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feelings can be our enemy
from the times i have hurt are many

feeling can be our friend
from the times i have laughed to no end

feeling can be rewarding
from the times I held my darling

feelings can make me mad
those are the times I was sad

feelings can be ******* one
those are the times i love no one

feeling can bring nothing but joy
those days when happiness was my ploy

feelings can bring love
from the one I hold dear above

feeling are everlasting
the ways I can never stop counting

feelings have only one common denominator
the heart
Reckless moments in my life
Come from not thinking and spite
scary's is on the wall
scary's is on it's way

watch your step
i'd advise you to wait

you breathe in the smoke
and you will probably choke

then your off to the races
and find your heart pacing

watch your blood float
in the muddy sewer

take another hit
and bury your life

crawling and searching
every nook and cranny
with paranoia upon them

another alley trip
to get your next hit

fire seeking
blowing up your chest
collapsing your mind

endless nights
endless day

chasing the little
white rock
where did they think they were going
when they took that shot in their arm

my best friend Paully, along with some of my other friends
this narcotic charm called ******, took them all to the end

it's a ******'s dream and they think it's fun
they might as well use , just a plain old gun

prolong the agony, keep ******* around
think about death, when you shoot it again

it could be your last time and it only cost a dime
so they think they can do it, it could be their last time

they shoot it anyway and they don't even care
to them it was only, their very next fix

i told them all the time, that they better beware
don't do as i do, but it's all up to you

you can't ever tell a ****** whatever to do
always remember it's all about you

this dope called ******, is no ******* game
always remember, it will drive you insane

if your lucky, you'll only get hooked
so they give it a try, just to get high
Clean days 300
Everyday, everything seems the same
Everyday, nothing seems to change

Everyday, I try to make a change
Everyday, I feel I'm going insane

Everyday, I try to take a break
Everyday, I always make mistakes

Everyday, I cry the same old tears
Everyday, I add time on to my years

Everyday, I feel the same each day
Everyday, it eats my heart away
I feel like I can reach out and touch you,
That I can take you that I can fly across the sky to meet you.
Your my light in this dark place,
You shine bright orange and cast dancing shadows all around.
It's like I'm in a dream, and I don't want to wake up.
I don't want to wake up and see everything shinning, when it's shinning you vanish from my sight.
Right now all I want is your glow to lead me home.
That soft light, that never wavers.
My eyes can't find you when it's bright, they lose you.
You are a comfort to me.
Dear moon, don't leave me here.
In this bright world.
You think he will never leave.
You have that flutter every time you speak with him and his smile, oh his smile.
But you have that feeling, that feeling when he finds a better girl you are that shadow.
That shadow of a friend he once new.
That he spoke to every day.
But now you are just a piece.
A piece you don't know if he wants anymore.
Shes says she is fine,
He says he is not hurting,
They both smile, and walk away.
Shes cry's softly,and he runs away.

So much lying and crying it breaks you.
Have you ever thought that that person feels the same way you are?
He say she is fine, she says he is okay.

But the next day, she is broken on the floor and he is nowhere to be seen.
I'm lost,
The light is leaving me and I'm lost in that moment.
I'm becoming alone.
I'm filled with regret and hate.
When did this start to happen?
Those who I thought cared for me left.
Those that I thought would be my life.
My dreams.
They left me.
They walked away and took all of me with them.
The inside of me is gone.
I can't move,I'm paralyzed.
Where did I go!
The stars all hold there own story.
This stupendous sky, that can mix with ordinary colors to make something
extraordinary, it’s so striking.
Who knew colors and shining objects could be so touching?
It clutches my heart,Looking at the sky it’s like my heart is departing from me and I can’t breath.
And all I can do is fix my eyes upward.
Nearby a light a shimmering light is passing me by, It’s a shooting star. I beam, it’s blazing.
Sometimes, just looking heavenward lifts my spirits up.
And it’s like the heavens are taking my hopelessness, fear and despair in the air far away, and I just stare.
And in that moment it feels as if my soul is electrified, that passion and warmth just falls on me.
I know it’s hard to understand but the sky does that to me.
Then in that majestic moment I close my heavy eyelids and dream.
And fall into the uncharted twilight.
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