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The bluest sky...
The greenest trees..
The silver glint on your ears catches fire in the burning sun..
Your topaz eyes shimmery as they meet mine.
The blackest coal of your hair ruffled by the wind..
All I see is you..
The Sienna skin...
You are in technicolor in front of me..
I just want to touch you forever....
Like this..
In radiant color

I don't need to see you everyday to love you...
I love you more than that .
I don't need to speak to you daily...
I can love you the way we are...
This isn't enough...
But it is
I love you deeply...
Deeper than the selfish need of having you here..
Love this giving is more than you and I

I can not save everyone....
I acknowledge this...
Does that give me the right to give up?
To not try?
To exonerate myself from empathy?
I promise to keep trying despite this...
If I make one difference...

If I change one life...
If you smile a little brighter tomorrow. ..

It's worth all the trying in the world...

I Love you... And That Will Have To Be enough...

Darkest purple dawning...
Brilliant stars beginning to fade...
That quiet before daybreak. ..
The birds beginning to wake...

I sit and think of you...
I think of us...
I wonder how you are?

In the quietest time of the day...
My head is the loudest...
When no one is around and silence surrounds me....
My head fills with thoughts of you...

That beautiful indigo glow on the horizon. ..
I wish you were here.... I always wish you were here.....
in the silence. ...

You and I....
That wordless glance...
The underlying tension. ...
The enchanting softness of your voice...
The way we try...
the butterflies still fly inside me at the sound of your voice. ..
never harsh words...
Always perfectly understood. ..
you know who I am inside...
without saying a word...
you complete the brokenness of me...

For two years I've loved you...
I'll love you always ....
for us....

All alone I sit,

Waiting for the day,

When finally someone will come along,

And never walk away.

I cry myself to sleep,

As I think about the pain,

My heart is now silent,

I just think there's nothing left to gain.

Sometimes the pain is just too much,

That I just want to forget,

So I depart from the aching rest,

And a blade I soon will get.

A hurting heart,

And hidden scars,

I always wonder,

Why I am so far.

I' silent about the pain,

The depression,

And the strife,

Because no one seems to care,

So I drag the piercing knife.

Blood starts to spill,

Memories seem to flee,

And for one sweet instant moment,

I start to feel free.

I drag the blade again,

More blood gushing out,

The pain has taken over,

As I scream and shout.

Much time has passed,

The depression never left,

I feel isolated from joy,

Because no matter what... I can't forget.
A heart and mind, so numb and frigid,

A love of darkness and desolation so rigid.

A past torn and disrupted,

A future ravaged and corrupted.

All that remains is a shadow...

No family, no friends,

Nor a chance to make ammends.

Every breath, an icy breeze,

Every word, unheard pleas.

All that remains is a shadow...

The world, an empty shell,

A silent curse, a lonely hell,

With vacant eyes, so crude, so vile,

And hatred that grows in the evil exile.

All that remains is a shadow...
A pain so ruthless and cold,

A story of death untold.

In the face of loneliness and seclusion

He seeks the path of delusion.

Never near, never together,

A silhouette, a shadow forever,

For in his solitude he descended,

On a path of darkness that never ended.

A heart, once warm, now froze,

and its is wake an evil rose,

Desolation followed every stride,

The pain overpowered his pride.

The only light was his will

That never crumbled, just stood still,

And he couldn't decided, will or might,

As he was the shadow, he was the light.
This is a deception; it's a masquerade

You'll of course picture a cheerful parade

I'll fade from your memory; happy and smiling

Often laughing and most times beguiling

Take no note of my mask's crumbling surface

I lived through my life without any purpose

And I'll always stay trapped, inside of your mind

A guy, willingly helpful and foolishly kind

But behind the scenes, I'll cry myself to sleep

And this illusive image, of me I will keep

I've never held close, my family and friends

But you'll never know this, until the show ends

The show, it'll end suddenly; so that you may see

How quickly the world has changed without me

And I'll be left fading, from the people's mind

As they cherish every moment, of me left behind

I'll carefully fold and leave behind this note

Stained with tears and guilt; last one that I wrote

As you slowly reveal in it, the many reasons why

I finally decided it was time for my "goodbye"

You'll re-read it, you'll drop it and begin to cry

And you'll remain this girl, broken and shy

As my gentle words leave trails of tears engraved

You regret me being the one, that you could have saved

You'll uncover my pain; I was bruised and torn

As too many nights passed, I wished I wasn't born

Then you'll tear up, regret accepting my fate

You'll realise that we shared the same stupid hate

And in the distance, the wind chimes they'll sing

As the bitter Winter slowly fades to Spring

I'll stay captive, in a cage of reminiscence

As you embrace my fading image of innocence

So I closed my eyes, I died weak but brave

And I know that someday, you'll stand upon my grave

And the Autumn leaves, they'll whisper my name

As you gently bow down, your head in shame
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