Promise me you'll never leave.
I remember when I said that. I made him promise from the bottom of his heart that he was mine forever. And he made that promise.
So much for keeping it.
All I can see now is his face and the slamming of the door that he walked out of.
He left me, heartbroken and deserted, with no one to look after me, no one to care for me.
He knew I was young. He knew that I would be more affected by a break-up than his normal girlfriends.
But he was experimenting.
He didn't care what happened to me to begin with.
He never wanted to be with me
He just wanted to be with someone younger.
A lot younger.
I lost everything when he left.
My pride
My sense of security
My trust
Now what am I left with? A box full of pictures, several of his old t-shirts, and a lifetime of demolished memories.
They always said first heartbreaks are the worst, but I never expected this.
I'm learning, day by day, how to put one foot I front of the other again. It's not easy, but I'm making progress.
I just hope that he doesn't try to walk his way right back into my life.
Cuz I'm scared I might be stupid enough to fall right back for him again.