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978 · Oct 2018
The Well
Milkyboy Oct 2018
Dark is the Well to the bottom of my heart
Deeper than Joseph's cistern in Dothan
Should you try to fetch a water for a drink?
Where moss and mosquitos give life and live.

Shepherds and Herders pass by and spit
Said "its a curse and empty abyss"
Yet mosquitos live and form there families
And other lifeforms here they sleep.

For them its "The Well of Life"
Though its stinks and useless for your needs
Your spit and curses can be there food
Forming new life and birth.

Foul and useless this Well maybe
But someday a Living Water will be fetched
For I heard a One Shepherd who drank and bathed in this pit
He said "I will reach this abyss and pour Living Water in it"
My heart stinks!
438 · Oct 2018
Milkyboy Oct 2018
Two years and running but still standing still
Standing while waiting amid the highest hills
Steep and slippery, too afraid to climb
I might fall and break my pride.

Waiting with Comfort and Self-preservation
This two best friends will lull me to death
I am not getting younger, so is she
Maybe she’ll find a stranger and pass by me.

Father said “at the set time”
Like Sarah and Abraham waiting for a child
Should I laugh like them in disbelief?
Or my faith is not strong enough to bleed.

I know the enemy and it is Me
And my confidence should be Him not in mine
Blessed be the Father for He is Love
Yes, Lord! Let’s fix this wings and soar above.
203 · Nov 2018
The Strong and the Weak
Milkyboy Nov 2018
Alive! Yes, I am alive
Though my Body stretched and worn
The Heart heavy and sore
Feeling used and abused
But still I am alive.

Alive! Yes, I am alive
Though weary and torn
The Mind losing control
Fear wrap to the bones
But still I am alive.

Alive! No, I want to die
Though happy outside
The lips bent and wide
Full luck on my side
But still I want to die.
"Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can"
Richard Bach
197 · Nov 2018
The Old-Self
Milkyboy Nov 2018
Buy me a casket and bury me six-feet deep
Parade the white flowers and the candle sticks
Tell Mama and Papa do not cry
I will **** Myself and be Alive.

Shove the earth and push me In
Along with my old coat and sufferings
That’s where I belong and so are you
Now take this Knife and follow me

The Ghost of me will be with you
For this Body shall live and fly with the Moon
Talk to the stars and sleep in the clouds
Sing with the angels with their harps and lyres
“Die before you die, there is no chance after.”
C.S Lewis

— The End —