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1.3k · Jan 2021
Miss Ohio Jan 2021
I stretch
Arms high
Legs long,
Reaching for the sky.
God help me,
If I could
Reach Heaven,
This pain would subside.

And all these months
Of breaking
And bending
Over and over and over
Would be a mere dream.
That somehow
The fighting
The tears
The I love you, but I can't
Made up memories.


I stretch,
Arms to the sky,
No looking down.
Remind myself...
I don't need you
To get me high.
I have wings
You can't touch.

I can get me high.
915 · May 2022
Miss Ohio May 2022
You only saw dead flowers

                                                where I saw a field wishes.
730 · May 2022
Miss Ohio May 2022
Before the day demands it -

And the world tries to steal it -

And for my children I honor it -

        ….I give it to myself first.
177 · Sep 2020
divorce 10w
Miss Ohio Sep 2020
I will never again be who I was
164 · Oct 2020
Miss Ohio Oct 2020
It was
A beautiful unfolding,
The way his
All the intricate knots
That held together
The pieces of
My tender heart.
95 · Sep 2020
bittersweet what-ifs
Miss Ohio Sep 2020
Lost in spaces
Smiling faces
And hungry hands...
Deep blue eyes
And ocean sands.
I found him
On the shoreline,
This magic man.

His smile
Crinkled at corners
Where kisses
Ached to be placed,
Burning joy
Into my skin,
Breathing life
Into my brokenness.


Before it came,
Had to let it go.
Set fire to dreams
Where love could grow.

Left me standing
In a September breeze
By swaying trees.
With a yellow heart,
And a small pink scar,
And dreams
Left unseen.
76 · Sep 2020
Miss Ohio Sep 2020
How many times
Did we say hello
And then goodbye;
Did we crash
And burn
And then collide?

Our hearts
Danced in rhythm
Like petals
Off that pine tree breeze.
Taste your lips,
Feel your touch-
Replay you
On repeat
In fading memories.

Tomorrow is coming
But already gone.
I can't be there
To whisper a song..
And as you lay
Dreaming soft dreams,
Praying for relief,
Without me-
I'll replay you
On repeat
In fading memories.
61 · Aug 2020
running standing still
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
I will
Ink my flesh.
Swim until
I'm out of breath.

Until I collapse.
Drink until
I can laugh.

On bended knee.
Sing until
My lungs bleed.

Kiss the lips
Of men at a bar.
Give myself away
At the expense of my heart.

Just so
I forget...
To remember...
You left.
58 · Aug 2020
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
I was sunshine
And he was fire.

We collided-
Now burned memories
On our sticky skin.
Singed fingertips
And bruised lips.
I'll take it all
Just to feel the heat
Of him
49 · Aug 2020
cross to bear
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
He sings me poems
And paints landscapes
On my alabaster flesh,
Tells me
Write a ******* story
That I'd want
My kids to live.

He can't love me
Like I love him.
But for one night
Let's me borrow
The love I give.
I take it back.
Cherish this ****.
I'm once in a lifetime,
I'll never find.

So he sings me poems
And paints with his
On my skin.
And i steal my love
Back from him,
So I know what it's like
To feel fire
On my skin
And not be dying
Over and over and over

I'll never be loved like i love.
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
I know to your
Untrained eye
I'm nothing more
Than a dream.

And i know
To my untamed heart
You're nothing
But out of reach.

And our words
Grow wild
Like pretty flowers
By the sea.

You hesitate.
I jump in.
I beg of you,
Write me.
44 · Aug 2020
in the deep
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
In a world
Where feeling
Is weak

I set fire
To myself
Just to remember
I can bleed.
42 · Aug 2020
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
Borne in the shadow
Of his
Imperfect view;
Cream sweaters
And freshly baked cookies
And hidden tattoos.

Broken free now;
And the world
Will know-
Inked it on my skin,
I've got wild oats to sow.
42 · Aug 2020
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
Of all
The things
I could have given
This son,
Grown in my womb,
Growing in this home-

I wish
The way I love-
Til I break myself
Into shattered bits
And broken
Wasn't it.

If only he had gotten
My green eyes instead.
41 · Aug 2020
empty beds and hearts
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
I never thought I'd be someone
With half
An empty bed.
We were merely children,
When we first met.

I thought... I thought...
You were built within this space.
Night after night,
Your warm body
Would lay.

And i would get irritated,
Angry even.
About the divvy you'd make.
Lying for hours
On a lazy Sunday.

And now...
It's empty.
No body to make a crease.
And here I am-
With half
An empty bed.
41 · Aug 2020
scrolling by memories
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
Navy eyes
And curly lashes
I stared into
For lost
Aimless hours.
The stubbled-sharp
Of your square jaw,
I placed my kisses
All along.
The tan shoulders
I ran
My fingers across,
Leaving prints
Of hope
In our love dust.
Your fingers,
Around mine...
Eyes closed,
And you snored
Cuddled from behind,
My big spoon.
This ache
Laid upon
My breast bone.
Right where
You laid
And I kissed your forehead.

And now..
You're a picture
I scroll by,
Smiling into a lens.
And that face,
Those memories,
Haunt me,
Wide awake,
So I'll never forget.
39 · Aug 2020
take me back
Miss Ohio Aug 2020

A wilderness
From this
Freckled chest.
Love-speaking lips.
Red curls
A mess.
In a wild-
That I've tried-
I can't forget.
Traveling in my mind
To warm nights
I don't regret.
The sound
Of my name
On your
Sweet parted breath-

And the salty taste
Of us,
On my tongue,
Your broken heart
38 · Aug 2020
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
Most days
Old photos
Don't hurt.
But i stopped
This morning  
And stared at you.
So I could
Remember the feel
Of your cheek
Under my lips.
Of your skin
Under my touch.
Of your heartbeat
Under my ear.
Of your hand
In my hair.

I tried to remember
But all i could see
Was the way you're loving her
The way you used to love me.
18 years.
38 · Aug 2020
could you
Miss Ohio Aug 2020
I'm still bleeding
From all these wounds
Left by
Hungry wolves;
Wanted a taste
Of something sweet
And I'm too weak
To say no.

Could you
Say you'll stay...

You aren't mine.
We've both always known.

But maybe-
You could save me anyway.

— The End —