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Holy yards of hallowed houses of prayer
rise in sublime chants and hymns
at this hour of the blessed dawn
when auspicious shades of light
grace the scabbards of swords
long sheathed and covered in shadows
of figures on the stained glasses

A divided land of long used to darkness
engulfing, rejoices: a saviour rises,
a hero who can unite and heal:
purple robe and the rag, Roman
and Celt: the long suffering realm
finds solace at last in order and justice;
A quest brews, of sacred chalices

In the noble hearts of faithful knights:
Alas, a tragedy in the shadows,
whither, famed Artorius, wise?
Hades schemes to ****** away
your Persephone to Annfwyn afar:
No mortal wounds could fell you alive,
But this, you carry on to Avalon.
Excalibur from the mists, peace with the Druids, Merlin, defense of Britain from invasions, Guinevere and Lancelot - who doesn't love this ever fresh tale of mystical heroism, magic and tragic love!

Piece in progress ...
i looked for you in the forests
i searched for you in the sea

the sage then told me to look within
i did, and lo! i found You beside me!

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
    Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
This one was another dream-poem :)
Going crimson, the distant sky:
ebbing-evening-like gold-tinged
shades all over; Streaks of blue
fly by the clouds in the breeze
topping dew-wet tips of dried
grass, grown late-autumn-tall
into the pallid arms of winter: a
form, a figure, emerges radiant:
half-covered in the ruddy hues,
blessing hands, flowing robes, lips
in half-smile, oh, the eyes of love!
An attempt at a scene-descriptive genre I choose to call 'picture-poetry': the aim is not to provide a fully coherent thought-process or story, as much as to convey a scene or an image.

Greetings for a happy Christmas!
I bored a hole through the rock of resistance
lining the base of my heart
oh the terrible pain -
with the rotor blade of hardened resolve,
to heal, to heal,
until I have reached my soul:
look - the waters of love -
they gush over.
Sweet waters of love,
To heal both you and me.
This axe wound on my trunk
is sore not all by you:
In the dead of the night
I welcomed the shadowy woodcutter;
Now I find recompense.
But now, sweet waters of love,
from the soul -
to heal both you and me.
From my scrap-book: notes jotted down earlier this year!
The displays

salvaged from
construction-site debris, in an enclosure;

Corrugated tin...
inverted containers,
shop-floor seats, hollow from the inside;

Squashed up...
aluminium coke-cans
and bottle-lids, stashed by the dozens;

Rusting old pair...
of dented batteries -
A-class, from discarded torch lights;

Mounted rectangle...
half-a-diagonal triangle coloured black;


Expanse of water...
mirage lit by
a deceptive lamp playing evening sun.
Picture poem:

Inspired by a visit years ago, to London's beautiful 'Tate Modern' art gallery featuring urban kitsch art: I was reflecting on the year past and my thoughts veered to the increasingly difficult future we confront and how this is reflected in incidents of increasing madness across the world, with our backs braced at an environmental cliff.

I've sought to capture the melancholy moods of objects displayed, raising a contemplative sweep of our post-industrial world and the futures we confront, captured by the images of the seemingly crazy display of a half-painted rectangle passing off as art*  and  the eerie image of an artificial sun!

*'Higher Powers Command: Paint the Upper Right Corner Black!' by Sigmar Polke
The Wait:
don’t look for love in public spaces
love is shy always
hesitating she comes with flowing grace
to the patient lover
in the end all that is needed
is to look into the mirror –
in the reflection of your eyes
you’ll find her!

The First Smile:
Oh! Say not that this world is mean
do not turn your face away from me!
the lack of a smile in return
was not intended to spurn
but your smile left me so captivated
so caught up and fascinated,
that even as my heart somersaulted,
my lips forgot to smile!

Being Together:
the mist hides my secrets,
of it are born my desires
the arc of the moon expands to contain
every wish of this lovesick heart
the morning but amplifies this-
the sweetness of the night’s embrace
on sleepless pyres were burnt our passions
on winter’s breath our dreams impaled!

Love isn’t Love
until one sees
that I am You
and You are Me
so where lies the question
of coming and going
wherever you are
there I shall be!

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
little drops of goodbyes
lingering at the doorstep of my consciousness
unwilling still, vacillating
in denial they wait
with some empty expectation
that they will be invited back in

but sand once fallen through this hourglass
is never the same sand again
something of it is lost
something of it is gone
and its taken some of me along

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
  Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
cups of warm tea
shared together
over dog eared pages
on a cemented bench
covered with leaves
raindrops singing in tandem
to a rhythm known only to frogs
and here we sit
staring into the mist
wrapped in the warm blanket of silence

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
 Dec 2012 Meenakshi Iyer
Why, why can't we just ask them how they feel,
let them explain what to them seems most real.
Why can't we just say: 'Hey, I kinda like you', without
a glance of pity in their eyes and remorse.

Then she  thinks of how I failed, how we failed
because I didn't follow the rules, the rules of love.
The love, like a soft spring breeze, it was definitely there
But ignorant as can be I just could not see, I never was aware.

You have to stay on that track
from time to time, looking back
maybe if I did this or that, it would have been
could have been, but never was.

And so it never led to more.

Once I hope to find a girl who doesn't,
doesn't care what others think.
Who has no need to follow the rules
together we'll walk aside the road.

Chemistry + timing does not equal love
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It's about having to wait and all that stuff about interest level and eagerness. If you don't wait long enough you seem desperate and that's when you fail. All that stuff seems so stupid. But you have to follow it, patiently follow it.
I think this *** makes more sense than you ever could.
The part that thinks it wouldn't, knows of course it should.

In my drunken haze, I run naked in the rain.
The stars let me know there's no need to live in shame.
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