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Jan 2021 · 183
Beyond words,
Beyond lines and letters can scribble,
Beyond stanzas and pages
Even beyond chapters of books

I've loved you😭😭

Beyond hurt and aches,
Beyond brokenness of heart
Beyond fears and doubts
Even beyond trust,

I've always loved you😖😖

Beyond the hilltops,
Beyond the heights of mountains
Beyond the depths of seas
Even beyond the universe

I've loved you.

Beyond times and seasons,
Beyond moments of life
Beyond dreams and visions
And for all eternity

I'd wanted to love you.

Until you left me broken and broken.
Was truly broken
Jan 2021 · 145
Bitter sweet

How do I behold the stars again in the beauty of their shine when your reflection is no longer found in them?

How will the sun ever brighten my days when it is beclouded with the paleness of your bade goodbye?

How do I thread this path alone when the sound of your footsteps no longer echo beside me?

How will I ever take pleasure from hearing the sound of my name again when your most charming sound of voice no longer say it?

How will life ever be lively when you have taken all its liveliness with you?

My eyes long for the sight of you in vain,

My ears listen endlessly for the melody of your songs when you sang me lullaby.

Where once I had pleasure now I have pain.

Where once I had laughter now I have musing.

The very path we once gladly treaded is now forlornly followed.

You were my pleasure but now my pain!
You were the sweetest but now bitterest
Na heart break cause am
Jan 2021 · 124

Hear me now that is silent over me.

You are in my thought like the water in the coconut inseparable.

Hear me now and listen to the unspoken words of my deep silences.

A new season has been hatched just like the mother hen.

We don't know if it be **** or hen but time unravels all puzzles.

Hear me now that is silent over me. Somehow and even somehow your love is found in my heart.

Your gait and gaze have subdued my desires.
The radiant complexion on your skin has mirrored my heart into illusions.

I'm charmed by the fragrances of your presence and the tenderness of your mild voice.

Speak to my listening heart like the charming whispers of the evening wind.

Your passing breeze and your heart beat cause my heart to dance forever like the flowers of the garden in an everlasting pendulum to the rhythms of the wind.

Do not be distant from me and let not our connection have disruption.

Once you appear in my dream now appear in my world.
Jun 2017 · 441
Born in June (an ode)
Rare gems born of Mankind gifts to humanity.
Perfections of heaven's creations.
Angels with hidden wings earth's tenants.
Like petals of flowers pride of the garden,
As to irokos the standing glories of the forest,
So they are in the land of men exalted.

They are tenacious, judicious, meticulous and courageous.
Lovable, adorable, teachable but indomitable.
As melody to songs,
Music to souls,
And Whispers to evening wind.
So they are to mother June.

Gentle and kind sophisticated and phenomenal.
Their hearts are but of gold and ways divine.
They are road pointers, Motion movers,
Light bearers and trailblazers.
They are attention commanders, collections of respect.
Epitomes of beauty narrations of handsome tales.

They are the codeless code of pleasure locked in a wordless wonder,
The hive of treasure no dragon can plunder.
We are the Junites born of mankind,
Gifts to humanity.
Sep 2016 · 502
Go deep fade away and leave me be,
Your friendship was but sorrow to them that have long known you before now.
You've followed me way too long on forlorn road,
Right from my infant you've clinged way too well than blood to veins and bark to trees.

Leave and return no more, not in my quietude, should you  be found like lost coin in day of lack
For all we've been, We've had no pleasure but pain,
You held but dirge for all that have known you.
You were the strange story told of them,
A story so dark and scary that hearts feared to hold.

You were the solemn whisper from the cold evening wind,
Evening touched by sorrow and despair.
You have no good sound but of sorrow and pain
Your melodies count but threnody, elegy, coronach, requiem, and lament.

Go farther in million miles and be lost in seasons gone by, lest your tone resound in my solitude,
You eerie note of evil whisper and solemn sound
That sink in deep the soul and spirit.
Our union should never be spoken in words nor be told in tales of time.

For I myself shall tell no story for us, neither will I lay to heart all that we've had in time well lost.
I shall trace no more the path we once trod.
Go, sink deep far away be lost in oblivion,
You the perfect stranger long known by misery,
The solemn friend of the doomed.
Sep 2016 · 794

Go deep fade away and leave me be,
Your friendship was but sorrow to them that have long known you before now.
You've followed me way too long on forlorn road,
Right from my infant you've clinged way too well than blood to veins and bark to trees.

Leave and return no more, not in my quietude, should you  be found like lost coin in day of lack
For all we've been, We've had no pleasure but pain,
You held but dirge for all that have known you.
You were the strange story told of them,
A story so dark and scary that hearts feared to hold.

You were the solemn whisper from the cold evening wind,
Evening touched by sorrow and despair.
You have no good sound but of sorrow and pain
Your melodies count but threnody, elegy, coronach, requiem, and lament.

Go farther in million miles and be lost in seasons gone by, lest your tone resound in my solitude,
You eerie note of evil whisper and solemn sound
That sink in deep the soul and spirit.
Our union should never be spoken in words nor be told in tales of time.

For I myself shall tell no story for us, neither will I lay to heart all that we've had in time well lost.
I shall trace no more the path we once trod.
Go, sink deep far away be lost in oblivion,
You the perfect stranger long known by misery,
The solemn friend of the doomed.
Sep 2016 · 358
The day is young.
The wind is still.
The neighborhoods quiet.
The sky is thick and darkly heavy.
There's cold as of ice within and out
The feet that set out returned in haste.
The clothes on the rope keep swinging.
Fowls and goats and dogs all begin to run helter skelter.
Suddenly there is sound of little little stones on my zinc rooftop like children playing with sand.
It is the sound of rain,like the August rain.
It is still early in the morning and it's raining.
Sep 2016 · 536
Were we made to go this same way?
Were we made to journey this same path?
We've come way too far on this long road.
We've felt same way,
We've felt same tide, same wave, same passion.
We've known same pain and gain,
How long will we go?
How many more miles we must count?

The wind will sing in cold whisper,
The sky will fade from bright to dark.
The nightingale will resign from melody sound,
The moon may not shine in the dark sky,
The night will become lonely and strange.

But don't worry, for as far as fate can lead,
We'll follow, side by side.
Like oceans and waves
Like summer and winter.
Like the wind and the rain.
Nothing shall plunder this gift of love we hold so dear.
Sep 2016 · 373
Come nearer and closer,
Take my hands and hold a lifetime
Come lets move to the other side.
Where life is new and pure void of human stain,
Right there at the other side.
We'll build our world a paradise of heaven
Right at the other side we'll live our dream.
Sep 2016 · 723
........LOVE FORGONE.......

Let me go far away and be,
Since the land is not good for me ,
I don't want to stay here to behold your face
And be consumed in much passion,
In the flames of your eyes i melt.
You're my joy and my reasons for gladness
You are my weakness and my strength,
Am without hold when am with you.
Thus let me go far away and be,
I might smoulder, I might fade into oblivion.
The charm upon your face,the flames in your gaze ,I fall like a shooting star.
Sep 2016 · 341
The wind is still,
The cloud is dark,
The sky is heavy
There is strange quietude in all the hoods
Silence enough to bury a child in deep fear
Suddenly there is a great sound like the scary feet of ten thousand matching soldiers everywhere,sound so strong and terrific,
Both on top of the roofs and on land .
It is the sound of a heavy rain.
Rain so fury as of the era of Noah,
So it rains heavily, very heavy.
Rain enough to float a ship,so it rains.
Aug 2016 · 577
I wake at night and think about my love.
I reach for my phone and call my love.
My love did not answer my call,
I sent my love a text,
My love did not reply.
I stop, I stand, I sit as all hope is lost.

Suddenly there's darkness all around me.
A darkness blacker than hundred midnights.
A fearful night beyond the shock of nightmares.
From within I hear a song, a most solemn song
A sad side song of lost hope.
My song is but a dirge without my love.
Aug 2016 · 416
I waited for these men and their relentless activities like ants in dry days seeking food left over.
I surely waited to be  hosted in a lone deal like a lover hopefully waiting to be melted in the arms of her love.

I waited still with ready heart like lion awaits its prey to be subdued for pleasure meal.
I waited with hard frowned face Laden like a darkly atmosphere before a heavy downpour.

I waited with one mind like the hope of a maiden in child's Labour before delivery.
I waited like the hope of fading drying leaves waiting for rainfall under a sunny cloud to live on and count more days.

I waited in vain for these men who have buried themselves lost in their own desires.
I waited thinking they'll remember me, but I waited in vain My plea never counted a thing before them.
All for them I waited in vain.
Aug 2016 · 552
For the flames of your gaze
For the flora in your eyes
For the dimple on your cheek
For the savory moist on your lips
For the soft sound of your voice,
For the ivory Bangle on your wrist
I seek to burn,
I seek to reside in your emotions.
I pine for your love
To be consumed in your passion
To be in your world forever.
To be lost in the euphoria of your sweet surrender.
You're the tale that's etched upon my palms.
The candle that's lit for me.
The desire of my heart.
Aug 2016 · 268
Where do broken hearts go?
Where do broken hearts go?
    To that camp where lonely wind blows and the stretched green grasses bend to let it pass.
To there where lonely camp host men of shattered hearts of consumed passion.
To that land where tunes of solemn songs echo and hearts wither like dying roses.

Where do broken hearts go?
      To that land where tales of love legends are written on broken walls.
A land of cold wind and desolate Streets,
Where the standing trees of faded leaves bend to fall in deep sorrow.
To that land where chirping of birds make mockery to them of love victims.
To that land where feelings are locked behind doors and hearts bleed in aloneness.

Where do broken hearts go?
      To that Kingdom of forbidden desire and rejected feelings of hearts.
Hearts of awesome wonder beyond the values of gold.
To that Kingdom of treasures beyond the reach of men.
To that Kingdom of broken gates and shattered cities having ravaged by ruthless beings of no feelings hold.

To that land where I stand and bend and lie.
To that land where love fantasises and reality aches.

Into my very own broken heart
Where love in it is an endless cry.
Straight to my heart where passion and desire burn like flames of fire.
Aug 2016 · 258
old song
Ages well lived long gone in songs,
So sweet stories of old retold.
Swayed in sweet surrender.
Enchanting world of fantasies
In view of sight unclear
Sound of voices unheard having faded.
A beautiful adored in the sun fades in shadows.
A world unknown.
A land never lived.
A garden never planted.
Aug 2016 · 345
I shall not care
I shall not care
I won't find you I need no angelic prophesy.
I wouldn't make a searching journey.
For I shall care no more why we burn,
Though there be aches in my heart hurts and pains.
Though there be sad tone in my sound reechoed.
I shall care no more.

I shall lie no more awake while the world lull.
For your deep thought was my insomnia.
I shall  lie and rest in pleasure having known freedom.
Freedom from the cell I was long bound.
I shall sing songs of sons of pleasure.
I shall find melodies again even in blues.
My song shall be sweet angelic to heavens.
For i shall care no more why we burn.

Though I dreamed of you yesterday awake in my bed.
I cried a river for the thoughts that wouldn't cease.
I tried reaching you with much flowers.
There was no sight of you, I heard no sound of your voice.
You were long gone in oblivion lost.

Seemed the world has trekked on reverse.
Time ceased, ages faded as dried leaves on oak trees.
The spring retreated from it glorious matching drums.
I was lost in a world so close and far away.
I cease to dream,
I cease to hope,
I have tutored my heart on love defense.
I won't find you, I need no angelic prophesy.
I won't stretch for a search,
For I shall care no more why we burn.
Aug 2016 · 328
Lonely Merchant
Lonely Merchant
Drunk and drown sinking deep in burning flames of passion.
Heart in pain like lashes of rain from a heavy downpour.
I must have gone the wrong way.
The broken garden of abandoned desires.
Sitting in a jaded world of shattered hearts.
The forbidden Kingdom of lonely merchants.
Merchants of stories written on broken walls.
A stranger in a strange world.
A lone indigene.
Notes (optional)
Jul 2016 · 253
song of sorrow
Why is it so hard,
Why is it so tough,
To live the life I dreamed?
To travel the path I wanted,
Why is it so hard to keep the people I love?
Why is it so tough to hear melody in songs?
Sometimes, even from my infant, sometimes ,
Am not glad to live.
Jul 2016 · 298
Eerie note
Life came without a choice,
Life came to a land of hope desolate
bound to a people unselected fighters of war.
Buried in wearied mind heart broken.
Daring the pen of sacred ink.
The thoughts of hearts darker in solemn note.
Should I write, should I read this solemn poem.
From dark hands gone beyond?
Having fled their own soul and spirit did flee.
Leaving the wonders of life to them that love it.

I envy them of their bravery.
I linger longer than them all in such thoughts .
It melts within me heart for the people am given to love, I should have written that note and let them read over my careless soul when the spirit in its freedom spreads wings.
When the lying body makes no move,
When its sense flee no longer of this world.
This note before me should I read and stay or should I print and let them read when over me the cloudy eyes Laden with tears let pour rain of tears.
Jul 2016 · 350
Love finds way.
If love be kind tender and gentle.
If love has path let me follow,
If love has door let it open.
If love has story let me sit with ear,
If love has garden let me plant,
If love has rose let me for beauty behold and hold .

If love has a song,
If love has a world
If love has a place let me stay
Let me sing,
Let me live in its world forever.
If only love will find a way ,
let me love and know love.
If love is in your heart keep me and lock forever.
Jul 2016 · 268
Letting Go
I will live on,
Life will go on,
I will keep hoping on.
I wouldn't end
I will live happy still without you.
I will sleep and slumber .
I will dream even if it's in lonely world
I will move on far beyond where we ended

Happy days will come,
Days of sorrow will be gone
This eve is sad and broken
A new day will come,
Joy will find way and stay.
Melodies will be found in my songs.
The journey may be long and boring,
But along will come a companion.
We'll build our own world.
We will find our way.
Jul 2016 · 244
My Lost Love
She was the hope I hoped for,
She was the dream I dreamed of.
She was the sea and I the wave .
She was the Destiny that borne hopes.
She was the precious of all jewels
She was the heaven and I the Saint.
The sound of her voice soft like angelic whisper.
She was the most precious flower in the garden.
She was one in the crowd spotless
She was the song of angels.
The song I sing in quietude.
The reason I ponder in solitude.

In the morning I listen in vain for the sound of her voice.
At noon I'm overwhelmed by her love.
At night I lie awake alone in bed,
For her love does not let me sleep
And when sleep intrudes and lead my
It is she I see in my dreams.
She was the fire and I like gold melting away
in abundance of love.
She was my passion and dream,
She was my heart desire,
She was the dream I didn't want to wake from.
She was my Destiny.

I thought heaven has heard my plea.
I thought heaven has sent my perfect whole Centre.
I was drunk drowning in love.
She was my charm, my spell.
I was enchanted.
Lo, my love is come!
My love is returned like a stranger I never met.
She's come in the convoy of a strange prince.
She's come in the arms of another.
She was the wind and I the sea.
She has come no longer for me.
Jun 2016 · 458
Nurtured Evil
Go child,
Go, ravage his belongings
Destroy his household.
Go for I'm right behind you
I'm the the womb which conceived you
The heart which cared for your Infant child.
Go without turning back.
So on he we went
With burning fury flames
Burnt his neighbor's goods
Ravaged his household in total destruction.
Without turning back, sparing none left
When he was done with same fire burning
No goods out to destroy,
He returned home with same furious flames,
Then said to his mother ;
This place also is not good in my eyes,
I will destroy it with flames of fire and
tomorrow build another.
She rendered her best to halting the trend,
But he was furious beyond curbing.
The evil she sold out ,
She bought in return in sorrow.
For Life is a seed, sow today and reap
Jun 2016 · 313
Before we began
From the world unknown we came to self
We woke to a land our mothers had
conceived us.
We came little and fragile, soft and tender.
The world we never knew received us to a
people we never chose.
We came with tears in our eyes,
And echoes of sorrows in our voice,
As joy and gladness of heart inexplicable
prevailed the man and woman to whom
we're born.
Our babies borne around back and front
and side to side.
Little by little, day by day
We **** and eat and grow
Our innocent beings gradually are
introduced to the world,
A world of pain and sorrow, a ruthless
A world of uncertainties, like children lost in
wilderness as to Lord of the flies.
After so much love, care and tenderness, we
began to know hatred, harsh words of
We're introduced to straight pains from
rods of chastisement.
Some rod out of hatred born with envy,
Some out of love and correction.
We kept on growing like grass in summer,
snow in winter.
We are sent to places where with our peers
we learned to be better in our societies,
Primary and secondary to tertiary and to the
universal world.
We learn to know ourselves our world and
the way of tomorrow, it uncertainties.
From the world we live free,
We're left to build our own,
The world of our own,
The beginning of our beings
Our son has gone to reunite with his wife,
she left us not long ago,
She left in haste without saying goodbye.
She was young and unaged lovely to behold.
She was unwell stricken by the rough rod of
She journeyed in sorrow to the white Lords,
The ones who have communed with all
To know the answer to all pains.
She left to meet.
He saw her leaving and bade farewell,
Awaiting her return in wholesomeness of
being having healed.
The day came, strange with Eerie note, it
was a day of despair and desolation,
A day of misery and the depth of sorrow,
A day of dirge and elegy.
Our wife has come home,
The love of our son has returned.
She came a different being motionless,
Borne on the shoulders of men in black.
The wife of our son has come a heroine,
She has come on a different tone.
She was his girlfriend, the girl of his youth.
The mother of his children.
The only true joy he has ever known.
We saw son our son's life leaving him,
Our son who was our source of joy,
A leader in the game of men in nations,
A legend whose kick and lead has brought
us victories by him we won trophies.
Our own son has left us in sorrow to reunite
with his wife.
The lady of his youth, the Love of his life.
Our son has chosen the hand of his love
from the world beyond,
Leaving behind careless his innocent
children, the very fruit of his Union.
Our son has left us in pain and sorrow,
He left us a legend, a hero,
Our son has gone the way of his wife.
Our son has gone home!
we lost our footbool legend and hero to the cold hands of death six months after he lost his wife
Jun 2016 · 277
Here in this strange land we set out wandering,
Chasing shadows and vainglory,
Here, in the deep darkness of our imaginations,
We conceive monsters of evil and bring forth like maidens in long Labour.

Our land is polluted in an atmosphere of despair,
In evil shadows we lie awake at night having awoken by nightmares,
Eerie shrieked by monsters we spring up out of the deep black darkness within our beings.
The deep darkness within where no light dare shines.

The scary story that's told of this land,
Our name is a reminder of sorrow,
The nightmares that swept our dreams away.
The light of our days has ceased to shine,
For our light we put out so darkness can prevail.

We are the tears in our eyes,
The very songs of sorrow we sing in strange solemn.
The pain and agony that hunt our days continually.
Like roof of an house that keeps away sun, snow cold and evil wind,
So we lay evil above us like canopies,
We set traps of desolation beneath our feet,
And in the middle we gasp for breath.
There is no evil in our land we've not conceived.
Jun 2016 · 2.1k
From the world unknown we came to self discovery.
We woke to a land our mothers had conceived us.
We came little and fragile, soft and tender.
The world we never knew received us to a people we never chose.
We came with tears in our eyes,
And echoes of sorrows in our voices ,
As joy and gladness of heart inexplicable prevailed the men and th women to whom we were born.

Our babies borne around back and front and side to side.
Little by little, day by day
We **** and eat and grow

Our innocent beings gradually were introduced to the world,
A world of pain and sorrow, a ruthless world.
A world of uncertainties, like children lost in wilderness as to Lord of the flies.

After so much love, care and tenderness, we began to know hatred, harsh words of tongues,
We were introduced to straight pains from rods of chastisement.
Some rods out of hatred born with envy,
Some out of love and correction.
We kept on growing like grass in summer, snow in winter.

We were sent to places where with our peers we learned to be better in our societies,
Primary and secondary to tertiary and to the universal world.
We learn to know ourselves our world and the way of tomorrow, it's uncertainties and unpredictabilities .
From the world we live free,
We were left to build our own,
The world of our own,
The beginning of our beings
Jun 2016 · 652
You're the fairest of all damsels my eyes have reflected,
Your beauty sings a million love songs.
The world stands to watch you fall asleep.
Kings desire you by their thrones.
But look me not straight in the eyes,
With the flame gaze of love,
I might follow shadows, I might fall into oblivion.
Whisper not in my ears with sweet sounds that weaken the heart,
I might smoulder,I might fall into listless pieces,
For I am not strong I have no hold over myself.

I am not the world you dream to live.
I am not the garden you long to plant,
I am not the treasure you long to plunder,

I am a man lost in my own world,
A man of different Creed, different city, from a different world.
Sing me not lullaby, I may not fall asleep,
I may not dream of you.

I am the land untapped,
A world unknown,
A city unbuilt.
Do not write to me the love poems,
I may not read them,
I may not understand.
My heart is tender and soft full of passion,
But not for your love to hold.

Look me not in the eyes with with the flame gaze of love,
Write me not the love poems,
Sing me not the love songs,
I may not return them, they might break your heart.
Jun 2016 · 310
The story unend
Take me not far away in your mind I might get lost,
I might miss the world.
Lead me not too far in your heart I might not find my way,
I might not see the lane.
I am the wandering soul on the path you lead.

You are the stage,
I am the thespian,
They are the world.
Let the world see the wordless wonder,
Give the earth sound to wonder,
And let me be the rhythm you sit to ponder.

You're the story untold, the love story everlasting.
In the dark deep blue moon,
when the evening wind says more than heard,
When my soul sings a million love songs, let your heart listen.

When the morning sun invites the sky brightens,
Do not let my heart beat alone,
Do not let me all alone lie alone.
Let me find you near me when I seek you in the morning.

I am the thespian,
You are the stage,the light in which I make a blaze,
They are the world and I am the voice,
You are the very song, the melodious song all sit to listen and wish no end.
And I am the story, the very last story unend.
Jun 2016 · 507
It came as fresh as never
Serene, atmosphere hosting gratitude,
There is elation of love in the air.
There is sound of melody in songs,
It is the Era we laid haste and wait,
The dream we don't wanna wake.
She is the story we don't want to end.
The garden we leave not in haste,
She is the pride of her clan, as Joseph to the rest eleven.

I care for nothing that the aura of her presence,
I care for nothing than the gaze of her eyes.
I care for nothing than the echo of her voice,
She, with me is everything, nothing Matters to me.
Her children are desires of hearts beautiful and lovely full of reasons ,
Other women envy her,
She is not above, for pride is not her kind,
She is not beneath so non can trample on her Dignity.
It is JUNE!
It is JUNE!
It is June I love.
May 2016 · 320
We ain't stricken by age yet we know ages than you count.
This river here for long is our bath.
There lied Hills our feet had leveled.
which song you know sing which wasn't our sound?
Which path you dare lead, which wasn't our creation?

Come you child, tell  us stories other than yesterday's.
We hold this portion of planet for our beings,
This garden of rosier dreams and petals we planted with our blood.

Come, you new stranger, tell us about here, tell us the story of our land.
Tell us all about the land of our yesterday,
When there in the world of the unknown you borne fate a hope.
When the air, our very air was without wind of your being.

Come, you child of the new age,
Tell us how without head you grown to kiss in mockery the grey hair from which you have black.
This is about a child who dare challenge his elders.
They started telling him how they have lived even before he was born.
May 2016 · 539
Lust Cell
These soothings,
These enchanting fragrances,
These attires and transparent raiments,
These ogles on lush lashes brow,

These ****,sweet moist red lips
These hips good for pleasure,
These edges and curves
These damsels tall and slender,

These pointed shinning dangling ******* revealing,
These frontliners,these back set ups.
These wet lips as of Jazeebel's,
These provoking hips as of waves of oceans,
These hot thighs peeping through transparent leggings,
Hell bound me in lust,
These daughters of Jazeebel hold me a prisoner in a lust cell.
i see much temptation than i contain.
May 2016 · 298
Your beauty is like an unheard of songs
so magical full of rhythms
It is like a garden unstained with weeds
You're like a movie,you're like a song,
you're like a sweet sound of melody.


You're the dream world of many hearts,
The very home of my tomorrow.
The precious flower in the garden ,
The lullaby in a jaded night.
You're the goddess of beauty,
The queen of my heart.
A sweet **** lady gave me an urgent inspiration.
Apr 2016 · 450
Christ the reason
For all under the sun
For all I hope and dream off
For all trust and the depth of hope I hold
I see joy beyond human comprehension
For Christ is the reason for my adoration

The breath in my nostrils
The sound of joy in my ears
The reflection of love in my eyes
The thought of peace that dwells within me
There is no other reason but Christ

Under the midnight fear
I have no fear
For Christ is all I care
He is the treasure I hold so dear
He is the reason why am here

I sing the song of hope
And dance the beat of gladness
I have melodies in my soul
For Christ is all I hope
When all melodies are gone
And sorrow is song
In him alone I can be strong
For in Christ I'm born
For Jesus Christ is the reason for my living
Mar 2016 · 318
They've no heart,so they feel not.
They have sight of eyes bluring,
Their retina captures far too short images of focus.
They have hearts deeper than ocean's debth.
They are full of reasons,
so we ceaselessly ponder,
with unending muse.
We give to them our hearts in market places of multitudes of feelings,
they've no heart,thus know not feelings,
they damage and ravage our pure hearts,hearts full of love,
we give truth and feed on lies

They fall to mischieves, paying rapt attention with soft fertile heart.
To unambigous clinical non-fiction sound of voice they frown at with rocky hearts of stone.
Though they sing with melodious angelic voices they have no melody,
They are extractions of men's perfect beauty,
Beauty,beauty which they took from us,
And to such beauty we're ensnared.
From our pain they've much pleasure,
They have no heart so they feel not.
Oct 2015 · 406
Right there in the shore of the forest,
where inspiration has known me by name,
there,right there,that very place,
where my footfall is familier to the ears of sitted grasses
To that place i resigned from my comfort zone
At dawn to pay attention to nature's call.

And right there that very place,
i saw one lying blind to the beauty earth
As being no longer of this life
Am sure,he was wrung of his own soul,
The breath in his nostril has ceased,

i saw people moving with murmuring lips forming circle round about his remain,
As they whisper in strange voices unknown to me
As he laid still motionless,
Right in that thick forest where i hover around bound with head full of reasons

Right there in that forest
they conterminate with the body of one wrung of his own soul.
In time and in season i move in alas  
pondering on the cold heartedness of men,
Still am without the knowledge of his crime
For he was young and unaged.
Sep 2015 · 333
Lone world
I'll give time and season hope
i'll build love a garden,i'll find my path and
rest my heart,even though the forlorn path i travel.

I'm my legend,my heart I've conquered,
I'm my hero, my mind I've subdued,

when all is done and gone,
still,i'll whisper your name to the evening wind,
i will echo your name from the top of the highest mountains,
i'll say all about about us from behind the hills,

i'll remind the seas and tell the oceans about my love for you..
When the end of life is nigh
i'll find you still and bid goodbye and rest my soul.
For all you're the reason i lie alone.
Jun 2015 · 383
They are special children born of mankind.
They are unique kind of people.
They are historical children,
Best of the Best

They are treasures to homes
Pride of the family.
They are beautiful,lovable,kind and keen.
Rhythms of songs,
Melodies of souls.

They are emotional,industrious,innovative and creative.
They are gentle,calm and kind.
They are unique kind of people,golden jewelries.
They are the junites born in june,
Gifts to mankind.

11th june is my birthday and
13th june is my mother's birthday
May 2015 · 290
Last Night
The night had long hours,
The heart became restless,
The mind was dim without brightness,
Your image retreated not from hunting me.
My night was filled with your  intrusions.

I laid awake still,
I saw nothing but your reflection
captured in my retina.
I went to my door and pushed for a stroll,

Yet the ocean of your thought
In which my brain swims never run dry.
You're all that has invaded my within,
You're the perfect stranger
that besieged the city of my heart.
Last night was my torment.
The night without you.
I met a girl,a muslim girl,
we talked a little and i returned to my home and that night i couldn't sleep. Am in love with her.
May 2015 · 568
I'll stay here under this dense tree,
Adjacent sea shore,
Here I'll carve my hut,set my bed,hear a lullaby.
Here where waters beat their drums upon rocks,
And the evening wind whispers to the ears of the cypress swamp.

Here,this very place,
I'll carve my resident,set my mat and rest my soul.
When eternity comes calling,
upon humanity,
Together in haste I'll gather myself,
And to my maker I'll return.
Apr 2015 · 389
Love unend
If your heart is a cell,
take me for a lifetime,
down beneath the cell
let me find joy and stay,
until the end of forever,
let there be no end.

Time will fail,
Beauty will fade,
Even ages will get tired,
but my love for you will be until the end of all ages.
Until the end of forever.
Mar 2015 · 342
World's end
Darkly atmosphere,
Wind of despair,
City of sitted sorrows,
Ruptured hearts of agony
Deeper than wounds.

All gone,Hope lost,
Fortunes,wealth of treasure harvest,
Painful pleasure,sacrificial pains of no reward gained.
Seasons of labour gone with the wind.

Minds of men darker and blacker full of horrows.
Even the devil pauses in marvel,
savagery of no salvage,
demonically many about creativity,
land full of mines,traps of dug pits.

Foes Upon woes,
Land without pity,city of no mercy.
Harvest of doom,gathering of of woe.
End! End! End!
World's End.
Jan 2015 · 433
My infant heart



I have grown up before i learned to call my mum,mum.
Jan 2015 · 333
Endless Dream
I have not had a balance,
from the dousy lonely spot where you left me.
many have past me,
hours and days have gone by miserably,
Beating me bands of mockery
I have not had enough of your thoughts,
my heart decries for you night and day,
my imaginations have built you a garden,
you're all that's in my dream.
On my bed i am with your thoughts flooding my memory,
i awake with you in garden of roses,
Then to reality i open my eyes
And you are never near me.
Only in my imaginations you've built a garden.
The ones i love have all been taken.
Jan 2015 · 524
Dousy burnt world,
Ruthlessly ravaged.
Misery misfortune gathering the preys.
Green grassland defeated of inferno.
Creatures blacker without flesh,
of sordid blast bomb.

Lives gone,treasures lost.
Oceans dried.
Atmosphere of smoke,
Horrow rained and reigned
Few creatures are left trackless.

Songs of Bomb,
Vapours of disaster,
Humans as sheep without shephard.
Catastrophically creatures chase safety.
Indeed the dream was no good.
I had a dream,
It was no good,
It was disasterous.
Jan 2015 · 462
Dousy burnt world,
Ruthlessly ravaged.
Miserable misfortune gathering the preys.
Green grassland defeated by inferno.
Creatures blacker without flesh,
of sordid of blast bomb.

Lives gone,treasures lost.
Oceans dried.
Atmosphere of smoke,
Horror rained and reigned
Few creatures are left trackless.

Songs of doom,
Vapours of disaster,
Humans as sheep without shepard.
Catastrophically creatures chase safety.
Indeed the dream was no good.
I had a dream,
It was no good,
It was disasterous.
Jan 2015 · 358
Heaven is kind,Earth is lovely,
Even life is good full of pleasure,
The winter and haze building conducive serene autum,
Hearts rhythm melodies,
As celebration sits upon various corners of the earth.

The crawling beasts colleague with fowls
Having been defeated in snares of predatory human,
Having had knife segmented them in separate parts.

Hosting by exciting pots sitting on fire,
As spoon peeps through the sky,
By the remote hands of human,
tossing them in parts round about the chamber and corners of the ***.

With longing eyes i sit,
With watering mouth i yawn awaiting mastication,
With stretched neck I peep into the opening ***.
The citizens of my stomach
singing and dancing full of anticipation.
hmmm my appetite is aroused.
Oh! How pleasant the christmas Eve?
Dec 2014 · 435

Laughing in sorrow!
Merriment in misery!
Pleasure in pain!
Without culture!
They are people without culture!
Dec 2014 · 851
Far long before your conception,
Have we cast our spirit around this territory,
Even the wind trembles at the sound of our voice.
The oceans and seas tell of our temperature,
All creatures here shriek
When the earth cries at the sound of our footfall.

We are the aged heroes,
The foundations of the universe,
We are people without season,
As the dust of countless ages so we are!
From the wake of time,
The era of darkness without shape,
From the voidless earth we carved our residence,
With golds of woods,
Bronze of grasses upon diamond field.

We are the lived before re-incarnation,
We are the foundations of your buildings,
Bearers of your surviving grace,
we are all time universal heroes,
People without season
The Indigens of the Earth.
We are the improvement of the lives of our forefathers.
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