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Mortuus Odio Dec 2013
Have you ever wonder what a snowflake looks like?
Have you seen the color of the snow
Dancing on the threshold of winter
It's a shame that you haven't
I was wondering if you could tell me
All I've ever seen is the rain clouds rolling in
Lightning setting fire to everything on it's way
Have you ever seen the snow?
Will you tell me what it looks like?
bs poem
Mortuus Odio Dec 2013
First thing you said when you saw my name
First thing I thought of was a field of daises
Us runningtowards each other in slow motion
Lullaby tunes whispering on the winds
As petals dance to the rhythm
I guess I have a weird perspective
I never expected that you'd be the one
To make me think love was a funny thing
I never expected that someone miles away
Could stop the demon from rising
I'm glad I'm back
Back to basking in the light of your smile
Watching you glow with the thought of our love
It's not everyday I'm given something perfect to protect
But with you I'm not just the guardian
I'm the creator of the perfect twinkle in your star gazing eyes
Wonder how long it will be till I can kiss you
I hope it's not much longer
Because I'm actually going crazy
With the thought of you at my side
Heaven and Hell wreaking havoc
On the true definition of love
I missed you was the first thing I saw you say
I love you will be the first thing I hear you say
So I better get to running towards you
In this world of daisies
Wilting away as long as I'm not close to you
Gaining life as come closer to touching
The chest that holds two hearts
Hearing the orchestra of love
Play the music that will save my soul
I missed you too
I love you even more
I should have never let you go in the first place
So I'll make it right
When I hold you tight in my arms
Mortuus Odio Nov 2013
I don't know if I'm even able to love
I don't know if I'll ever meet you
I only know that if I was given the chance
Hell would freeze
Heaven would know pain and sickness
Death would flourish
Just for me to reach you
So you could teach me
The true meaning of love
I don't even know if I'll live past 18
I don't know if the world will even care
I just want that good morning sunshine feeling
That heartbreak when we fight
That love is more important conversation
When we make up
I want a love story made perfect
I'm not asking for miracles or fantasy
I'm only asking if we could share something
Nobody can ever understand
A love on a new level
To the love of my life
I want to be true
I want to exist
And if that feeling comes only from a blade
Then I know this life isn't worth living
If pills and bottle become the most affectionate
Then I'll dance in the darkness as I slowly erode
I don't want only death and darkness
I want a love I can call mine
I want to make love
I'm tired of just *******
I want kisses that mean something
Not kisses from the thousands of thorns
That cover my flower bed
I'm looking for something impossible
Mortuus Odio Nov 2013
The sky must be in love with another soul
It's raining the affection
In the form of rose pedals
Wilting as the truth becomes clear

That soul sent itself to hell
Mortuus Odio Nov 2013
One step and I've already failed at being insane
Two steps and I've forgotten I was insane
What the **** happened for me to be here
Locked in a padded room
Crawling into the safety of the shadows
Am I breathing?
Am I high?
Am I insane or just the offspring of my decadence
Am I just another victim
To the early stages of my insanity
The last?
It's a scary feeling
No time to hide
When you're always running
Mortuus Odio Nov 2013
Fool me once shame on me
Fool me twice shame on you
That's the saying right
But it's wrong
The jokes always on me
I'm fooled by the everyday laughter
Thinking it's with me
Not realizing it's against me
It's the silent joke
An inside little laugh
The kids around me have
Could it be their laughing at my scars
The way the blade laughs at me
When I try to hide it
The jokes always on me
I'm not the comedian
I'm the comedy
A simple commodity
They sink their teeth in just for a smile
Am I less of a man
Because of the scars
Am I less of a human
Because I don't smile properly
I have a crooked smile
That's always upside down
The jokes always on me
Because I am the joke
The laugh of the town
The little **** ****** disregard
I'm a human yet you all make me feel
Like the jokes on me
The shadows over my face
Are the shadows of your backs
Turned and whispering the joke
Giggles turn to laughter
Laughter turns to glares
Glares turn to open wounds doctors can't stitch
Yet I'm always the ******* joke
Think again
The jokes on you
I'm the one laughing
All your lives are in my hands
I have 40 pounds of C4
This mall won't stand the explosion
I'll **** you all
I'll be the one to disappear first
Laughing because the jokes on you now
You're too stupid to realize
The joke became the joker
Chock on the ash of my laughter now
I'll tear your world apart
If you survive
You'll be the one with the scars
A perfect reminder of the joke I was
Mortuus Odio Nov 2013
I'm everything you ever wanted in a man
But I'll never be your man
Because you don't recognize the look of disgust
In eyes full to the brim of ****
I can't promise you pain
I can promise you hatred
I can promise you tears worth nothing
I can promise you a half dead smile
Wandering aimlessly in the silence of your eyes
I wish I could love you the way
My heart wants to
I wish I was yours
But I have no heart
I forgot where I left it
But I can feel it beat in my chest
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