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153 · Jan 2015
in harmony
mike Jan 2015
from the ether i sweat
which burns
and evaporates
on my glowing heat.

rises and collects.

                           im passing clouds.

raining down
to the disjointed
skeleton of my tree
from which
the heads of humanity hang
hungry eyed
open mouthed
filled with the sound
of the mcabre


to feed the
fruit of my flesh
which they eat.

im the
dried up seed
next to me
on the ground
to grow
my soul.
153 · Mar 2017
mike Mar 2017
decomposing roses
rose between my toes
and closing in on me
imposing on me
til i have chosen
the choice to flee

and the flowers
burst into bodies that flower
153 · Jun 2015
mike Jun 2015
the space between spaces,

a lepton is an endless field
light-years from the center of itself
where true sound rolls boulders and beads
into the hands which build themselves;

replicating creation
to boil down
back to nothing.
153 · Jul 2015
the beautificaton process
mike Jul 2015
all the great music
which makes you want to live
long enough to listen to the song
before you **** yourself
will die.

   but i wont let it even if it kills me
153 · Feb 2017
mike Feb 2017
lifes absentia passed me by.
152 · Sep 2016
see more with eyes shut
mike Sep 2016
to make the water dance
because we ask it to dance.

we are gods.

absently witness
the afterlife of suns.

absently witness each other.
152 · Oct 2015
saints hands
mike Oct 2015
my head lays in my hands.

it must be exausted.

my neck
must be
off in the distance.
152 · Feb 2015
mike Feb 2015
show me pictures of my mortality
and ask me:
   who was he?
151 · Feb 2015
who cares
mike Feb 2015
even when all of the past
is what haunts you
the wisdom that is gained from it
is what gets you through it.
151 · Jul 2016
mike Jul 2016
now humans
can take
their skin
and skeleton
and turn them
into a tent
and live in it
in the city.
150 · Sep 2015
duseevers§ watch away
mike Sep 2015
there are
huge blocks
that dont fit

but they hum
and they vibrate
and make you think
theyre something else.
150 · Dec 2016
mike Dec 2016
there is nothing
that reminds me of everything
more than nothing
150 · Nov 2015
mike Nov 2015
life is a play,
   and when the curtain falls

      youre dead.
149 · Aug 2015
the thing inside
mike Aug 2015
it is an oil horse

attracting smoking teens
and protesters

and the onset of
an armageddon


to burn it down.
by new definition; this is what drives my truest poetry. the kind that is made of paint and soul mixed.
149 · Oct 2015
whats goin on
mike Oct 2015
i am ten feet
from my elementary school.

i am 28 years old.
148 · Jan 2015
life was a memory
mike Jan 2015
I can feel em like moths..
Floating down onto my face..
To kiss me.
And fly away.
And leave their dust behind to die.
And we both had names and we both had faces and we both had mouths and for a moment in our lives we had each other.
Memory is fruit but life is the shedding of leaves.
148 · Nov 2015
mike Nov 2015
i think the moon
is full of ****.
148 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
the floor is

broken pieces

on the floor
148 · Jul 2016
mike Jul 2016
as you transcend spiritually you must know that you are not learning but you are growing.
Learning implies that you know something, and to know leaves no more room for growth:
to know is a form of apex.

-a seed, knows that it is a seed, and that there is dirt. It knows this because it has not grown.
-a plant, growing from the seed, knows it was a seed. It knows the dirt, it knows the sun, it knows the rain. It knows this because it has not grown into death.
-all you can know is that you are growing, and even that is something that you will one day unknown.
148 · Jul 2015
i found peace
mike Jul 2015
now whats my prize?
148 · Nov 2015
a soul as pained as mine.
mike Nov 2015
its never an edge.
its always an edge.
at least ive got that going for me.
148 · Oct 2015
passing through walls
mike Oct 2015
"im like a being
  thats barely here.
only because
im barely here,
but barely somewhere
else   too."
147 · Feb 2015
im nobody
mike Feb 2015
what I am is what I share is what you are.
147 · Oct 2015
happy meals
mike Oct 2015
cram em in
get em fat
so they cant leave.

cook em up
and serve em
to the next rush.
146 · Jun 2016
not a poem
mike Jun 2016
what god spoke
first passed through its mind
but from its heart.
this is where we were born.
146 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
i wonder who
all of you people are
passing in and out of my life.
146 · Jun 2016
i held my heart
mike Jun 2016
my hands now
are the chipped
and broken wings
of the giant moth
i held
when i
was a child.
146 · May 2016
other vampires
mike May 2016
the passion feeds regret
then quiet.
the heart is left as a landscape
of dumb colors and clarity.
a reflection is a laughing image
because nobody is there;
there is nothing anywhere.
life never made a sound.
it was a mute portrait
with whom you talk.
146 · May 2015
empty man
mike May 2015
the last gift i recieved was a vacuum
two christmas' ago.
and i got that person nothing.
if i ever own a home
it will be clean
but it will be empty.
and i will be dead on christmas.
145 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
i wanna shoot myself
every day i work
for nine dollars an hour.

it makes me wanna
shoot myself
every day
for free.
145 · Oct 2015
Untitled Drunk
mike Oct 2015
dead drunk
on the side of the road
having the time of his life
with a ***** bag
145 · Mar 2017
mike Mar 2017
came all over
your broken heart.

killed you.

and ate you.
145 · Jun 2016
mike Jun 2016
every day
a small slice of skin
from you
to cloth
the family
of passed out skeletons
smoking and shooting drugs
in your home,
while you stay up all night
drying out
in your closet.
144 · Jun 2016
mike Jun 2016
suffering is your enemy.
do not mourn your suffering.
love it while it is still here.
144 · Aug 2015
fountain of youth
mike Aug 2015
i wake up from my dreams
and my fingers
are wet with you.
144 · Jul 2015
no history record
mike Jul 2015
people's lives are passing
who i dont know
and it breaks my heart.

people who used to be my life
who i no longer know
and it breaks my heart.

ive laughed through my life
and cant remember any of it.

it breaks my heart.

watching videos
of your dead child playing
from six years ago.
144 · Sep 2015
hell bent
mike Sep 2015
they can chain you down

and skin you

and rip you from the world,

but they can not steal it from you.

they try to take
what it is

but you cant LET them..
you must KEEP it.
144 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
every dimension
must be a
142 · Feb 2015
the reason im here
mike Feb 2015
i want the world to show its ugly face
as i look it in the eye and fall in love.
142 · Mar 2015
mike Mar 2015
how you treat a person
is who they can become.
142 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
take you very away from me
when there are women
dancing in the curtians
and there are eyes..
everywhere looking into you.
to pull you from
who you are.
141 · May 2016
close circle of friend
mike May 2016
im so lonely
im the only
lonely guy i
know who knows me.
140 · Feb 2015
to purchase war
mike Feb 2015
feed the rich
eat the poor
mike Jun 2016
a doe does not walk the forest
covered in flames.
its faun does not eat it
from within.
but they drink if they are thirsty.
and the water does not walk
from the shade to the sun.
and the sun
does not burn brighter
than it must.
it only burns until it dies.
139 · Jul 2016
vivid imagination
mike Jul 2016
trapped me in a van in my head
i couldnt escape
im still there
mike Jun 2015
the dead must dream of me.

i see their lives
come back to me
and it kills me
when i wake.

..the pieces of my broken soul are left free to take.
139 · Aug 2015
be light
mike Aug 2015
i slept
and the dark
it crept
all around me

i awoke
a being
of light
138 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
the unkindness of ravens
was the ****** of crows.
138 · Jan 2016
the fresh scentman
mike Jan 2016
the only time im ever dressed up
is when im doing laundry.
so, i look really good
while i clean my clothes.
136 · Feb 2015
mike Feb 2015
i hope im doing the right thing
by trying to suppress
all the terrible things ive done.
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