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229 · Apr 2017
mike Apr 2017
Young legend old fraud

Infant in our states we're great,
228 · Apr 2017
The Catch
mike Apr 2017
The mind is
The Great White Whale
Killing ourselves
Chasing it.
228 · Jan 2016
15 minute nap
mike Jan 2016
every word you speak
is a monolith
built by
perfect desert.

it casts shadow
so narrow
you are in
constant orbit
with the sun.
228 · Oct 2015
paved hands
mike Oct 2015
the beer bottle
falling over
and shattering
before it is reached
is its own

a stench
on the floor
in the morning.

paved hands.

sewage tunnels
cleaning through
the body.

a spirit sways inside.
i have become the beer bottle falling over and shattering before it is reached.
227 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
226 · Feb 2015
so busy. no time to chat.
mike Feb 2015
all the lights
get smaller and smaller
to eachother
226 · Jul 2015
act one scene one
mike Jul 2015
gods good girls are jews.
american jews.
sometimes i want to **** em.
im pretty sure they want to
**** me too.

i guess theyre not so good.
but god does like a show.
225 · Apr 2017
the sea of people
mike Apr 2017
Feed the goyum fodder
Wash it down with poison water
Oh boy, oh wife, oh daughter.
We've been fattened for the slaughter.
225 · Dec 2016
the great magnetism
mike Dec 2016
all the satellites in the sky
are held by strings.

and i can't see them.
they're lost to me.

everything, is lost to me.

and this is what attracts me.

you can see it.
and you can taste it.
but you don't know who you are
while you are doing it.

it is the
invisible mass
passing through you.
mike Feb 2015
i don't like the way its set up
how its built
or what it offers.

it turns perfectly good air
into poison
perfectly good people
into fornicators.
224 · Apr 2017
mike Apr 2017
I hang around all the leftover pieces of trash
And I don't see good really
In none of em
But I see a little piece of me
In all of em
223 · Sep 2015
all standing in puddles
mike Sep 2015
an extention chord

plugged into itself

slithering passed the people
223 · Jul 2015
there will always be love
mike Jul 2015
the only heart
you can truly have
is the heart
that is your own.

all other attempts of
mastering yourself
with another persons life
are lapses of wholeness
which look back at you
and explain to you
who you are
once yourself
has been met
by yourself.

a fusing of souls
is to pour water
into more water.

it only overflows.
leaving the container useless.
223 · Feb 2015
your punishment
mike Feb 2015
i hope you fall into
your *******
223 · Oct 2015
three deep on four
mike Oct 2015
the lady keeps
blowing in
the curtain.
shes dancing for me
and she gathers no moss.
the lady is lost in the curtain.
shes waiting for me to come find her.
i found her
i bound her
to let in the light.
but i shut my eyes
because thats where she hides;
in the corner of my eye
where the light becomes shy.
in the corner of my eye
lives a mistress.
she blows wind
through her dress
she blows kisses.
when she gets undressed
her bodies a list, its:
aaalllllll the tiiiime youve wasted.
aaallll the useleeessss looove.
aaallll the loooove
you couldve had.
aaaall the tamperiiing
with evideence,
that tells you
to hoard
all those feelings you cant afford.
its so simple to know
that less is more.
the moment i passed it
i sat at a casket
When one of us dies,
which one of us cries?
if you cant expand
then cut off your hands
theyre better served
by someone else.
you want a life
with a house and a wife,
and youll have to build
your house in hell.
a white wicked fence
a fire that never relents
a bathtub full of seashells.
223 · Apr 2017
mike Apr 2017
People can be involved with each other but they're only truly involved with god.
Nothing can be obtained,
But a cycle back to to the thing that created it.
223 · Sep 2015
what must i pay
mike Sep 2015
theres a bird
in the vending machine.

if you pay to let it out

god will reveal to you
your heart.
222 · Oct 2015
at night they party
mike Oct 2015
the sun sweats
while it
goes down on the ocean

and she tilts her head back
       and groans,
laughs one of those laughs
     you can be proud of.
the moon watches
through his sunglasses
from under her horizon
and touches himself down below,
still high from
the night before.
222 · Aug 2015
breathe through your thighs
mike Aug 2015
god got old
and i got wise.

everything dies.

love stays young
it gets you high.

its in your lung.
222 · Jul 2015
mike Jul 2015
staring at eachother
through telescopes
we show our skin.

stare into eachothers lense
and we see nothing
but our pure
221 · Mar 2015
deliver us from love
mike Mar 2015
in the secrets you keep
in your drawer,
in the brown spot
in your heart;

that is where you go
to be delivered.
221 · Aug 2016
Deal went South
mike Aug 2016
I sold my soul to the devil and he sold it back to me. I am $35 richer.
mike Sep 2015
Kxxkfnsjdfmdnfi work out
so i camxmsndjdjdnfjgnlsndnb x x fkd d d didjdbrj
waste my time f dkdjr
considering my yshwhdiody.
they said it. Form has no meaning. Why am i still here?
220 · Feb 2017
Color TV
mike Feb 2017
You got a color TV a VCR and a VHS of none other than Groundhog Day... your kid died that night and your wife lost you in the process fighting your cathodes as your life and your gumption drool out of your skin and into the chair that you're sitting in... as you watch and wonder of all the different days that you could have had if you had bought the movie the night before... you sit there watching nothing every night through eyes that belong to no one
220 · Apr 2017
This Is Bullshit
mike Apr 2017
If the walls
Surrounding this building
Were the skull around my brain
I'd drive a truck through them.

It's ok.
I'll be out of here soon.
220 · Oct 2015
youre all beautiful
mike Oct 2015
tell me what i should do with my life;
comment please.
220 · Nov 2016
tao te me
mike Nov 2016
i don't have rosey cheeks.
i don't have anything like that left.
all i have is the closeness of death.

hungry animals leave the woods
and find a job in the city
just to get away
from my collecting dust.

no one wants to choke.
everyone talks their way out of it.

i build a fire and listen to the echos
of someone else's laugh.

alone. alone.


a voice that i don't recognize.
a voice that talks the talk.
enough to make me walk for days.

until im lost
until im crazed.

enough to stop trying to see
through the haze.

and see the way
for its many ways.

two competing eyes
in fight for a simple
and complete

none the more
is less the wise.
220 · Jul 2015
every perfect structure.
mike Jul 2015
this building is how we live.

it cant be abandoned
if were not abandoned.

a concrete floor
holds up the form
of a missing door.

we could live
our lives until
we die or are

a human chain
can still be made
with one person
who knows:

ive got everything i need.
219 · Sep 2015
i, cursed
mike Sep 2015
     a witch.

the well,
   poisoned with snakes.

the town,

its grave,

       our bed.
219 · Aug 2015
happy robot
mike Aug 2015
they play disco music
sends signals to your brain
makes it impossible to think
but you dance like new technology.

they make you think youre happy.

rollin round on tracks
and switch out your parts
while you sleep.
219 · Sep 2015
mike Sep 2015
temp, rogue, secret.

without a country.

without a home.

without a family.

-no identity.

a watch with 6 zones.

nothing but time.

nothing but to sit
and stare
and still.

spinning fan blades.

the languge i know.

the gun is the silencer.

the mission is quietude.

a mission met.
219 · Jul 2015
the saviors.
mike Jul 2015
the buzzards above me
circling and soaring.
a staring contest for miles.
and im at such peace
that i fear
soon my grin
will fly off my face
and join them.
219 · Oct 2015
universal remote frequency
mike Oct 2015
your thoughts
are being broadcast.
at C
mike Jun 2015
my ghost waits for me
i make him wait.
emaciated and dying
hes a dehydrated crisp
like a dried pepper on the floor.

he is flakes of ash
breaking off of himself.

a residue, forgetting my name,
expectorating dust in my direction.

his statue lives on in silence
as i am the sound
who travels
through all that you see.
218 · Jul 2016
mike Jul 2016
i build little statues of food
for unsuspecting art enthusiasts.
i paint the museums walls
with water and soap paint.
sponge brush.
receive small portrait of
numbers and amounts
autographed by curator.
i trade these for
life sized sculptures
of counterfeit counterfeit money.
i take these and trade them for
little statues of food.
i eat these as a statement.
it is all very conceptual.
217 · Feb 2015
old dog
mike Feb 2015
childish heart, you look silly from up here.
aging mind, youre forgettable.
old soul, thank you for
being such a friend.
i wish i had been
more like you.
217 · Jan 2016
mike Jan 2016
im still young enough
to build my own casket.
still smart enough
to build a test
that only i can fail.
still enough
to watch myself
pass by.
217 · Jan 2013
this is a poem:
mike Jan 2013
if i held a watch for each time, all occasions, our eyes repelled then thought of the crime of the lack of statements, then mine would turn dry while i tried to find how long of a while was on my hands.
217 · Jul 2015
mike Jul 2015
Dreams truth something come back around
217 · Jan 2017
mike Jan 2017
crack my heart open
cook the yolk
on your burning hot body

ill take you raw
216 · Apr 2015
my consciousness
mike Apr 2015
tomorrow when i wake up
ill be dead.
the bread-box must be larger
than the bread.
216 · Oct 2016
mike Oct 2016
"in prison,..what you think
is what you are."
he was two weeks out of a 13 year sleepover. He told this to me
in my dream.
a year later i think of it.

i now know the one true place
a person is imprisoned.
216 · Nov 2016
mike Nov 2016
im sort of just lingering
in my own mind right now.
i think about
calling the phone
and bakeracting myself
to the bathroom.
its a small apartment.
i have nowhere else to go.

if my front yard
is a street
then im a car farmer.

i found my way in somehow.
let me out.
215 · Feb 2015
her halo
mike Feb 2015
if i can lie myself
into loving her
i wont.
215 · Mar 2015
kid burns ant
mike Mar 2015
they jump up like dogs
to greet you
and they talk
and want attention
but i stay quiet
because i know the truth.
i know who you are:
youre an extention of something beautiful but you are ugly.
215 · Nov 2016
tao te me
mike Nov 2016
i don't have rosey cheeks.
i don't have anything like that left.
all i have is the closeness of death.

hungry animals leave the woods
and find a job in the city
just to get away
from my collecting dust.

no one wants to choke.

i build a fire and listen to the echo's
of someone else's laugh.

a voice that i don't recognize.
a voice that talks the talk.
enough to make me walk for days.

until im lost
until im crazed.

enough to stop trying to see
through the haze.

and see the way
for its many ways.
215 · Mar 2013
214 · Aug 2015
people trees
mike Aug 2015
i want to eat
fruits and vegetables
with you
until we rot.
214 · Sep 2015
the whore
mike Sep 2015
your nightmare has legs.

it pays you to
watch it shave
and you accept.
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