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Mirds May 2016
the irony begins again
Im sitting in the back of your car
For the fith time around but only this time its different
Because you asked me if ive ever been in love
I laugh
The irony fills my throat
Ties it into a knot
Because i look at you
And i cant quite explain
That you are the person ive ever loved
And you are the person whos ever hurt me
To the point i couldnt breathe
But i look at you and i swallow those thoughts
Because you can never know
You were the one who started
This fire inside me
Oh the things that hurt me the most i still go back to
Mirds May 2016
Our lips were never not touching
Our bodies were never apart
I could feel your cold hands all over my body
Your eyes focused on my chest
Those hands with no good intentions
Were all over my face
I made a promise to myself
To give you what youve been missing
And **** right i did
Even you whispered
And admited
I was in fact the best youve ever had
I couldve said the same
But you came late to the game
The drugs had already taken over my head
The only thing I remember you said clearly
Was that you felt so guilty
Because i was 15 and you was 19.
How it went
Mirds May 2016
So this is how it continues
You want more of me
You finally decided
To continue this excitement
Hmm too bad i was over you
But this time ill meet you
And ill give you what youve been missing
But this time ill leave you
and it will be my story
All over again
But you will be the one living it
Let see how this goes
Mirds Jan 2016
so now i spend my days
With my friends
smoking some ***
And hearing some good music
**** life is so good
But if only i knew
My excuse are the drugs
I just dont want to think anymore
How long will this last or am i gonna get real ****** up
Mirds Jan 2016
So yes we met again
I was so angry and confused
But i gave in
Once again
You where so different
You didnt even look at me
I was gonna leave you
But i wanted to see you
One last time
But this time in your apartment
But it never happened
I got fed up and im more than this ****
Mirds Nov 2015
I believe ill see you one day
Since the last time we met
In the back seat of your car
You will try to reach me so we can do it all over again
And i want you,but you're no good for me
So this will be hard to decide
If im going to be strong
Or if im going to give in
Mirds Nov 2015
This was the month that got us together
October is over and so are we
But every october ill remember
The things we did
And it will hurt
But october will end
And so will we
But this time forever
And there will be no october anymore
For either one of us
end forever(death)
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