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marisa Oct 2014
two years ago i saw too many hipbones and not enough meals because of a strict diet called crippling anxiety

one year ago i felt so much stronger
but my hands still shook so much that i typed all my poems instead

three days ago i ate everything off of my plate
i hand wrote letters in my nicest cursive
i told myself i was worth something
and i believed it

from the bottom of my heart, i promise
things really do get better
you can do it, i know you can
marisa Jun 2014
so we’ll play guitar and watch old movies
like every other night this week

and when something as simple as reaching for the remote at the same time is enough to make my heart skip a beat

i’ll change the channel to something mindless and pretend that i believe it when i tell people,

"oh, we’re just friends"
marisa Jun 2014
and even though it's been seasons
and train rides
and christmas parties
since i forgot how to breathe
sometimes i still feel myself gasping for air
it's still tough sometimes.
marisa Feb 2014
Late at night when I’m alone in my cinder block room
I think about what could have been.
I think back to watching our favourite shows in a warm basement
And talking about what happened during third period last Thursday
Now I’m drinking in a dimly lit common room
Talking about what happened at that party last Friday
I like it here
But I wish I could take a break from the hazy nights filled with the wandering eyes of mysterious strangers and kisses that taste like *****
And get back to what could have been
So that maybe our eyes could have met for just a little bit longer.

On early mornings when clouds darken the view out of my window
I think about what could have been.
I think back to reading Shakespeare in the library
And wondering why the future seemed so far away
Now I’m reading Othello on an ivy and limestone campus
And that unreachable future is right now
I like it here
But I wish I could take a break from studying until the sun rises and philosophy majors slipping me their numbers
And get back to what could have been
So that maybe we could have stayed alone in the high school hallway for just a little bit longer.

On Sunday afternoons when the hallways are eerily silent
I think about what could have been.
I think back to ordering takeout at midnight
And laughing at each other’s jokes even if they weren’t that funny
Now I’m eating noodles out of a mug because I ran out of bowls (again)
And laughing at how you would be teasing me about this right now
I like it here
But I wish I could take a break from Styrofoam meals and coffee dates with boys from tutorials
And get back to what could have been
So that maybe we could stay at the diner down the road for just a little bit longer.

On Tuesdays in lecture halls where remarks on Romans echo through the auditorium
I think about what could have been
I think back to what should have been
And long for what possibly would have been
I packed my bags and headed down a long stretch of highway
You captured the city skyline with a camera
I like it here
You like it there
But I hope that one day we’ll get a break from it all
And with a degree in one hand and certainty in the other
We’ll take what could have been
And make it into what’s ours
For maybe more than a little bit longer.
written last november in a particular bout of over-thinking.

— The End —