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Mike sikes Aug 2014
I am but a man,
left standing in his shoes.
In the corner of my local
- drinking away my blues.

My woman asked a question.
- Then promptly threw me out.
I've yet to find the answer
- at the bottom of this stout.

So she's packing up her things,
moving back to Venice.
While I contemplate
- another pint of guinness.
999 · Aug 2014
Mike sikes Aug 2014
You've poisoned your blood.
I'll stab myself for love.

We've had our share
of false endings.
But somehow, this feels so real.

Verona's in our hearts
although we're worlds apart.

We're giving up on life, not love

Two young souls lost to eternity
Destiny can be cruel sometimes.
-But not near as cruel as family.
890 · Aug 2014
tinfoil hat.
Mike sikes Aug 2014
We are ruled by permissions
that we accept -but fail to read.
These apps may be free.
But we are no longer.
Control comes in many forms.
How do you control your life?
832 · Sep 2014
honeymoon is over
Mike sikes Sep 2014
Blood dries.
      And flakes away.
Flesh; once pink.
      -Now turns grey.

I'm laying here in the red.
      Playing back
those words you said.
Your hair turned White.
       -Lips so blue.
Now tell me what's a boy to do?

               I guess
    I'll bury you beneath
the garden
     Where the soils'
         Sure not to harden.

     I can dig you up
  after spring.
-And thank you for
the food you bring.

You've done more in death,
       than you did in life.
So I think  I'll keep you
          -undead wife.
689 · Aug 2014
brick wall
Mike sikes Aug 2014
I never feel I'm
getting through to you.
You just nod your head,
dismissing my points of view on the situation at hand.

This wall you built to protect your heart, won't keep me out forever.
I slowly chip away at it
- tear it down,  

Then one day, you let me in,  
and new walls have been built.

Now we have a home.
Soon, we will have a child.
And again,
it will feel like talking to a brick wall.
681 · Aug 2014
darkness falls
Mike sikes Aug 2014
As we stand on silver sands. Clutching crosses in our hands.
We pray for death
-and hide for life
In these forsaken lands.
Tucked inside our bed.
Safe from the undead.
-hear the town criers.
And fear the vampires.
We Cling to light,
and hold on tight.
-As darkness
kills our fires.
I wrote this like a nursery rhyme
659 · Aug 2014
Mike sikes Aug 2014
Sometimes I think you're the poisoned apple just waiting for me to bite.
You're my forbidden fruit.
Deadly and delicious.
You are by no means a princess. -but, I think you'll find I'm no prince charming.
618 · Aug 2014
the Gorgons stare
Mike sikes Aug 2014
You are a wicked woman.
You have the gorgons stare.

You turn my soul to stone,
with every hateful glare.

Every hybrid moment.
In every waking day.

You always try to prevent.
for me to stay.
470 · Aug 2014
there's whiskey at the bar.
Mike sikes Aug 2014
I'll have another whiskey.
-You can keep the water.
I haven't any money.
-but you
can have the ring I bought her.
It's just a shiny trinket,
of a life I left behind.
And now I'm here
with you my friend.
-To drink her off me mind.
Written as another lyric to "whiskey in the jar."
456 · Sep 2014
Asylum 3
Mike sikes Sep 2014
The asylum has stood for hundreds of years, a testement to the old worlds constructors. Now her precious orniments have all been stripped from these rotting walls. Everything non-structural has been lost. What has become of my home
My family tossed to the wind.
I walk these halls for the last time today.
I was once its protector, now these lonley corridors invite an enemy I once eradicated- back into our world.
An enemy to which today,
I have no defense.
My own dark soul.
Today I go to my death,
I greet it with a smile. This is all my fault.
It started with me,
today It ends with me.
I will always be here. Even when I am not
                                               - Mike Sikes
411 · Aug 2014
Seamus' wake
Mike sikes Aug 2014
Seamus was a man,
who for heavens sake
-was good with his sword arm.
But a bit of a rake.

As famous in battle as he was, he was more known instead
-for fervent virility,
and a creaky worn bed.
Yet, I'll never forget this phrase  he once said.

"You know my good lad,
I've always thought funny
-the wars men will wage for
a warm supple *****."
387 · Aug 2014
where eagles dare
Mike sikes Aug 2014
High above this world
perched-perilous on this ledge.
I search for prey - I wait and pray.
For something under hedge.

They flit and scurry.
Dash and hurry.
Some will make mistakes.
On this I wait - a limping gait.
A moments all it takes.

I dive - I drive.
None will survive,
And some won't even care.
No one has a will-like mine.
I go where eagles dare.
371 · Sep 2014
My brother; Night.
Mike sikes Sep 2014
Trails of braided light
run down my trembling body, carrying the dried blood off of my face like a river carries loose stones down stream. A faint metallic scent rises through the steamy air.
No amount of soap and water will wash the memory away...
I nearly took that girls head off.
If it wasn't for Jack,
I would have turned
everyone in that cafe.
Such a mess.
Thankfully, Jack knows his way around cameras.
Witnesses too.
I don't ask - but sometimes I wonder, which one of us is the real monster.
Not poetry. Just a teaser for a short story of mine.
368 · Aug 2014
Mike sikes Aug 2014
Have I devoured all that is me?
   Am I alone... lost...
       wandering these halls?
   are my friends,
my voices,
stand silent...  
Were they ever there...?  
Hunger...  Unrelenting hunger... It seems that too much life and time has passed between us.
                Now, I sit in shadows,
       waiting for my voices to return.
Lurking... Rotting... Longing.
What have I done.
Why have my voices  forsaken me?

Where is the tower that once stood proud?  
     Where is the sea that once raged in my soul.
Mighty trees in my forest; roots once ran so deep.
              Now termites feast upon them.
My body,
now a hollowed stump.
     I feel I will always be here...  
                       Even when  
                      no one else is.
368 · Aug 2014
asylum 2
Mike sikes Aug 2014
Darkness dances around me. Finding every ***** in my armor. My vision blurred, I feel my brain swell inside my skull. Threatening to break free.
Crashing blows land one after another.
My mouth fills with my lifeblood.
So metallic in taste.
I cannot speak for fear of bringing more pain and shame upon my weakened frame. Hard to breathe I feel my ribs displaced. This shadow figure is Unrelenting... These primal urges inside of me are screaming "defend your self fool"
I ignore them...
Not the voices I want to hear.
I believe I deserve
every fowl blow I receive.
I deserve this...
Crushing... Smashing... Longing.
I've lost my friends. No one to protect me.
        Punching... Kicking... Longing.

Who is this beast. Tormenting me. Knocking me down to his level.

Tearing down my tower,

Draining my sea,

burning my forest.

                    I have no hope.
                I am broken.
           Trapped in my own hell.
      Is this lucifer The great deciver?

In that moment the beating stops...
              Pain is still fresh but,
the figure ceases his assault..
          Panting... Wheezing... Longing...
Within shadow I see a broken grin...
    Darkness fades
and a familiar face greets me.
Eyes locked to what's left of my soul.
        - It always was.
This demon is and always will be
a part of me.
       Whether or
not the voices return.
I have to start from the
But I think that's okay.
          I think I have always been there.
                  - Even when I am not.
352 · Aug 2014
my heart beats no more
Mike sikes Aug 2014
This wasn't a clean break.
- It's jagged in places.
Now, little bits of loneliness
fills in those tiny spaces.

What am I to do, with a heart that cannot heal.
- friends and family tell me,
they know just how I feel.

No amount of bandage will mend this gaping hole.
The one inside my chest, from the heart you must have stole.

It's not like I will need it.
It's broken, beat, and bruised. This game has lasted far too long, you can see I'm not amused.
This was written after a break up. I was writing alot back then.
322 · Aug 2014
Mike sikes Aug 2014

I lost myself When I lost you, you never knew the things I'd do.

I turned to you when things turned bad - yet, time wont change the times we've had.

Ask around, I think you'll see. The death of you, was the death of me.

I think you'll find, I found myself - Tucked away upon your shelf.
Collecting dust - collecting tears, you've been away for all these years.

You my friend
were the life of the party.
A Sherlock - to my Moriarty.

And so you lay - head under stone, and left me here all alone.
With all these sins I can't atone.

Time and tears caught
up to me at last
- ill not escape.
This Christmas past.
307 · Aug 2014
Robin Williams
Mike sikes Aug 2014
63 years.
you had a good run.
I'm here to tell you,
your job is not done.
you'll live on in our hearts.
like the great ones tend to do.
your body is free.
but we still have you.

so today.
every smile.
every laugh.
every tear that I shed.
is dedicated to you.
and the life that you led.

although I am sad.
a grin soon creeps in.
as I think of the millions
of hearts you are in.
281 · Aug 2014
Mike sikes Aug 2014
Diaries of the red door asylum

I stay in the shadows,
     but not for my protection...
lurking.... Hunting..... Longing.
        I relive my first day here.
I cant even remember
-my life before this...
Hurting.... Torturing.....  Longing.
I believe I have always been here.
              When I'm not...
Creeping.... Crawling..... Longing.
These voices call to me.
Are me...  I know it,
                   even if they don't.

My brain is squirming in my skull.
No room left.
These voices must be heard.
        Be silenced.
I believe I have always been here.
          Even when I am not.
My heart lies behind the red door.
                                                                                                       And the truth liesinred

— The End —