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It wont be till tomorrow
Before I make up my mind
It wont be till I see the reflection of the sun
in your sweet smile
Before I choose to stay
Or walk a thousand mile

There’s comfort in this pain
There’s guilt in this prayer
Yet still I am here
singing my dearest dreams
In your ears
I am shattering my own heart
As I see my reflection
in your tears

It wont be till tomorrow
Before I make up my mind

It’s raining outside
broken hearts are no strangers
To these rainy nights
Some, would wonder why I say this?
But it spoken with seriousness.
You look lovely in the rain.
With it pouring down your face.

With your makeup smearing.
And your hair a mess.
You look lovely in the rain.

Your lips swivering.
And your body cold.
I'm your comfort of warmth.
Your umbrellas of love.

Come close and let's walk together.
Who needs the comfort of sharing a shower?
When we're having fun in the flow of God's shower.

— The End —