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550 · Aug 2013
Sealed in Love
I tell the heart what to think,
i tell the heart what to feel,
but its ruthless blind decision,
sent it on its own erand,
to there where it ravages lie,
there where it woes are designed.

In its engulfment its grips flee,
at the aura of your presence it vulnerability emerged.
In thorn and jaded i gathered my nights,
my eyes goes on erand, when all goes to slumber,
counting painstakingly numbers of my ceiling.

At the brightning of your teeth
when they are uncovered from your smiles,
all host my sleepless night.
At the ogle of your eyes
my heart looses its defences,
in this ocean where my heart swims in your thought i write,
from the dawn i set my gaze on you,
my heart knows no pleasure in rest.
545 · Sep 2013
strange touch
I stood,i crawled,i walked,i ran.
Till i fell in frazzel,
Ahead i stood in staring,
But the long distance stucked me in discouragement.

I pushed in fatique ankles
My body became heavier than i can bear,
I felt my soul leaving me,
As my body combat with my spirit.

I was already letting go,
Till i felt the touch from behind.
A touch so cold as of snow.
Cold winds blew into my ears,
As strength dazzled into my bones.

All that left me came back.
As i woke in the new strength.
I felt the touch so cold.
Yes a strange touch,
The touch of an Angel am sure.
542 · Nov 2013
My Heart Your Home
You hav another home
You live somewher else
You are seen in two different places at a time
You have a home in me
You are a tenant in my Heart
Everywhere i go you go with me
you are the tenant whose stay will never due
I need you in my world.
541 · Nov 2013
Weeping Soul
Why is my heart fetching on sorrows?
Why is the breath in my nostril
conterminated with the exhales of grief
Why is this melancholy sounds
within my spirit?
why is my heart singing sorrow?

upon whose grimaces does my smile sinks?
who is this singing sorrowfull songs
in the land where joy dwells

upon whose call does my joy vanish?
Who is this that whispers sorrow to my spirit?
upon whose touch i am
eerie shrieked???

Who is this that sings woe to my day?

Who pleasure in the raining of my tears?!
541 · May 2016
Lust Cell
These soothings,
These enchanting fragrances,
These attires and transparent raiments,
These ogles on lush lashes brow,

These ****,sweet moist red lips
These hips good for pleasure,
These edges and curves
These damsels tall and slender,

These pointed shinning dangling ******* revealing,
These frontliners,these back set ups.
These wet lips as of Jazeebel's,
These provoking hips as of waves of oceans,
These hot thighs peeping through transparent leggings,
Hell bound me in lust,
These daughters of Jazeebel hold me a prisoner in a lust cell.
i see much temptation than i contain.
540 · Sep 2016
Were we made to go this same way?
Were we made to journey this same path?
We've come way too far on this long road.
We've felt same way,
We've felt same tide, same wave, same passion.
We've known same pain and gain,
How long will we go?
How many more miles we must count?

The wind will sing in cold whisper,
The sky will fade from bright to dark.
The nightingale will resign from melody sound,
The moon may not shine in the dark sky,
The night will become lonely and strange.

But don't worry, for as far as fate can lead,
We'll follow, side by side.
Like oceans and waves
Like summer and winter.
Like the wind and the rain.
Nothing shall plunder this gift of love we hold so dear.
535 · Aug 2013
With open eyes
we gaze at things visible,
in smiles of disguise,deep wounds,
pines within are covered.

In learning we dare not go beyond
our imagination,
and the content of our skull.
All we hear around us is whispering,
in conversation and sharing
we learn that leads our path.

In sentimental feelings we go the loner path.
In giving we learn not to withhold,
we see others through us
we see ourselves through our dealings.
527 · Jul 2013
To them that Killeth
**** **** ****
you that loves to
but separate breath from
your brother's

**** **** ****,
you thats afraid
of death
but forced your
to embrace the
horrors of its

**** **** ****
you thats afraid
of pain and
but forced your
to lie where
pain's the Bed
torment's the pillow

**** **** ****,
you that can't
decide what
holds the next

you that flee from where pain calls,
you that hides your head in safety
but ensnared your brother's
you that seeks for pleasures of life,
but made your brothers go in torments
**** **** ****
you that's at the
arms of misery
but pleaded for
at the lowest  tone of your
but showeth not
to your brother
whom you killed
**** **** ****
you thats afraid
of death.
The man you
killed was your
526 · Jan 2015
Dousy burnt world,
Ruthlessly ravaged.
Misery misfortune gathering the preys.
Green grassland defeated of inferno.
Creatures blacker without flesh,
of sordid blast bomb.

Lives gone,treasures lost.
Oceans dried.
Atmosphere of smoke,
Horrow rained and reigned
Few creatures are left trackless.

Songs of Bomb,
Vapours of disaster,
Humans as sheep without shephard.
Catastrophically creatures chase safety.
Indeed the dream was no good.
I had a dream,
It was no good,
It was disasterous.
513 · Aug 2013
When Am Gone
When am gone
i will be like the wind

When am gone
i will know freedom
like wind sings

When am gone
i will be free
in freedom i wll be with them in white.

When am gone
when am gone

No! No! I don't want to go
the dark lane beneath!
I don't want to go the eeries road.

But when am gone
sands of time shall celebrate
and echo my name in one tune,
for the mark made un-erased.

When am gone
when am gone
in freedom i will be free.
511 · Jun 2016
It came as fresh as never
Serene, atmosphere hosting gratitude,
There is elation of love in the air.
There is sound of melody in songs,
It is the Era we laid haste and wait,
The dream we don't wanna wake.
She is the story we don't want to end.
The garden we leave not in haste,
She is the pride of her clan, as Joseph to the rest eleven.

I care for nothing that the aura of her presence,
I care for nothing than the gaze of her eyes.
I care for nothing than the echo of her voice,
She, with me is everything, nothing Matters to me.
Her children are desires of hearts beautiful and lovely full of reasons ,
Other women envy her,
She is not above, for pride is not her kind,
She is not beneath so non can trample on her Dignity.
It is JUNE!
It is JUNE!
It is June I love.
505 · Sep 2016
Go deep fade away and leave me be,
Your friendship was but sorrow to them that have long known you before now.
You've followed me way too long on forlorn road,
Right from my infant you've clinged way too well than blood to veins and bark to trees.

Leave and return no more, not in my quietude, should you  be found like lost coin in day of lack
For all we've been, We've had no pleasure but pain,
You held but dirge for all that have known you.
You were the strange story told of them,
A story so dark and scary that hearts feared to hold.

You were the solemn whisper from the cold evening wind,
Evening touched by sorrow and despair.
You have no good sound but of sorrow and pain
Your melodies count but threnody, elegy, coronach, requiem, and lament.

Go farther in million miles and be lost in seasons gone by, lest your tone resound in my solitude,
You eerie note of evil whisper and solemn sound
That sink in deep the soul and spirit.
Our union should never be spoken in words nor be told in tales of time.

For I myself shall tell no story for us, neither will I lay to heart all that we've had in time well lost.
I shall trace no more the path we once trod.
Go, sink deep far away be lost in oblivion,
You the perfect stranger long known by misery,
The solemn friend of the doomed.
491 · Aug 2013
The Urge
The loner path,
where my footfall is heard,
there it came calling
the urge that i on my own hand fall,
i wouldn't dare atall, i wouldn't dare.
For the glories of tomorrow
i long to behold,
so i wouldn't dare.

When present predicament is forgotten,
in the grave where the remains of yesterday
is laid to rise no more.
Though the urge came calling as of the wind of the west,
yet i wouldn't dare atall,i wouldnt dare.
For the glories of tomorrow i long to behold.
So i wouldn't dare.
Our son has gone to reunite with his wife,
she left us not long ago,
She left in haste without saying goodbye.
She was young and unaged lovely to behold.
She was unwell stricken by the rough rod of
She journeyed in sorrow to the white Lords,
The ones who have communed with all
To know the answer to all pains.
She left to meet.
He saw her leaving and bade farewell,
Awaiting her return in wholesomeness of
being having healed.
The day came, strange with Eerie note, it
was a day of despair and desolation,
A day of misery and the depth of sorrow,
A day of dirge and elegy.
Our wife has come home,
The love of our son has returned.
She came a different being motionless,
Borne on the shoulders of men in black.
The wife of our son has come a heroine,
She has come on a different tone.
She was his girlfriend, the girl of his youth.
The mother of his children.
The only true joy he has ever known.
We saw son our son's life leaving him,
Our son who was our source of joy,
A leader in the game of men in nations,
A legend whose kick and lead has brought
us victories by him we won trophies.
Our own son has left us in sorrow to reunite
with his wife.
The lady of his youth, the Love of his life.
Our son has chosen the hand of his love
from the world beyond,
Leaving behind careless his innocent
children, the very fruit of his Union.
Our son has left us in pain and sorrow,
He left us a legend, a hero,
Our son has gone the way of his wife.
Our son has gone home!
we lost our footbool legend and hero to the cold hands of death six months after he lost his wife
I dont know when the world will end.
  i will give it all as blood runs through my veins.
i will do all i have to do now!
no! I won't waite for tomorrow, it may never come.
if i say now,its all i've got.
If i say tomorrow it may never come.
And yesterday that is gone forever,and never to be seen
i don't know when the world will end!
please dally a little, i plea!
let my container be emptied
so that i return with nothing back home.
let it be given out, all that've recieved within,
before the roll is called up yonder.
Please dally a little while
i wait for no season,
i wait for no hour,
i wait for no moment.
All i do is now!
That moment may never be born,
that day may never dawn,
all i do is now!
For i know not when the world will end.
465 · Jan 2015
Dousy burnt world,
Ruthlessly ravaged.
Miserable misfortune gathering the preys.
Green grassland defeated by inferno.
Creatures blacker without flesh,
of sordid of blast bomb.

Lives gone,treasures lost.
Oceans dried.
Atmosphere of smoke,
Horror rained and reigned
Few creatures are left trackless.

Songs of doom,
Vapours of disaster,
Humans as sheep without shepard.
Catastrophically creatures chase safety.
Indeed the dream was no good.
I had a dream,
It was no good,
It was disasterous.
462 · Nov 2014
Am all alone,
The world is empty,
I've searched for long,
I've found none.

Alone in here.
Alone in the world
Am all alone!
My street knows my lone footfall,
Even my bed can tell of no other skin felt.
Am all alone.

The wind bears me witness,
The sky sees me in loneshade.
Even the winter reminds me of aloness,
When its cold hands fondles me.

Now,even now i know!
The world is empty!
I've searched and found none,
Am all alone in here.
Alone in the world.
461 · Jun 2016
Nurtured Evil
Go child,
Go, ravage his belongings
Destroy his household.
Go for I'm right behind you
I'm the the womb which conceived you
The heart which cared for your Infant child.
Go without turning back.
So on he we went
With burning fury flames
Burnt his neighbor's goods
Ravaged his household in total destruction.
Without turning back, sparing none left
When he was done with same fire burning
No goods out to destroy,
He returned home with same furious flames,
Then said to his mother ;
This place also is not good in my eyes,
I will destroy it with flames of fire and
tomorrow build another.
She rendered her best to halting the trend,
But he was furious beyond curbing.
The evil she sold out ,
She bought in return in sorrow.
For Life is a seed, sow today and reap
460 · May 2014
When will i stop pouring lines of broken heart poems?
When will i be free from this foe?
When will i know love for love?
When will my love be reciprocated?

When will i like other's be of good cheers in love?
many i've desired for love but none has ever for my love embraced.
I'm like one tree in a desert.
In the world of many yet Lonelines have me his bed mate.

Everyday i look at many beauty faces,
they make my desire spreads like an oak tree,
and my feelings flow like stream.
The cold evening wind whispers me sardonic,

When the night is dark and still am held in the quiet, in loneliness arm.
453 · Apr 2016
Christ the reason
For all under the sun
For all I hope and dream off
For all trust and the depth of hope I hold
I see joy beyond human comprehension
For Christ is the reason for my adoration

The breath in my nostrils
The sound of joy in my ears
The reflection of love in my eyes
The thought of peace that dwells within me
There is no other reason but Christ

Under the midnight fear
I have no fear
For Christ is all I care
He is the treasure I hold so dear
He is the reason why am here

I sing the song of hope
And dance the beat of gladness
I have melodies in my soul
For Christ is all I hope
When all melodies are gone
And sorrow is song
In him alone I can be strong
For in Christ I'm born
For Jesus Christ is the reason for my living
448 · Feb 2014
I do care!
Only if you know what believe is
you can clinge to it!

I do care!
In every little sleep
In every slumbering of my nostril
For every dream of me
For every mile i've gone

I do care!
I never left you behind my memories
as blood to veins,
as flesh to bones,
as hair to skin,
as clothe to body,
so you're to me!

More than my own life
I care for you!
444 · Feb 2014
Oh! Sudden hurt!
Why your grips haven't left?
Why do you resident in my heart?
You're but a guest,your stay is due!

Oh! You the reason for my
Why do you distant your heart from me?
You,whose touch,my senses delight.
At the sound of your suave footfall,
In the fragrance of your presence,
In the sweet smelling of your skin,
my nose swims,am in Heaven!

Why suddenly you wave for goodbye?
Oh! This somber lane I eerie dare not go!
You thought me the way of love.
You whispered peace to my troubled heart.
When you're with me,the world is a garden of roses.
The beauty of all eyes.
Go not far away from me!
Hold me by hands,
Take me to Lovers isle where you resident!
For i'm not strong,
I have no hold over myself!
442 · Jun 2017
Born in June (an ode)
Rare gems born of Mankind gifts to humanity.
Perfections of heaven's creations.
Angels with hidden wings earth's tenants.
Like petals of flowers pride of the garden,
As to irokos the standing glories of the forest,
So they are in the land of men exalted.

They are tenacious, judicious, meticulous and courageous.
Lovable, adorable, teachable but indomitable.
As melody to songs,
Music to souls,
And Whispers to evening wind.
So they are to mother June.

Gentle and kind sophisticated and phenomenal.
Their hearts are but of gold and ways divine.
They are road pointers, Motion movers,
Light bearers and trailblazers.
They are attention commanders, collections of respect.
Epitomes of beauty narrations of handsome tales.

They are the codeless code of pleasure locked in a wordless wonder,
The hive of treasure no dragon can plunder.
We are the Junites born of mankind,
Gifts to humanity.
442 · Jan 2014
After nine months of slumbering
I awoke in tears as i wept
I never wanted to dwell here
where pain and sorrow endures
Here where all we do is dig our own graves
Here where greed and creed for wealth tread upon our self-values
Here where we mourn in agony and despair

Here where sands and magot tell the worth of men.!
Here we hunt and labour all to vain gain!
Why all this?

Why the fight to live when life's but walking shadow
I never begged for space,
why then the need for shelter?
I never had the world of my own!
I never had the belief of mine
All that i met i'm but a follower.

The lived before who were part of the status quo
teaches of no different life to live
They teach me my actions.
Yes! Children of freedom we're called
Yet! but to freedom we're but strangers

We're bound in our own prison.
I never was given to choice
I never wanted to be part of you!

I never chose my way,
I never chose my colour
I never chose my religion
i never chose nothing of mine
But fate did!
440 · Jul 2013
I don't want to grow old,
Time fades,seasons run,
moment passes by
little by little ages are gathered.
I don't want to grow old,
Older ones ages
Aged ones are laid to rest,
No! No! No!
I don't want to grow old
i want to be forever accompanied by youthful pleasures.
I want to be known by freedom,
than birds in the air.
I don't want to shave bears,
i don't want to see wrinkles
i don't want to retire,
i don't want to be forgotten!
No! No! No!
I dont want to grow old!.
Give me all the times,
give me all the moments
give me all the seasons,
And let me live on....
No! No! No!
I don't want to grow old.
438 · Dec 2014

Laughing in sorrow!
Merriment in misery!
Pleasure in pain!
Without culture!
They are people without culture!
437 · Jul 2013
School Boy Lover
School is closed
children yells
all cheers and noises everywhere
dust of feet spreads like whirlwinds
everyone is delight longing for mother's meal
at home,all rushes to go
but here i am feeling unhappy
wishing we could continue
how fast time fly???
Can't believe school hour is gone
at the gaze of thy sight aches my heart
can't go home alone
love sick i feel all over me
come please!!!
Come walk with me
till the location of our destination
separates us to two paths
until morrow when i shall see your face again
goodbye my school lover.
435 · Jan 2015
My infant heart



I have grown up before i learned to call my mum,mum.
434 · Jan 2014
Empty Wind
The long distance you keep
The gap between our heart
The track i couldn't trace to reach you
Are the reasons for this illness

This lonely tune i echo
The tears in my heart
The weakness in my motions
all set for my musing

I searched for you in all the Earths
on the chariot of the winds
I travelled to the sky
I went to the moon
I visited the stars
I asked them about you
None has the knowledge of you.

You came and took me away from myself
leaving me here half way
in this lonely ocean of endless swimming
Standing on the edge of time my hurdle

I couldn't get to where you're
Too much, the distance between us.
For everything of me
Everything i do
all i think about is you!
Come in haste lest this grievious heart be ground
429 · Aug 2013
The Even
Out of rage he rose to smite his brother.
What strength lie your arms?
He is but slave to foolish rulership,
what power have you? I asked?

Out of rage he stared at me
as of one having power of armageddon.
We're all but men lost in the battles of life.
Your brother who is to be strength to your arms
you smote!

You built your doom,
you've broken your defences,
your woe is upon you!
Can you hear the cold whispers of the wind?
Can you hear the screaming of your brother
from the shallow grave where you buried him?

Behold your foes are come upon you!
Today you shall visit your brother,
you will embrace the path you forced him to lay down.
You will be made even with your brother!

The misery arms with which you smote your brother
is come upon you!
He screamed for mercy,
but to deaf ears heard!
The arms of misery was upon him.
And his end crawled to him
and was swallowed up.
By the works of his hand
the location of his destination was built for Him.
426 · Jul 2013
Empty Night
On this lonely night
i know not sleep
in thinking of you
my heart knows brokeness
sitted upon my lips broken songs of loneliness
om my radio tuned i to listen
all i hear is missing you
tears rolled down my eyes
weakness i feel all over me
your grips on me so firmly
do you feel what i feel?
do you hear what i hear?
Whispering sounds of love songs
all i hear from the winds of time
your place in my heart
is no other suitable
come! mop my tears with your silky hairs
let your lips kiss away my loneliness
let me know wholeness from the warmth of your
come to me!!
Come to me!!
My darling you.
419 · Aug 2016
I waited for these men and their relentless activities like ants in dry days seeking food left over.
I surely waited to be  hosted in a lone deal like a lover hopefully waiting to be melted in the arms of her love.

I waited still with ready heart like lion awaits its prey to be subdued for pleasure meal.
I waited with hard frowned face Laden like a darkly atmosphere before a heavy downpour.

I waited with one mind like the hope of a maiden in child's Labour before delivery.
I waited like the hope of fading drying leaves waiting for rainfall under a sunny cloud to live on and count more days.

I waited in vain for these men who have buried themselves lost in their own desires.
I waited thinking they'll remember me, but I waited in vain My plea never counted a thing before them.
All for them I waited in vain.
416 · Aug 2014
Multitude of days has fallen by,
The travellers have returned in numbers,
The pictures are painted.
Dreamers have woken up

    Where have you hidden your face?

The time is set,the hour is come,
My heart is ready,
My kingdom is built in total completion,
Will i be of no queen host?

Where have you hidden your face?!!

My heart is melted,I've waited to frazzle
I've  waited with longing eyes,
with burning passion!
The sun is set and the night is dark
Solitude tales are told of me.
Where have you hidden your face?
    Where have you been?
Will i with eyes behold not your reflections again?
Until the night turns day
I'll wait,I'll wait with hope!
I've known her for a while and have fallen in love with her,it's been long a while,i've not seen her,schools have gone on vacation still she hasn't come,i can't wait to see her again,for i love her with the love thats more than love .
413 · Jan 2014
Venom of Love
If my heart feels can i deny?
Even if i run can i hide
As the sound of your voice stings like venom
And your whisper like an arrow through the heart
If your skin then burn like wide fire
Am i not the victim?
You're the chain of my bound.
You're the cold of my shivering
The reason for my heart beat
You're the thorn in my heart
I care not for whom you've been with
I care not for whom you've sold your heart to
The ransom, i can pay at any cost
Only come,quench this thirst deep within.
412 · Aug 2013
I care for nothing
than the sound of your voice.
I care for nothing
than the echoes of your name.

I care for nothing
than the aura of your presence.
I care for nothing
than the stares of your bright eyes.
You with me is everything.
Nothing matters to me anymore,
nothing matters to me.
You with me is everything
nothing matters to me.
409 · Oct 2015
Right there in the shore of the forest,
where inspiration has known me by name,
there,right there,that very place,
where my footfall is familier to the ears of sitted grasses
To that place i resigned from my comfort zone
At dawn to pay attention to nature's call.

And right there that very place,
i saw one lying blind to the beauty earth
As being no longer of this life
Am sure,he was wrung of his own soul,
The breath in his nostril has ceased,

i saw people moving with murmuring lips forming circle round about his remain,
As they whisper in strange voices unknown to me
As he laid still motionless,
Right in that thick forest where i hover around bound with head full of reasons

Right there in that forest
they conterminate with the body of one wrung of his own soul.
In time and in season i move in alas  
pondering on the cold heartedness of men,
Still am without the knowledge of his crime
For he was young and unaged.
406 · Feb 2014
I Learn!
I learn!
I learn!
These broken ways!
These forbidden feelings
These blue songs my radio know to sing.

I learn!
I learn!

These rejections
These hurts
These agonies
Like leaves nigh burning flames
My heart wither

They are my foes,my heart desires
That! Which i flee,i'm gripped by.
Save! Oh! Heaven, save!
This ocean of rejection i'm drown.
403 · Jul 2013
Everything I do.
Everything i have i give,
nothing  left with me that've not given,
i am lost in the search of you.
Satto-voce i whispered your name.
From deep within your thought travails,
should there be need for sacrifice,
here my life is, take it.
I will sacrifice,i will give it all.
For In you i've known the pleasure of living,
if it is care,i care than i love mylife.
Everything of me is yours,
come, take me,do with me as you please.
Love is blind,they say,
but in loving you am not only blind,
i am deaf,blind,senseless and defenceless.
For the things i've known am ignorant of,
what else can i give?
What else do you need.
If after all this,there still no love,
what hope lie for me?
What pleasure have you in my pain?
For how long shall light and dark gather my days in woe from your love unreturned?
Here is my hand, will you take it?
Or will you leave me and walk away?
As i dance the misery tune of  a rejected Love?
Hit,hit bang us
We fear no pain,
It's the life we live
We're like the dust of the earth.
From us you're made,like Eve from Adam.
     We're blacks,we're strong

You can kiss us,a betrayal kiss,
Yet we're indomitable.
You can inject us with infectious diseases.
Unto death we love not our own lives.
Even in the face of death we mock fear!
Life itself is pain,we care not for pleasure!

We are necessary part of you
Deep inside of you,like blood to veins.
You can nickname us disgustfully,
Yet we rule you,from the dreams of our yesterdays hero,the freedom warlord.

You can take the world,
Take it,design it to your wish and taste!
We'ill build our own.
Anywhere we go we're home!
We're blacks,we're the strength of the world!
The pride of the universe!
The pillers of the earth!.
393 · Apr 2015
Love unend
If your heart is a cell,
take me for a lifetime,
down beneath the cell
let me find joy and stay,
until the end of forever,
let there be no end.

Time will fail,
Beauty will fade,
Even ages will get tired,
but my love for you will be until the end of all ages.
Until the end of forever.
390 · Jul 2013
Before we Write
We tend to see what others dont
we tend to hear what others dont
we tend to know what others dont
...........who are we?
We tend to think when others dont
we tend to reason when others dont
we tend to observe when others dont
............who are we?
We are awake when others are asleep
we are lonely even in the multitudes of companion
we whisper when others scream
we scream when others whisper
............who are we?
We cry when others laugh
we laugh when others cry
our madness,our folly is mystery to all
...........who are we?
Anything can teach us
little action we can define
gentle and soft in feelings
we value love
we value feelings
we value trust
............who are we?
We are deep thinkers!
We are writers!
We are poets
in the arms of philosophical gatherings!!!.
Come now lets weep in accord!
Now that our hearts merry,
Lets travel,the forlorn way
Now that our oness' inseparable!
Come now! Oh! My love come.
Lets for the broken hearts disco dance.
Now that our hearts sing melodies.

For surely i know soon.
It shall dawn upon the face of the sky,
When your last kiss will be for last.
When your wave will be for goodbye!
Come now! Lets play forlornly,
now that we are one bound in Love.
Before the dawn of solitude tale be told!
Come my love,lets try this somber path,
Now that our love shines bright like diamond in the sky.
387 · Jun 2015
They are special children born of mankind.
They are unique kind of people.
They are historical children,
Best of the Best

They are treasures to homes
Pride of the family.
They are beautiful,lovable,kind and keen.
Rhythms of songs,
Melodies of souls.

They are emotional,industrious,innovative and creative.
They are gentle,calm and kind.
They are unique kind of people,golden jewelries.
They are the junites born in june,
Gifts to mankind.

11th june is my birthday and
13th june is my mother's birthday
383 · Jan 2014
Am Sorry
Once again am sorry
for all the wrongs i've taken to be right
for all the corrections i shun
for all the little respects i didn't give
for the blind path i've taken
For all the tears i've made fall your brows

sorry,sorry,i'm so sorry
for all the pains i put you through
for the consequences of my actions you borne
sorry for all the things i've made wrong
sorry for being part of your pains and grieves
I will make all things right
i will give my best
i will play my roll
i will make it up to you
i promise,yes i mean it.
382 · Aug 2013
living without you
My heart changes,
i used to think of you,
i used to feel for you,
i used to dream of you,
i used to love you,
yes thats no lie.

It seems all is gone to sleep
where awakning embraces no hope,
with your careless move
you pushed me away.
On this lonely path
i've been waiting for you.

You never showed up,
you never cares
you never bothered,
with time i learn to let go,
i learn to live without you,
i might love you no more,
but i still care for you.
Goodbye my love.
376 · Sep 2016
Come nearer and closer,
Take my hands and hold a lifetime
Come lets move to the other side.
Where life is new and pure void of human stain,
Right there at the other side.
We'll build our world a paradise of heaven
Right at the other side we'll live our dream.
369 · Jan 2014
In my dream
You appear in my dreams
Every night
in the garden of your love my residence is
You are the subject of my imaginations
You are in the air that i breath

You are the pang in my heart
The Apple of my eyes
As blood flows in my veins so you are to me
in my heart you tenants
in my dreams you live

I saw you last night
Yes i saw you
You appeared in my dreams
You trance my daylight
i breathe you
i dream you
You live in me
365 · Oct 2014
How can dreams be willing to intrude
In the sleep where horrow prepares the bed
And misery sets the pillow?
How can the days of laughter be willing to unfold
when each day we teaches with fingers of misery?

How can melodies be found in our rhythm
when we're perfect dancers of wailing beat?

How can pleasure be known
in the land where pain occupys a monarchy seat?
How can the days of joy be willing to intrude
When our nights and days are conterminated by the darkness of our imagination?

To which tune  will we dance
When misery beats and sorrow sounds?

When will we board the plane of progress
When we speed without light?

Except character with good conducts prevails,
Except selflessness and sacrifice hulls greed and selfishness out of our camp
all we hold as a nation will soon come to end.
364 · Jul 2013
Pleading for Love
Here am i pleading for love,
though i do not know you but i think of you.
I do not know you but i long for you,
i do not know you but i dream of you,
i do not know you but i have falling for you.
I do not know you but i hope to do so soon.
Yes, i await to feel the aura of your presence.
My heart is plain open,
my heart thinks of you,
my heart wish you well.
Yes it merries at the tone of your voice
You've found a place from my within!!!
Distance may keep us far away,
but each time i hear your voice,i feel you around me
Don't walk away from me!
Don't push me away,
Don't tell me to go!
here am i on my kneel!!!!.
Pleading for love.
363 · Jul 2014
Enemies of humanity
Humanly clothed
Roaring lions in sheep clothings
They are demons amidst angels

   Enemies of humanity

They are traitors in our territories
Which we do not know of
They enjoy the delicacies of our meals
Lay on same bed with us  

  They are enemies of humanity

In their arms we're ensnared
In our own town we're held prisoners
At their scenes of play:
  we mourn our siblings
  our fathers yell in grieves
  our mothers weep in deep sorrows
   they are enemies of humanity
They are the children of our yesterday
left miserably in the arms of vulnerability
They are the nightmares we've known in our sleeps

They are the monsters we created with our hands
The graves we dug for ourselves

Our rhythm will beat
we will know no rest until
we treat the messes of our yesterday!
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