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Missblackraven Nov 2013
You know the saying
* if you love someone let them go and if they don't come back then they were never really yours*
well you came back....just not soon enough....
Missblackraven Nov 2013
To all the people that are lost,
lost like me...
Lost in the storm
Lost in the sea
Just simply lost in life
even to those who don't know of they're lost...
i wish to simply say "Hello"
Missblackraven Oct 2013
The moment you told me you loved me I felt nothing
now that you hate me all I want is to hear you say is we're okay...

It seems as though you hate me
or so I've heard...
but even I don't know the truth

I've tried to retrieve my friend back
but they are no longer there
the smiles, the hellos are no longer for me

my friend is now my enemy yet I have done no wrong
I've tried, I've been hurt, I'm never different...
The moment I didn't hear you say anything I felt something....
someone I truly cared about was lost because I wasn't careful enough and I miss them dearly
Missblackraven Oct 2013
Can they see me?
Can you?
Do you realize what i feel towards you?

I hide behind my shadows hoping to never be revealed...
my lonely fate..
my tortuous thoughts
always to be sealed...

Hiding behind walls
scared to see the light
fighting off the sadness
scaring off the madness
always daring to try and fight...

my sadness  it is hidden
my fear has no escape
A lonely...
            a loveless  ...
                        and terrible fate....

few do see
as few do know
who i am
and what i know...

hidden behind walls
scared to be free
oh please i beg you
just truly see me...
always hiding behind my smiles and hoping that someone will really ee me for who i am and save me...
Missblackraven Oct 2013
Do you realize how you hurt me?
do you even care?
the pain you keep on giving will always be there...

From your "go to hell"s
to "I hate you"s
to the look you give me when i hug you

the hate that you give like candy
the torture you give out for free
Do you realize...
how much it has hurt me...?

The love you throw...
the hate I receive...
and the sorrow that will always be in me....
the troubles at home are the only ones that convince me how hard life can truly be...
Missblackraven Oct 2013
I walked passed you and said nothing
do you care at all?
our lives once intertwined
you wouldn't even help if i were to fall...

my heart was once yours
as yours was mine
but now you are gone
it was your game and sadly i was the pawn....

out to go first
out to die first
you heart before mine
a game that never ends

your smile so full of love
and my fear of it
how long will it go on...??

but sadly ib the end
it was your show
and me a lonely little puppet
leaving me after so long is the greatest way to hurt <3
Missblackraven Oct 2013
Cuts fade the scars remain
But soon they will leave too
These marks on my body are not from just pain
But from hate that I’ve witnessed

These cuts mark me who I am
Forever to be someone that doesn’t tell her feelings…

To feel the pain of hurt and hate
Then feel it flow away once the blade hits…..

People say the I am the one with problems
That I overreact and can stop if I were to chose so
But their wrong….

They don’t understand the meaning of each one
But I do

They stand for the pain that hits me like a tornado
Pains I cannot express through words
The hate I have consumed and I truly wonder why I’m not crazy

But these cuts tell me who I am
And tell the world of the pain i have felt

the cuts that will be here forever more....
Feeling a little down...just one of those days you know? <3
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