I'm sorry if I have to transform myself
From one form to the next
In order to feel free.
I'm sorry that even when I mean the absolute best,
I forget my true self and hide
In one of my alternate selves.
I'm sorry if the only way I feel I can break free from
The cages of life hanging on threads
Around me
Is to not be me.
Is it wrong of me to feel restricted by one path,
Forced to restrain from ever-tempting deviations
From the narrow, plain course that has been
So unceremoniously placed upon me?
Tell me if you really think that this is the absolute best thing for me.
If you support their decision, then tell me to my face
That you support their chains and manacles
And you'll coolly gaze on as they slap
Them on my desperate body.
Don't you recall the words that we shared with each other before we
Were forced apart? Didn't you PROMISE me that you'd find
A way to bring us back together? Didn't you say
That you would always be my support,
That your heart would never change,
That you longed
To see my face
Once more?
Why this, then?
I'm sorry if I've changed too much for you,
I'm sorry if I protect myself by shifting
Into different forms,
But take a moment to glance at yourself
And now try to convince me that I am the one
Who's changed.
© 3/14/13
A highly metaphorical rant. An ill-formed rant, so I apologize, but at least you can feel it build up, right?