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 May 2013 Mona
Insomnia, my greatest enemy, dearest friend has come along to visit again.
She appears at my bedside each night and waits beside me as the darkness encroaches.
My comforter is thick and warm, inviting toward her, she comes next to me, I can feel her above me, whisking the tired feelings away.
She slips into the corners of my mind and takes my body for a ride, just lying there for endless hours, waiting for a sign of sun.
I am sweating but the dark is far too cold to relieve the covers of their duty.
The darkness is thick and cold and chills my bones to the core as I stand up.  
I have become far too restless just lying and I need to move, Insomnia what is your purpose?
Three am showers have become a habit, almost like a ritual as I take the walk down the hall trying hard not to make a sound.    
The door creeks as I open it, my feet freezing on the tile floors as I step inside.
I strip my sweaty thermal off my back, a difficult task because it had begun to stick to my skin.
I turn the water to the highest temperature, even that won’t be hot enough to escape the dark chill in my bones.
As I wait for the water to become satisfactory I count tiles like I have so many nights before.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28…
Tonight’s magic number, the water has become slightly shy of scalding and I step in and just feel.
Sensations over run my body, rigid from the sudden change in atmosphere
Relaxed because the heat feels good
I give in and take a seat on the warm, stark white surface
It feels good to just sit in the haze of vapor
Insomnia loosens her grip as the water makes me number than I was before
The water goes cold; I suppose I have sat too long pondering my woes and worries
So I stand which is quite the task, the same each night
I turn off the water absorbing the last of the heat and savoring each second
I step out and go through the motions of drying myself
Begin at my hair and work toward my toes
I put on sweatpants and a new t-shirt
I brush my hair
The door creeks open once more and I return to my room
My bed welcomes me and insomnia has left my bedside, finally tiring from fighting my body, off to infect another I suppose
Good night, until tomorrow my dear friend, great enemy.
 May 2013 Mona
Amanda Jerry
You probably understand. Or maybe you don't, after all. Either way, it is jumping around inside me and if I don't let it out soon all my carbonation will fizz up and run over the side of my glass and I don't want to waste all that sweetness.

I want to kiss you underwater.

I want that kiss to be the only thing keeping us alive. Down there we are foreigners, aliens. Grasping, I want to feel your flesh in stark contrast to the smooth wetness all around me, like a secret.

All that life where we cannot live. Exotic, forbidden, so lovely. I am sick with love.
 May 2013 Mona
H M Jeffrey
There's this empty feeling deep inside
I feel in you I can confide
You were always there for me when I was in need
When I was with you I couldn't feel my heart bleed
Even though the pain and loneliness was still there
You showed me how to just not care
For so long now we have been apart
I'm feeling empty and that's just the start
Soon I'll feel the loneliness and the pain
I need you like flowers need rain
Sure we had our problems as most do
There were moments when I even hated you
It'll be different this time I know we can work
After all ever relationship has its quarks
So how about it, what do you say
I need you to drive the pain and loneliness away
Take my hand and don't let me go
It'll be our little secret no one will ever know
 May 2013 Mona
 May 2013 Mona
i saw you with her
my heart shattered,
just when it was being fixed
i saw the way you looked at her
her eyes were full of joy
i saw the way you held her hand
you didn't want to let go
i saw the way you talked to her
as if you wanted to spend all your time with her
i saw the way you kissed her
like it would be your last day seeing her

i saw

 May 2013 Mona
I made a wrong turn
In a coffee craving rage
I ended up behind the park
where we used to play
The fence collapsing in on itself
And a freshly graffitied pavilion
It was brand new; white and green
When we were kids
But things seem to have
taken a new look since then

I fell asleep
In the center of a stressful afternoon
Chaos spiraling all around me
Hidden under the darkness of closed eyelids
I saw your feet aligned with mine
Memories very rarely wander into dreams
But here we were,
Our eyes still unsure
We walked pretty **** far for an iced tea
At that corner store
But looking back, I don't think it was the
iced tea that we were walking for

I threw my wallet out on the counter
Dreaming of inhaling the first of a fresh pack
I was on my way to work
But I was thinking of heading back
Your senior picture came shooting out from under
my ID in front of the register
You're outside your old house
Leaning against your Dad's garage
I think one of our friends did the honors
An awkward smile
And a broken wrist
Dark skin
Pale eyes

Today I looked for pieces of you
All over the floors
And the walls
Of my skull

Since you've slipped away
I've been afraid for you to see
how wrong you were about me
I'm not strong
I'm not okay
I'm not intuitive
I'm not brave
I'm not omniscient
I'm not angelic

And I'm not a poet...
I can't even articulate to you
how far I've fallen
I can't even find the right words
to prove to you that
I still miss you
That I still need you

— The End —