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224 · Jul 2015
the saviors.
mike Jul 2015
the buzzards above me
circling and soaring.
a staring contest for miles.
and im at such peace
that i fear
soon my grin
will fly off my face
and join them.
224 · Oct 2016
mike Oct 2016
"in prison,..what you think
is what you are."
he was two weeks out of a 13 year sleepover. He told this to me
in my dream.
a year later i think of it.

i now know the one true place
a person is imprisoned.
223 · Mar 2013
223 · Nov 2016
godbless the dead
mike Nov 2016
undress me with your naked eyes
a skeleton can tell no lies
but hide the truth
from sleeping spies
to know nothing
is all thats wise.

i was a suit
was always worn
i knew not what else to adorn
my soul with but that shoty form
ive died and im reborn.
223 · Jan 2016
mike Jan 2016
im still young enough
to build my own casket.
still smart enough
to build a test
that only i can fail.
still enough
to watch myself
pass by.
223 · Jun 2015
the scent of her
mike Jun 2015
when you stand in my mind
wearing only your skin
your pheromones penetrate mine.

to taste your biology
leaves my tongue drowning
with nowhere to go
but to yours.
mike Jan 2013
the distance...
                    ­    .sooommeewwhhheeereeee........
                              ­                  ...and....&.
221 · Feb 2015
a series of murders
mike Feb 2015
a fly flew into a spiders web
and now its dead
the spider walked into my house
and killed my mouse
the spider crept into my room
to meet its doom
mike Dec 2016
life is a river.
at the end of the river
is a baby.
221 · Aug 2015
mike Aug 2015
you never decorate
your christams tree.
you sit around all year
waiting for it to leave.

"and take that stupid ******* wreath
    with you when you do."
221 · Jul 2015
my bones know the way home
mike Jul 2015
i come from the veda
and im going back.

my family tree is a skeleton.
the truth is in these bones.
our Martian ancestry.
220 · Sep 2016
mike Sep 2016
im left wanting to tear
off the rotting suit that i wear.
leave it lying tucked into
the space between
the door and floor.
keep the room quiet and cold
to give me room to think.
allow the music
to leak out of its seams
so i can have something to listen to
and something to drink.
220 · Sep 2015
the whore
mike Sep 2015
your nightmare has legs.

it pays you to
watch it shave
and you accept.
220 · Aug 2016
mike Aug 2016
-Are you enlightened?
-Does a dog bark?
-So then, yes, you are a dog.
220 · Jun 2016
speaking in spider
mike Jun 2016
i know
what it is to be
immutable madness.

for this decade of my flesh
pushing through the streets
under the sun to find a place
to sleep in the shade,
my rhythms have been guided
by the mesmerizing code
told to me
by my very own
self appointed hypnotist.

the spider who sleeps deep in my ear
who's dreams drip down my throat
and fill a pool inside of my chest.

but i never knew the tongue in
which a spider speaks.

i know not what i have done.
i woke up in a place lost to the world.
mike Feb 2015
a poem cant capture it
a movie can't capture it
a life can't capture it
the universe cant capture it
that's why its watching itself
its waiting to see it
thats why i was made
to move through the mud
until we know what it is
mike Jan 2016
when i sleep in your head
all the animals are dead
and id make it a song
but its a quilt of skin instead.
and i give back to my church
but they think that they are thieves
theyre on the job while i marry
writing checks for alimony.
my three children bury me
inside of all their tombs
and they pass out and know
that im an animal too soon..

fallin asleep at the wheel
and i wake up with no cash
gettin high on garbage
gettin drunk on trash.

ill turn your kid into a puppet
with a color t.v.
for a mind with eyes for buttons
salty broken screens

the umbilical chord
is plugged into the wall
and its drippin wet with surgery
playin a scene
of dead vets workin
on their own bodies
lookin for the coins they swallowed
to pay the fare for the ferry.
219 · Feb 2015
and your childrens children
mike Feb 2015
in one cigarette you can make art.
in one lifetime you can smoke almost infinite deaths.
worth capturing
at least once.
219 · Aug 2016
something so sacred
mike Aug 2016
a psychedelic manifestation of form;
we leave this place.
we live inside of each other,
lit by the light
of the near death
of everything;
it passes through our bodies.

time is a molecule
which we ride upon;
a play thing for children.

we grow closer
or further
from eternity-
the nature of the soul we share.
-the eight-limbed creature
sews its bodies into;
one breathes out to one breathes in.
swallow each other
back onto the floor,
and *****
our psychedelic
manifestation of form.
My baby in my heart.
218 · Aug 2015
jaamb' aa
mike Aug 2015
crystal information
will cast light
out of the head.

the shadow will be
no more
of the puddle on the floor.

we will spread
beyond our bodies,
beyond what is dead.
mike Feb 2015
my soul is my river
my body is my dam
and my heart
goes out to
all the dying fish
drowning in love
218 · Dec 2016
mike Dec 2016
there is a perfect semblence
between the forest and the trees
when you see the world
as the world would see it.
218 · Mar 2017
mike Mar 2017
i caught the devil
and cooked him
and i ate him...

with my dead friends
and dead family
218 · Aug 2015
the vacancy
mike Aug 2015
the teeth are evicted.
looking for a mouth to rent.

the tongue is fat like king.
breathing in the moisture
and the mold
to be eaten.
217 · Mar 2013
mike Mar 2013
i love ******
mike Jan 2013
217 · Apr 2017
on a bed of soil
mike Apr 2017
words are leaves
grow and
falling out of a mouth
gnawing at air for fruit
217 · Jan 2015
mike Jan 2015
There is wear on my life as it skids to a halt and is scattered across the highway and into a tree.
mike Sep 2015
he howl at the moon

bark at the sky
to keep it secret
from the sun
mike Sep 2015
it is not because of my talents.

or because i am very smart.
  and spiritual
   and connected
   and the way im
    deeply touched,

but it is because
    i am    insane;

-that is the icing
           on the cake

        which i lick clean
  off my ***** fingers.
215 · Oct 2015
cool hand mike
mike Oct 2015
her hand
on top of mine.

steals the warmth
from the room.

a shivering fire
begs for a meal
so we give it.
215 · Nov 2016
mike Nov 2016
theyre trying to
make you
**** yourself.
215 · Feb 2015
everything pulls at me
mike Feb 2015
pianos will speak to me forever
from their big

they will always
fill the room
with my

i know when they cry.
215 · Sep 2015
white dresses
mike Sep 2015
gonna marry me a skeleton

gonna bury me a bride.

sat at the wedding

until somebody died.

the sky smiled

and the earth opened wide.
215 · Jan 2015
gaseous heart
mike Jan 2015
i see a heart
and i think of you
but what should i do?
because i see you
and my brain farts
but it comes from
the heart.
214 · Oct 2015
mike Oct 2015
my landlady
has died.

she sits in
a chair
which i havent
had the time
to make a make on.

it must be nice
because her house is nice.

its all old dead wood
and im satisfied
by its condition.

but my rent is due
and i dont know how
to approach an
old dead

i figure if i take care of her dog
it will amount to something.

but i have nothing for
the dog.

i might join her
in her disposition
to negotiate
an agreement.

i might die
in the chair
beside her.
mike Jul 2015
Nobodies going to survive
this life
and im

Willing to wager all my love
on this
with you

And i just hope you have the heart
to do
the same

Yes we will die but we will thrive
we fade

Yes we we can live but we will fade
we thrive

And these are all the things that ive
been meaning to

Share with you along with all of
my love,
my love

To everyone ive ever loved
oh   how   i    love   you

and i hope that you are happy
(as happy as can be)
(oh god im happy)
(and watching clouds)

and i hope that you do smile
(more often than not)
(and your heart swells)
(when i see you smile)

and i hope that you are laughing
(for no reason at all)
(and crying)
(tears of joy)

and i hope that your heart swells
(when you look around you)

and that youre surrounded by

everyone youve ever loved

and i dont mind that im not there

because im in the clouds above

and i can see you watching

and i can see you smile
(and my heart swells)

im raining tears of joy and laughing.

To everyone ive ever loved,

    i want you to know
   that i still love you
  and care about every
   hair on your bodies
  and im sorry because  
i know that ive failed you
(and nothing can stop me)
(even if youve forgot me)
(i hope you havent forgotten me)

youre  everyone ive ever loved
my heart is emptying without you
and so im filling it with
everyone ive ever loved
and i deserve to be deserted
by everyone ive ever loved

like water fills a vase and gets
soaked up by a rose
until its brittle and it breaks
until its dead and decomposed
whats there
that could serve
in your stead
well only my heart knows
theres nothing left i can accept
so in my heart a cancer grows

time slowed down
and walked right passed me
and i couldnt look it
in the eye
but it followed me home
and i remember the last thing
it said to me right before
it left in the night was
remember me.
mike Sep 2016
when you realize
that this whole time
your hands have been spiders
crawling out of
the mouths of snakes
then you've got it.
214 · Jul 2015
stillborn epigram
mike Jul 2015
it floats in me
like dead birds
in a dead sea.

i cant grab it
and cook it
and eat it.
214 · Jun 2016
sweat from every pore
mike Jun 2016
i will poor myself
into a cup
and drink heavily.
213 · Jul 2015
staring contest
mike Jul 2015
in the minds eye
is a minds eye.

we see who blinks first.
213 · Sep 2015
natures way
mike Sep 2015
father nature
sits with a hard-on
drinking homemade beer
watching mother nature
tend to her garden.

and she tries
to ignore him
but she likes it.
212 · Feb 2015
living in a world
mike Feb 2015
emotions are purgatory
to purge them
is peace
212 · Feb 2015
mike Feb 2015
I smoke so much
that after any run
I'm always huffing paint
212 · Jan 2017
a permanence
mike Jan 2017
ive been resurrected
by an ungodly force
once again.

what do they want from me?
211 · Feb 2015
pure genius
mike Feb 2015
just before the end
he killed himself.
then everyone applauded
and he took a bow.
211 · Feb 2015
its never enough
211 · Jul 2015
mike Jul 2015
I don't have to put up with this.
211 · Jul 2015
mike Jul 2015
my moth flew over to me
and with a sheet of cloth
i broke off its wings.

i tried to make a mercy ****,
to cut off its head,
but instead
it was left damaged
and shaking
and ill.

it bled from the breadth of its neck
and i feel its breath in my head still.

why have i done what ive done.
where is my heart from.
210 · Jan 2015
waiting game
mike Jan 2015
i cant go to sleep.
if i go to sleep
ill become posessed by that ghost.
but that doesnt worry me
ill get the ghost
because i know
itll sleep.
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