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michelle Dec 2013
I now know the way you speak, walk and laugh
Surely, I know you are not perfect
but show me a flaw that changes my mind
I now have you to call mine
yet I still have to pretend
that I hold your heart
So please allow me
I want you,
the way you speak, walk and laugh
the way you appear flawless
the way you fight my grasp on your heart
I want you, to stay mine
This is my continuation of "You". Hopefully I will keep them as a collection. (slight mods to each one to keep it relevant)
michelle Nov 2013
If I cannot be your spark,
How can I be your light?
michelle Nov 2013
Who knew that one simple kiss could mean so much to one person

Yet so little to the other
michelle Nov 2013
I feel the palpitations of a healthy heart through your cotton shirt
But I see the emptiness of a worried mind beyond those dark brown eyes.

I cannot make your healthy heart love me the way you have before
But I can fill that emptiness that sits inside your worried mind.
michelle Oct 2013
Doubt fills your uncertain, lonely heart
And passion fills mine
michelle Oct 2013
You tell me you were a fool
I lay no judgements on you
I hold you high upon my pedestal
And hope to God you do too
michelle Oct 2013
It's funny
How one day that meant so much,
Now means so little
How now I'm spending this day with him,
And not you

It's funny
How we say something is "funny"
When all it really does, is tear our hearts apart

This day will tear my soul in two
But I promise you
He will heal me, he will be true
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