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 Feb 2016 Madison
 Feb 2016 Madison
If you're not
Then you're

That is why humor
Is important.


If the source
Of your laughter
Is someone else's tears,
You're doing it wrong.
 Jan 2016 Madison
 Jan 2016 Madison
“I only wish you knew him… before”

You had a stroke when I was four months old,
And that made you so very different.

You were different from the man my parents knew,
Different from the man grandma married,
Different from the man who made everyone laugh,
Different from the man who would jump onstage.

For thirteen years I knew a man,
And for thirteen years that was the only version of you
That existed.

Post-stroke you grew alongside me.
We were the same age,
We were kindred spirits.

Even though I didn’t know you…
I still think I knew who you were.

The man I knew was independent,
The man I knew could use only one arm,
But would open packages with his teeth,
Rather than ask for help.

The man I knew was determined,
He taught himself to write,
Using his left hand,
Instead of his right.

The man I knew was caring,
Even when he was sick,
He put us before himself,
Blowing kisses,
Rather than getting us sick.

The man I knew was patient,
He helped me plant sunflowers,
And we watered them until they grew,
To be taller than me.

The man I knew was talented,
He built a whole table,
With only one available arm.

You taught me to be aware,
When I had to move my toys,
So you could walk through the living room.

You taught me to be lighthearted,
Making jokes to me,
Even as you laid dying in the hospital.

Life doesn’t have to be so serious.

I know I got so much from you,
I know you’re probably a big reason I love the stage,
A big reason I love to laugh,
A big reason I’m so sarcastic.

And while I love hearing stories,
About who you were “before,”
I know that the you that I knew was absolutely

I still knew an amazing person,
And I can only hope that one day,
People will talk about me as fondly,
As they talk about you.

The thirteen years I knew you,
Were some of the best of my life,
And even though I know I’ll lose,
More of the people I love,
You were the first,
And so you hold a special place.

The last five years have been strange,
Seeing your chair empty,
Seeing your bed gone,
Seeing the backyard devoid,
Of random construction projects.

I miss you,
And I love you,
And I’ll see you one day soon,
And then I’ll know you as you were,
 Feb 2015 Madison
Daniel Magner
i just want to write
pour out this feeling in my gut
I can't keep it stomached
but a good line
I can't seem to make up
 Feb 2015 Madison
You sit across from me
Your face visibly relaxed, innocent
I feel as if my teeth will shatter
From the pressure of my clenched jaw

My eyes are dark, a storm rages in my irises
Staring at nothing but the eyes across the table
But your attention is focused downward
Mindlessly playing games on your phone

You raise a hand to run it through your hair
As I struggle to keep mine at my side
I want so badly just to
Hurl something across the room

But then you utter a pathetic "sorry"
And my body begins to relax
While I silently curse myself
For not being able to hold a grudge
 Jan 2015 Madison
Daniel Magner
Grandpa left me his keyboard
I left it in the corner for years
when late this very night
my spine grew chill with fright
for the keys clacked
of their own accord
as if wanting to be heard
then my spine did thaw and a smile bloom
for this phantom wasn't bringing doom
It was just a reminder from 'ol Grandpa
to let music fill the room
Hi Grandpa, I miss you, I promise to brush up on my piano playing

Daniel Magner 2014
 Jan 2015 Madison
Daniel Magner
chairs don't get enough credit
nor do beds, who witness
ever accumulating sleep debt
we've let flying with the clouds
go from fantasy to unnoticed
head bent constantly because of phones
speaking in hushed tones to
the person on the other line
while we decline away from the public
a distructive inability to communicate
face to face
or hold conversations
completely connected, yet disconnected
is what this world has become
Daniel Magner 2015

A feeling I have about sixty percent of the time
I stepped outside for a breath of fresh air.
Lit the cigarette, and just stood there.
The snow was falling,
the wind was blowing.
Off in the distance the sound of a train.
Just another morning in plain old Fort Wayne.

But the bitter bit back and took my breath away.
And something came over me in my nicotine haze.
I felt so real, yet so far away.
Like I was in another world,
some other place.

Then my breath came back
bringing me back with it.
A little disappointed, but slightly uplifted.
Close my eyes and feel the wind
and wait for it to take my breath again.
A thing happened, so I wrote about it.
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