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MKF Nov 2015
The whole **** world is living in fear,
Mothers and children always shedding tears
For the daddies that are dead or gone;
But so much is going wrong
That we can't put out fingers on it.
All the rich ones
Who, with silver spoons, birth their sons,
Don't care whats going on in the street
Where even babies are packing heat
Cause every night they're getting beat or hit.
And forget about other countries
Where wars are beyond beastly,
And every other day there's a bomb
Making sure kids don't get home to mom
Unless its in bits.
So we pray for New York, DC, and Paris, France
But no one's making a move, or taking a chance.
And what about places like Syria,
That aren't getting sympathy from media?
But even in the US we like to omit
The kids going hungry
That are treated like debris,
And now the drugs are everywhere
But no one seems to care,
So **** it.
MKF Oct 2015
There's an infestation in my head
Like a zombie I'm walking dead
I'm running on empty
There's nothing left in me
Except the smoke in my lungs
Climbing my ribs like ladder rungs
How come everyone's better off than me
Why wasn't I made to feel pure ecstasy
Is the wiring a little ******* up in my head
Is that the reason I'm always seeing red
Or am I just crazy
With my mind running free
Dragging its feet
Down every dark street
Where it knows it shouldn't be
But God does it hate me
So I'm like a chicken without its head
Running and running til I fall over dead
But this path is scary
And I can't see
They won't even give me a spark
Cause the truth comes out in the dark
We struggle forever with the falsity
That we're better off with conformity
But if we're all the same in the head
Maybe, just maybe, we're better off dead
MKF Oct 2015
You're the heartbreak
I've worn with pride
And just a tinge of pain
Cause even though its been eternity
Since I've felt your touch
My heart still cries your name
And dear I'm in misery
Cause you played me
And put me to shame
Cause I was so in love
But to you it
Was just a game
When you were there
Outside my window
In a brand new suit and tie
You know I
Thought you were perfect
And that you could never lie
But God was I wrong
When I thought you were so innocent
God I was so foolish
When I thought you
Said only what you meant
I've never been so naive
In thinking someone
Was heaven sent
But like a flower
To the sun
To you I happily bent
When you were there
Outside my window
In that brand new suit and tie
You know I knew
In that moment
My love for you would never die
MKF Sep 2015
We were renegades
Born on broken
American dreams
Learning to love
With empty hearts
And eyes wide shut
Raised on highways
We were tramps
With voiceless screams
We conquered the world
With just the clothes on our back
But never got our cut
With determination in our voices
And stardust in our lungs
We went over and under
All at once
They called us trash
Though we were anything but
MKF Sep 2015
Darling, I'm addicted to you
And this love we never knew.
Dear, our story's nothing new,
Its as old as rhythm and blues.
Maybe you're whats waiting for me
At the bottom of this bottle.
Darling, when I saw you I fell,
Far past the depths of hell
Into the beautiful cell
Fashioned by your love spell.
No one else can bring
Me to my knees without a battle.
Darling, you're something to behold,
With that music in your soul.
Dear, you're full of tales untold
And passion uncontrolled.
Maybe you're what's waiting
For me at the bottom of this bottle.
Darling, I love you,
Plain and true.
For My Muse
MKF Aug 2015
Even wild horses couldn't drag me away from the future I see in your eyes.
For My Muse
MKF Aug 2015
As the city goes to bed
You and I dance inside my head
All the way down to Hyatt Street
Where lovers are inclined to meet
Flowers grew under our feet
And I love you is all we said
But then the sun began to rise
As reluctantly I opened my eyes
No flowers have grown
For my soul is alone
And the sun has shown
That our dance was a trick of the mind
For My Muse
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