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MKF Feb 2016
I have romanticized hotel beds.
As a kid, I called the concrete home,
And nothing was better than a hotel bed.
My brother and I would fall like Icarus
Onto the feathery home as we said,
"There's nothing better than a hotel bed".
They were our trampolines, our forts
That protected us from the horrors we knew
And in that hotel bed we were nothing short
Of limitless.
We could laugh, we could fight,
For once we could be warm through out the night.
But that bed was more than just a place to sleep,
It was an escape from the every day.
Its something every child knows,
And most adults have tried to forget.
That whenever they lay
In that fluffy white bed
The world is their's to own.
So whenever I see a hotel
I'm transported back to long ago
When cold and wet
My brother and I
Fell, deeply, into a hotel bed.
MKF Dec 2015
Since the day you and I parted
I have wondered if there is,
In some other universe,
Another you and I,
Still lying there
Safe under your sheets,
Bodies and hearts intertwined.
I have wondered how many lives
I will have to live
Until my soul finds yours again
As it is wont to do
Because all the love in my heart
Will one day lead me back to you
MKF Dec 2015
The world needs more lovers
With rose colored glasses
Forever worn
With glass hearts
And stoneless hands
With roses growing
Down their spines
And stardust
Coating their lungs
The world needs more dreamers
With centuries in their cells
And galaxies in their bones
With fiery passion
Boiling their blood
With trembling voices
And wonder in their eyes
With music in their souls
And freedom on their minds
The world needs more you's
Who are more than a number
And are wildly outspoken
Who have an insatiable lust
For knowledge
Who love endlessly
And dream all day
Who search for the beautiful things
Only our hearts can see
MKF Dec 2015
If you ever lose me, my dear,
Do not search for me in your past,
Do not turn over any stones.
I am not hiding in the clouds,
Or under the waves.
Do not search crowded rooms,
Do not traverse city streets.
I am not hiding amid the trees
Or in the grave.
If you ever lose me, my dear,
Simply look in your heart.
I'll be there.
MKF Dec 2015
With tired, yet glittering eyes,
She watched her world spin
Slowly, then all at once,
Into a beautiful chaos
It would never recover from.
With broken fingers
She mended the lives
That fell apart around her,
Forsaking the cracks in her own
For they let the light in.
With cracked lips
She kisses the wounds
Of those who fall nearby
While hiding her own
Because scars remind us of our past.
With a full heart
And an open mind
She understands the world is unfair,
Yet life is beautiful.
With a beautifully crooked smile
She watches the sun rise
Because each day she learns
The world is perfectly imperfect.
MKF Dec 2015
I've just seen a face
My heart could never replace.
I'll stay captivated by your eyes
Til the day you ask me to leave your side,
Though you don't see me there.
I've just heard a voice
In which I'll forever rejoice,
For there's a music in it
To which my heart submits.
My dear, it just isn't fair.
I've just experienced a feeling
That left my head and heart reeling.
My heart begins to race
Each time I see your face
And my ears joyously ring
Each time I hear you sing.
I've just seen a face
That puts all others to disgrace.
I've just heard a voice
That makes my heart rejoice.
I've just met a man
I can't describe, no words can.
For My Muse
MKF Dec 2015
Tonight I vow to forget your name
And drown your memory
In whiskey.
Tonight I vow to forget the way
Your lips tasted with
A pack of cigarettes.
Tonight I vow to forget your hands
And numb my own
With the cold.
Tonight I vow to forget you
For real this time
Like you forgot me.
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