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136 · May 2016
bird food
mike May 2016
when a heart is made of ******
you must keep it in a cage
for the dead birds to peck
into the heart of its rage.
136 · Feb 2015
mike Feb 2015
i hope im doing the right thing
by trying to suppress
all the terrible things ive done.
135 · Sep 2015
do not touch
mike Sep 2015
there are bugs
on these words.

they have colonized
my hands
my hair
my head.
134 · Aug 2015
fate made lovers
mike Aug 2015
paint lines in the road
to crash into eachother.
off the cliff.
down the mountain.
into the lake.
to sleep.
134 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
a cluster of dead moss
lies in the middle of the road
i dont know its name
133 · Dec 2015
record for no one.
mike Dec 2015
i thought it was music
but i was talking to myself.
133 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
idle hands will **** you in your sleep.

132 · Sep 2015
home movies
mike Sep 2015
i watch the video
of my suicide

over and over.
return the gun
131 · Jan 2015
next year
mike Jan 2015
Its coming I can feel it
131 · Sep 2015
from above
mike Sep 2015
their spaceships
are beautiful.

they come by
and cut off
all your friends heads.
131 · Mar 2015
the good people.
mike Mar 2015
give me the ones
i can stand.
the ones
who seek
who share.
129 · Jun 2016
mike Jun 2016
a heart filled
with precious empty stones.

distributed one by one

until it is filled
by none.
129 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
i jump from
the ship that it was
into the sea
that it has become.
128 · Jan 2015
life is young
mike Jan 2015
the diseased corpse that i am
128 · Jun 2013
mike Jun 2013
a beautiful fly flies by
126 · Aug 2015
mike Aug 2015
no creature is happier
than my horns.
125 · Sep 2015
in passing
mike Sep 2015
the scene is quite remote.


125 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
i feel
in my skin
who this man is.
124 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
remember your values.
remember to let people speak.
to open doors for women.
to help an injured animal.
to be one
122 · Feb 2015
nobody told me
mike Feb 2015
did i die
or just see
a ghost?
120 · Aug 2015
mike Aug 2015
if you become naked
satan look at me please.
120 · May 2016
if they could kill
mike May 2016
men's heads in cages
she was born thousands of years ago
what are the men
trying to keep out?
120 · Oct 2015
nothing to drink
mike Oct 2015
the water in me
has spilled.

its nothing to drink.
119 · Jun 2013
mike Jun 2013
a beautiful bird flies by
119 · Sep 2015
time of waste
mike Sep 2015
this is a ******* waiting room.
118 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
Slave songs
the ancient drum
beats out the body.
got here before now.
chanting on forest drugs
or cellar drugs
tells the story
when it makes no sense.
there is nothing
to figure out.
space ships have always
littered our sky
and trashed our minds.
we make the wheel
and travel ourselves to hell.
families on a wagon,
sometimes youre afraid
that theyll live.
too sad to cry
too strong to die
too much to live for to live.
more dust than the road to hell
you scare everything away.
the wind blows itself away
the devil hides inside
of his own *******
and prays to be eaten finally
and forever.
tries to pay for your pain
in red skin.
tags and tokens
mean nothing to the man
who lives inside.
more strength than the body.
that glowing floating heat
is a stone
at the bottom of the lake.
pain is an object
not to be bought.
souls are never to be sold.
you are more infinate than old.
love is everywhere
but it lays you down
like a thousand hammers.
beating you into the ground.
beating the sound
from the drum.
117 · Aug 2015
on your body,
mike Aug 2015
my hands
are two animals
fighting over
a piece of meat
117 · Oct 2015
it must be true
mike Oct 2015
you know
how they say
"when youre drunk
the truth comes out."?
well its true;
-the guy who said that
was drunk.
115 · Jul 2016
Trasht lives
mike Jul 2016
i was born
still high
from meditating
the night before.
115 · Nov 2015
i need a moment..
mike Nov 2015
i just found out,
                that nobody died

          i need a

115 · Jun 2013
113 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
there is a very lonely pattern
repeating itself for company.
113 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
Time ate ours.
112 · May 2016
something to forget.
mike May 2016
this poem is old
and dying.

ill visit it
110 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
today i died
but came back
to tell you.
110 · Jul 2015
mike Jul 2015
two thoughts to rub together
but whats the other one?
109 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
horse head east
beast head north
109 · Feb 2015
part of the show
mike Feb 2015
what a terrible movie.
id rather watch you.
108 · May 2016
the moving house
mike May 2016
running through
the streets.

but you cant escape the spirits.
108 · Feb 2015
there is love™
mike Feb 2015
an open bowl
the contents
you can take
108 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
i feel like i should leave
before i mess anything up.
108 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
a civilization
must die

its just evolution
106 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
the man
fighting the snake
from inside of
the snake
105 · Oct 2015
people and love.
mike Oct 2015
your identity
is a community
that you share.
105 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
i dont want to  get my soap
so i stopped using it.
100 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
scratching my hand
with my other hand.
99 · Jul 2015
mike Jul 2015
i never wrote one for you
but now i have.
mike Jul 2015
it rains when its sad
90 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
we are all female
60 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
i stare you down
i see the blood in your eyes
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