I may have problems but I dont need you to tell me. I see them every day. I love to read and I love little kids. I hope to be a mother one day, but id it isn't what God would have then so be it. I am a Christian girl and I dont care if you like it, I have 2 followers / 117 words
I have only one I know He has taught me all that I need to know To succeed in life He taught me how to be myself because I was just special by MY GOD And I was just for him, He loved as best he could He knows all about me He was always ther to answer questions about myself I love how he always smells like Old Spice after shave ....... Or somthing like that...... If he leaves me..... I will no longer be me..... I lost my Grandfather Reynolds before I could walk and have not ever seen a picture of him I can not lose My grandfather Welch too..... Oh how I can only seem to atract bad to those I love so dearly..... How I wish it werent so true...... How much does your grandfather mean to you? I would **** to keep him with me at all times..... :'(
Can you hear my cry Do you understand Why I cry You see me whole But I am really shattered Sad, depressed and desperate Do you care? Will you? Hear my cry for help, Redemtion and full Of sorrow
A single tear, only one Was shed for you Hot and moist It runs down my cheek Over my lips, it runs Salty, and full of pain Most nights I cry, it's Full of longing, waiting, and patcience A single tear, shed for you.
Do you see me I hope you don't Do you see my tears I feel them come, 'Till I lay down Mhead and just let go Do you see the pain In my eyes Do you hear my Cry for help Do you even care?
F- Forever there for you... R- Respectful of your choices... I- Ignorant of your flaws... E- Even though you can't see it, they do... N- Never goes behind your back... D- Does all they can to help you... S- Shares your interests...