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Jul 2011 · 809
lost love
misty blue Jul 2011
her heart
an open wound

like an ulcer on the skin

to their love, body and soul

they were to walk as one in this world

from the past keeps getting in the way

only causing pain

ashes of lost love
left to blow away in the wind

eventually to disappear
like a forgotten soul once loved
May 2011 · 987
my dead friends
misty blue May 2011
my dead friends
taken in their youth

believing in the future

believing dreams come true

believing in true love

believing everything is possible

only to have it all taken away

my dead friends
taken in their youth

they died too soon
May 2011 · 734
misty blue May 2011
seven days straight on the *****
in drunken stupor your mind you loose

demons and devils fill your head
wanting only to be dead

with knife in hand you start to cut
burning your skin with a cigarette ****

consumed by morbid thoughts of death
you long to breathe your last breath

confined in your mind
your words are bitter and unkind

i beg

i cry

love is not enough to make you stop
there is nothing I can do

i cannot watch
i walk away

thank god that was yesterday
Apr 2011 · 789
misty blue Apr 2011
there is a chill in my bones
i can no longer feel your sun

my heart aches
winter is already here

fog surrounds  me
engulfing me in numbness

bitter cold has taken hold
tears  pour like rain

How I long to have your arms around me
Apr 2011 · 1.2k
misty blue Apr 2011
Our hands flow over each other
like water

teasing  tongues lapping every inch of each other
like ocean waves

devouring each other
like wild animals

hard and soft come together
like sugar and cream

desiring as we melt into each other
like chocolate

arousing each other we become one
moving to a rhythm only we can hear

burning like a candle until the flame is blown
Mar 2011 · 768
pucker up
misty blue Mar 2011
i know the deal
they give us birth
push us out
we learn hurt
i've watched the coffin dip
i drank from the bottle tip
any **** you throw at me
i'll spit it back in your face as poetry
i don't need to read the good book
i have you by the hook
a woman who could have you on her platter
if needed your weak heart i'd ******* shatter
i have you by the ***** *******
so pucker up and ******* kiss
i will devour your every wish-
Mar 2011 · 628
time to leave
misty blue Mar 2011
caught up in cyberspace
you cannot see me

your body is here
the mind somewhere else

i walk past you naked
you do not see

you **** with my mind
not me

i feel numb
lost interest

I think is time for you to leave.....
Mar 2011 · 729
it's only sweet
misty blue Mar 2011
it's only sweet when first tasted
once digested it ruptures your core
lost love that implores
heart burn leaves my pit wasted
he thought he had a "big ****"
the dumb ***** actually meant that literally
the funny thing is
what he had between his legs couldn't ******* tickle me
Mar 2011 · 2.7k
roy mccarthy
misty blue Mar 2011
blue eyed boy of pure flesh and grown bones
you truly inspire
sadly you desire to burn
beneath the suns clench
you have written poetry for girl's
scattered all over this world
all i ask of you is a poem for me
a note to let me know it's true
they say it comes easy to you
blue eyed boy of thirty two
you look far younger than your years
admired by your wisest peers
you say that your heart beats to the rhythm of mine
for that poem i still pine
write it with your blood
i promise you i will drink it up line after line
roy mccarthy
for that poem i still pine
Mar 2011 · 6.7k
misty blue Mar 2011
do you ever think ?

you justify your every sin

with sugar coated words you lure
your's a tainted heart
it is not pure

poetry and pretty rhymes
hollow words
empty lines

do you ever think ?

think of the girl who loves you true
she has given her heart and soul to you

you took that love then took a **** on my face
just so you could have a taste

a taste of *****
and sweet ****
you *******
your love is a blatant farce

i am done
i am through
i burn the love i once gave to you



do you ever think ?
Mar 2011 · 2.1k
the optimist & the realist
misty blue Mar 2011
my friend
she laughs at me
for believing
there is a prince amongst the frogs

she calls me the dreamer
she is the realist
black and white
i am the optimist
a rainbow

my friend
she laughs with me
our lives
have taken
different paths
our lives have been the same

so what becomes of the optimist ?
or the realist ?
they keep looking
always searching

for in the end
it may only be
when they are dying
they finally realise
what they truly had

what we had
what we missed
what we lost.
Mar 2011 · 708
strike a match
misty blue Mar 2011
Thought of mind plants a seed
Strike of a match
Thrill of the catch
All we need is an invitation

Love of our life
Husband or wife

Today’s dreams
River of sunbeams
Love lost
Enter at your own cost
Mar 2011 · 513
the poet boy
misty blue Mar 2011
the poet boy does not want attention
although he fears rejection
stay close
for he will love you dearly
it will never be sincerely
you are but a moment in his time
there to fill his rhyme
he will drink up all your wine
a taker who will never give
this poet boy has another life to live
be careful of the poet boy
he will shut you out
soaking you for inspiration
only to leave you in a drought
Mar 2011 · 592
how did you get in
misty blue Mar 2011
how did you get in ?
you scaled the walls
these walls of protection
the barrier that keeps me safe
what am i scared of ?
rejection or affection ?
your honesty and openness penetrate me
softening me
melting me
you are infectious
i wish i had your confidence
you touched me
it scared me
i want you
i crave you
i feel you when your not there
you say you love me
how do you know ?
how do i know ?
it’s too soon
is it too soon ?
i think too much
will you be there tomorrow ?
will i be here tomorrow ?
who knows where we go from here or what tomorrow brings
i’ll take that chance
it was me that let you in.....

— The End —