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637 · Aug 2016
your white dress
woman in white
dancing under the lights,
shy for a kiss
stopped and looked at me.

woman in white
your soul has no owner
the writes of your palms
paint the sky over my heart.

woman in white
dressed for me,
let me walk you down the isle
while you hold my hand.

woman in white
dance with me tonight,
let me draw your lines
with the color of my heart.
626 · Jul 2016
sweet mortuary
I dream of taking my life
for this would be a sweet paradise.

I hope the hours of my last breath
to be as peaceful and quite as my blood leaving my body.

The moment when I'll get to feel nothing
when I could again, be loved by nobody.

That sweet memory of your eyes scarring my skin
when you broke me, while being cold blooded.

Angels let me die, demons take me alive
make every moment in my life
vanish before my dying eyes.
530 · Sep 2016
String of fate
Life moves in a string of fate,
yours happened to cross mine, not long ago.

I seat on a broken window, and look inside
of my heart bleeding by the pain I’ve done.

Shattered thoughts, falling down the stairs
of a dark room I call self.

Hate me by my many errors; hate me by my wrongs,
hate me because I've hurt you, despite being in love.

Hate me because I've made you cry, because I've made you lost;
Hate me because with my eyes, I've shown anything other than love.

But love me baby, I beg you...

Love me because I love you most, because without you I'm empty;
love me because I've loved you, like no one had ever before.

Love me because I'm yours, because our souls are tied
love me, my love, my angel and I will forever love you more.
Life's simplicity is full of complexity,
for what is beautiful without imperfections?,
or what is precious without the risk of loosing it?...
what is everything if you don't understand nothing?.

Pieces that fall in place,
time after time again...
love seems to forget who we are.

I whispered to the Gods,
they whispered back, and for years to come
I didn't hear them talk...
A whisper reached my soul,
sanity lost control,
I found what I've been looking for
even without knowing, that she was mine all along.

Dreams don't mean a thing
when you dream of reality...
that dream I used to have
is now mine to nurture, care and love.
383 · Aug 2016
Dancing to you
Dancing on the rhythm of your lips
dreaming by the command of your eyes,
I walk by your soul's moon light
skipping worries by the touch of your hands.

Each and every wish i ever came across
get fulfilled every day,
every time I spent an afternoon inside your heart.

I get lost in your eyes,
the deep light blue I was meant to see
the sweet color hue I was born to enjoy.

The shape of your skin,
the curves of you,
the delicate lines that make your beauty
visible in your body,
the heavenly silhouette that draws your face
the ever so delightful contour
of you pure soul shining through.
377 · Jul 2016
Let me die
Nightmares that chase my demons
are the kind I like to dream,
when I curl up in bed
sweating and crying,
gasping for hope and dying.

I dream of killing myself
this would be a sweet rest,
tired of fighting
why my heart wants to die
when my mind doesn't allow it...

That sweat moment I dream of
when the blade splits my arteries,
or the bullet reaches the ceiling
carrying with it my sadness.
363 · Jun 2016
corrupted thoughts
I’m tired of thinking I’m alive and wishing
That the breath I take every morning
Is for nothing more than a mere hope at life,
One more day, of misery and lust.

Shots get fired, in my head with every desire
I lose control when I see you,
When I touch you, feel you, breathe you…

At the moment of exhaustion,
When my mind stops, my heart takes a moment,
Pausing time for eternity,
I think I die,
and then I know I’m not alive…
not until I make you mine.

Every touch, every whisper
Every time you made me a dreamer
Everything involving you fits me.

Weak is my mind,
And weaker is my soul
Tainted by the weight of love
Released at the top of every night,
Laying by your side.
325 · Jun 2016
Marry me
Marry me, because my heart needs your love.
marry me, because I want to make you happy
because with you I lost my soul
and gave it a home...

Be mine, because I cannot be without you,
be mine, and let my whispers touch your skin
tonight and every hour.

Say yes, I'll make love to you at every sunset,
let me be your man, your prince, the guy of your dreams,
so I can steal your gasps and delirium
while the moon light shines through the opened window.

Marry me now and forever,
because if I get one wish in this life,
it would be you and me
holding hands until we die.
ideas? I'll be proposing with this one so let me know if you'd rephrase or add something.
307 · Feb 2017
please die
Maybe you'll stay away just today
I don't like to tell you I hate you,
our history, our passion and dark nights
I depend on you for my sanity.

Take control of me, when inside you it's easy
to not think, to be numb...

But wait, I hate you
I despise your every angle,
the thought of you shuttered on the asphalt makes me smile.

I'm a fool cause I thought I could trust you,
you said you'd be there for me to be rescued...

I want to drink so I can forget,
one drink per thought,
and now I see clear and blur
at least I muted you for a while...

I've gone without you for long before,
when I didn't feel, nor react...

I own you,
why won't you obey my commands?
why the only way to have you, is to be lost?

For every thought I'll drink some poison,
for every night I'll take a pill,
until I can feel my heart stop,
and with my last tear, hear you shutting up...

[whispers]...are you there?...
... [gasps]
300 · Jun 2016
Same damn misery
Dark is the night
my eyes that slowly close,
to the movement
of the lonely drops of rain.

I feel that I can't feel you
close to me like I want,
your skin is there
and so is your body,
but not my place in your heart.

Long was the evening
when all I could be was your pain,
letting my mind play the games
I know I'd lose each and every day.

Short were the words we used,
after an eternity,
felt like,
of deep misleading truth.

At the end of my sanity,
there is always a soft voice
that screams at my face,
to curse me out to tears.

It is the silhouette of reality
the reminder of complete misery,
the bright image
of me loosing you to pieces.

Love I'm sorry I am a fool
sorry my mind plays the same tune,
but vulnerable by the touch of your eyes
I surrender my pride to you
and hope you never remember.
300 · Jul 2016
At night, when the stars are awake
I live a moment of silent,
for the angels that died
To make you mine.

At night, when the stars look down
I create a moment in time,
Holding your hands tightly
I drift away into the sunrise.

At night, when the stars are mine
I name every one of them
After a part of your body,
And your heart I call the moon
for it's there to give me light
Now and every night after.

Tonight I call you mine
Because you are my princess
My timeless blessing,
My strength, love and enlightenment.
Tonight the stars look less bright,
For tonight I don't have
Your candid warmth,
Your breath on my chest or
Whats even worse...
I don't have you close to me
To hold you until nightfall.
298 · Jul 2016
As my heart plunges
Little angel,
I love your smile, your heart.
I love how you are partially mine,
I look at you and find instant love
love I know never fades, love I know for long.

My little thing,
I held you in my hands,
And with a shaky but firm hold
I welcomed you to this world.

I loved you from the first time you were mine,
I knew then what it felt to live and die,
I looked in your eyes since then,
And knew how I know now
How you are my everything,
My all.

Son, I wish I could hold you forever,
tell you everything is fine,
I wish life didn't take turns that makes us cry.
I wish my life never hurt you,
that my tears and mistakes
never thought you wrong.

My happiness,
Though you are too little to understand,
I’ll try and make you see,
That even through pain and hell
I’ll love you and care for you
Please never forget.

My little angel,
I love your all.
For you I'll live a better life,
for you I cry every morning
and smile at night.

My little baby,
I love you now and forever,
and even when I can't see you
or talk to you at night,
even when the world makes it hard to stay by your side
I want you to know I need you,
I miss you every second you are not around
and as my heart plunges,
please know you are mine.
298 · Jul 2016
If you want to fall in love
If love is what you are looking for,
tired of chasing lost paths,
or tired of looking in the past.

If love is what you need,
feeling like life is a dream,
loving to wake up in the morning
to make love until dawn.

If in love is what you are missing,
the need of feeling dizzy,
the hope of feeling warm,
or the soft touch of your soul.

If it is love what you want,
I could be the prince in your dreams,
the soldier in your conflicts
or the cause of sleepless nights.

If in love is what you want to be,
I could make you lose control,
together we can dream of life
or simply enjoy it by my side.

If it is in fact love,
I could make you feel warm, on cold nights
I’d take your breath away with my every kiss,
I would make you fall in love
if it’s the last dream I get to have.
290 · Jun 2016
painless love
Raw love equals raw feelings,
the downside of it is,
the person you love most,
also happens to be who can hurt you worse.

Love despite popular belief,
isn't a fairy tale, because fairy tales end
where love is everlasting
and life without it is a disaster.

Love and hurt come hand in hand,
for which the moment you can't hurt me
means you've lost me.
284 · Jul 2016
let me take that brush
paint me the color you want
to see me as,
I'm white, but you see me blue.

trace the lines of my thoughts
in the shape you want,
I have many curves, but you only see one.

sketch me as your needs
it doesn't matter who I want to, for you be.
you'll see me how you want.

erase it all

let me take the brush

I'll handle the drawing
of the life I want.

let it go

what are you so afraid of?

you asked for me to love you
how no one has before,
but now you complain I love you
more than the day before.

I'll color my thoughts white
and trace your my lines around you,
for when you wake up and realize
that I'm what you wanted all along.
283 · Feb 2017
dry feel
its al the same,
now is raining outside my room
i bet, i bet it feels wet and cold.

I dream to find a fake paradise,
far away from me and this,
I think, i think it would be pretty.

I have it all and nothing at all,
it's dry and raw, around my eyes
tears find where to live, they long left their home.
281 · Jul 2016
3:17 am
Slow steps, headed to a path of abyss
dragging my thoughts through the streets...

The shades and the shadows that hunt me alone
they follow and follow, nothing I do makes them stop.

Each corner I turn, I'm hoping to become a homeless soul
intending with every step I take, for the last to be all...

It is now 3:17 am, and the stars never looked better before,
it feels almost like they are happy to see me be gone.

Broken bottles on the pathways, cutting through some old shoes
it is only real pain and blood, that grants me another go.

I open my eyes and it was all a false hope at being lost,
I'm afraid to close them again, afraid I liked the nightmare more.
278 · Jun 2016
Love note.
I'm afraid to say the words,
my ruthless brain lives in the void
of the fears of my heart
breaking apart.

I lost respect for God
the moment I saw you walk,
for which I knew I've met
a God forbidden silhouette.
272 · Aug 2016
Filled with lust
Kiss me 'til I get a bonner,
touch my thick, hard and stiff man tool.
Caress me until I come,
because when I'm inside you
All I wanna do is you!
Dark were the nights
where my heart left the room,
a heart I lost to you
about eight months ago.

With every drop that reached the floor
a new part of me lost control,
for which I knew with certainty
it was you I just lost...

The nights by your side,
the long hours of talking about nothing
sitting in the porch
side by side to the lonely fountain.

That I had just lost
the person who I loved,
with whom I played with
every time my demons won.

That fight after fight
I poisoned you blind,
I shuttered your everlasting
sweet and pure brightness.

That the very thing I promised myself I wouldn't do
that, which I thought I knew I had control,
that for what I hate myself everyday
"that" won, and I've lost.

Somehow the angels looked down on me,
and saw truth in my cries,
they must of seen it...
saw how I became nothing,
how in my darkest moment
as you were leaving
and my soul was aching,
that if I didn't have you
I would have nothing.

The stars aligned once again,
I had you about 8 months ago,
I knew I didn't deserve you
I knew I had no worth
to be called your boyfriend or let alone, your love.
Now I get you again,
you saw something in me
and I think now I do too,
I see an immense love towards you
one I know I can't go without.
269 · Jul 2016
Cursed Romance
I leave foot marks where I walk,
the wind is my friend, as it makes disappear what wasn't there..
I become powder by the mill of your thoughts
bathing endlessly into a broken sand clock..

Relentlessly my mind grinds each thought of yesterday's spectrum.
I am not as calloused as I thought;
I stand whimpering in arctic cold
as I watch you ride off with my heart in your mouth.

I thought it meant something when you closed the door,
the happiness I thought I had, blistered like acid on gold..
yet how effortless you put your words into thoughts
how you pick me up with your kisses...
while stepping on me with your heart..

And still you sing with passion dripping from your lips
when like a hungry wolf you devour what I give;
pieces of me scattered at your feet.
My hummingbird heart has slowed its beat.
I run in search of heat but then I remember you also hold the power to revive me.
What are you, angel or demon!
267 · Aug 2016
I love your eyes, and your smile.
I like that above all you are mine.

I love you face, your skin and laughter
it is true that to you I'll always chase after.
256 · Aug 2016
Poison in the stars
I drink from your sorrow
whatever is left to throw away,
tear by tear,
lost in the sea of pain.

I want to want to **** you
or make you just go away,
the feeling of having you gone forever
has never been sweeter to the taste.

You walked over me more than a thousand times
your footprints will ruin my life,
the scars of your painful cruelty
will mark me with hate on your soul.

Please die, or let me live.
No, your words aren't innocent
and your love is fake.

You think you know better,
I thought you did as well
but time after time again,
you show to not be poisoned
but you are poison itself.
251 · Jul 2016
this is why I love you
The tenderness of your heart, boosts my emotions
To alter my reality into a million other options.
The clarity of your iris, the expression of your big blue eyes,
The candlelight feeling, of your hands on mine.
Because you choose me, over all the rest
Because being able to be loved by many, you gave me the chance.
Your prince is who I am, but your king is who I get to be
You as my princess in a white long dress,
You next to me, in our kingdom we call fate.
Your passion, your love, you show me every day what I have lost
You, with your sincerity, and the purity in your soul
Allow me to see every night, what is like to fly.
The sweetness in your words, the innocent little imperfections
That makes for the perfect place for me to stay at.
And is only when I get to see you in the mornings,
Next to my arms, laying over my right hand,
I seat up to watch and observe and try to somehow
To make sense on why it is I get to get you.
My sweet **** white bunny, you make me happy like others could only wish for,
You give meaning to a life, filled with pain, lust and false hope,
Because you are the one for me and me for you,
It’s because I love you, because you took my heart
I took yours, because holding your hands I can finally feel calm.
251 · Aug 2016
Wet by the drops of sorrow
Silent words I whisper to you,
by the tongue of a writer
therapy to my heart
are the words by my hand.

To the world I gave my coldness
my glass full of hopeless intentions,
my doubts, my sorrow,
to you I gave tomorrow...

To the people I give
nothing but a box of smells
I mere reaction to the faction
I often carry around.
But to you I give today...

I scare you with my dedication
to you heart, soul and happiness
you spent a lifetime looking for me
and because I love you with passion
you hide, and run away
you turned our fantasy into a daily repetition of your past.

You cut my ropes
you've built inside me hopes,
you promised me the future
and gave me your pass wrapped in delusion.

You tell me you want this prince,
and you fully describe me,
yet I give you all that and more
and you push me out
and build in me a great remorse.

You believe that I need growing,
that my head is in the clouds
that I need to without you
become a more stable companion.

To that I laugh inside me,
you need to do the growing and the finding,
you claim you want this man
when all you expect is a puppet boy,
you say you want our love,
and each day you make us
a mirror of your old present.

Stop trying to make me less
just because that makes you comfortable,
exit out of your premediated safe zone
built by years of insecurities and control
and give in to us
even you said so yourself... we are soulmates,
stop molding us to your doubts.

I am grown,
I do know what I want, it just so happens to be you
no, this doesn't make me less of a man
this doesn't mean I don't know my heart,
it doesn't mean I need a life without you
to know how to be apart.

My love means that I desire you
that I finally have found you
the love of my life, the pocket for my heart
the only person in my life
for which I have ever and will ever
surrender my pride, and give my heart.
250 · Jul 2016
make love to me
You don't need to rescue me,
I know myself well enough
to know I'm lost
Lost without cause.

You keep saying you love me,
but I cry out painless tears,
my blood is black
I'm rotten inside.

Love, is not I want to leave you
is just I can't live around you.

In, my darkest nights
I've felt better than a day in this hell,
You say you love,
yet you keeping putting me down,
yet you keep on changing me,
yet there you are
standing tall and denying my pain.

I once said I couldn't live without you,
and maybe this is my way of saying
I'm slowly dying.

At night I cry,
about what I've lived for a life.
I meant to tell you this sooner,
I just couldn't live with myself
for breaking your rude heart.

Love, I can't live
what I have left of pain,
I plan on enjoying it until I die
at least I'll know what it was like
to live without crying.
Come take a walk,
To nowhere really, its just a stroll.
Take some timid steps and wonder
Wonder where your smile has gone.

Come and leave things behind
If only for a brief eternity,
Step outside of this misery
Close your eyes, lay down
Ill hold your soul for a while.

Don’t smile because you must,
No one expects you to always be tough.
Its ok to cry, and its ok to mourn
You are allowed to be human after all.

Come take a walk
We can talk about nothing,
We can simply drift away
From whatever took your smile away.

Let your eyes be wet,
Take a deep breath and step forward,
You are not alone, and you know Im here
If only to take away your tears.
249 · Jan 2018
kill me cold
love whispers dancing on my ears,
every time I feel you, or hear you breathe.

your soul drowns me,
it keeps my head above water, where I die with no air...

I smile at your silly moves,
while you sharpen your knife with lure,
you tease me and drag me to you
like a pig walks to die cold.

paint my tongue with your lust,
embrace my every moment like the last
tell me, whisper...
that in your arms I live
until your love kills me.
247 · Jun 2016
nowhere to live
Take me nowhere,
where the heart begins
to last and live forever
where pain cease to exist.
Where two souls became one,
is where I want to live.
240 · Aug 2016
Know the unknown...
I don't know knowledge
Really… I don't.

All I know is lack of comprehension
And lust for self-inflicting control.

I don't know what there is to know,
life is full of uncertainty,
lack of direction and a good share of false hope.

I don't really want to know,
it will save me from the pain
from the fate of collapsing
or the rare well-made mistake.

I know just some things...
and of those I really am sure.
I'd share them with you, my dear friend
but they won't serve as knowledge at all.
I'm not mad or crazy, at the emptiness of the glass
I believe things mean something when it matters not..
Your eyes for example, serve as a pool of hope
but is only when I'm drunk, that I wish them gone.
Gone from the darkness I call life, like a breeze of cold air
when you cry to me at night, and I listen during the day..
nothing keeps repeating in my mind,
a light shines through what I can only think is dust..
everything, I mean everything is falling apart,
only I listen to my heart.
I learned when I was dying, that life is short..
that nothing means everything, when you have lost.
236 · Jun 2016
Sensual lines of sin
Sensual lines,
like waves of sin
that form your skin
inch by inch.

If you go away from my touch
I'll consume in desperation,
I'll chase your scent
til you are back in my arms.

My destination, your mouth
my intentions aren't pure,
you make my mind high
and my body loose control
and gain all desire.

Aroused by your every thought,
down there, rock hard
waiting to penetrate you
hard, soft and gently.

Angel of mine,
you made me your slave
the moment that
for the first time
I lost my mind.

Steal every bit of your breath,
as we rock our bodies
letting the night unfold.
234 · Mar 2021
My favorite drug
I need to go,
Need to stay awake
Night walks into the dark
Love songs that are mute.
Because when I fly I die
Turning my head at the shadows of the past.
Because when I die Im alive
Rebound from the ashes
Of pain and dust,
Drowned in the sorrows of lust
Pain simply lets me know
I can still feel.
You are the needle to my arm
The powder to my nose,
And baby, love I need my drug.
232 · Aug 2016
Thought 1/13
Struggle each and every day,
the moment you stop,
you gave up.
230 · Jul 2016
blue mind
I loved you once and felt like a lot
of movements in my heart that took me home
where my love laid down
in a pillow of passion, pains and soft
wishes that went through my head
spinning in circles, searching for your lips
tender and delicious
like a drop of wine in a night full of blissful
memories, moments, treats of the air
that touched your skin
and came back to rest...
I loved you once before and knew with certainty
there was nowhere else to go
to show the world I was finally in love
with the angel who took me whole
pieces of hope, found a home to stay
because when I thought I couldn't love you more
you showed me a different shade
of everything I knew was true
you showed me a new level of truth
for which I knew the moment I looked in your eyes
full of a wish come true
that the moment in which I thought I loved you
was put to shame
with how much I now do!
229 · Jul 2021
I want to disappear
Stop existing and vanish
These are the dreams I have
Every night, when I cant sleep
I feel the demons
Crawling up my back
Covering my eyes and whispering
Whispers of monsters.
And I can feel
The chest filling with darkness
My eyes go red and black
Just let me vanish and leave
I don’t want the voices anymore
Im tired of the agony
The constant eternal pain
Just vanish… let me live
227 · Jan 2018
destiny's whip
so destiny huh?
that demon prowling behind reality,

I feel my steps crumbling,
I walk down the path of darkness
I wake up, drunk on my sweat
I crawl in darkness, looking for you,
I look for you.

I wish I could stay forever lost,
without the ambition of you,
the lack of you in my heart,
the pathetic empathy shown by love,
make it hard to breath under the stairs of heaven...

I was dying fine, before I saw you
when I didn’t know I was lost,
when my dreams got wet by the idea of you,
when the only thing real about you...
was the byproduct of dreams left behind.

but destiny had a laugh,

I met you, down the hallway of love
you where onto me, as I was onto you,
I saw you and realized I never could have you
the fire that now burns my fuel
will now never find a host.

but destiny had a plan...

I woke up this morning,
thinking it was a dream,
I look to my left and saw my angel
I saw you, holding my hand...

no more days being lost,
nor walking down the same path,
we now make our own way through life,

Destiny, tiny demon...
to you I owe my soul,
I bow down with old hands...
to you I owe love.
223 · Jun 2016
I lost you
Just spent my whole life
searching for to have you,
and just when I think I get you
you stub me in the heart,
while you laugh at me...

Long are the nights when you are gone,
from my mind and my soul,
long are the moments I don't have you
because when you are here
I don't go away...

Dark ones chase me,
to the ground, cold
cold are the whispers
from your lonely eyes
when they open...

In search of you
I spent most of my life
I thought I had you,
but you are again gone...

Sanity please come back,
I need you again,
my heart and my mind
lost in the mist of winter
ask for you, while crying a love song...
218 · Nov 2017
kiss you for the last time
Over the breeze of a dream,
one day while I was walking on the moon...
I sat with an angel,
and over one or two drinks we talked about love
we talked about you, and she asked me...
"is this real? sounds like a dream
a dream we angels have,
about a goddess, the forbidden incarnation of love."

I'll stop time tonight,
see you for the last time, until the next time.
I want to come home tonight,
and while I hold your waist upwards.
kiss you for the last time, until the next time.

Where was I before the time I kissed your lips?
I knew I was doomed, you made me the luckiest.
You said we were done, and it made me loose my stand, my feet started to tremble to shake and fear took over me in just a second and I couldn’t breath, I didn’t want to live.

I couldnt hold your face any longer, I couldnt smell your hair, the hours will pass through me like a forgotten wonder, while I wonder where youve been.

I couldnt think of you as my angel, or hold your hands next to heart, I couldnt hold you close for forever, nor calm your tears with mine... because you are now gone.

Going through the motions now, meeting people, shaking hands, kissing my loneliness away, like a homeless dog tries to look for a heart, searching for what I dont want.

It feels empty now, it doesnt make sense now, none of this covers a hole now, the emptiness of happiness, singing songs of darkness.

And I go through the motions now, filling glasses with liquid poison, trying to forget, looking for the next erosion of my feelings, waiting for them to quiet down, I don’t understand.

My bed feels empty, since the last time you were home, driving down the street feels lonely since I last drove you back. Even the bar we went to, just that one time, it holds my heart with hooks of fire every time I drive past.

And it just feels numb now, everything seems off now, you are too far away, everything ***** now, you aren’t mine, everything is hard now...

You took my heart, and kept it since, I miss my heart, you took it all, we had it all, and you left me none... you have my heart now, I don’t want it back, I wanna have yours back, I want you to hold me now.

Going through the motions now, looking at the mirrors that don’t look back, going through life now, like a used cigarette left in the rain, slowly disappearing into every one else’s days.

But take my hand now, hold me close again, you and I are broken together, but our pieces fit so properly, you and I, the idea of that brings me pain and my smile back.

You and I, could it be? Could I hold you once again?, and never let you go...

Going through the motions now, every day feels further apart, every moment I don’t have you, kills another bit of my soul, every kiss I don’t steal from you, lets me see Im lost.

Its you and I now, but only in my dreams, ill hold onto that dream for now, while I prepare the rope and chair, its you and I now, or could that ever be? It doesn’t matter much now, I couldn’t see you even if you came, my eyes are shut red now, let me hold on to that dream.

Its all over now, good bye my sweet thing.
201 · Jan 2021
Never whole
Im breaking
Im a thousand pieces of wasted coal,
My night is eternal
My skin torn by the pain of my mistakes.
I played the game,
I thought i was winning
I felt a profound sense of loneliness
A chain set on fire pressed against my chest...
Long are the hours,
Where i stare inside my dark soul
Take me somewhere i can be free,
I want to escape, get away from it all
My demons have left me alone
Like a wounded bird, i can no longer fly home

You and i know
That with me, im lost.
The mirror shows my a blank face
And a hollow soul
And deep down I know
I know...
Id never love me, and with me im lost.

These ropes that used to keep me grounded
To the miserable reality of pain and emptiness,
These broken ropes...
Are now hanging from the ceiling
And the pressure around my neck
Feels like the right place,
My last breath doesnt come fast enough
Why wont you let me die?
What have I done?
Im broken and I feel whole
Used to living off of one or two pieces of me,
My faces scare me, my eyes stares blank
Into my lost thoughts
You robbed me of What I never had,
I was shattered and became dust,
Now I flow through the drift
That takes me back home.
189 · Mar 2019
bloody path
I walk down a path of red steps
my own blood leads the way,
I can run but I choose to crawl
I need to feel lower
closer to whats lost.

people who stare at me
like mirror images on a wall,
whispers that sound furious
screams that calm you down.

I am death in chains,
I live to hurt, to induce pain.
your tears match my anger
me soul crashes with despair,
lonely is the path I walk
full of bodies and doves.

When you look at me I tremble,
not for fear, or injustice
not for charity nor remorse,
but because I know I'll hurt you
my breath, my look, my very own shadow
will hunt you until we are consumed.

we become one, you and I
when you chose to leave me,
when you left me alone
you and I are lost,
together we are better
in the worse possible form.
182 · Nov 2023
the only tears
with the chill of the wind
audible in the close distance.
the morning droplets on the dead skin
painting a landscape of hopeless worlds
that will soon perish.

under the still darkness
moonlight glistening on your skin,
under the twisted spell of life
I hold you down and feel your soul breathe
holding you tight until you can finally feel.

I've seen demons, angels and dust
like shadows casted by the old man,
I've seen beauty in the ugliest of places
seen demons with pretty faces
followed angel with a dark hollow heart
baby I've seen, well I've seen nearly all

come lay down for a moment
let that moment never stop
let your wrongly placed tears leave your face
they can live on my chest instead..

rest your fears on my darkest corner
from there I can easily protect you,

lay on me for a second
I like to feel your small trembles,
let yourself feel a little closer to home

quiet down for a moment,
let the tears dry up
your eyes carry so much pain
they don't allow you to see clearly when wet

kiddo, allow yourself to be you
life will never be easy
for this is not living,
but let every step you take under the ****** whisper of sorrows
testify to yourself, that despite everything
the demons cry to have you, because the can't
181 · Mar 2019
seduce me
look at me,
**** my soul slowly
so I know I'm alive...

like a cold glass of wine
touch my lips...
so I can be alive.

Let me be the cause of your screams,
the reason why your legs shake...
provoke me,
so I can have you.

like a warm cup of tea,
your skin feels against the sheets
my heart pumps faster
each time you stop breathing.

Slowly dance for me, love...
show me you desire me,
come home with me
you will feel good tonight.

walk into a dimmed room with me,
hold my hands...
I only need my lips to make you mine.
173 · Jan 2021
Eyes of an angel
How to talk about the inexplicable
or feel that what's forbidden.
I should be running away from you
and you should've never been here,
I must be crazy or wrong,
to not think and just act.

But your eyes feel like home...

The timing is wrong,
and so are the facts.
you are broken inside,
scared and numb.
I'm shattered in pieces,
misplaced and dumb.

Every where I look for sense
all the arrows point the other way,
the logic behind the all
the tremor of the unknown.

But your lips taste so sweet and whole...

Like the breeze that runs through the broken dreams
in a path built from pain and dust,
the idea of your essence being far away
makes my hands shake and my heart stop.

In a horizon where the sky is blue
where the sand on my feet is purple,
with a slow pace I move
through the scars and empty clues.
I've never searched for you,
yet here you are,
you make want to die of misfortune
for right now, is you I can't have.

But your skins feels so warm, and true...

I get lost in a sea of thoughts
when I stare at you I dream of nothing,
like an empty jar of hope
because next you there is everything
I can't wish for more.

Now you went away to your life
I'm trying to go away from mine,
yet the angels look down on us
and ask for those eyes back,
you took them from heaven itself,
and never have I seen such
like a child in a park
or a homeless person in a warm bath,
I feel like I need you,
like I know, when in truth...
you are killing my every wall.

Yet your eyes keep calling me,
and your lips beg me to come back
your skin pressed against mine will be delicious
but if only I could have
one more moment together
or witness one more laugh,
feel your hands touch me
or your arms wrapped around my back.

You make me stop thinking
I make you laugh,
if I could have one last moment
I'd pick your lips resting on my heart.
168 · Oct 2023
Tell me why or why not
Hold the stars full of empty notes,

Like the bourbon down my throat
I feel cold and deeply numb
Crying smiles that run for every whisper

And i tell myself, *said the writer
I tell myself every morning
what I felt like doing last night
I tell the illusion, to make myself believe
I live to die promptly
Me, myself and I
162 · Oct 2023
Dark that seems bright
Like tears down my black soul
Under the night light
Of a timid moon

Beg me to stay so I can go
Mock me or hate me,
So I can numb some more

Shadows that look alike
Like trees on the distance
That hold me alive

Dark is the night
When all i see is your smile
Fading away in the background
Hold me one last time
Dont let me go tonight
161 · Jul 2021
Please leave me
The anger surrounding me
Taking over what seems to be everything,
Whats the point?
Whats the point on being nice?
If after every minute
Im last in the race…
Tailored to protect and love
Hammered to hurt and be alone.
Im loosing
Loosing myself again
Loosing everyone again
Im loosing again,
There must be a different way
I don’t want to feel
I don’t agree with life
Or rather life
Doesn’t seem to agree with me…
Then so be it,
If we aren’t getting alone the leave me
Life, just please leave me…
157 · Jul 2021
Counting seconds
Not sure if its your scent
Might be your sense of humor
Tho Im sure it could be
The way you feel.

Cant quite make it
Why you look at me the way you do,
Why you shy up when I look back
Or how you rock when we kiss.

Cant take it apart
I just cant pick a favorite part.

Is it the way you smile?
Or the voices you make
To match the emotions
When you talk about things.

Or is it maybe your touch
The sensation of your skin?
The way you hold my hands
Or how your fingers dance over my skin.

Cant take it apart
I just cant decide which side of you
Makes me happier
155 · Feb 2021
Don’t leave again
You flu away from me when I need you most
Your wind, that blows away my tears
The steps of silence left behind
By the hours lost.

Im getting to be good at goodbyes
Becoming an expert at falling apart,
Cause every time you leave
Im cut in half.

Break me, destroy me
One kiss at a time you hurt me,
Touch after touch you get closer
And yet feel far gone.

Meet me where the darkness vanishes
Walk with me to the lonely world,
That left behind, by deep breaths
Because it feels good to not be apart
To not feel gone, to be one.

I should’ve walked away
When I had time to save myself,
I would still have taken you along with me
And loose myself over and over again
Why can’t I just let go...

Don’t fly away again,
Fold your wings for a second
And hold me close,
Rest your soul for a moment
Let me have your love.
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