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781 · Jun 2013
Molly Jun 2013
you wish me to be
free from my demons
and calm like the sea
how angered I am
that you can't see
I'm lost in the ocean
with nothing but monsters inside of me ;
      and I wish you would realize
      awareness is key.
677 · Jan 2015
far away
Molly Jan 2015
you're drawn to my gaze
realizing it leads to your face
you say my name
but my head is in another place
far away from here
lost somewhere in time
lost somewhere in space
I day dream of a warm embrace
a man who will make my heart race
who will be gentle and kind
my eyes are on you
but you're nowhere near my mind
329 · Oct 2014
Molly Oct 2014
whos gonna be there
when youre crying in your underwear
when you should be fast asleep
but your thoughts are just too deep
your friends dont care
you send up a prayer
whos gonna be there

whos gonna help you
when you dont know what to do
when you cant think clearly
and you miss him dearly
youre not thinking things through
you dont know but you always knew
whos gonna help you
293 · Nov 2014
You're My Drug
Molly Nov 2014
One minute
That's all it took
After one minute of being with you
I was absolutely hooked.
One smile
That's all I needed
To know I had to see that smile again
I was 100% addicted.
Your laugh is the only drug
I've ever taken,
The only high I've ever been on.
And if I could,
I'd inject you right into my bloodstream.
My parents warned me about
The men that would steal the keys to my car
But never about the men
That would steal the keys to my heart
287 · Nov 2014
I miss you
Molly Nov 2014
I miss you bigger than any planner in the galaxy
You are the sole cause of my insanity
Running through my mind
As much as the sun does shine.
And when the day turns to night
I see you when my dreams take flight

I miss you more than there are fish in the sea
More than there are leaves on a tree
More than there are stars in the night sky
More than I have reasons why
277 · Mar 2014
Molly Mar 2014
When do they stop,
The things inside?
I keep running
But I can't hide.
271 · Nov 2014
Drinking about you
Molly Nov 2014
I treated you a lot like
I treated alcohol
I tried you once and
At first I wasn't too sure about you
Then I took another sip.
I decided I liked the
Warmness you made me feel sliding
Down my throat and in my stomache.
I thought I could handle you,
Boy was I wrong.
But I couldn't get enough
So I tried you again and again
I could never get enough
Or so I thought
You made me feel different,
Not like myself and I liked that
Then all at once
You made my head hurt
And I didn't know what was going on.
After that I decided you were not a good idea.
But I found myself trying you again,
Despite the fact that I knew
You were no good for me,
Enduring the pain you cause me
Just to feel the way only you made me feel

And here I am today
Wanting, craving you yet again
I know you're no good for me
So why can't I stop th(dr)inking about you?
270 · Jun 2013
Molly Jun 2013
But I don't want
to just be here anymore

I want to know
everything I'm missing out on
in this tiny town
I want to explore
and to see the wonders
of this enormous world of ours
that we too often forget that
we are privileged to
walk upon

So let's take advantage of whats ours,
let's go somewhere we've never been before
and never look back again.
269 · Oct 2014
get out of my head
Molly Oct 2014
hidden smiles
and stolen glances
i was never one for romances

confused feelings
and sporadic lust  
you were never one to trust  

eyes look down
when you walk past
we were never one to last  

wanted to make plans
but you were never free
you were not the one for me  

reminiscing thoughts
flashbacks of words you would say
why do i still feel this way
256 · Sep 2014
it's you
Molly Sep 2014
forbidden lovers is what we were
"i miss you" he said in a drunken slur
he's no good for me,
i'd tell myself repeatedly.
but of course, i didn't listen
weeks passed and we slowly drifted.
i've forgotten the way you say my name
all these insecurities and you're the blame.
244 · Sep 2014
the temporary cure
Molly Sep 2014
she's searching for something to clear her mind
a clear bottle is what she did find
she didn't want to resort to liquor
but she wants more
her words are slurred
her vision is blurred
but her sadness is cured
she forgot all of her problems
the bottles solved 'em
234 · Feb 2014
Molly Feb 2014
oh how i wanted
to relieve my pain
with one simple slash
upon my pale skin
below my wrist
next to those blue veins
but i couldn't,
just couldn't bear the pain

so instead i'd
drown in my thoughts,
oh how unbearable they could be,
and i'd willow in self pity
with nothing but tears surrounding me
and hope some one would notice
and maybe come to save me.
221 · Feb 2014
Molly Feb 2014
you left me
without an explanation,
a reason why,
without a god ****** goodbye.

it hurt me
but not because you left
not that you didn't look back,
but because i wasn't worth it to stay.
204 · Jun 2013
Molly Jun 2013
Sometimes I wish
That I was a bird
And that you were too
Then we could fly some place
Just me and you

And just like the ocean kisses the shore ;
I would love you
until I couldn't anymore.

— The End —