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Mar 2014 · 501
Sorry, it's over.
Morgan Percy Mar 2014
Sometimes I get a sick joy out of knowing
that it was over for me the day we parted
but the only thing keeping you alive
is hating me
I realize how this sounds,
a relationship ended with someone and now there is a new relationship and the only thing that seems to be fueling the new relationship is harassing a member of the old relationship.
Nov 2013 · 915
You + Me
Morgan Percy Nov 2013
I've never been able to draw
a paintbrush does not belong in my hand

I've never been able to dance
the beat of a song doesn't flow through my bones

I've never been good at math
numbers simply look like rebellious letters

But I can write
I can paint you a picture with my words
make you feel something more than a beat deep in your bones
and make you believe in the only math that matters
you + me
Oct 2013 · 926
what is love
Morgan Percy Oct 2013
love is my three AM phone call, that you don't send to voice mail

love is when I remind you to bring an umbrella's also bringing you chicken soup instead of saying I told you so

love is texting me six times a day to remind me to eat something because you know I'll  'forget'

love is waking up beside you on a Sunday morning and hearing your rough voice mumble in my ear  "good morning beautiful"

love is not laughing at me when there's tears rolling down my cheeks while standing on the porch

love is kissing my forehead and whispering  *"don't worry, I'll be home soon."
Aug 2013 · 730
Morgan Percy Aug 2013
There's so many words that I'm dying to say
things I had held back,
the things I hid away
but twenty six letters will never be enough
to communicate how this feels
Aug 2013 · 902
how to take care of a human
Morgan Percy Aug 2013
Bringing people into your life is a big responsibility
like owning a pet
you have to feed their minds
you have to exercise their limits
you have to show them affection
you have to make time for them
you have to care for them
because sometimes they can't care for themselves
Aug 2013 · 653
Morgan Percy Aug 2013
Through the trees
Up the hill
Into unknown land
Increasing the distance
Between you and I
Was something I used to dread
To drown on land
To fight or flight
Doesn't seem worth it to me.
Aug 2013 · 762
born among the flowers
Morgan Percy Aug 2013
I remember the day we started talking
your gold hair kept falling into your eyes
and I kept fighting the desire to push it away
so it wouldn't hide the beauty you had been blessed with.
You always smelled like a garden,
but not like you had been planting it, more like you grew there
Just sprouted from the ground one day and walked off into my life.
I fell in love,
you laughed at me,
until you fell too.
Jun 2012 · 689
Morgan Percy Jun 2012
The beat of the wings
laced with dusty memories
haunting me as I lay in the swords of grass
as the grey puffs in the sky
release their wet bombs onto me

                                                                                        The trees sway with mimicked exhaustion
                                                                                        the sky groans with an empathetic pain
                                                                                       and then flashes
                                                                                       the light at the end of the tunnel
                                                                                       the sky extinguishes the fire in my heart

You can’t see me there anymore,
don’t waste your time
all that’s left is the echo in the trees
and the scorch mark of my heart.
Jan 2012 · 537
When You're Around
Morgan Percy Jan 2012
Things are better when you're around
I worry less
I smile more
my heart begins to pound

Things are better when you're around
I laugh for hours
I dance in snow
my feet fly off the ground

Things are better when you're around
I rhyme my words
and kiss through tears
I'm glad it's you I've found
Jan 2012 · 810
Winter Winds
Morgan Percy Jan 2012
So let the winter winds blow
and swallow me whole
just like the thoughts of you
have consumed my soul

So let the snow fall
soft and sweet
as your words
flush my cheeks

So let the cold
chill me to the bone
your arms wrapped around me
feel like home
Dec 2011 · 468
Morgan Percy Dec 2011
Sleepless in the city,
or so it always seems
it feels like I love you,
but is it just a dream?

I feel you through my veins
like a fish through the sea
I can't seem to be without you,
why can't you just let me be?
Oct 2011 · 487
Help You
Morgan Percy Oct 2011
I'd love to help you
But my arms don't know how to hold you
Morgan Percy Apr 2011
just go away
don't come back any other day

I don't want to think you
I don't want to feel you
get out of my mind

I'm losing it
I could lose you
I'm just so tired of trying
© Morgan Percy 2011
Mar 2011 · 759
Morgan Percy Mar 2011
Your boyish beauty breaks
my vacant chest aches

To see you’re fragile wall shatter,
your heart stops the pitter-patter

I’m trying to sew the seam
where the crack ruptured your dream

Being around you helps me fly
And I can’t bear to say goodbye.
Feb 2011 · 966
Morgan Percy Feb 2011
drifting along, out to sea
when you stop, do you think of me?
I watch the water, as tears flow
did you really have to go?
and as I watch with glittering eyes
the whole world, dark and wide
© Morgan Percy 2011
Feb 2011 · 934
Morgan Percy Feb 2011
We lie awake and dream our dreams, letting our thoughts flow like streams,
Like mist around the moon, on a warm night in June
They vanish.
Tick, tock the time rolls around the clock,
Slowly but surely fought, lessons, they never seem taught
Although changed is expected, it is never fully accepted
A frightening contemplation, but a permanent deliberation
Such is life.
We’re positioned at this conditioned point
As time rattles on, like you’re just a pawn
In this short game.
A careless thought, no longer sought
Left alone life a leaf being blown
Away in the wind.
You can try screaming, just to find meaning
But what you desire will soon expire
As will it all.
Sewing the seam never truly gets rids of the dream
A life without strife
Would be wonderful
The thought of life without good-bye could make one’s heart fly
A million miles above, soaring like a dove
Away from the world.
© Morgan Percy 2011

a poem I wrote for an assignment in English class,
was nearly the death of me
Feb 2011 · 1.2k
I Wish
Morgan Percy Feb 2011
shooting stars
coin tosses
and birthday candles
I wish for you

forever & always
I wish you could see
Morgan Percy 2011 ©
Jan 2011 · 648
To You
Morgan Percy Jan 2011
It's like you don't hear them at all
they know what she is
what she's doing
to you

it's like you've taken you're fragile heart
hidden it, far away
and I don't know how to get there
I don't know how to get through
to you

you know what she's doing
still you stay by her side
because in your mind,
she's everything
to you

and here I am, thinking of you
wondering what you're thinking of, or who
wishing I could mean everything
*to you
© Morgan Percy 2011
Dec 2010 · 614
Last Summer
Morgan Percy Dec 2010
on the dock,
the wood beneath my palms
the sun on my face
the water glistening below
the same sparkle that was in your eyes
last summer
the last time I saw you
calling me crazy
as I jumped
plunging into the sparkling oasis
with laughter, you followed
I'd give anything to go back to that time
where I held your heart, and you held mine
now what you want
has ripped me apart
like that plunge off the dock
tearing through the water
there's a hole through my chest
© Morgan Percy 2010
Dec 2010 · 578
Morgan Percy Dec 2010
The cold wind whips around my face

throwing my hair and turning my cheeks pink

the snow falls daintily, dancing within the wind

each flake a different pattern

just like every person has a story

you take my hand and we collapse into the white covered ground

later it will be shivers and sniffles

but right now, it's a cold bliss
© Morgan Percy 2010
Dec 2010 · 624
What Your Heart Is For
Morgan Percy Dec 2010
I'd like to break every clock
just so time would stand still
and I could stay in this moment
with you,

But as I blink,
I discover time, like you, has moved on
and like a broken clock, I haven't

and while you're out there,
looking for yourself
I'll be here
without you

But you'll never know
because you seem to have forgotten
what your heart is for
© Morgan Percy 2010
Dec 2010 · 952
Never Forget
Morgan Percy Dec 2010
I watch you pace back and forth
in your apartment,
grasping at faded memories
and moments long since forgotten

You collapse on the couch
with a heavy hearted sigh
you fidget and fiddle
as you wonder where I am

I always lived like this
keeping a suitable distance
it's almost comical to think my afterlife
would be the same

I wish I could move on
but I can't seem to let go of you
I can't bare the thought of leaving you
here all alone

but I know I have to,
it's for your own good.
I move closer to you
and kiss your forehead

within an instant
I begin to fade
I know you'll be okay,
but I'll never forget you...
© Morgan Percy 2010
Nov 2010 · 705
Morgan Percy Nov 2010
Victimize, yourself

                Tantalize, everyone else

                                                  Agonize, her
                                                                Moralize, you try
                                                                                 Critisize, they do
                                                                                                       Apologize, can't you?
© Morgan Percy 2010
Nov 2010 · 953
Morgan Percy Nov 2010
I can feel it pulse
rush through my veins

like acid
it burns through me

this surge of power
this wave
of red heat

it gives me strength
I shouldn't have
© Morgan Percy 2010
Nov 2010 · 1.9k
Morgan Percy Nov 2010
you're too busy

                                          it doesn't matter

I'm not worth the effort

                                                                        it takes two
too make this friendship  work

                                                                              why am I the only one trying?
© Morgan Percy 2010
Nov 2010 · 740
Morgan Percy Nov 2010
I want to scream
          just to let it out
this mass of feeling
                           not sad
not happy
                        just there
in my chest
                 making me *choke
© Morgan Percy 2010
Nov 2010 · 1.1k
Morgan Percy Nov 2010
there you go again
knocking me off my feet
with a single blow
I crumble

the scene replays in my head
going over everything that was left unsaid
just like the times before
and the times that will follow

like setting off a box of fireworks
right inside my head
silently my mind explodes
just because you smiled
© Morgan Percy 2010
Oct 2010 · 2.3k
Speak Now
Morgan Percy Oct 2010
sneaking in was easy
seeing you was the hard part

I saw her standing there, in her white marshmallow dress
then you beside her in your tuxedo, looking as if you've seen a ghost

the preacher began to speak
my hands began to shake

"speak now, or forever hold your peace"
either way, this would not be peaceful

I showed myself,
wearing that black dress you knew so well

proclaiming loudly "I do!"
as your eyes found mine
they silently screamed
"I do too."
© Morgan Percy 2010
Oct 2010 · 629
Morgan Percy Oct 2010
Everytime you look at me
I don't think you can really see

the sparkle in my eye
just because you walk by

the way my face begins to shine
as we walk along the shoreline

even if I had a choice
my feelings would still remain unvoiced

without your light I'm left in the dark
so shine your light on my fragile heart
© Morgan Percy 2010
Oct 2010 · 565
Morgan Percy Oct 2010
you make my heart want to scream
but I don't know why

you make me shake
when you're standing next to me

you make me feel young again
like that ten year old you used to know

Everything is so different now
but my feelings are still the same

six years, and you still give me butterflies
I feel naive, while my age shows through

but your voice
brings me endless comfort
© Morgan Percy 2010
Oct 2010 · 571
Without Me
Morgan Percy Oct 2010
hey there
look at me
I talk, I breathe, my heart beats
not that it matters to you
I'm there when you need me
but you seem to be far too busy
when I need you

so now,
i'll try not needing you
not that I ever truely did
now the world is crashing
because I don't talk to you

I'm glad for your time
but stop wasting mine
without you, I won't die
I'm not the one who's lost
without me
© Morgan Percy 2010
Oct 2010 · 1.7k
Ode to My Purple Shirt
Morgan Percy Oct 2010
my purple shirt

far too big for me
but you used to fit my mother perfectly

the rip in your shoulder doesn't bother me
it tells of what has been

and even though you cant say much
I feel safe inside your fabrics touch

as a fall asleep tonight
my purple shirt I grasp tight
© Morgan Percy 2010
Oct 2010 · 570
Right Now
Morgan Percy Oct 2010
Hey you,
with the beautiful eyes
and the mischevious smile
you don't know me,
and maybe you never will
but right now, you make me smile
without doing a thing
and maybe in a few years
I'll forget about you
never look at you like I do now
but right now,
*oh man
© Morgan Percy 2010
Oct 2010 · 556
Months Later
Morgan Percy Oct 2010
the waves crashed
the air whipped
I loved you

the door slammed
you drove so fast
my heart broke

the months passed
life went on
I survived

the phone rings
my eyes cry
**I missed you
© Morgan Percy 2010
Oct 2010 · 680
It's Just The Beginning
Morgan Percy Oct 2010
you scream and yell
I curse and cry
It's not how it's supposed to be

You call me useless
tell me I'm worthless
I'm just young
let me be free

I should be able to have flaws
learn from my mistakes
not hating who I am
because you do

This is just the beginning
of the rest of my life
cinematic and dramatic
**I don't need you.
© Morgan Percy 2010
Sep 2010 · 789
Kiss of the Night
Morgan Percy Sep 2010
A cool atumn breeze
like the kiss of the night
how I wish you were here
to hold me tonight
You're arms around me
ever so tight
I can promise you,
everything would be *alright
© Morgan Percy 2010
Sep 2010 · 815
Why I Left
Morgan Percy Sep 2010
you ask me why I left
as if I had abandon you
when the truth is
you had abandon me

day in and day out
I was there,
for each and everyone of you
and I can't say I regret it

But with all the drama
silently brewing strong
I slowly got cut out
of what I thought was part of my life

I just couldn't bear it anymore
remember, this is poetry, nothing more
but when it all comes down too it
I never abandon you
I just got strong

I can't look out for everyone anymore
I'm not the person you need
you've grown up, maybe grown apart

Turns out I grew up too,
I needed a place to spread my wings
a fresh start
some new faces
somewhere where I can speak.
© Morgan Percy 2010

read it carefully,
don't hate.
Aug 2010 · 791
The Mirror
Morgan Percy Aug 2010
paint a picture of your perfect self
put it high upon the pedestal
that's who you are
that's who you want to be
but this is the person
I never see.
the person you see in the mirror
is not the one that stands infront of me
the person in the mirror is kind, sincere,
the person I see cries a river from a word
the person in the mirror,
and the one standing here
should have a chat,
meet in the middle
cause i'm tired of coming out black and blue
over a simple word
© Morgan Percy 2010
Aug 2010 · 716
Miles Apart
Morgan Percy Aug 2010
miles are between us

but I feel so close to you
almost like you're here
holding me close
letting me know just how close you really are

your smile is infectious
it makes me feel warm from my head to my toes
even on the coldest nights
where I can't even feel my toes

your eyes are deep
they make me feel like a single moment
could last forever
just like I dream it could

but we're miles apart
you're not here
I can't see your smile,
feel your touch
or stare into your eyes
© Morgan Percy 2010
Aug 2010 · 6.4k
My Heart
Morgan Percy Aug 2010
I wish you were a liquid
I could extract you from my veins
and never have to see
your pretty face again

or if you were a song
stuck so deeply in my head
I would just have to play
a different song instead

maybe a scent
stuck deep within my nose
I'd could just go outside
and smell a garden rose

even a dream
had deep within the night
I would just wake myself up
out of sheer fright

but sadly you're a scar
cast deep upon my heart
growing deeper
as we stay apart
© Morgan Percy 2010
Aug 2010 · 2.2k
Forever Stuck With Me
Morgan Percy Aug 2010
sometimes we don't agree
but you know you're forever stuck with me

we'll sit in our carboard boxes
race around the block
pretend we're super heros
forever on the clock

All of a sudden we've grown up
getting our nails done downtown
the best days of our lives,
silently flying by

we've laughed through the best times
and we survived the worst
from late nights to early mornings
from carboard boxes to pedicures

sometimes we don't agree
but you know you're forever stuck with me
this is dedicated to my best friend, Shanna Howse
who I love and missed dearly (:

© Morgan Percy 2010
Aug 2010 · 744
Who Are You?
Morgan Percy Aug 2010
who are you?
that's one question I can't seem to answer,
I know who you were
my best friend
you cared
you weren't so ignorant
not so sarcastic
someone I could talk to
someone I cared about
now it's different
I don't know you like I used to
and by the way you're acting
you obviously forget who I am,
but one day
that will be okay
because i'm slowly forgetting who you were
and I have no intention of finding out
who you are now
good luck.
© Morgan Percy 2010
Aug 2010 · 506
This Teenage Dream
Morgan Percy Aug 2010
you call me pretty and take my hand
with your bright eyes
and warm inviting smile
you pick me up
and spin me around
and kiss me so gently
my cheeks flush as my heart races
you hold me tight in your arms
my world freezes in this moment
as the real world moves on
never knowing what it feels like to be here
with you,
this can't really be healthy
© Morgan Percy 2010
Jul 2010 · 752
Kinda Hate You
Morgan Percy Jul 2010
I guess you never knew me at all
because you obviously don't understand
how positively ignorant you are.
expecting me to tell you everything
when you tell me nothing
I'm not gonna miss you
this impact you have on my life
is faltering
and it will fade
sweet and slow
how could you expect so much more
when you're giving so little
to someone who you claims means so much
I kinda hate you.
© Morgan Percy 2010
Jul 2010 · 750
One, two, three, four
Morgan Percy Jul 2010
you're the only one

i dont know what you want

this can't go on this way

It's over forever

I lied
© Morgan Percy 2010
Jul 2010 · 2.2k
Morgan Percy Jul 2010
You help me stand up straight and tall
even though I'm feeling small

you keep me confident and strong
even though I'm barely holding on

my backbone says i'm the only one
too bad he doesn't have one
© Morgan Percy 2010
Jul 2010 · 569
My World
Morgan Percy Jul 2010
My world is a beautiful place
it rains
it snows
the wind whips
the water flows
everything is so alive

Your world is dark
too cold
too hot
too wet
too dry
everything is hollow

we seem to live in the same world
so why don't you come closer
come look what at what I'm seeing

let go of your stress
let go of your negativity
let go of your anger
breathe in this world

come look through my eyes
because in my eyes
you're just as beautiful
as the world around

no matter if it rains
no matter if it snow
even while then wind whips
even as the water flows

I'll never forget the beauty I see in you
I just hope one day
You can see this beauty too
© Morgan Percy 2010

*Published in Creative Communications Spring Anthology*
Jul 2010 · 831
Take Your Best Shot
Morgan Percy Jul 2010
My heart's on my sleeve
I'm running with the wind

I don't know where I'm going
because I haven't gotten there yet

but my hopes are high as moutains,
my dreams as big as oceans

look again at the heart on my sleeve
it's armoured,

stronger than it's ever been
so come on baby,

take your best shot
© Morgan Percy 2010
Jul 2010 · 936
Morgan Percy Jul 2010
or so I feel
no communication
or so it seems

you're no where to be seen
no one is
but that's fine with me

here, I can finally be myself
open my soul

No one around to see me for who I am
but that's okay,
'cause I kind of like being with  me
and honestly
you don't really have to.
© Morgan Percy 2010
Jul 2010 · 789
My White Walls
Morgan Percy Jul 2010
My white walls grow higher each day

Stark and cold, tall and thick

They’re like a well around me

I can see the exit, the burning brightness of the other side

But the walls are much too high to climb out by now,

I can see the shadows of people,

Some look down, some just walk by

And pretend that everything’s okay,

Pretend I’m not in so deep

Not so over my head,

Some of them even attempt to reach down,

And help me out,

But they can’t quite reach, an eventually

They give up, and just pretend the walls aren’t there

But no one’s ever tried the door.
© Morgan Percy 2010
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