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Micheal Peay Jan 2016
I built a world last night
In a universe not so far away
This universe is here to stay because of the real world is no where I want to play
Wondering around, always looking down, feeling weary and stripped down.
I got tired of the day to day, drowning under the waves of sorrow
Barely holding onto the to the drift woods of happiness scattered throughout the sea of life
Only to have them sink beneath my hands
The world I built inside my head is a place to escape the noise and dread
Reaching out, grabbing stars to lift up my world that lives in the dark.  
A place to hide, a place to rest, a relaxing feeling that helps me best.
So won’t you come and hide away with me.  Explore my world in solidarity,
finding its charm and enchanting space, a place where you can be whatever you want your life to be.
Micheal Peay Jan 2016
What do you see, when you look at me
Do you see a man, a man of power, power to walk through fire without any pain
Or do you see a coward, a spineless creature without any brain.
Don’t let me exterior, make you blind to my rage
When you mess with what I cherish, I’ll crash over you like a wave.
A wave of damnation and anger, like a Tiger being released from a cage.
Watch your step when you come around me
My armor’s from my maker, the only shield I will ever need
With a sword made of truth and a dagger forged in justice
I’ll carry these tools with me wherever I go, and use them to create peace where the devil tries to flow.
Micheal Peay Jan 2016
They say your heart skips a beat when you see the one you love, but did you know mine only beats when you are near?
It’s not your beauty that captures my heart, but the glow of your soul that calls to me.
When you are with me, my heart takes flight, unfurling wings of brilliant light.
I take you with me where ever I go, even if it’s just your smile, it keeps me whole.  
Life is whatever we make it, be it good or be it bad, but my life is always perfect when where you stand is by my side.
You make me brave, you make me strong, for you I will dawn armor and a sword and destroy anything that wishes to harm you.
My love, my life, know that you are my world.  With you my life is complete. No matter what this world will bring you are my angel that brings me life.
Micheal Peay Jan 2016
Can you see what I see, with a mind so unclear? I doubt that you can because I'm a freak my dear. A freak can't be explained with a single definition, it's a thought, or a feeling or simple action that can spread such a thought through these normal people that walk all about. The reason I see what I see and feel what I feel is brought out from thinking out of line and out of the box. Basically I think like a tornado merely less destructive to others unless they can read minds? Then I fear for their fate.  I think and I think but it's not always clear my mind sometimes wonders about those things that have no meaning or just waddle about. I'm here and I’m there, all over with doubt for being certain means power which I know nothing about.
What is this whimsy and silly little rhyme, who knows and who cares it's only a thought not a plot to some story that I have already forgot. I'm rambling on and on sometimes veering off course but can you be truly lost when there is no path, no road for these thoughts.  Back to things that matter or at least seem on point my mind is a freak and I can make it a point.
See sometimes I giggle or stifle a laugh; I can seem nearly crazy or maybe just mad. But I have a reason for such a strange reaction a well-placed switch has flipped and now I see things with laughter.  Even when times may seem unfit, with depressing or sad feelings a bound I know I can find the funny that's running around.  So a freak I will be as I find it quit clever, finding ways to be happy when this life is full of pressure. So with a smile and a laugh and a question for thee, join this freak in all of my pleasure or continue on in your normal minds whatever that may be.
Micheal Peay Jan 2016
Sitting here in my chair holding my two little gifts. I see the one so very smart and full of jokes, he is a clever one and can only be my loving son. The other gift sitting with me now so small yet feisty and without any fear, clearly that can only be the daughter I love being so sweet to me. These two miracles are the best of me, an enduring legacy.   I will teach them right from wrong, raise them right with love in their hearts and passion on their minds.  I cannot fail this mission in life for these two souls are my shining star light, and others beware if you mess with these two because Daddy is a Monster when you try to harm those I cherish.  So little ones learn all you can, become doctors or lawyers or whatever under the sun, just give it your all and enjoy what you do.  Be loving and kind, not just to others but to one another.  Your brother and sister and it's true...Daddy loves both of you all the way to the moon.
Micheal Peay Jan 2016
It's time to sleep my little buddy, The day is done and you've had your fun.
You have built great fortresses and battled the unending hordes, but now it's time to rest my little warrior.  The battles won and the day is saved and it's time for you to hit the hay. I know you feel it's o so unfair,  "going to bed now, but I'm a big boy I am three" I shake my head and sigh with the experience of age, I already know the lie.  "I'm not even tired you'll say" but it will be chased by a yawn and a rub if the eye and I'll know that my hunch of a feeling was on the bulls-eye.  Tussling your hair and tucking you in tight I'll tell you how much I love you and turn out the light.  I'm sure you will think as you lay in that bed all alone that Daddy has left you all alone. But fear not my son because even though I am not beside you, you are always on my mind.  I will be near ready to spring into action no matter the fear. I love you my son and I shall never leave you unprotected, so rest now my son and have no fear.
Micheal Peay Jan 2016
I see you there above the rest waiting for whatever’s left
Watching you from a far waiting for sleep to take me to a place where I can dream
A place where dreams are whatever we want and the outcome of life is not a matter of chance
But a place of unfathomable options and fairy tale like outcomes
I never want to wake up and leave the palace I built in my dreams
Because it’s the one place I know you see me for what I want to be and not who I am
A peasant of life searching for a queen, staring at the stars only to slip in the mud and crash into reality
But every time I sleep I will be back into that place where my life is much sweeter and you are my queen.
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