them were seen.

Fingers pointed someone  with no evidence on it,all was there was humiliation to the head master.

But God stands with her and she had a victory on it.

Shame on our kids, for running in the light of darkness, where is hard for them to see the light.

Someone is there for them to open their eyes and their hearts to know him.

Oh no eish shame on our kids.
Mar 2016 · 566
out of no where
Out of no where.
Breathing in and out.
Back and forward were far to me.
Thinking soil can break for me to hide on it.

I screamed and no body helped me.
I called the eloes but my thing was through away.

Out of no where thinking twice.
But no answers I got.
Suddenly my trouser was off, somebody on top of me,I tried to fight but it was day and night at a same time.

He did all his evil things on me.then he disappear, waking my self up and realized that out of no where I have been *****.
Lord I present my self to you.
Wipe those tears I caused to people you love.
Put me in the right way you prepared for your loyal servants.

I gave them pain so that I can smile.
Making their life hard and dance.
Like I was a king of this world,while I have the same blood they all have.

Oh God wash my sins away.
And purify my hands as I am giving myself to you.

Help me choose wrong to right and to learn how to forgive and forget.
Everyday I sleep I feel scared.

Like someone is trying to give me what I deserve, everyone who see me in the middle of the way, try to look another way so that I can't get closer to them.

Heal me oh lord and make me Paul as Iam Saul now,if it was reversible I would reverse it to clear my name.

Hopefully, I praise you my lord that you are Holly and you will be God today ,tomorrow and forever

Jan 2016 · 548
Every book has its beginning.
Good start that keep a reader willing to read continually ,sometimes its beginning become boring but its body have a nice message that will never let you go.

Remember every book have its end
and if yours end don't cry,close that book and open onother one and life goes on.

If someone want to break up with you just say good bye.
In your heart say minus one problem.

Because you will be free,no body will control you again, no body will scream louder in your ears and cause you bad night sleep.

Tell your self beautiful partner of yours not yet born.
Your one and only is waiting for you out side and no one will stop the happiness you are going to have.

Breaking up is hard but is a sign of showing you were not meant to be together.
Jan 2016 · 955
Dont feel attracted by girls body
Feel attracted by their minds.
Hips are nothing but a body that can pass by God's will.

Peers say I love slender, I love fat one or I love medium one .
What will happen when medium one become thin or fat,what will happen when they change their shape.

Will you still love them.
You will end up contracting infections and die young.

Life is not all about competition .
Showing others how loveble you are.
They will give you a name of play boy and girls can run away from you.

Keep your body and chose careful ,remember beauty lies in the eyes of beholder.

Sleeping around can make you. Look like toilet rolls and every one will use you not to recycle you but to flash you.

Boys listening skills is better than hearing lose,listen to wise than listening to 5 minutes sin that will bring your reputation down for good.

Education is best and love will follow,don't let your feeling destroy your future, keep your zip close please.
Jan 2016 · 556
Thanks giving
For the gift I never imagine.
Coming to me like a rain that rain that fall in the way while making a movement.

It is running in my vain and make my mouth show a smile I never thought it will have.

The sun I was given shine bright and keep me going in hello poetry.
God be with those who offer support and create them rhododendrones.

I feel flying like butterfly.
Keep jumping like spring bok.
Keep laughing like cape monkey .
Humble like a dove.
Loving you all at hello poetry
Jan 2016 · 436
being 30
I went to journey without hope.
And rise without knowledge.
My mind turn into temptation.

I set down and think till I get stressed.
Oh I am not a kid anymore.
My goal was to get married but not getting proper one .

I thought of my ex and realize I will be cut off.
I thought of my Ben 10 and realize I will be ATM.

I thought of serious one that's where my mind kept on and I stick on it.
Turning 30 is not just a food to eat but is a big commitment any one have to face.

I never agree but liking it or not I have to grow and  2step forward I will be 40 .
Dec 2015 · 382
annoying song
Annoying song was played over my ear's, my heart felt irritated like a thunder rumbling over and over.

The dancers were dancing get down .
The viewers shook their heads as if something is not right.

Tears fall
Blood sprayed.
Laughers laugh

All was an intention of playing the annoying song.
Respect were flashed away over water born toilet.

Older people dance the song with young ones.
Street become their bed room.
Home become their hotels and hotels become their homes.

Because of the annoying song.
Young women see granny as their age for social grants.

Every where they pour alcohol like water.
Water like tea and tea like a poison.

But they can always play the song that is annoying song
Dec 2015 · 415
i wasn't in my train
I was ascaping but I got in there.
I thought I will grow but never know I will have consequences.
I thought I will demand but they demand in me.

I thought I will remain single but I change to couple .
I thought I will always be a kid to my parents but they said I am now a men.

I wasn't in my train to travel from here to next level.

I thought relationship is for rich but for the poorest as well.
Change is great but how do we change.

I wasnt  in my train but I had to know that all stages need to be travelled and all stations need to be stopped and after the journey goes on
Dec 2015 · 533
love loving
Love is something that money can not buy.
Wealthy or not.
Working or not.

As long as you feel it in your heart that you are in someone and that someone is truly in you.

Being able to share life together.
That's love.

You can take all your dollars,
All your shillings, all your Pula's ,all your farm and hand it but if the is no love the is no love.

Love  grow inside from the deep side of human heart, spiritual and never have seasonal changes,  

Love is always love and it will remain love all the time
Nov 2015 · 1.3k
Loko ndzi tihanyela andzi hanyeli nwina ndzi hanyela xikwembu xamina.
Loko ndzi famba miri ndzina matsolo yontswontswana,xana amilava ni fambisa leswi milavisaka xiswona ndzi tshika leswi hosi yindzi endliseke swona.

Loko ndzi khongela miri ndzi twa ndlala,xana ndzinga tshika kukhongela hosi yamuna hikwalaho ka nwina.

Ndzi tisomele tintombi nwina miku ndza oswa,amolava ndzi soma nwina ,mitaswivona leswaku ndzi soma hirirhandzu kungari Ku huha.
Xana ni endliwa yini?

Xankoka kanwina iku vona munhu axaniseka,leswaku mitaba swikhiyana minga heti.
Ebo mhe na ala,ndzi nge pfuki ndzi ni yingisile.

Loko mindzi vona ndzi hundza hi ndlela mi yimbelela tinsimu ta michongolo,onge hiloko mondzivona ndzimu vhevhulela.
Amilava ndzi titshova tshova bya vanwambhurhi kona mita tsaka ,Mina andzi fambeli kutsakisa munhu ndzi fambela kufika laha ndzi yaka kona.

Xana mindzi endla yini.
Andzi dyi swanwina ndzatitirhela himavoko ya Mina,nwina miendla onge vatomihakela.

Ndzi tshikeni ndzi tihanyela Mina.
Xana mindzi endla yini.
Ndza engeta nakambe xana mindzi endla yini?
Nov 2015 · 818
my dreams
During my young age.
Dreaming were my night mare.
I didn't knew it will happen, but I knew it was a calling.

I didn't knew a woman but I knew time will come.
Over the moon I saw a beautiful parable of Jesus Christ .
Calling my name 3 times and I responded, "yes lord.

Do you love me?
Yes lord.
Again he said do you love me?
Yes lord I do.
He repeated for the third time and I didn't know what to say or do all I got to said is that,yes lord.

He said be my servant.
Over that dream the moon disappear and I saw the dark,I realized that he is a light.

But I shook my head and said no I am still young.

The other night the wind was blowing over and over,the trees sounded like its breaking.
I looked side to side and see no one only mountain were behind me.

Loud voice shout on me and said look around ,all your siblings ,relatives and enemies are in the hand of evil and you are the one who have to save them.

I wake up like someone was chasing me,cry like someone is beating me,dance like somebody is playing song for me.

But all was left for me was I want to serve the lord or not.
He who have the power, directed me,does that mean I have to refuse.

All I knew is that dreams is dreams.
It doesn't matter how you dream.
If you dream night mare is a sign that you have to fix things good way.
If you dream good keep it that way and move on.
Nov 2015 · 371
what have i done.
I tried to climb a mountain but the stones keep falling in my way up.
I try to grow but some body keep treating me as a kid.

I try to move forward but somebody is trying to mislead me so that I may fall over the cage.
I wrote a letter to my loved ones but somebody tear it up.

I tried to lighten up a bulb so that a darkness may disappear but somebody kept switching it off.

What have I done to be prevented in my way.
I never steal from you.
I never abandoned you.
Why do the silly things done by you.

I tried to scoober dive and you shoot straight to my protection.

All you want to see is me walking bare footed,with ***** clothes and berg from you,but I promise I will never rest till I get there to the winning rope.

I wanted to be your forever.
You kicked me where ever.
I wanted to change the situation you let me choose opsticle.
Up obove my head I saw a stars but down I saw the 10 fit under the ground.

I should not have trusted you.
If I knew you were traitor I would be a treater,so that I can treat all your traitorship .

But the question is what have I done to deserve this.
Nov 2015 · 473
super girlfriend
She doesn't go tarvens.
Nor to go for table snoker .
Neither jazz festival.
But she knows what to do for her loved one.

She respect her partner and make sure she is in her partner's right track.
She always sing the love song nor the heartbreaking song.
She always share unshareble ,give ungivable .

Humbling is her motto.
Church is her browary.
Body respecting is her daily bread.
Smile is her lucky charm.

All mens wish to have her,but she knows how to say no because she is super girlfriend.
Nov 2015 · 493
Girl next door
I was tempted.
Thinking and proving unpredictable situation.

I was not knowing the knowable.
Not realising un realistic.
My eyes capt looking, wow she is beautiful,
My tears fall .
My hope be hopelessness.
All I saw and all I wanted to have is girl next door
Nov 2015 · 357
comfortable heart
Truly I got comfortability.
I was looking for a heart to love I got it.
I runned through miles
Shouting the word with 4 letters.
My voice was deep and emotional.
Thinking I am nothing but a loser.

All neighborhood were laughing at me.
Saying he is a monk .
He is scared.
He is a bachelor .
He can't start a  family.

But he change the negativity into activity.
Now I got one to love .
One to share with.
One to make no regrets with.
She is the one who give the comfortable heart and the one who I will lean by her
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