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4.8k · Apr 2014
i'd rather be a cupcake
Megan Apr 2014
and i guess
i'm never
going to be liked,
because being a muffin
isn't attractive.
and like others
i'd rather be a cupcake.
3.5k · Feb 2014
Megan Feb 2014
if i swallowed a magnet
would i be more attractive?
but the problem is
many people feel unattractive
so what happens when the people
who are unattractive swallow magnets?
the ones that appreciate the most
and see the best in people
will be repelled.
2.9k · Feb 2014
waterfall me down
Megan Feb 2014
me down.
let me fall
straight into
your arms.
me down.
let me fall
don't catch
watch me
into the
cold below.
2.7k · Aug 2014
Megan Aug 2014
dear magician,
can you see my hand
within the crowd.
please choose me.
introduce me,
take hold of my hand.
for  your next trick,
make me disappear.

Megan Feb 2014
if you stop
and wait long enough,
you can see my life build itself up.
going through the industrialization of happiness.
things seem to be looking up.
and then slowly
one worker slips
it's over extended itself on building up.
the resources are gone.
then they all start to.
it seems that war
inner and outer conflict; turmoil
has become the rival, t
he other power
versus the good.
it's black or it's white.
that seems to be my life.
there is no grey.
i'm not mysterious.
i'm not magical.
i'm not the face everyone inspects
not the voice everyone listens to.
it seems to be like a cold
(depression that is)
crawling back at unsuspecting times of my life.
reaching out to the light and strangling it.
i suppose you would try to understand.
maybe even try to help.
but in the end
like the industrialization of my happiness
your loyalty will crumble as well,
and i'll be left to my own devices.
and they're not dull.
2.0k · Feb 2014
a mock Rapunzel
Megan Feb 2014
on friday
i'll pour myself a drink
of one part sadness
and two parts loneliness.
and i'll lock myself in my tower
a mock Rapunzel left waiting.
(my hair is too short anyway.)
and i'll spend friday
2.0k · Jan 2014
the grey area
Megan Jan 2014
often enough
i can't tell
weather it's you
the Xanax
or the coffee talking.
i'm not sure who you are
but from what i've heard
yes, behind your back
i'm not sure what to collect from you.
there is the grey area about you,
inside you,
dwelling with the anxiety.
the grey is not theoretical
it is a way of life.
the grey
refers to a subject or a problem
that people do not know how to deal with
because there are no clear rules.
in this case


are the grey area
because i'm not sure how to deal with you
you just are
Megan Feb 2014
a sharp pain in my heart
helps me recall you
are only a flower
and sorry is overused.
so what do i do
about this?
1.8k · Jul 2014
Megan Jul 2014
people say
'not until
it's set in stone.'

but people forget
even stones

1.6k · Apr 2014
i'm just excited
Megan Apr 2014
you wonder why i reacted
the way i did
when she shut me down
without glancing at me.
and whatever was
my response
don't put out my fire.
i'm excited.
1.5k · Jan 2014
Megan Jan 2014
taste so sweet.
yet so little.

taste so sweet.
not to much now.

taste so sweet
beautiful with it's simplicity.
Megan Dec 2014
on this break i've designated one thing.
to steer clear of you,
to remove you from me:
my soul, my essence.
twenty one days
is the amount of time needed to break a habit.
this break is less than that
sitting at a fourteen
enough for me to sit the night before we return
chewing my fingernails on if you'll be there in the morning
if you'll be safe, healthy,
a lot can happen in fourteen days
and it's awful for me to sit and think.
so far i've done a very good job keeping you out of my thoughts.
out of my conversations.
the only time you've come up
was that a few days into this break
i saw you
and blast it
my whole body heat up like fire
i felt my skin get clammy and hot
i felt conflicting emotions.
but one thing stood clear:
i want to be done with you.
i have no time
for this beating around the bush *******.
i'm sick an tired of crying over your bipolar personality
being a friend one and a foe the next
you even know that i feel for you.
i've dreamt to hold your hand
and lie beside you and watch the sky be born
and grow old,
fading into black to count the stars.
i've wished for you
on lost pennies, four 1's--two 11's on a clock,
on stars, on birthday candles, crossed fingers, christmas lists.
i've written countless poems
expressing all my anguish and excitement.
god you bring out the worst in me, but also the best.
i'm so patient with you, but jealous towards others.
i wish you knew what you did to me.
i wish you knew what you did to me over
the fact that i feel for you,
over petty feelings that i'm ready to be over of,
that i've wasted a year and a half on.
twenty one days breaks a habit.
fourteen isn't quite enough,
but i'll take it.
tonight is the first time i've actually thought about you.
and this poem of promise
speaking of freedom from feeling so awful all the time,
sounds lovely.
i'm sorry to have inconvenienced you
for a year and a half
over feelings i should of put out immediately.
but fire spreads rapidly, my dear.
and i have a low tolerance of heat.

1.3k · Jan 2014
the stage awaits
Megan Jan 2014
hands like curtains she hides her face
has too much stage fright she says
she's afraid of tomatoes flying
scared to try.
when life gives you lemons; make lemonade.
when life throws tomatoes;
don't cry.
they are there for a reason.
people who know her
all call to her good things,
in those rare moments she actually peeks to see the audience.
things like: encore
but she ends up hiding again.
she isn't timid,
that's not the issue.
she's scared to try.
she's afraid of the harsher things,
such as
those tomatoes.
people try to teach her
that the tomatoes that are thrown:
some are thrown to hurt
they try to teach her,
don't be afraid of the tomatoes
just learn to dodge
and clean them up
come out from behind the curtains
The stage awaits.
1.3k · May 2014
Megan May 2014
i want a hug
only from you.
because i lose everything
but your scent
and your touch
and my heart
against the confines
i've built for it.

1.2k · Feb 2014
my dear chickadee
Megan Feb 2014
i long
for your arm
perched on my shoulder
like how a bird perches on it's home.
i want to be a safe place for you
i want to be a home,
not your home
but a home.
someplace where
you can perch
i can stay put, with you
and we can sit.
so my dear
don't fly away.
just perch.
1.1k · Apr 2014
she's not a tailor
Megan Apr 2014
you called her a tailor
a person of mending clothes.
but i don't think she'll be mending anything
but tearing the stitches you've woven into my heart.
1.1k · Jan 2014
my wonderwall
Megan Jan 2014
my dear
my wonderwall,
lately I'm suspicious that you've found out
that you're in my thoughts
more often than the second hand that ticks on the clock.
I can't decide though, if I want you to really know yet,
but until then I will write you secret poems
and make wishes on 11:11
coins in fountains
and shooting stars.
my dear,
my wonderwall,
lately, I've thought of you.
1.1k · Feb 2014
ultimatums and bad memories
Megan Feb 2014
that word
makes me cringe
and sends me back
a day where
you were my number one.
the day you broke me
for the second time.
but i'm over that.
the word
just brings back
bad memories.
1.0k · Mar 2014
best hugs
Megan Mar 2014
my dear
lately i've seen you
grow closer to me
and if i'm persistent enough
maybe i will get one of those hugs
i continue to long for.
you do give the best hugs
you know.
1.0k · Apr 2014
Megan Apr 2014
i will fight for the flight
to the stars
when the option
becomes available
i might just take the chance
and explode myself into
particles, like stars
in outer space.
1.0k · Jan 2014
stardust particles
Megan Jan 2014
i want to explode
into stardust
into particles
so small
the only thing to be seen
is the light reflecting off the shapes
like it's snowing.
just please
let me
938 · Apr 2014
you're my ups and downs
Megan Apr 2014
you're the person i look for in crowds,
you're the person i want to see in the morning
the person i want to see in the afternoon.
and that doesn't always happen
i don't always see you
and sometimes you're mean
and it breaks my heart
i've told you once i've given up on you.
but i seem to go back,
foolish, i realise but you draw me back in.
i have my days
where i'm nothing but my body
working through the regular motions.
and you tell me to cheer up
usually some form of contact
a hug, or a shoulder tap
and i tell you no.
no i won't cheer up.
because you're usually
the one who's put me down
in the first place
then you cheer me up,
and i don't think you realize that at all.
that you're the sources for both
my happiness and my depression.
by the next day i'm happy again
and the next day we're distant again.
and i continue to go through the motions of mood
where you make me happy
but our lack of contact puts me back
or your kindness has gone
and telling me to cheer up.

938 · Jan 2014
chisel me into a swan
Megan Jan 2014
the cold is exhausting
i want to huddle up and freeze
maybe my body as a sculpture
forever frozen as ice
would be more beautiful than wandering in
pink faced with teared up eyes
hair a mess.
maybe once a sculpture
someone could chisel me
form my features
maybe i would
reduce to a swan.
933 · Feb 2014
tick tock mocking me
Megan Feb 2014
the time can't pass fast enough
so i fill the time with poems
tick tock mocking me
you pass so quickly at other times
please oh please don't slow down when i'm suffering
please oh please speed up
tick tock mocking me
if i watch you,
clock you go slower yet
tick tock mocking me
time you're killing me
please oh please speed up
tick tock mocking me
tick tock mocking me
tick tock mocking me
tick tock
Megan Mar 2014
my main thought
is maybe i'm just
meant to be alone.

i've been told
that i'm too

and that possibly
i'll never marry
because of this

and it depresses me
because really why
would you tell a
teenager that.

it's every dream
for a girl to have
a dream wedding
and get married.

and you crushed that
telling me those things
too independent
too much of a "*****."
857 · Jan 2014
you, the expanding universe
Megan Jan 2014
however when writing a poem for you
and i've already written many
there is not enough room.
there are parameters to my poetry
and you
like the expanding universe cannot fit easily.
my dear,
there is no word for how my heart swells.
your concentration fascinates me
and i love listening to you breathe.
but there's not enough room for you here.
words on page, cannot begin to describe you
or even, how i feel.
you, the expanding universe,
my dear,
are never ending,
a string of words, a binary code.
but i try and commit you to paper.
and i admit, it's hard.
856 · Jan 2014
runaway, darling
Megan Jan 2014
you're my chocolate shake
so simple
a pump of sweetness
a dash of love.
it's not the same
i miss you
texas is too far away
and even though
i felt that way towards you
the love i did have was a friendly one.
runaway though darling
away from our harsh winters,
be free.
848 · Oct 2014
6 Word Stories
Megan Oct 2014
Eighty, he cried for someone dead.

They knocked. The door knocked back.

The good morning news to nobody.

911 called, time of death answered.

Fingers left prints. Hands left bruises.

The birds will still sing tomorrow.

The diary never held many secrets.

He remembered her. She remembered nothing.

He waited for her to return.

Joining her on stage, her wife.

Lost hopes. Reward for their restoration.

The paramedic drove; their love rode.

"Goodbye sir. I'm sorry. I failed."
These are just six word stories from my Creative Writing I class.
831 · Jan 2014
candy heart medals
Megan Jan 2014
maybe in my dreams you could be mine
and you can miss me
and there I love you.
candy heart medals.
we can wear them in our chests
a pattern around our hearts.
maybe in my dreams you can be mine
just don't wake me up.
815 · Jan 2014
on wednesday i take risks
Megan Jan 2014
i look for you in the morning
wednesdays, as i have said in the past
are my least favourites.
and it may be because i don't see you.
so i pose another question
then do i hate saturdays sand sundays
but i've caught myself dreaming of you
and even more so thinking of you
so on wednesdays
i take risks to see you
because that's the problem with them
you are here
but i don't get to see you.
at least on saturdays and sundays you are farther away
not that i like that any better
so on wednesdays,
i take risks for you
812 · Sep 2014
i'm not a risk taker
Megan Sep 2014
i guess what i really want to say is
"i like you."
but i'm so decently afraid of losing you as a friend
that i would rather nurse the wounds of a broken heart
and watch you be with someone else
so i wouldn't lose you at all.
i'm not a risk taker like that.

Megan Jan 2014
my wishes may change but they're always revolving around you
as the Earth does the Sun
and your smile radiates warmth through me
i am the little rock planet
small and insignificant
others attract to you
even though you try to repel others at points
you end up drawing them back in.
example: me

you are a star,
if you think about it.
if i told you this
you would give me that look
that i know too well already
the one where you glare from beneath your eyelashes
eyebrows scrunched...
i'm not sure why you rebound compliments
but i give them in surplus anyway.
you'll just have to deal
and maybe i can install your confidence back
after your gem left you.
i won't be a crystal
but i can be your little rock planet.
792 · Mar 2014
Megan Mar 2014
you could say
i'm bitter.
i guess i didn't have
enough sugar added.
that recipe
sugar and spice
and everything nice?
i got none of the chemical x.
i'm have no powers.
i must have gotten some spice
something bitter
something sour
that any of the sugar
if none
will push back
the bitterness.
Megan Mar 2014
i remember the haunted house
and the hard significantly named "dentist" chair i had to sit in
that the arm of the chair fell off on my foot
and with fake blood smeared across my mouth.
i remember being so nauseated
from the fake blood
and the flashing lights
and the screaming.
but i remember the pounding
you'd be doing on the walls
you crazy gorilla
and even if it did give me a headache
i knew that you were nearby
and between groups
i remember that you would come into our room
and i would reach out my hand to you
and occasionally you would grab
and hold my hand
even if it was only a few seconds.
and that crisp october
before the long winter
and remembering those moments
have brought tears to my eyes.
764 · Jan 2015
good morning, and goodnight
Megan Jan 2015
i've always wondered one thing:
"Why is there a space between good morning, and not goodnight?"
this may be solely due to how i write it,
but i'm moved to believe that there is no space
due to the unneeded grey area and empty space about the word.

i'm moved to believe that there is a lack of a space in goodnight
is due to the exhaustion we feel at the end of the day and night.
and we don't take anymore time to have hesitation.
it's "goodnight."
there are no doubts about this.

it may just be me,
but the English language is malicious.
but in the moments you call "Goodnight!" to someone in the dark,
separated by the distance and night chill of the beginning spring---
i'm moved to believe that the lack of a space isn't needed
because there is no grey area
in which to call: "Goodnight!" out to someone.
there is only the hope that we will wake up again to see the sun,
greeting with "Good Morning,"
and a space to sigh with relief.

this was a poem, that i thought i had lost. it was just re-shown to me by a friend.
748 · Apr 2014
more like acquaintances
Megan Apr 2014
i've wasted the effort
of trying to be your friend.
i'm over you,
i know that sounds lame
but you've grown like rust on my heart
no longer making it work,
i'm over you.
so i'll grind myself back down
to hellos and how are yous
i'll be kind of a friend,
but no one you would want to talk to
all the time,
like we almost did.

733 · Feb 2014
two way mirror
Megan Feb 2014
a two way mirror
i hear fists banging
on the inside of my skull
how dare i try to let myself escape.
let me suit back up in quietness
and go back to being alone
become part of the foundation
i'm here to hold you up
but no to a voice
no i'm locking
myself back up.
looking from
behind my two
way mirror.
729 · Feb 2014
like and unlike a magician
Megan Feb 2014
i think
the best idea for me
is to release you.
like and unlike
a magician
there is and isn't
something up my sleeve.
the love is there
the dove is there.
i'm going let you fly
and it may take me more
than these
three months
to release you
but i will
and after
best of luck
my dove.
Megan Feb 2014
sometimes i consider
the lines of woe
on my arm
as semi-permanent medals
upon my skin
i consider them medals
due to the fact
i've survived up to this long.

i'm also ashamed
i guess i'm a two way street
as well as a two way mirror
and i'm ashamed about these
lines of woes,
i can't make up my mind
it's a up and down
of confidence and hating myself
and often i find myself at cross roads
on whether to take the plunge
or back up and leave my toes
hanging off the edge.
707 · Feb 2014
i've drawn too
Megan Feb 2014
i see criss-cross
cross hash marks
in your skin
as if you tried to draw into yourself
the pain and sorrow
and i see it
the drawing you've etched
it brings tears to my eyes
and a cold hand about my heart
because i understand.
i've drawn too.
698 · Mar 2014
it's just common sense
Megan Mar 2014
it's just common sense to me.
having self worth is an unattainable peace.
the beauty and the beast.
because really if you think
about it, no one should really care
but confidence is always lacking.
few know the true peace,
of the true complete content and happiness
of having the self worth.
and envy swarms around us.
we can't see through all the dark
we're driven by that envy.
we end up even worse.
667 · Mar 2014
i hope you say yes
Megan Mar 2014
this next few days
are going to be a little stressful.
and it's not because i'm settling
into a new trimester.
it's because i'm thinking
of you
and prom
and how i'm going to ask you.
i'm crossing my fingers.
i hope you say yes.
658 · Jun 2014
houston, we have a problem
Megan Jun 2014
and i fall back
into the descent of madness
and the reminder in which
it will never,
be better.
we have a problem.
i'm going down.

647 · Feb 2014
you're a little cloudy
Megan Feb 2014
i've decided that
i need sunlight to be happy
and honey, you're a little cloudy.
the forecast calls for a little fog
and they say it might rain.
so i wait at the window.
for the weather to clear.
and hopefully
this cloudy weather
will clear from your eyes.
644 · Jan 2014
Megan Jan 2014
i think the only reason
i was happy today
is because i went outside.

even though i got a headache
even though i felt sick,

i felt the sunlight on my moon skin
and saw the sparkling land about me.
643 · Feb 2014
developing world
Megan Feb 2014
i'm alone
developing if you say
another world
everyone else eons ahead of me
i guess not eons, but three our four years
i guess you could say
i'm not good enough
even though some will argue
to a certain point i'm telling the truth.
and i'm so lonely.
so lonely.
643 · Feb 2014
courage install
Megan Feb 2014
i hate not having courage
i hate being afraid
i hate not having courage
to call your name.
and maybe
if i'm crazy enough
or if courage
finally installs itself correctly
i'll talk to you.
640 · Apr 2014
blue hair
Megan Apr 2014
in seventh grade
my hair turned blue.
it was my hairstylist's mistake.
the black mixed with the blond.
but none of that is important.
what is important is
in seventh grade
my hair turned blue
and the words that followed
this statement being made aloud
used to be an embarrassment.
i used to be embarrassed
by what my teacher had told me
when really i should have listened.
when he overheard
and saw blue hair.
he told me something:
that i am a strong,
independent woman.
and that no matter
what life throws at me
whether it be blue hair,
or green hair,
or anything else.
i can hold my chin up.
i should have been
anything but embarrassed.
because that set of words
that mini speech in front of my peers,
has to be one of the most important parts
of my middle school years.
636 · Jan 2014
i cannot compete
Megan Jan 2014
i'm not sure if i can
write poems about you
today you told me
that you are not over
your gem.
i cannot compete.
630 · Jan 2014
strength test. i failed.
Megan Jan 2014
we tried strength tests today,
we had nothing else to do.
an old broom stick between our hands,
eyes locked upon each other.
the blood blister on my right hand
was the only thing keeping me from dreaming
my dear,
i do know that you are stronger than me.
it is a given.
but i want to know if you were going easy on me
or if i'm stronger than i think i am.
i feel as if i surprised you.
but dear,
you got so close.
we got so close.
i could feel the warmth of your skin.
today we had strength tests,
i failed
because i fell for you.
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