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 May 2016 Mikoarenas
We're Back
 May 2016 Mikoarenas
The illness catches branches low,
heralds beaten unseen woe.

It grows inside me, spark by spark,
a fire in my favorite park.

Jewels forgotten, rivers clean,
mark it by the ashy sheen.

It's gone again; it's worth your while,
stab yourself and spit up bile.

Your days are done and I will rise,
I am back to claim my prize.


Bigfoot is real and the government is
Run by lizards dressed in human skin!

Wake up, sheeple! We're being invaded by
Beings from beyond the moon who want to
Steal our culture and **** our land!

Chemtrails are killing free-thinkers by the thousands
And we'll only be safe if we retreat to that commune
In the middle of Utah

Brothers and sisters, you wouldn't think a
Blanket encrusted in ***** could do so much
Damage but clearly we've underestimated the power of deceit

Brothers and sisters and everyone in between,
The land isn't ours and it isn't theirs, and it'd serve us
Well to remind ourselves that the land has always belonged to
Itself and that's never gonna change

It's been several generations now but the blood is still
Fresh and nobody can blame you for being
Sour, but for the love of the gods, it's high time
We transform that anger into motivation

We're more than hokey voodoo magic and
Prophecies about reclamation or apocalypse, or
Cheap drugs and casinos

We're back now, we were never gone,
Just buried
 May 2016 Mikoarenas
Long Road
 May 2016 Mikoarenas
I told my friend that
you're the past

Because you're everything
aging and terrible and ashy
about years gone by

I've got a million other names for
you like cowardly, disloyal,

But speaking to you would be a
manner of giving in, going after your
lure, and I knew you as a man of strength
and honesty

And you were, once upon a time,
So what happened?
 May 2016 Mikoarenas
 May 2016 Mikoarenas
If my sin destroyed your
fragile covenant then maybe
it should've disintegrated already
to a devil & his ****
 May 2016 Mikoarenas
You told me once that you
never really did love him,
that you were using him, and
this was supposed to make me feel better

Until I realized after I left you
that the same applied to me as well
 May 2016 Mikoarenas
I hope it's a phase
Because I can't hold my own
Hand through this mess when I'm
Busy sweeping aside the rubble

I'm an alien in my own head,
Feelings unknown and emotions
I don't know the words for

Maybe I won't ever find a way
Out because it bounces back each
Week, kicks me while I'm down,
Watches me bleed from my lips
 Apr 2016 Mikoarenas
No Good
 Apr 2016 Mikoarenas
Slaves to pain,
We're all addicts to
That which compels us to
Destroy ourselves

I can't lay the blame on
Anyone but myself since
It's me who gave in

Inaction is a form of action
And holding back has more
Power than I ever imagined
 Apr 2016 Mikoarenas
 Apr 2016 Mikoarenas
I hate people who act like they're the best in the world
When their flaws go beyond something that can be overlooked
When ignorance reigns

You know I'm better than you,
More secure than you,
More comfortable than you

Why not speak to it?
spiteful poem, yay!!! i want to beat these ppl up so much
 Apr 2016 Mikoarenas
I've learned it's useless to follow the source
When I can sit here and hear the echoes
All the while

Why join the clergy when men and women
Of the Lord are preaching to me right in
My own home?
tfw the title is half as long as the poem itself
 Apr 2016 Mikoarenas
 Apr 2016 Mikoarenas
What's harder than leaving
A human being behind,
Sacrificing a billion would-be's
And countless possibilities

And what irony could be found
If I did stick around and if I
Did discover that nothing lay in
Wait for me?

I care about you,
I do,
But I can't linger on people
Who make me feel confused and
 Apr 2016 Mikoarenas
One thing I love about
Music is the way I might get
Burnt out on an artist but
At the tail end of it all, I might
Listen to their first song I ever
Heard and get pulled right back
In again
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