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 Jul 2013 MoonChild
a human
 Jul 2013 MoonChild
i am no moon.
i am no firefly.
i am no sunshine.
i am no light.

but what i am,
is a human.

a simple human,
that has no good
qualities that is
really worth
looking at.
 Jul 2013 MoonChild
Diamond Dahl
(This is the second installment of a two part piece. Please read first Cut Apart.)*
He takes up a needle
Threaded with a glimmering strand of surety
Pierces my pink flesh, tender,
already thrumming with awareness
Following my self-otomy,
I would not have thought
to feel any more pain
But there it is
Slight, though
And a relief each time
he pulls the wounds closed
I observe the first sutures,
calmed by his confidence
He hands me the needle
I can't expect someone else to do all the healing
I pull the thread taut
We alternate for a while,
him piercing, me nipping
And then, before I pinch another hurt closed,
I reach in to extract the dead bits of my soul,
blackened with disuse
Refuse now,
no need to carry these within me
I am now devoted to my task
Bruises fading already
Some gashes will forever remain a softer pink testament
to true traumas
But no more concern if I will heal properly,
no thought of chronic infection
I have been forced to analyze my frayed heartstrings
Some scars I bear, but as I am stitched up
I become my own inoculation
My soul's surgeon
10 Feb 2013
See first: Cut Apart
 Jul 2013 MoonChild
Diamond Dahl
The rain whispers, and the wind answers back
The trees titter their opinions,
and the crickets sing a symphony
The night hums, but the Moon
She is silent
5 Mar 2013
"What's one of your favorite hobbies?"
"I dunno.. taking an eighth of 'Shrooms and proceeding to clean the house
once each few months is a pretty fun and enlightening hobby."
One time,
not that long ago,
I met a man I'd never known,
He was frail and weak and
had white cheeks,
His name I did not know,
It was snowing
and the air was cold,
My mother told me "don't go out"
I did not do as I was told.
Walking in the snow,
I stumbled by this man,
He was buried deep in the snow,
with a folder in his hand,
His voice was faint but,
at least I could hear,
In his voice he was
calling for help, his voice filled with fear.
I called out saying That i was there.
despite being an unsympathetic person I could help but care.
I got all my strength and pulled him out ,
I didn't stop to mess about.
the final pull was a great success.
he composed himself and said "thank you for you kindness."
Just as I was to turn around I remembered the look in his aged eyes.
Something that took year for me to try and disguise.
The look of sadness to the extreme,
the inside torture the inside scream
So I turned around and found him on a seat,
I sat down, the snow chilled my feet.
I said, " I know you're not happy what is wrong?"
"I haven't seen someone I love in very long.
I came here looking but couldn't find,
You know they never left my mind,
but I guess I'll have to live with my mistake,
But my love for them is not fake."
He turned and left after giving me a smile.
I hadn't cared for someone this much in a very long while.
When I went to leave I turned to my right.
And a snow covered folder caught my sight.
Because soon I realised why he felt so bad ,
this folder had everything about me ,
This man was my dad.
Cigarettes taste better than life sometimes
On his lips, his breathe that mix with mine
Blue eyes, black skies and stormy seas
Her I am, back again and on my knees

Take my virtue dark angel, take my pride
I feel your sweet venom run  deep inside
Pretty and perfect, porcelain and lace
Used and wasted, my body and face

Never did destruction offer such pleasure
Obsessed, undressed,  take any measure
Bound by addiction, by greed and misuse
A insatiable need for your sadistic abuse

**** me and pry me, love what you've taken
Hide me, denied me, leave me forsaken
Drink down heartache, wasted we entwine
I am yours but you were never mine
 Jul 2013 MoonChild
Tom McCone
the sky was on fire this
morning. the whole world
stood still, ablaze.
i was asleep, though. asleep
and dreaming of missing you.
like i usually am.

in the interim time periods
amidst two
late resolutions i
always say it's always too late i
think i'm going or gone insane;
asleep and over hills
and hills and
hills that don't exist, how
can the world still spin with
its one glimmering turning point so
far away?

i let the birds open up
the window, let
choke my lungs on
clean air, choke me from
tender clouds, all cutapart endings,
rusty-hinged doorways.
from dreams i never wanted anyway.
dreams of your wet eyes.

i'm not drunk though. just a mess.

*and you know how i love you,
too. in quiet frequencies and
teapots and cold mornings, in
birdsong and my slow
but you already know that.
dawn slowly
drips out
from fissures
between pinpointed
light, glaciers
circulating in
backlit skies.
 Jul 2013 MoonChild
Maeve Melia
bring two cups of tea
to the eye of the storm
and let us drink them
under the cold barrage of voices

let us write a book on the soil
with a preface written by gods
and a dandelion index as boundless as time

let us write about an earth
in which tree leaves are sacred
its rain is the verdict of fluttering
and its children are the blue pellucid of life
and its people prostrate to the skies

let us speak of an earth
on which tulips don't grow*
swallows stay and plant dandelions

let us write a book
in the diameter of dreams
in the length of smile and width of tears
with the weight of seedlings
by the ink
dripping from the lips of spring

— M. Melia
*this poem was written in Persian first. in Persian, tulips are the symbol of people who've lost their lives in wars.
A recent theme in my Writings
has been Umbral Catharsis:
cleansing of and by the deepest parts of Shadow;
a lesson in the form of a ceaseless Nightmare.

On one Hand,
I am sorry that many of my recent writings have been woeful or otherwise dark; I've just needed to get the feelings out of my Mind and onto proverbial Paper so as to free up Mental Space so as to allow for new growth, and so in that way
I am not sorry at all for what I have written and said;
it is healthy to reflect:

To make of Suffering, Art
and then to share that Art
for the purpose of any Art
is to be borne witness to.

Recognize the Shadow
Observe the Shadow
Familiarize the Shadow
Quarantine the Shadow
Learn from the Shadow
Transmute the Shadow
Incorporate the Shadow
Express the Shadow

and finally, get the **** on with your Life!
Such is Umbral Catharsis
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